A bread whose texture is too dense was probably made from a dough containing too __________.

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Bread baking may seem simple. You need the most ordinary ingredients to bake a loaf of bread – water, flour, salt, and yeast. 

However, even if you bake bread regularly and have advanced bread baking skills, you never know what can go wrong. One of the most common bread baking problems is when bread comes out far too dense.

Why is your bread too dense? The most common reason why bread comes out too dense is using flour with low protein content. If your bread is dense and heavy, you may have also added too much flour into it or prepared the dough in a cool or an overly warm environment

In this article, you will learn why your bread comes out dense and heavy and what you can do to make it light and fluffy. 

Why Is My Bread So Dense and Heavy?

If your bread has come out too dense and feels like a brick, don’t discard it and start baking a new one using the same process. It is important to understand where the problem comes from to avoid it next time. 

Unfortunately, it’s not always easy to find the reason for dense bread. Multiple factors can influence the texture of your bread.

Here are some of the most common reasons your bread is dense and heavy:

  1. Wrong type of flour
  2. Too much flour
  3. Not enough moisture
  4. Your kitchen is too hot
  5. Inaccurate measurements
  6. Under or over-kneading
  7. Improper molding
  8. Under-baking
  9. Under or over-rising
  10. Wrong yeast or improper activation
  11. Scoring too deep
  12. Not letting the bread cool

We’ll cover all of these common mistakes below, as well as the solutions that will help you avoid a dense disaster in the future.

1. Wrong Type of Flour

Flour is the main ingredient in bread baking and it’s not surprising that using the wrong flour variety can make your bread dense and heavy. 

To bake light and fluffy bread, you need to use flour with high protein content. If you use flour with low protein content, you will end up with a dense loaf of bread.

The reason is that flour varieties that are low in protein can’t form a good gluten network, which is what makes dough elastic and bread soft.

The protein content in flour differs depending on the type. Before you buy flour to bake bread at home, make sure to check how much protein it contains.

It is important that you use flour with a protein content of at least 10%. It is ideal to use flour varieties with a protein content of up to 13%. 

Keep in mind that the protein content of the same flour variety may differ from brand to brand. It’s always good to use flour by the brand mentioned in the recipe you are following.

If the brand name is not mentioned in the recipe, make sure to check the protein content needed for the type of bread you are baking. 

In any case, it can be trial and error until you figure out how to work with the specific flour brand you’re using. 

2. Too Much Flour 

Even if you use the right flour variety but add too much of it, your bread will come out too dense and heavy. 

Adding too much flour into the mixture is a common mistake, especially for beginners that don’t quite know what the bread dough should feel like.

The dough should be soft and be slightly sticky when you are done mixing the dry ingredients in with the liquid ingredients.

Once the ingredients are mixed and you feel like your dough is overly sticky, don’t rush to add more flour to it. Transfer the dough onto the kneading area and start kneading.

As you knead the dough, it will lose some of its stickiness. You should add flour to the dough only when it is so sticky that there is no way you can knead it. 

If your dough just won’t quit sticking no matter what you do, check out our separate article for how to fix sticky dough.

3. Not Enough Moisture

In certain cases, you may think you have added too much flour, but the real issue could be the lack of moisture. Adding less water to the flour than needed results in a dense and dry dough

The problem with dry dough, whether it is because of too much flour or too little water, is that the yeast can’t develop and work its magic.

If you’re struggling with achieving the right texture for the dough, know that it may take you time and a few failed experiences until you learn what your specific drecipe needs to reach the perfect texture. 

4. Your Kitchen Is Too Hot 

If you are new to bread baking, you may be surprised to learn that the temperature of your kitchen plays a big role in the texture of your bread. 

If it is too warm in your kitchen, the bread may come out too dense after proofing. This is because the yeast ferments much quicker when it is warm in the room. This causes the dough to rise to the fullest capacity and then collapse. 

On the flip side, if it is cold in the room where you have set the dough to rise, the yeast simply won’t ferment or will ferment too little. The lack of fermentation and gas that makes the dough airy results in dense and heavy bread.

In such cases, you either need to let the dough proof longer or transfer it into a room where it’s warmer. 

5. Inaccurate Measurements

Have you ever thought that using measuring cups instead of a scale may be the reason why your bread is dense and heavy? We recommend using a scale instead of measuring cups. A scale allows you to measure all ingredients accurately. 

With measuring cups, you never know how much of the needed ingredients are actually in the cup. For example, when measuring flour with a cup, you never know if the flour in it is densely packed.

Tiy’re risking getting a denser dough than expected with the recipe you’re following. Using a scale will make you one step closer to consistent results in baking. We love this incredibly accurate food scale for all our baking needs.

6. Under or Over-Kneading 

Some people find the process of kneading the dough too tiring. However, kneading is one of the most important steps of the bread baking process. A poorly kneaded dough bakes into poor-quality bread. 

You should knead the dough to promote the gluten development process. Additionally, kneading increases the temperature of the dough which makes the yeast ferment quicker.

The yeast consumes the sugar in the flour and releases gases. These gases make the bread airy and less dense. 

In general, it may take you 10-20 minutes to knead your bread dough. If you are a novice in bread baking, your hands may get tired a few minutes after you start kneading.

If this happens, take a short break and continue kneading after you reach the desired consistency of the dough. 

You may see professionals kneading the dough with mixers and think you can do it at home too. However, kneading the dough with a mixer successfully is possible only with professional equipment.

A standard hand mixer or a stand mixer meant for home use is not good at kneading bread dough. Instead, you may want to use a danish dough whisk, made specifically to make the process of hand kneading and mixing dough easier.

But how do you know that you have kneaded the dough long enough? Easy! Experienced bakers have come up with an easy technique called the windowpane test.

This implies taking a small piece of dough and stretching it using your thumbs and first two fingers. The dough should stretch thin without tearing until you see the light through it. 

If your dough passes this test, then it is ready for the final rise – the proofing stage. 

It’s best to take time and knead the dough by hand to end up with fluffy bread, but overkneading can also be a major problem, as it causes your dough to become stiff and lose its elasticity. 

Only knead your bread long enough for it to pass the windowpane test.

7. Improper Molding

Don’t just shape the dough into a ball and bake it. Take your time to mold the ball properly, as it will result in less dense bread. 

Mold the dough into your desired shape before the final rise, making sure you create enough tension by folding.

As you tuck the dough into the center, you create tension in the outer parameter of the bread. This makes the bread rise and become airy. 

A poorly shaped dough will not rise and instead will bake into a heavy loaf of bread. 

8. Under-Baking 

The bread may come out too dense if you underbake it. While all bread recipes will tell you how long you need to bake the bread, your oven is what really decides the baking time. 

To check if your bread is fully baked or not, use a food thermometer. We use this one for instant accuracy. The internal temperature of properly baked bread is 190-210°F.

If you don’t have a thermometer, take your bread out of the oven and tap the bottom. If it sounds hollow, the bread is properly baked. 

9. Under or Over-Rising

The dough can become airy and fluffy only when it has had enough time to rise. The final proof of the bread is especially important; it is recommended to use a proofing basket for the final rise for a beautifully developed dough. 

Typically, dough rises twice for perfect bread, but you can even rise your bread 3 times or more.

Neither under-proofed nor over-proofed dough is light and airy. To check if your dough has risen to the right degree and can go into the oven, do the poke test

Poke the dough with your finger and watch what happens. If the dough comes back to its initial shape quickly, it needs more time to rise.

If it recovers slowly, then your bread is well-proofed and ready to go into the oven. When the dough doesn’t spring back, you have over-proofed it. 

10. Wrong Yeast or Improper Activation 

For the bread to come out soft and fluffy, you need to make sure that the yeast ferments properly. It is not only the temperature of your kitchen that affects the activation of the yeast. 

You also need to add the yeast to warm water to get it working. Hot water (above 110°F) will kill the yeast, while cold water will simply not activate it. The temperature of the water you add the yeast to should be around 100°F. 

Aside from the temperature of the water, you need to pay attention to the date on the yeast packaging. If the yeast is expired and not active, no matter what you add it into, you can never get a fluffy loaf of bread. 

You’ll also have to make sure you’re using the right yeast and not using wine or brewer’s yeast, which could result in a flat, dense, and bitter bread.

11. Scoring Too Deep

Scoring seems to be the easiest step in the bread baking process – all you need to do is make a few cuts on the bread before baking it. Some people even think that the only reason for scoring bread is to make it look nice after it’s been baked.

But the truth is, there is more to scoring than you think. If you score the bread too deeply or get carried away and make too many cuts on it, the dough will lose the gas collected in it. Thus, you will end up with dense and heavy bread. 

To make the bread fluffy, score it as soon as the proofing process is over. Make a few cuts into the top layer of the dough and put it quickly into the oven.

Doing this will prevent the dough from exploding in the oven and releasing all the gases collected in it. 

12. Not Letting the Bread Cool 

When your freshly baked bread is finally out of the oven, you may be tempted to cut it immediately and give it a try. But you need to let the bread cool before you cut it. Moreover, you need to cool it properly to avoid dense and chewy bread. 

Once you take the bread out of the oven, let it cool without covering it with a towel. As the bread cools, excess moisture escapes from it, resulting in soft and fluffy bread.

By covering the bread with a towel while it cools, you trap the moisture inside. This makes the bread dense and heavy. 

Cooling the bread right is the only thing you can do to improve the texture of your bread after you have baked it.

Why Is My Bread Chewy?

Aside from being dense, the bread may also come out very chewy. One of the main reasons for a chewy dough is using flour that contains a very high amount of protein. 

We mentioned earlier in the article that it is recommended to use flour that contains 11-13% protein. But using flour with a protein content that is too high may result in a chewy dough.

Chewy bread was what our ancestors baked and loved, so it’s not the end of the world, but now that many flour varieties are widely available, it’s far more enjoyable to eat light and fluffy bread if you can make it.

Fixing Chewy Bread 

There are two ways you can make your bread less chewy. First, you can use a different flour with a lower protein content. Alternatively, you can add some low-protein flour to bring the texture to balance. 

All-purpose or plain flour, a staple in every kitchen, can easily save the day and make the bread less chewy when added to the dough in combination with high-protein flour. 

Another thing you can do so that the bread doesn’t come out chewy is to add some kind of fat to it.

You can find numerous bread recipes that call for eggs, milk, and other ingredients that contain fat and can improve the texture of your dough. 

Other Bread Baking Mistakes

For your convenience, we’ve found a helpful video explaining a few of the most common mistakes bakers make so you can perfect your process and make deliciously fluffy bread every time.

We hope this guide has been helpful to you on your bread making journey. Let us know how your next attempt turns out, and don’t forget to check out our article for preventing hard bread crust below!

Up Next: Best Flours For Making A Sourdough Starter — A Complete Guide