When using the graphical method, only one of the four quadrants of an xy-axis needs to be drawn.

When using the graphical method, only one of the four quadrants of an xy-axis needs to be drawn.

The Cartesian plane (or the x-y plane) is a two-line graph on which you plot ordered pairs. The two intersecting lines of the Cartesian plane make four distinct graph quadrants.

In this article, we’ll discuss what graph quadrants are, how to manipulate data points on graph quadrants, and walk through some sample graph quadrant problems.

What Are the 4 Graph Quadrants?

The two lines on the Cartesian plane form four graph quadrants. In this section, we’ll discuss the graph quadrant definition and define each part of the plane.

Quadrant Definition

A quadrant is one of the four sections on a Cartesian plane. Each quadrant includes a combination of positive and negative values for x and y.

The 4 Graph Quadrants

There are four graph quadrants that make up the Cartesian plane. Each graph quadrant has a distinct combination of positive and negative values.

Here are the graph quadrants and their values:

Quadrant I: The first quadrant is in the upper right-hand corner of the plane. Both x and y have positive values in this quadrant.

Quadrant II: The second quadrant is in the upper left-hand corner of the plane. X has negative values in this quadrant and y has positive values.

Quadrant III: The third quadrant is in the bottom left corner. Both x and y have negative values in this quadrant.

Quadrant IV: The fourth quadrant is in the bottom right corner. X has positive values in this quadrant and y has negative values.

Graph Quadrants Diagram

In this diagram, you can see the four graph quadrants, along with whether or not x and y are positive and negative.

When using the graphical method, only one of the four quadrants of an xy-axis needs to be drawn.

Graph Quadrant Numbers, Explained

Numbers are plotted on graph quadrants in what are known as ordered pairs. An ordered pair consists of two values, x and y. In an ordered pair, x is always the first value and y is always the second value. In the ordered pair (5, -2) for instance, 5 is the x value and -2 is the y value.

When plotting an ordered pair, the x value refers to the pair’s horizontal position on the graph. The y value refers to the vertical position.

See how the pair (5, -2) looks when plotted.

When using the graphical method, only one of the four quadrants of an xy-axis needs to be drawn.

Graph Quadrants Example Problems

Using the following graph quadrant diagram, identify the quadrants for the following ordered pairs.

When using the graphical method, only one of the four quadrants of an xy-axis needs to be drawn.

Ordered Pair


(-9, 11)


(4, 8)


(-3, -4)


Graph Quadrants Example Problems: Answers

Find the answers for the above graph quadrants example problems below.

Ordered Pair


(-9, 11)


(4, 8)


(-3, -4)



Math Quadrants: Key Takeaways

A math quadrant is another phrase for a graph quadrant. A graph quadrant is one of four sections on a Cartesian plane.

Each of the four sections has a specific combination of negative and positive values for x and y.

You plot an ordered pair on graph quadrants. Ordered pairs have x and y values. X is the first value in an ordered pair; y is the second.

What's Next?

Want to brush up on other basic math skills? Then check out our expert guides on how to add and subtract fractions and how to use the acceleration formula. 

Need help preparing for the SAT/ACT Math section? Learn everything you need to know about what kinds of topics are tested on SAT Math and ACT Math.

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Correct!$3 R + $2 D$4 D + $2 R$4 R + $2 D
24.Parameters are known, constant values that are usually coefficients of variables in equations.

When using the graphical method, only one of the four quadrants of an xy-axis needs to be drawn.


Page 2

When using the graphical method, only one of the four quadrants of an xy-axis needs to be drawn.

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Page 3

When using the graphical method, only one of the four quadrants of an xy-axis needs to be drawn.

Vitamin K is a fat-soluble vitamin necessary mainly for the formation of blood clots. Without this vitamin, bleeding would not stop. 

Vitamin K is given as an injection to newborns to prevent vitamin K deficiency bleeding, since the level of blood clotting factors of newborn babies are roughly 30–60% that of adult values. The reason for this discrepancy is due to poor transfer of the vitamin across the placenta, and thus low fetal plasma vitamin K.

Occurrence of vitamin K deficiency bleeding in the first week of the infant's life is estimated at 0.25–1.7%, with a prevalence of 2–10 cases per 100,000 births. Since the vitamin is found in human milk and supplemented in infant formula, the concentration of vitamin K naturally rises within th ...

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When using the graphical method, only one of the four quadrants of an xy-axis needs to be drawn.
When using the graphical method, only one of the four quadrants of an xy-axis needs to be drawn.

When using the graphical method, only one of the four quadrants of an xy-axis needs to be drawn.

The Four Color Theorem is a famous mathematical theorem that states that no more than four colors are required to color the regions of any map so that no two adjacent regions have the same color. Adjacent means that two regions share a common boundary curve segment, not merely a corner where three or more regions meet. Unlike other proofs before its discovery, computers were used to resolve this long-standing mathematical conjecture that was first proposed in 1850 by Francis Guthrie. After more than a century later, mathematicians, Kenneth Appel and Wolfgang Haken, finally derived its proof in 1976, and determined that it is practicality impossible for humans to verify it without the use of a computer. According to the four color theorem, a ...

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When using the graphical method, only one of the four quadrants of an xy-axis needs to be drawn.
When using the graphical method, only one of the four quadrants of an xy-axis needs to be drawn.

When using the graphical method, only one of the four quadrants of an xy-axis needs to be drawn.

A defining features of learning mathematics is being able to read, write, and discover proofs. A proof is a method of communicating a mathematical truth to another person who speaks the "language" of mathematics. It's a way of showing whether a statement made is absolutely true or false.

I recently came across a fallacious proof attempting to show that the integer one equals two – shown are the steps to accomplish this. Common sense dictates that this is impossible, but the proof is somewhat convincing to the untrained eye. However, most people with basic algebraic knowledge should be able to pick out the mistake, so take a minute or two to see if you can identify the incorrect step. If you're stuck, don't give up so quickly! It's easier ...

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It is very easy to prove 1 = 2, but we all know it is wrong. But, most of us don’t know how to prove it wrong. if you use different assumptions then 1 is not equal to 2.

Try solving this one

When using the graphical method, only one of the four quadrants of an xy-axis needs to be drawn.

When using the graphical method, only one of the four quadrants of an xy-axis needs to be drawn.

When using the graphical method, only one of the four quadrants of an xy-axis needs to be drawn.
When using the graphical method, only one of the four quadrants of an xy-axis needs to be drawn.

When using the graphical method, only one of the four quadrants of an xy-axis needs to be drawn.

Birthmarks are congenital marks on the skin that appear at birth and occasionally disappears spontaneously. The term nevus refers to a benign cutaneous tumor consisting of blood capillaries. Such tumors, which rarely spread from their original site and are not dangerous, vary in color according to whether the capillaries composing them carry arterial or venous blood. The popularly termed cherry marks and port-wine stains (shown below) are nevi on a level with the surface of the skin. Certain other vascular nevi, commonly known as strawberry or raspberry marks (scientifically known as hemangiomas), are slightly elevated above the surface. These can appear anywhere on the body's surface, including the airway within the nose. The former Soviet ...

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When using the graphical method, only one of the four quadrants of an xy-axis needs to be drawn.
When using the graphical method, only one of the four quadrants of an xy-axis needs to be drawn.

When using the graphical method, only one of the four quadrants of an xy-axis needs to be drawn.

What's the difference between a child with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and one who is simply more active than other children?Many children are rambunctious, to an extent that their parents or teachers find somewhat worrisome. Figuring out how to distinguish between normal high-energy levels and pathological overactivity can be quite difficult. Furthermore, the distinction can be complicated by parental tendencies to be permissive and to fail to set up clear rules, reprimands, or restrictions for when a child steps outside the limits.

Figuring out how to make this distinction is not a trivial issue. Children diagnosed with ADHD are usually prescribed methylphenidate (Ritalin) or other medications that lessen their activity ...

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I think it’s crime to give kids such medication because we don’t know what could cause as long term effect since kids at that age are still developing mentally and physically. Parents and teachers back then were so patient that they never conside ...

When using the graphical method, only one of the four quadrants of an xy-axis needs to be drawn.
When using the graphical method, only one of the four quadrants of an xy-axis needs to be drawn.

When using the graphical method, only one of the four quadrants of an xy-axis needs to be drawn.

Chiropractic medicine is an approach that is derived from the Greek roots "cheir," meaning hand, and "praxis," meaning practice, and was formulated by the founder of chiropractic, Daniel David Palmer (originally of Canada), to mean "done by hand." The emphasis in chiropractic is on the use of physical manipulation or adjustments to correct misalignment of the spinal vertebrae and other musculoskeletal joints to improve the function of the related organs and musculature.The main treatments used by chiropractic physicians are adjustments, or physical manipulation of the musculoskeletal system. Chiropractors also use heat and/or cold therapy, immobilization (with splints, for example), hydrotherapy, ultrasound, and massage.

Chiropractic treatme ...

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