Wo bekomme ich eine bürgerkarte

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Ein Service der A-Trust

Derzeit gibt es zwei Formen der Bürgerkarte: auf dem Handy als sogenannte "Handy-Signatur" oder als Karte über Smartcards wie z.B. die e-card. Die Handy-Signatur ist eine vollwertige Bürgerkarte, die am Handy aktiviert wird. Der Vorteil ist, dass kein Kartenlesegerät notwendig ist.
Bürgerkarte - Karte und Handy-Signatur

In wenigen Schritten zur Bürgerkarte

Die österreichische Bürgerkarte

Möglichkeiten zur Handy-Aktivierung

Für eine Handy-Signatur kann man sich sowohl persönlich als auch online registrieren. Soll die Handy-Signatur sofort verfügbar sein, muss man entweder bereits eine Bürgerkarte besitzen oder sich persönlich vor Ort registrieren. Bei der Online-Registrierung muss mit einer Wartezeit auf einen Bestätigungsbrief von einigen Tagen gerechnet werden.
Bürgerkarte: Handy aktivieren

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The Mobile Phone Signature allows you to provide evidence of your identity on the web.

Wo bekomme ich eine bürgerkarte

For logging in to a service or to electronically sign, you are using the Mobile Phone Signature following the same procedures as when you’re accessing your traditional e-banking solution. Everything you need is a ready-to-use mobile phone.

Activation and usage of the Mobile Phone Signature are totally free of charge.

The Citizen Card allows you to easily provide evidence of your identity on the web.

Wo bekomme ich eine bürgerkarte

For logging in to a service or to electronically sign, you are using the Citizen Card similar to your regular passport or driving license. Everything you need is a smart-card supporting the Citizen Card function and an appropriate smart-card reader.

Mobile Phone Signature and Citizen Card are serving the same purpose – proofing your identity.

Wo bekomme ich eine bürgerkarte

The Mobile Phone Signature works with every cell phone and Austrian mobile-network operator.

The Citizen Card on a smart-card requires a smart-card reader.

Mobile Phone Signature and Citizen Card facilitate your access to numerous web services from both, the private and the public sector – e.g.:

Wo bekomme ich eine bürgerkarte

  • Tax assessment
  • Insurance-data retrieval
  • Criminal-record certificate
  • Application for pension and child allowance
  • Online-kündigen.at

That allows you to easily interact with competent authorities – without waiting times, 24/7, from home.

After a design and content relaunch the page www.handy-signatur.at provides in addition to general information about activating and applying the Mobile Phone Signature also the Mobile Phone Signature Account.

Wo bekomme ich eine bürgerkarte

Besides a secure online document-storage area the platform offers an option for electronic document signing, as well as signature verification. Furthermore, an automated backup service is offered. All signed documents as well as the signature contract are to be found under the menu point “documents”. Following the menu, you will be able to change your signature password under the point “my data”.

Wo bekomme ich eine bürgerkarte

In 2021, ID Austria will replace the Austrian Mobile Phone Signature and Citizen Card. In the future, ID Austria will enable you to prove your identity at online applications and services. This way, ID Austria will provide you with access to secure digital services.

ID Austria is the successor of the Austrian Mobile Phone Signature and Citizen Card. Currently, ID Austria is piloted. The piloting phase will end in autumn 2021. From autumn 2021, ID Austria will be fully available to all citizens.

All information on ID Austria is available at https://www.oesterreich.gv.at. This website also provides you with relevant information on how to upgrade your existing Mobile Phone Signature to your personal ID Austria.

There are two alternative forms of the Citizen-Card functionality:

  • Mobile Phone Signature: This requires a ready-to-receive mobile phone. The Mobile Phone Signature works with all mobile phones and is free of charge.
  • Smart card: This requires a smart card with activated Citizen Card functionality (e.g. A-Trust cards, for the health insurance card only unitl end of 2019) and a smart-card reading device.

Both alternatives can be used for the creation of legally valid signatures in online procedures. These signatures are legally equivalent to handwritten signatures. This way, the mobile phone and your activated e-card become your virtual ID, which can be used quite similar to your driving license. You have also the possibility to sign documents or invoices electronically with your Mobile Phone Signature or Citizen Card.

Your benefits at a Glance:

  • Free of charge: The usage of the Mobile Phone Signature is for free.
  • Saving time: Quick and easy access to online public services saves time for citizens as well as for companies.
  • Security first: Knowing your Personal Identification Number (PIN) and holding a token (mobile phone or card) - only the correct pair of these two factors enables a successful login to an e-service or effects an electronic signature.
  • Data protection: Centralised access to sensitive, personal data is prohibited by efficient cryptographic methods.
  • Comfortable: Convenient access to various e-services from the public and private domain without the need to manage numerous different login name and password combinations.