Two circles with radii 8 cm and 2 cm touch each other. find the distance between their centres.

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Two circles with radii 8 cm and 2 cm touch each other. find the distance between their centres.

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Two circles with radii 8 cm and 2 cm touch each other. find the distance between their centres.

Page 2

Two circles with radii 8 cm and 2 cm touch each other. find the distance between their centres.


Radii of the circles are 5 cm and 2.8 cm.

i.e. OP = 5 cm and CP = 2.8 cm.

(i) When the circles touch externally,

then the distance between their centers = OC = 5 + 2.8

= 7.8 cm.

(ii) When the circles touch internally,

then the distance between their centers = OC = 5.0 – 2.8

= 2.2 cm

If two circles with radii 8 cm and 3 cm, respectively, touch internally, then find the distance between their centers.

If two circles touch internally, then distance between their centers is the difference of their radii.

The distance between their centers = 8 – 3 = 5 cm

Concept: Touching Circles

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