How do you differentiate the two views of culture (emic and etic give examples brainly)

The terms ’emic’ and ‘etic’ were borrowed from the study of linguistics. Specifically, ‘etic’ refers to research that studies cross-cultural differences, whereas ’emic’ refers to research that fully studies one culture with no (or only a secondary) cross-cultural focus.


Emic perspectives are essential for anthropologists’ efforts to obtain a detailed understanding of a culture and to avoid interpreting others through their own cultural beliefs. Etic perspectives refer to explanations for behavior made by an outside observer in ways that are meaningful to the observer.

When looking at any culture, our own or someone else’s, it is possible to have two different perspectives. Being an ethnographer requires the ability to move easily from one perspective to the other. These two perspectives are emic and etic.

What is emic view of culture give examples?

Emic Approach

More simply stated, it’s when the words and beliefs of the culture’s members take center stage. Rather than reading other scientists’ accounts of the culture, the researcher will observe or even interview the members of the culture in order to understand why they live and believe as they do.

What is emic culture?

The emic perspective is the insider’s perspective, the perspective that comes from within the culture where the project is situated—for example, gender perspectives of women involved in a project in Afghanistan. Why do these different perspectives matter? In reality, it really isn’t an either/or situation.

How do you differentiate the two views of culture Emic and ETIC give examples?

Etics reflect constructs which apply to phenomena that occur in all cultures. Emics are constructs which occur in only one culture. For example, in all cultures ingroup members (family, tribe, co-workers, co-religionists) are treated better than outgroup members (enemies, strangers, outsiders). That is an etic.

When making an etic and emic Distinction in research Findings What does emic mean?

Etic approach to cross-cultural research involves looking for universal patterns in human behaviour – tends to impose the researcher’s own world view on the people being investigated. Emics. Refer to those processes that are different across cultures – relate to culture-specific processes.

What is the difference between emic and etic quizlet?

The emic approach focuses on what the local people think is important in the world whereas the etic approach focuses on what the antrhopologists (observers) think is.

What is the difference of Emic and ETIC perspective in ethnography Brainly?

Emic: The researcher uses an insider’s point of view. Etic: The researcher uses an outsider’s point of view. Nature: Emic: Emic perspective stresses the subjective nature.

How does the emic view of anthropology contribute to its potential as a science to influence policy?

How does the emic view of anthropology contribute to its potential as a science to influence policy? By understanding the beliefs and practices of the local people, program planners and administrators have a greater chance of succeeding in implementing change.

What do you mean by emic approach?

Cross-Cultural Research Approaches

Alternatively, an ’emic approach’ describes the study of cultural norms that are specific to one group of people or within one culture. Studies using an etic approach require researchers to develop, test, and analyze constructs in the same manner across groups.

What does it mean to approach the study of religion from an emic or etic perspective and why is that important?

The etic approach realizes that members of a culture often are too involved in what they are doing… to interpret their cultures impartially. When using the etic approach, the ethnographer emphasizes what he or she considers important.”

What is the difference between emic and etic?

The terms ’emic’ and ‘etic’ were borrowed from the study of linguistics. Specifically, ‘etic’ refers to research that studies cross-cultural differences, whereas ’emic’ refers to research that fully studies one culture with no (or only a secondary) cross-cultural focus.

How do you understand ethnology?

ethnography, descriptive study of a particular human society or the process of making such a study. Contemporary ethnography is based almost entirely on fieldwork and requires the complete immersion of the anthropologist in the culture and everyday life of the people who are the subject of his study.

What does emic mean quizlet?

Terms in this set (11) Emic. approach of studying a culture’s behavior from the perspective of an insider. Etic. approach of studying a culture’s behavior from the perspective of an outsider.

Which of the following is an example of an etic perspective in research?

An etic view of a culture is the perspective of an outsider looking in. For example, if an American anthropologist went to Africa to study a nomadic tribe, his/her resulting case study would be from an etic standpoint if he/she did not integrate themselves into the culture they were observing.

What is an etic view?

A description of a behavior or belief by an observer, in terms that can be applied to other cultures; that is, an etic perspective is ‘”culturally neutral”.

What is Emic and ETIC in qualitative research?

Emic perceptions are shared views of cultural knowledge from the insider’s “normative” perspective. An etic perspective is the external social scientific perspective on reality. The validity of etic descriptions or analyses is based on logical scientific analysis.

Why is Emic and ETIC important?

An emic view, for example, will enable you to explain all the nuances of finding a spouse in Pakistan, or how U.S. teenagers find dates. Obtaining an emic view of another culture is a central goal of doing ethnography, and an emic view is necessary before an etic perspective can truly be obtained.

Which of the following approaches involves Emic and ETIC interpretation?

which of the following approaches involves emic and etic interpretation? ethnography incorporates the views of the participants (emic) as well as the views of the researcher (etic).

What is Emic and ETIC in psychology?

Emic and Etic

Emic: assumed that the meaning of behavior can only be defined from within the culture studied (cultural specific) Etic: assumes that the underlying psychological mechanisms are subjectively experienced and are very similar cross culture (universal)

What does emic perspective emphasize?

The emic approach to research focuses on culturally specific behaviours. One of the characteristics of emic studies is that they often use members of the community or culture being studied, as they enable the researchers to understand the behaviour in that community.

Which of these best describes the emic approach to studying human culture?

Which of these best describes the emic approach to studying human culture? It focuses on the members of the culture as the best source of information on the culture. It relies heavily on pre-existing theories. It never takes into account personal narratives.

What distinguishes anthropology from other human sciences?

What makes anthropology different from other human studies is that its practitioners take an “holistic” view of the subject and consider the concept of “culture” to be in some way crucial to their study.

What is the difference between ethnography and ethnology?

Ethnography is the in depth study of a particular cultural group, while ethnology is the comparative study of ethnographic data, society and culture. Many of the readings for this course and your own research project have been ethnographic in nature.

What is ethnology and example?

The subject coverage of ethnology includes that of social anthropology and sociology, but it is much broader. For instance, ethnology also includes technology and crafts, plastic and graphic arts, music, dancing, oral literature, dream analysis, religion, world view, ethics, and ethnomedicine.

What is the difference between ethnology and anthropology?

Ethnology vs Anthropology

Anthropology is a field of study that focuses on human origins, societies and culture. On the other hand, ethnology is the study of the characteristics of different peoples.

What are two Do’s of multicultural crisis intervention?

What are two DON’TS of multicultural crisis intervention? There is not a universal measure of “normal” behavior. Professional Counseling is better than natural support systems. People from an Individualist culture have a similar sense of family obligation as those from a Collectivist culture.

What does emic mean in psychology?

An emic is a type of research study in which the focus is one single culture. This type of research attempts to study the behaviors of interest though the lens of a member of the culture. It involves looking at behaviors of a group from the perspective of one member of that group.

Why is it important to identify cross cultural differences in experience personality and behavior?

Why is it important to identify cross-cultural differences in experience, personality, and behavior? Correct Answer(s): Such cross-cultural differences tell us about variability in human experiences. Cross-cultural research informs us about the generalizability of research findings.

What is the etic perspective quizlet?

etic perspective. examining societies using concepts categories and rules derived from science; an outsiders perspective that produces analyses that members of the society being studied may not find meaningful.

What is etic quizlet?

Etic is when research looks at several cultures and countries in order to understand behavior because they want to research the extent to which a certain behavior is universal and can be cross culturally applied.

What is the difference between cultural bias and cultural relativism?

Cultural relativism is the principle of regarding the beliefs, values, and practices of a culture from the viewpoint of that culture itself. The principle is sometimes practiced to avoid cultural bias in research, as well as to avoid judging another culture by the standards of one’s own culture.

What is an imposed emic?

The etic approach to research is viewing and evaluating the culture from outside where the emic approach is a cultural view made from the inside of a culture. An “imposed” etic bias occurs when an observer attempts to generalize observations from one culture to another.

What are different cultures?

Indian, Chinese, Korean, Swiss and American are the 5 different cultures of the world. What are cultural views? Every culture consists of a different view. So as a whole we can say that cultural views vary depending on countries, history, demographic conditions, political views, and ideologies.

Who gave the theory of etic and emic culture?

Pike defined emic and etic as ‘two basic standpoints from which a human observer can describe human behavior, each of them valuable for certain specific purposes’ (Pike 1954: 8).