Generation of computer Questions and answers PDF

Fifth generation computing devices, based on artificial intelligence, are still in development, though there are some applications, such as voice recognition, that are being used today. The use of parallel processing and superconductors is helping to make artificial intelligence a reality. Quantum computation and molecular and nanotechnology will radically change the face of computers in years to come. The goal of fifth-generation computing is to develop devices that respond to natural language input and are capable of learning and self-organization.

The first computers used vacuum tubes for circuitry and magnetic drums for memory, and were often enormous, taking up entire rooms. They were very expensive to operate and in addition to using a great deal of electricity, generated a lot of heat, which was often the cause of malfunctions.

First generation computers relied on machine language, the lowest-level programming language understood by computers, to perform operations, and they could only solve one problem at a time. Input was based on punched cards and paper tape, and output was displayed on printouts.

The UNIVAC and ENIAC computers are examples of first-generation computing devices.

The microprocessor brought the fourth generation of computers, as thousands of integrated circuits were built onto a single silicon chip. What in the first generation filled an entire room could now fit in the palm of the hand. The Intel 4004 chip, developed in 1971, located all the components of the computer—from the Central processing Unit (CPU) and memory to input/output controls—on a single chip.

Tthese small computers became more powerful, they could be linked together to form networks, which eventually led to the development of the Internet. Fourth generation computers also saw the development of GUIs, the mouse and handheld devices.

Transistors replaced vacuum tubes and ushered in the second generation of computers. The transistor was invented in 1947 but did not see widespread use in computers until the late 1950s. The transistor was far superior to the vacuum tube, allowing computers to become smaller, faster, cheaper, more energy-efficient and more reliable than their first-generation predecessors. Though the transistor still generated a great deal of heat that subjected the computer to damage, it was a vast improvement over the vacuum tube. Second-generation computers still relied on punched cards for input and printouts for output.

Second-generation computers moved from cryptic binary machine language to symbolic, or assembly, languages, which allowed programmers to specify instructions in words. High-level programming languages were also being developed at this time, such as early versions of COBOL and FORTRAN.

Rom is non-volatile memory include read-only memory, flash memory, ferroelectric, most types of magnetic computer storage devices .This is because you cannot erase or modify it when the computer system is turned off. Computer manufacturers write codes on the ROM chip, and users cannot alter or interfere with it.

Computer history MCQ generations questions and answers with pdf Download free MCQs for competitive exams preparation.

Computer History and Generation MCQ

1. Which was the first Electronics digital programmable computing device?

a) Analytical Engine   

b) Difference Engine             

c) Colossus      


Ans. C

2. EDVAC stands for ______.

a) electronic discrete variable automatic calculator    

b) electronic discrete variable automatic computer

c) electronic data variable automatic calculator          

d) electronic data variable automatic computer

Ans. B

3. Which was the first commercial computer?

a) Ferranti Mark 1       

b) analytical engine     

c) difference engine    

d) colossus

Ans. A

4. UNIVAC stands for_______.

a) universal automatic calculator                                 

b) universal native input automatic  computer

c) universal native input automatic calculator             

d) universal automatic computer

Ans. D

5. ENIAC stands for ______.

a) electronic numerical integrator and computer                     

b) electronic numerical integrator and calculator

c) electronic numerical integrator automatic computer           

d) electronic numerical integrator automatic calculator


6. Who invented the punch card ?

a) Charles babbage      

b) semen Korsakov     

c) herman Hollerith     

d) joseph marie jacquard

Ans. C

7. Which Electronic components are used in Second Generation Computers?


b) Integrated Circuits 

c) Vacuum Tubes        



8. Which Electronic components are used in Third Generation Computers?


b) Integrated Circuits 

c) Vacuum Tubes        


Ans. B

9. Which Electronic components are used in fourth  Generation Computers?


b) Integrated Circuits 

c) Vacuum Tubes        


Ans. d

10. Which Electronic components are used in Fifth Generation Computers?


b) Integrated Circuits 

c) Vacuum Tubes        

d) ULSI Microprocessor

Ans. D

11. ENIAC Computer belongs to ______.

a) First Generation computers                         

b) Second Generation Computers

c) Third Generations Computers                     

d) fourth Generation computers

Ans. A

12. VLSI stands for

a) Very large storage integratior         

b) Very large storage integration

c) Very large Scale Integration           

d) Very Large Scale Integrator

Ans. C

13. ULSI stands for______.

a) Ultra Large Storage Integration      

b) Ultra Large Scale Integration

c) Ultra Large Storage Integrator       

d) Ultra Large Scale integrator

Ans. B

14. ________ is used as a programming language in first generation computers?

a) FORTRAN             

b) COBOL      

c) BASIC        

d) Machine Language

Ans. D

15. FORTRAN stands for ______.

a) For Translation        

b) Format Transformation       

c) Fork Transformation           

d) Formula Translation

Ans. D

16. The word computer comes from______.

a) compute                  

b) compote                  

c) copute                     

d) calculator

Ans. A

17. How many vacuum tubes used in first generation computer ENIAC ?

a) 1800                        

b) 18000          

c) 1024                        

d) 512

Ans. B

18. Which computer belongs to the first generation ?

a) ENIAC       

b) EDSAC      

c) EDVAC      

d) All of these

Ans. D

19. Which language used in First generation computers ?

a) Machine language   

b) Assembly language             

c) High level language            


Ans. A

20. Which language used in second Generation computers?

a) Machine language               

b) Assembly language                        

c) High level language                        


Ans. B

21. Which language used in third Generation computers ?

a) FORTRAN             

b) COBOL      

c) PASCAL    

d) All of these

Ans. D

22. Which is third Generation computer?

a) ICL 2903   

b) ICL 1900   

c) UNIVAC 1800      

d) All of these

Ans. D

23. Intel Microprocessor 4004 developed in _______

a) 1971                        

b) 1980            

c) 1960                        

d) 1965

Ans. A

24. What  is used  in first generation for storage?

a) magnetic drum        

b) IC                

c) vacuum tubes          

d) floppy disk

Ans. A

25. First microcomputer in the world _______

a) ALTAIR 8800                    

b) HP               

c) ENIAC       


Ans. A

26. First super computer in the world is _______.

a) CRAY-1     

b) MARK-1    

c) PARAM      

d) C-DAC

Ans. A

27. CRAY-1 super computer was developed in the year______

a) 1975                        

b) 1976                        

c) 1999                        

d) 1980

Ans. B

28. India’s first super computer is _______

a) PARAM      

b) CRAY-1     

c) C-DAC       

d) MARK-1

Ans. A

21. PARAM super computer was developed in ________

a) 1980                        

b) 1960                       

c) 1991                        

d) 1976

Ans. C

22. First keeping records on clay tablets was used in _____

a) Babylon merchants             

b) china           

c) japan                        

d) haddapa

Ans. A

23. CDC stands for_______.

a) Control data corporation                  

b) Company data company   

c) Communication data control           

d) Company data control

Ans. A

24. KIPS stands for _________.

a) kite information processing system                         

b) Knowledge information Processing syste 

c) knowledge information printing system                 

d) knowledge integration processing system

Ans. B

25. DVD invented in the year_____

a) 1995                        

b) 1990                        

c) 1980                        

d) 2000

Ans. A

26. The first linux kernel was released in ________.

a) 1991                        

b) 1992                        

c) 1999                        

d) 1984

Ans. A

27. MAC operating system was developed in _________ .

a) 1985                        

b) 1984                        

c) 1999                        

d) 1981

Ans. B

28. First floppy disk was developed in ______.

a) 1980                        

b) 1990                        

c) 1984                        

d) 1960

Ans. D

29.  __________as switching devices are for fourth generation.

a) vacuum tube                        

b) transistor                 

c) microprocessors       

d) assembly board

Ans. c

30. “C” language invented by _______.

a) Dennis M. Ritchie   

b) John mauchely        

c) Charles babbage      

d) Allen turing

Ans. a

31. Arch rivals IBM and Apple computers Inc. decided to join hands_________.

a) 1984                        

b) 1991                        

c) 1980                        

d) 1970

Ans. b

32. The Shockwave rider  is a Science Fiction Novel written  by ________in 1975.

a) John Brunner           

b) charlesbabbage        

c) timberners lee          

d) lady adalovelace

Ans. a

33. A computer that is old and perhaps not satisfactory is referred to as a ________.

a) old system               

b) legacy system          

c) ancient system         

d) former system

Ans. b

34. Who invent first electronic digital computer in 1930?

a) John Vincent Atansoff       

b) charlesbabbage        

c) Allen turing             

d) lady Ada lovelace

Ans. a

35. First computer Mark 1 in 1937 was invented by______.

a) John Vincent Atansoff       

b) Howard H. Aiken   

c) Allen turing             

d) lady Ada lovelace

Ans. b

36.  Fortran language was developed by IBM  in the year_________.

a) 1995                        


c) 1972                        

d) 1957

Ans. d

37. Prolog language was developed in year________.

a) 1995                        


c) 1972                        

d) 1957

Ans. c

38. India’s first computer_________ made by electronics corporation of india.

a) Siddharth    

b) Param          

c) C-DAC       

d) Microsoft

Ans. a

39. India’s first computerised petrol pump opened in __________.

a) Delhi           

b) Mumbai       

c) Kolkata       

d) Chennai

Ans. b

40. India’s first Politician party which make his own website on the internet.

a) Congress     

b) BJP             

c) JJP               

d) AAP

Ans. b

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