Write the two uses of concave mirror

CBSE 10 - Physics


Write the two uses of concave mirror

Asked by panwarn1234 | 02 Dec, 2020, 02:43: PM

Write the two uses of concave mirror

State two uses of a concave mirror.

Two uses of concave mirror are :

  1. Concave mirror is used as REFLECTOR in headlights of cars and in searchlight. The source of light (bulb) is placed at the principal focus and the reflector forms a parallel beam of light.
  2. For doctors to examine throat, ear, nose and eyes, light is focused with the help of a concave mirror.

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Page 2

State two uses of a convex mirror.


  1. It is used as a REARVIEW MIRROR.
  2. It is used as a VIGILANCE MIRROR
  3. It is used as a REFLECTOR IN STREET LAMPS

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A mirror is a piece of material that reflects light. A concave mirror is a spherical mirror with a reflecting surface curved inwards. In concave mirrors, incoming light beams are reflected and focused (parallel) to a point called the focus point. Different kinds of images are produced depending on the distance between an object and the reflecting surface. Because light beams converge after reflection at concave mirrors. That's why a concave mirror is called a converging mirror.

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  1. Reflecting Telescopes: In observational astronomy, concave mirrors are used in various reflecting telescopes. The light coming from distant celestial objects is collected by the concave mirror and focused at the focal point. The intensity of the light increases because of the convergence of the light beam. The reflection of distant celestial objects is then visible through the eyepiece.
  2. Uses of concave mirrors in Microscopes: A concave mirror is used as a condenser at the base of a microscope. Only the specimen is lighted by the concave mirror, thereby ensuring that the surrounding area is dark. The mirror can be rotated to change its orientation. Through an eyepiece, the specimen is visible.
  3. Uses of concave mirrors in Headlights and Torches: the bulb of a headlight or a torch is placed at the concave mirror focal point. In the Headlights and Torches, light beam after being reflected through a concave mirror emerges as parallel light rays. These reflected rays can travel long distances and have a high intensity.
  4. Concave mirrors are used in medical tools such as the ophthalmoscope (which is used to check the status of the eyes), the Otoscope (which is used to look inside the ears), and many more. Concave mirrors are often used by ENT doctors in simple diagnostic equipment such as head mirrors. The setup is used to provide proper illumination in the inspecting areas, thus avoiding shadows.
  5. Dental mirrors: Concave mirrors were used by dentists to get a clearer view inside the mouth.
  6. Uses of concave mirrors in solar furnaces: Solar furnaces consist of concave mirrors to focus sunlight at a particular point. The concave mirror collects a large amount of light and focuses it on the focal point. Heating, cooking, generating electricity, and melting metals all uses concentrated energy.

Uses of concave mirrors are following:

  1. Concave mirrors are used in the Vehicles headlights
  2. Concave mirror is used in the Shaving mirrors
  3. Concave mirrors are used in the Solar furnaces
  4. Concave mirrors are used in the Searchlights
  5. Concave mirrors are used in the Torches
  6. Concave mirrors are used in the Flashlights
  7. Concave mirror is used in the Dental Mirrors
  8. Concave mirrors are used in the Microscopes
  9. Concave mirrors are used in the Telescopes
  10. Concave mirror is used in the Makeup mirrors

Also Read:

Why a concave mirror is called a converging mirror?

When parallel beams of light fall on the concave mirror it converges the light beam at a point called the focus. That's why a concave mirror is called a converging mirror.

Write the uses of convex mirror

Uses of convex mirrors are following:

  1. Convex Mirror is used as a rearview mirror in vehicles to see the traffic at the rear side.
  2. Large Convex Mirrors are used as shop security mirrors.

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NCERT Physics Notes:

A concave mirror also called a converging mirror has its reflecting surface bulging inwards, i.e. away from the incident light. This reflecting surface has many applications in our day to day life. In this session, let us know the various uses of the concave mirror.

Write the two uses of concave mirror

A concave mirror, which is also called a converging mirror has its reflecting surface bulging inwards, i.e. away from the incident light. There are numerous uses of concave mirrors in daily life. It is used in aircraft landing to guide the aeroplane, it is used as a torch to reflect the light rays, it is used during shaving to get an erect and enlarged image of the face, etc.

Read more: Types of mirrors

Some concave mirror uses are listed in the points below.

  • Shaving mirrors
  • Head mirrors
  • Ophthalmoscope
  • Astronomical telescopes
  • Headlights
  • Solar furnaces

Concave mirrors reflect light inward to one focal light. Therefore, they are mostly used to focus light. A concave mirror shows different image types depending on the distance between the mirror and the object. Concave mirrors are called converging mirrors because as light falls on the mirror, it collects the light and refocuses the parallel incoming rays. Some of the most important and common applications of the concave mirror are described below.

Concave mirrors are most commonly used in shaving because of their reflective and curved surface. The concave mirror forms an enlarged and erect image of the face when the mirror is held closer to the face during shaving.

Concave mirrors are used in optical instruments such as Ophthalmoscope. Ophthalmoscope consists of a concave mirror with a hole in the centre. The doctor focuses through the small hole from behind the concave mirror while a light beam is directed into the pupil of the patient’s eye. This makes the retina visible and makes it easy for doctors to check.

Concave mirrors are also used in making astronomical telescopes. In an astronomical telescope, a concave mirror of a diameter of 5 meters or more is used as the objective.

Write the two uses of concave mirror

Write the two uses of concave mirror

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