When upper support sinks right w.r.t lower support deflection is


  • When upper support sinks right w.r.t lower support deflection is
  • When upper support sinks right w.r.t lower support deflection is

  • When upper support sinks right w.r.t lower support deflection is

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This set of Strength of Materials Multiple Choice Questions on “Analyse Fixed Beam”.

1. A beam which is inbuilt in at its support is called _________ a) Cantilever beam b) Simply supported beam c) Fixed beam

d) Continuous beam

Answer: c
Clarification: A beam which is built in at its support is known as a fixed beam. In a fixed beam, fixed end moments are developed at the ends. The slope at the end support is zero or (unaltered).

2. Fixed beam is also known as _______ a) Encaster beam b) Constressed beam c) In built beam

d) Constricted beam

Answer: a
Clarification: Fixed beam is also called Encaster beam or Constraint beam or Built in beam. In a fixed beam the fixed end moments develop at the end supports. In these beams, the supports should be kept at the same level.

3. In fixed beams, the slope at the supports be ___________ a) Minimum b) Zero c) Maximum

d) Throughout

Answer: b Clarification: The fixed beam is stronger, stiffer and more stable. The slope at the supports is zero.

Maximum bending moment at the centre is reduced because of fixing moments developed at supports.

4. _______ changes induce large stresses in a fixed beam. a) Lateral b) Deflection c) Temperature

d) Slope

Answer: c
Clarification: In fixed beam, sinking of any one support sets large stresses. The temperature changes induce the largest stress. The moving loads make the degree of fixity at support uncertain.

5. A beam 6 metres long is fixed at it ends. It carries a udl of 5 kN/m. Find the maximum bending moment in the beam. a) 15 kNm b) 20 kNm c) 35 kNm

d) 40 kNm

Answer: a
Clarification: A beam carrying udl along its entire span, the maximum bending moment developed = wl2 / 12.
= 5×62 / 12.
15 kNm.

6. Calculate the maximum deflection of a fixed beam carrying udl of 5 kN/m. The span of beam is 6 m. Take E = 200kN/m2 and I = 5×107 mm4. a) 1.865 m b) 2.235 m c) 1.6875 m

d) 2.5 m

Answer: c
Clarification: The maximum deflection in fixed beam is wl4/384EI
= 5×64 × 109/ 384×200×5×107
= 1.6875 mm.

7. Calculate the load intensity of fixed beam if the maximum deflection shall not exceed 1/ 400 of the span. Take EI as 1010 kN mm2. a) 40 kN b) 35 kN c) 45 kN

d) 60 kN

Answer: c Clarification: When the maximum deflection equals to 1 / 400 of the span.

Wl4/ 384 EI = 1 /400.

W= 384 EI / 400 l3
W = 45 kN.

8. ____ is known as a serpentine curve. a) Circular curve b) Transition curve c) Reverse curve

d) Leminiscate curve

Answer: c
Clarification: Reverse curves are provided in difficult terrain. In these curves, the simple curves have a common tangent. They consist of two simple curves of same or different radii. These curves are also known as serpentine curves.

9. The maximum super elevation to be provided is ___ a) 2 in 15 b) 1 in 15 c) 1 in 10

d) 2 in 10

Answer: b
Clarification: According to IRC, the maximum super elevation of 1 in 15 is to be provided. Minimum super elevation is required for proper drainage. If the super elevation calculated is less than the camber no superelevation is to be provided.

10. ______ curves are used to solve the problems of land acquisition. a) Vertical curves b) Horizontal curves c) Circular curves

d) Transition curves

Answer: b
Clarification: A horizontal curve is the curve in plane to provide change in direction to the centre line of the alignment. It is used to preserve the certain existing amenities and to solve the problems of land acquisition.

11. The limiting gradient for mountainous terrain is ________ a) 6.00 % b) 7.00 % c) 8.00 %

d) 5.00 %

Answer: a
Clarification: The limiting gradient for mountainous terrain is 6.00%.

Type of terrain Ruling Gradient Limiting Gradient Exceptional Gradient
Plain 3.30% 5.00% 6.70%
Mountainous 5.00% 6.00% 7.00%

12. Which of the following do not have units? a) Specific weight b) Specific gravity c) Specific volume

d) Mass density

Answer: b
Clarification: Specific gravity is defined as the ratio of the specific weight of solids to the specific weight of an equal volume of water at the temperature. It is denoted by S. As it is a ratio, it doesn’t possess units.

13. In engineering properties of soils, the “e” denotes? a) Compressibility b) Water content c) Porosity

d) Voids ratio

Answer: d
Clarification: Void ratio is defined as the ratio of the total volume of voids to volume of soil solids. It is expressed as a decimal.

14. _____ is a glacier deposit of sand, gravel or clay. a) Till b) Tull c) Loess

d) Mart

Answer: a
Clarification: The deposits made by glaciers are called drifts. The deposits made by the melting of glaciers are called till. Till is a stratified soil.

15. The bearing capacity of laminated rocks used in foundation is ___________
a) 1450 kN/m2
b) 1620 kN/m2
c) 1785 kN/m2
d) 2125 kN/m2

Answer: b
Clarification: The bearing capacity of laminated rocks used in foundation is 1620 kN/m2.

Type Of Rock Bearing capacity in kN/m2
Granite 3240
Laminated 1620
Residual 880
Soft 440

This set of Strength of Materials Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Deflection of Continuous Beam”.

1. The maximum negative bending moment in fixed beam carrying udl occurs at ________ a) Mid span b) 1/3 of the span c) Supports d) Half of the span

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Answer: c
Explanation: In case of fixed beam subjected to gravity loads maximum hogging or negative bending moment develops at the supports. At centre, the maximum bending moment is reduced.

2. A fixed beam of the uniform section is carrying a point load at the centre, if the moment of inertia of the middle half portion is reduced to half its previous value, then the fixed end moments will ______ a) Increase b) Remains constant c) Decrease d) Change their direction

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Answer: a
Explanation: The flexural rigidity value is reduced in middle half portion of the second case fixed end moments which have developed in a beam section will be increases.

3. In propped cantilevers, the prop reaction is 3/8 wl. a) True b) False

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Answer: a
Explanation: In propped cantilever beam net deflection at fixed end is zero therefore Rl3/3EI = wl4/8EI
R= 3wl/8.

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4. A propped cantilever beam carrying total load “W” distributed evenly over its entire length calculate the vertical force required in the prop. a) 3/4 W b) W c) 5/8 W d) 3/8 W

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Answer: d Explanation: Therefore Total load on beam = W = wl

When upper support sinks right w.r.t lower support deflection is

Rl3/3EI = Wl3/ 8EI. R = 3W/8.

The vertical force required at the prop is 3W/8.

5. _____ is a small opening made in the bottom or sides of a tank. a) Mouthpiece b) Orifice c) Sill d) Sluice

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Answer: b
Explanation: An orifice is defined as a small opening of any cross sections such as circular, square, triangular& rectangular etc. made in the walls or the bottom of a tank containing liquid in it through which the liquid flows.

6. A mouthpiece is a short length of a pipe which is not more than __________ times its diameter. a) 3-4 b) 5-6 c) 1 -2 d) 2-3

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Answer: d
Explanation: A mouth piece is defined as a short length of a pipe which is not more than two or three times its diameter, fitted to an orifice of same diameter provided especially in a tank containing liquid.

7. The section which has a minimum cross sectional are in a flow is known as _______ a) Vena contracta b) Thyrocade c) Submergent d) Upstream edge

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Answer: a
Explanation: The section of the jet, at which the flow in a liquid has a minimum cross sectional area, is known as vena contracta. This is due to the fact that liquid particles do not change their directions abruptly.

8. Bell mouthed orifices can be categorised in according to ___________ a) Size b) Shape c) Shape of upstream d) Nature of discharge

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Answer: c
Explanation: The orifices are classified on the basis of their size, shape, shape of upstream edge and discharge conditions. According to shape of the upstream edge, the orifices are classified as sharp edged orifice and Bell mouthed orifice.

9. Which of the following is not a hydraulic coefficient? a) Coefficient of contraction b) Coefficient of discharge c) Coefficient of viscosity d) Coefficient of velocity

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Answer: c
Explanation: Coefficient of viscosity can be defined as the shear stress required producing unit rate of angular deformation. It is also called as dynamic viscosity.

10. Theorotical velocity = _______
a) (2gh)1/3
b) (2gh)1/2
c) (2gh)1/4 d) 2gh

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Answer: b
Explanation: The coefficient of velocity the ratio of actual velocity of the liquid to the theoretical velocity. Theoretical velocity = (2gh)1/2.
Where h = liquid head above the centre of orifice.

11. The value of Cv varies _______ to ________ a) 0.95 – 0.99 b) 0.93 – 0.95 c) 0.97 – 1 d) 0.94 – 0.96

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Answer: a
Explanation: The value of coefficient of velocity (Cv) vary from 0.95 to 0.99 for different orifices depending on shape, size of the orifices and the head under which floor takes place.

12. The Cv taken for sharp edged orifice generally is _________ a) 0.97 b) 0.98 c) 0.95 d) 0.99

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Answer: b
Explanation: The Cv taken for sharp edged orifice generally is 0.98.

Value For Sharp edged orifice Hydraulic coefficient
0.98 Cv
0.64 Ca
0.62 Cd

13. Coeffecient of discharge varies from ___________ to __________ a) 0.64 to 0.68 b) 0.61 to 0.65 c) 0.63 to 0.67 d) 0.67 to 0.7

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Answer: b
Explanation: Coefficient of discharge is defined as the ratio between actual discharge from an orifice and its theoretical discharge. It varies from 0.61 to 0.65.Generally, the value for Cd = 0.62 Sir sharp edged orifice.

14. The relation between hydraulic coefficients is Cd = Cc × Cv. a) False b) True

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Answer: b Explanation: Cd = Qa / Qth

But Qa = ac V =(Cc a) × Cv × (2gh)1/2.

Qth = a Vth

Cd = Qa Qth = Cc a × Cv (2gh)1/2/a × (2gh)1/2.

Cd = Cc × Cv.

15. Calculate the actual velocity of jet if the coefficient of velocity is 0.97. The head of water on the orifice of diameter 2 cm is 6 m. a) 11 m/s b) 12 m/s c) 10.5 m/s d) 13 m/s

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Answer: c
Explanation: We know that quotient of velocity the ratio of actual velocity to theoretical velocity. The actual velocity of jet Va = Cv × (2gh)1/2.
Va = 0.97 (2× 9.81 ×6 )1/2.
Va = 10.5 m/s.

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When upper support sinks right w.r.t lower support deflection is

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