The sum of two natural numbers is 20 find the chance that their product will be less than 50


Find the sum of :i all odd natural numbers less than 50 .ii first 12 natural numbers each of which is a multiple of 7 .


(i) For odd numbers a=1d=2

last term (less than 50) = 49


Sum of n terms, Sn=n2[a+l]S25=252[1+49]=252×50=625

(ii) For multiples of 7 a=7d=7n=12

Sum of n terms, Sn=n2[2a+(n1)d]S12=122[2(7)+11×7]=6×[14+77]=6×91=546


Concise Mathematics

Standard X

The sum of two natural numbers is 20 find the chance that their product will be less than 50

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