How did ming emperors try to erase mongol influence on china? select the two correct answers.

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How did ming emperors try to erase mongol influence on china? select the two correct answers.

history, 23.01.2021 18:10


How did ming emperors try to erase mongol influence on china? select the two correct answers.

Answer from: Anonymous

They restored the civil service system. They embraced foreign trade.

How did ming emperors try to erase mongol influence on china? select the two correct answers.

Answer from: Anonymous

it wouldn't let me comment but thx person above Explanation:

How did ming emperors try to erase mongol influence on china? select the two correct answers.

Answer from: Quest

Support and read the local paper; Write letters to the editor of your local paper; Learn about your community’s history at your local historical society and/or history museum.Explanation:Each way helps you understand the community you live in and that way you are able to learn new things.

How did ming emperors try to erase mongol influence on china? select the two correct answers.

Answer from: Quest

The north and south became more divided over the issue of slavery

How did ming emperors try to erase mongol influence on china? select the two correct answers.

Answer from: Quest

The answer of this question is A) Dedicated

How did ming emperors try to erase mongol influence on china? select the two correct answers.

Answer from: Quest

i smell fart because the kid next to me smells bad

How did ming emperors try to erase mongol influence on china? select the two correct answers.

How did ming emperors try to erase mongol influence on china? select the two correct answers.

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How did ming emperors try to erase mongol influence on china? select the two correct answers.

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How did ming emperors try to erase mongol influence on china? select the two correct answers.

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How did ming emperors try to erase mongol influence on china? select the two correct answers.

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How did ming emperors try to erase mongol influence on china? select the two correct answers.

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How did ming emperors try to erase mongol influence on china? select the two correct answers.

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How did ming emperors try to erase mongol influence on china? select the two correct answers.

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How did ming emperors try to erase mongol influence on china? select the two correct answers.

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How did ming emperors try to erase mongol influence on china? select the two correct answers.

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You know the right answer?

how did ming emperors try to erase mongol influence on china (select all that apply) a. they restored the civil service system b. they embraced foreign trade c. they became suspicious of foreign visitors d. they rejected confucian values e. they moved the capital to hangzhou


How did ming emperors try to erase mongol influence on china? select the two correct answers.

How did ming emperors try to erase mongol influence on china? select the two correct answers.
How did ming emperors try to erase mongol influence on china? select the two correct answers.

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Samuel G.


7 months, 2 weeks ago

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