The sum and product of two numbers are 13 and 42 respectively the sum of their reciprocals is

We are trying to solve the system of equations $x+y=16$, $xy=55$. Here are a couple of systematic approaches that work in general.

Approach $1$: We will use the identity $(x+y)^2-4xy=(x-y)^2$. In our case, we have $(x+y)^2=256$, $4xy=220$, so $(x-y)^2=36$, giving $x-y=\pm 6$.

Using $x+y=16$, $x-y=6$, we get by adding that $2x=22$, and therefore $x=11$. It follows that $y=5$.

The possibility $x+y=16$, $x-y=-6$ gives nothing new. Adding, we get $2x=10$, so $x=5$, and therefore $y=11$.

Approach $2$: From $x+y=16$, we get $y=16-x$. Substitute for $y$ in $xy=55$. We get $x(16-x)=55$. Simplification gives $x^2-16x+55=0$. The quadratic factors as $(x-5)(x-11)$, so our equation becomes $(x-5)(x-11)=0$, which has the solutions $x=5$ and $x=11$.

But we cannot necessarily rely on there being such a straightforward factorization. So in general after we get to the stage $x^2-16x+55=0$, we would use the Quadratic Formula. We get $$x=\frac{16\pm\sqrt{(-16)^2-4(55)}}{2}.$$
Compute. We get the solutions $x=5$ and $x=11$. The corresponding $y$ are now easy to find from $x+y=16$.

Remarks: $1,$ Recall that the Quadratic Formula says that if $a\ne 0$, then the solutions of the quadratic equation $ax^2+bx+c=0$ are given by $$x=\frac{-b\pm\sqrt{b^2-4ac}}{2a}.$$

Your approach was along reasonable lines, but things went wrong in the details. From $xy=55$ we get $x=\frac{55}{y}$. Substituting in the formula $x+y=16$, we get $$\frac{55}{y}+y=16.$$ A reasonable strategy is to multiply through by $y$, getting $55+y^2=16y$, or equivalently $y^2-16y+55=0$. Now we have reached a quadratic equation which is basically the same as the one we reached above.

$2.$ The first approach that we used (presented as an algorithm, and stripped of algebraic notation) goes back to Neo-Babylonian times. The "standard" problem was to find the dimensions of a door, given its perimeter and area.

The sum and product of two numbers are 13 and 42 respectively the sum of their reciprocals is
The sum and product of two numbers are 13 and 42 respectively the sum of their reciprocals is

Number System

  1. The product of two numbers is 24 times the difference of these two numbers. If the sum of these numbers is 14, the larger number is

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    Let the first number be x.∴  Second number = 14–x∴  x (14 – x ) = 24 (x – 14 + x)⇒  x (14 – x ) = 24 (2x – 14)

    ⇒  14x – x2 = 48x – 336

    ⇒  x2 + 34x – 336 = 0
    ⇒  x2 + 42x – 8x – 336 = 0⇒  x (x + 42) – 8 (x + 42) = 0⇒  (x + 42) (x – 8) = 0∴  x = 8 as x ≠ – 42∴  Second number = 14 – 8 = 6∴  Larger number = 8

    Note : : It is preferable to solve it

    by oral calculation with the helpof given alternatives.

    Let the first number be x.∴  Second number = 14–x∴  x (14 – x ) = 24 (x – 14 + x)⇒  x (14 – x ) = 24 (2x – 14)

    ⇒  14x – x2 = 48x – 336

    ⇒  x2 + 34x – 336 = 0
    ⇒  x2 + 42x – 8x – 336 = 0⇒  x (x + 42) – 8 (x + 42) = 0⇒  (x + 42) (x – 8) = 0∴  x = 8 as x ≠ – 42∴  Second number = 14 – 8 = 6∴  Larger number = 8

    Note : : It is preferable to solve it

    by oral calculation with the helpof given alternatives.

  1. Five times of a positive integer is equal to 3 less than twice the square of that number. The number is

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    Let the positive integer be x.
    ∴  2x2 – 5x = 3
    ⇒  2x2 – 3 = 0
    ⇒  2x2 – 6x + x – 3 = 0⇒  2x (x – 3) + 1 (x – 3) = 0⇒  (x – 3) (2x + 1) = 0
    is not admissible.

  1. The sum of the digits of a two digit number is 10. The number formed by reversing the digits is 18 less than the original number. Find the original number.

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    Let the two digit number be 10x + y where x > y.Here, x + y = 10    ...(i)and, 10x + y – 10y – x = 18⇒  9x – 9y = 18⇒  9 (x – y) = 18⇒  x – y = 2   ...(ii)Solving equations (i) and (ii),x = 6 and y = 4

    ∴  Number = 10 × 6 + 4 = 64

  1. Of the three numbers, the second is twice the first and is also thrice the third. If the average of these three numbers is 44, the largest number is

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    Let the third number be x.∴  Second number = 3xAccording to the question,
    ⇒  11x = 88 × 3∴  The largest number= 3x = 3 × 24 = 72

    Let the third number be x.∴  Second number = 3xAccording to the question,
    ⇒  11x = 88 × 3∴  The largest number= 3x = 3 × 24 = 72

  1. The sum and product of two numbers are 12 and 35 respectively. The sum of their reciprocals will be

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    Let the numbers be x and y respectively.∴  x + y = 12 and xy = 35

    ∴  1 + 1 = x + y = 12