After 12 years priti shall be 3 times as old as she was 4 years ago, find her present age

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After 12 years priti shall be 3 times as old as she was 4 years ago, find her present age

After 12 years priti shall be 3 times as old as she was 4 years ago, find her present age

Text Solution

Solution : Let the present age be `x`.<br>Age `4` years ago`=x−4`.<br>Age `12` years later`=x+12`.<br>According to the given question,<br>`x+12=3(x−4)`<br>`x+12=3x−12`<br>`2x=24`<br>`x=12` years<br>`therefore` The present age`=12` years.

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After 12 years I shall be 3 times as old as I was 4 years ago. Find my present age?


Let my present age =x years.
After 12 years my age will be x+12 years.
4 years ago my age was x4 years.
So x+12=3(x4)
x=12 years
Therefore, the present age is 12 years.

After 12 years priti shall be 3 times as old as she was 4 years ago, find her present age

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