How can I lower my babys bilirubin fast?

Jaundice is very common among newborns. It occurs when the bilirubin level in the blood is high. Usually, jaundice in newborns is harmless. It easily gets cured on its own within a span of one to two weeks after the birth of the baby. But if the bilirubin level remains high, the baby should be hospitalised. There are some remedies that one can try to treat jaundice in newborns. However, one should consult a doctor before trying these remedies.

Natural Ways to Treat Jaundice in Newborns

It is normal for a baby to be suffering from jaundice when he is born. There are several modes of treatment that you can try to treat jaundice in newborns. Below is a list of remedies that you can try to treat jaundice in newborns.

1. Breastfeed your baby frequently.

If your newborn baby has jaundice, feed him frequently. Breastfeeding your little one frequently will help eliminate the bilirubin from his bloodstream and flush it out through stool and urine. Babies with jaundice sleep a lot; if your baby has jaundice, he might sleep a lot, too. Wake him up at regular intervals to feed him.

Also, mothers must consume a healthy diet when breastfeeding their newborns. Freshly prepared, nutritious, balanced meals can ensure that. Therefore, include green leafy vegetables, a small portion of seafood with low-mercury levels per week, foods with healthy fats, seeds, nuts, fruits, well-cooked meat, and a healthy dose of fibre-rich starches.

Another thing that can also help mothers establish a breastfeeding relationship with their newborns is skin-to-skin contact. It helps initiate breastfeeding and set a breastfeeding schedule early on, which in turn aid in decreasing the bilirubin levels.

Optimising breastfeeding support is also necessary to ensure the child is breastfed exclusively on schedule. Therefore, ensure you form a tight support system that includes your close family and peer groups.

2. Make your little one bask in the sun.

If your baby has jaundice, keep him in the sunlight for 1-2 hours daily. However, see to it that the baby receives the slanting rays of the sun before 8 o’clock in the morning. The rays of the sun will help reduce the bilirubin content in the blood and cure jaundice.

3. Regularise baby massage.

A study revealed that soothing oil massages along with some time in the gentle morning sunlight every day could improve the frequency of bowel movement in babies and aid the elimination of bilirubin by reducing enterohepatic circulation.

4. Use supplements.

Newborn babies with jaundice should be fed more in comparison to babies who have no such health issues. In case breast milk is not enough for your bundle of joy, you can give him infant formula milk. An inadequate intake of milk results in dehydration and fewer bowel movements in the newborn, and it eventually leads to decreased bilirubin excretion from the body.

Sometimes, a newborn may suffer from jaundice because of drinking the mother’s breast milk. Certain chemicals in breast milk are thought to be responsible, but it is usually a harmless condition that resolves spontaneously. Mothers typically do not have to discontinue breastfeeding.

Majority of the newborns are born with jaundice and it hardly requires any treatment. Within a week or two, jaundice gets cured on its own. For mild jaundice, you can take the help of home remedies (of course, after consulting a doctor). But if the bilirubin level keeps on increasing, you must immediately take your newborn to the doctor. There is no reason to worry if your little one gets it; however, it shouldn’t be left untreated.

Also Read: Common Baby Problems and Remedies

Reviewed by Neha Pathak, MD on August 28, 2020

Newborn jaundice is a common and usually harmless condition in which your new baby's skin and eyes look yellow. About 60% of babies get it.

Jaundice happens when too much bilirubin -- a chemical that red blood cells release during their normal breakdown process -- builds up in the blood. Sometimes it goes away on its own, or your doctor may suggest light therapy or other treatments to knock it out.

Some of the body's red blood cells break down every day and create bilirubin in the blood. It's the liver's job to filter it out of the bloodstream. When your baby is still in your womb, your liver clears out their bilirubin for them. After birth, your baby's liver takes over.

Sometimes, your newborn's liver can't break down bilirubin as quickly as their body makes it, and it starts to build up. Because bilirubin is a yellow compound, it turns your baby's skin and eyes yellow.

Babies have a greater chance of getting jaundice if they’re:

  • Born before 37 weeks
  • Of East Asian or Mediterranean descent
  • Having trouble breast or bottle feeding
  • A younger sibling of a child who had jaundice
  • Born to a mother with type O or Rh-negative blood

Jaundice typically shows up 2 or 3 days after your baby is born and goes away within the first couple of weeks. Some types may show up sooner or much later.

How can I lower my babys bilirubin fast?

Breastfeeding jaundice happens because your baby isn’t eating enough. Your milk may not have come in yet or your baby is having trouble latching on. The more your baby eats, the more quickly their body clears waste, including bilirubin, from their system.

Breast milk jaundice appears after the first week. Doctors don’t know exactly why it happens, but they think something in breast milk keeps your baby’s liver from processing bilirubin effectively. This kind of jaundice can last for several months.

More serious kinds of jaundice are caused by a disease or condition, such as:

  • Hemorrhage (bleeding) somewhere inside your baby's body
  • Infection of the blood (sepsis)
  • Bacterial or viral infections
  • Liver problems
  • Lack of certain enzymes
  • Problem with red blood cells that makes them break too easily

Jaundice may also happen if a mom has a different blood type from their baby. If that's your situation, your body may make antibodies that attack your baby's red blood cells. In some cases, you can help prevent this by getting special shots when you're pregnant.

The telltale sign of jaundice is a yellow color to your baby's skin and yellow in the whites of their eyes. It typically starts on the face. Once bilirubin levels in the blood get higher, the yellow color moves to the chest and stomach, and then, finally, the legs and arms. Severe jaundice can be an emergency situation, so call your doctor right away if:

  • Your baby isn’t eating or their diapers aren’t wet
  • Your baby is hard to wake up
  • Your baby won’t stop crying or is making a high-pitched cry
  • Your baby is limp or stiff with their back arched
  • Your baby’s eyes are moving strangely

Usually, a doctor can tell your baby has jaundice by looking. But they’ll also want to know how much bilirubin is in your baby's blood to help decide on a treatment plan. They may:

  • Take blood from your baby and send it to a lab to measure the level and kinds of bilirubin.
  • Test your baby's skin with an instrument that measures bilirubin by shining a special light on them.

If your doctor suspects that a condition is causing your baby's jaundice, they may do other tests, like:

  • A urine sample to check for infection
  • A complete blood count to measure the number of red blood cells
  • A reticulocyte count to see if the number of newly formed red blood cells is normal
  • A blood type test to see if the mother’s blood is incompatible with the baby’s
  • A Coomb’s test to see if the immune system is destroying the baby’s red blood cells
  • A liver function test

In many cases, jaundice goes away on its own in 1 to 2 weeks. Your doctor will decide whether your baby should wait it out or start treatments like:

Extra feedings. Taking in more breast milk or formula will help your baby poop more often, which can help clear out bilirubin from the body. Or, if your baby is having trouble breastfeeding, your doctor may recommend you feed them breast milk from a bottle or also feed them formula.

Phototherapy. The doctor puts your baby under blue-green lights. It can help bilirubin leave their body in their urine. They'll wear a diaper only so that most of their skin can soak up the light. They’ll wear patches to protect their eyes. The light may come from a special pad or mattress that puts out blue-green light.

Intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIg). If your baby's jaundice happens because they have a different blood type from their mom, your doctor may need to give them a blood protein through an IV that helps stop the breakdown of red blood cells.

Exchange transfusion. If your baby has severe jaundice that isn't getting better with other methods, they may need a blood transfusion called an exchange transfusion. In this process, your doctor draws small amounts of your baby's blood and replaces it with blood from a donor.

Your baby will need to stay in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) for the procedure. It's rare for babies to need this level of treatment for jaundice.

Don’t hesitate to get your baby checked if you notice signs of jaundice. It’s rare, but if severe jaundice is left untreated, bilirubin can enter the brain and cause permanent damage. This condition is called kernicterus, a complication that includes:

  • Cerebral palsy
  • Hearing loss
  • Vision problems
  • Seizures
  • Developmental disabilities

There isn't much you can do to prevent the typical jaundice in newborns. But you can help move it along by being sure your baby is well fed. If you're breastfeeding, aim for 8-12 feedings a day in the first days of your baby's life. If you're formula feeding, offer 1-2 ounces every 2-3 hours.

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