Two numbers are in the ratio of 9: 5. if their lcm is 900, then hcf is

If the sum of LCM and HCF of two numbers is 1260 and their LCM is 900 more than their HCF, then the product of two numbers is

  • 203400

  •  194400

  • 198400

  • 205400

Let the HCF be x and the LCM of the two numbers be y.

It is given that the sum of the HCF and LCM is 1260

x + y = 1260 …… (i)

And, LCM is 900 more than HCF.

y = x + 900 …… (ii)

Substituting (ii) in (i), we get:

`x + x + 900 = 1200`

`2x +900=1260`

`2x = 1260 -900`

`2x = 360`

x = 180 

Substituting  x = 180  in (ii), we get:

y = 180 + 900

y = 1080

We also know that the product the two numbers is equal to the product of their LCM and HCF

Thus the product of the numbers

= 194400(180)

= 194400

Hence, the correct choice is (b).

Concept: Euclid’s Division Lemma

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Two numbers are in the ratio of 9: 5. if their lcm is 900, then hcf is


10 Questions 10 Marks 10 Mins


The ratio of two numbers = 5 ∶ 9

LCM = 765

Concept Used:

The product of two numbers = LCM × HCF


Let the two numbers be 5x and 9x

According to the question, we have

The LCM of 5x and 9x = 5 × 9 × x

⇒ 45x

Now, the LCM of two numbers is

45x = 765

⇒ x = 765/45

⇒ x = 17

The first number = 5x

⇒ 5 × 17

⇒ 85

The second number = 9x

⇒ 9 × 17

⇒ 153

∴ The two numbers are 85 and 153.

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Two numbers are in the ratio of 9: 5. if their lcm is 900, then hcf is

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