2. prove that product of two parts of a constant number will be maximum when both parts are equal.

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2. prove that product of two parts of a constant number will be maximum when both parts are equal.

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2. prove that product of two parts of a constant number will be maximum when both parts are equal.

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2. prove that product of two parts of a constant number will be maximum when both parts are equal.

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2. prove that product of two parts of a constant number will be maximum when both parts are equal.

Text Solution

Solution : Let x and y be two positive numbers such that x + y = c (constant) <br> then y = c - x <br> Let `p = xy = x(c- x) = cx - x^2` <br> `dp/dx = c - 2x, (d^2p)/dx^2 = - 2 lt 0` <br> `therefore` p is maximum when `c - 2x = 0 I.e, x = c/2` <br> if `x= c/2` then `y=c/2`. <br> `therefore` The two numbers are equal. (Proved)

Text Solution

Solution : Let the numbers be x and y and their sum 'a' is constant. <br> `:. X+y = a` …(1) <br> Let the product of number be P. <br> `:. P= x* y` <br> `=x(a-x)` [From (1)] <br> `=ax - x^(2)` <br> `rArr (dP)/(dx) = a - 2x` <br> For maxima/minima <br> `(dP)/(dx) = 0` <br> `rArr a-2x = 0` <br> `rArr x = a//2` <br> and `(d^(2)P)/(dx^(2)) = - 2 lt 0` <br> `rArr" P is maximum at " x= a//2` <br> Now `y=a-x=a-a//2=a//2` <br> Therefore, for the maximum product, each number will be half of their sum.

Start with this lemma. Given real numbers $a, b, c \geq 0$, we have:

$$a(a + b + c) \leq (a + c)(a + b)$$

The proof is easy - just expand out the products on both sides. The RHS has an extra $bc$ term.

From this, we can prove what the question asks for the case where $x, y \geq 0$. Suppose $x + y = C$. Then WLOG $x \leq y$ and so $y = x + 2b$ for some $b \geq 0$. And so:

$$xy = x(x + 2b) = x(x + b + b) \leq (x + b)(x + b) = \left(\frac{C}{2}\right)^2$$

So the product is clearly maximised when $x = y = \frac{C}{2}$.


Using the above lemma, we can go further, and generalise the result to the product of $n$ real numbers $x_1, x_2, \dots, x_n \geq 0$ where $\sum x_i = C$. We want to show that the product $\prod x_i$ is maximised when $x_i = \frac{C}{n}$ for all $i$.

We can prove this by induction. In the base case we have $n = 1$ and the only choice is $x_1 = C$ which trivially maximises the result.

In the inductive case, we want to show:

$\prod_{i=1}^{n+1} x_i \leq \left(\frac{C}{n+1}\right)^{n+1}$

The product can be rewritten as:

$x_{n+1} \prod_{i=1}^n x_i$

Let $B = \sum_{i=1}^n x_i$. By I.H. we have:

$x_{n+1} \prod_{i=1}^n x_i \leq x_{n+1}\left(\frac{B}{n}\right)^n$

Now, let $\Delta = \frac{B}{n} - \frac{C}{n+1}$. We know that since $x_{n+1} = C - B$, then:

$$x_{n+1} = \frac{C}{n+1} - n\Delta$$

Define a sequence $S_i$ for $0 \leq i \leq n$ as follows:

$$S_i = \left(x_{n+1} + i\Delta\right)\left(\frac{C}{n+1}\right)^i\left(\frac{B}{n}\right)^{n-i}$$

Let's show that $S_i$ is monotonically non-decreasing i.e. $S_i \leq S_{i+1}$ for all $i < n$. Well:

$$S_i = \left(x_{n+1} + i\Delta\right)\left(\frac{B}{n}\right) \left(\frac{C}{n+1}\right)^i\left(\frac{B}{n}\right)^{n-(i+1)} \\= \left(\frac{C}{n+1} - (n - i)\Delta\right)\left(\frac{C}{n+1} + \Delta\right) \left(\frac{C}{n+1}\right)^i\left(\frac{B}{n}\right)^{n-(i+1)}$$

Now consider the leading terms $\left(\frac{C}{n+1} - (n - i)\Delta\right)$ and $\left(\frac{C}{n+1} + \Delta\right)$. Let's consider the cases for $\Delta$:

  • If $\Delta = 0$, then $\left(\frac{C}{n+1} - (n - i)\Delta\right) = \left(\frac{C}{n+1} + \Delta\right) = \frac{C}{n+1}$ and so $S_i = \left(\frac{C}{n+1}\right)^{n+1}$ for all $i$. So certainly $S_i$ is non-decreasing as it is constant in this case.
  • If $\Delta < 0$ then $\frac{C}{n+1} - (n - i)\Delta = \frac{C}{n+1} + (n - i - 1)(-\Delta) - \Delta$ and so by our above lemma, $\left(\frac{C}{n+1} - (n - i)\Delta\right)\left(\frac{C}{n+1} + \Delta\right) \leq \left(\frac{C}{n+1} - (n - i - 1)\Delta\right)\left(\frac{C}{n+1}\right)$ and so $S_i \leq S_{i+1}$.
  • If $\Delta > 0$, then $\frac{C}{n+1} + \Delta = \left(\frac{C}{n+1} - (n - i)\Delta\right) + (n - i)\Delta + \Delta$ and so again we can apply the lemma to get that $\left(\frac{C}{n+1} - (n - i)\Delta\right)\left(\frac{C}{n+1} + \Delta\right) \leq \left(\frac{C}{n+1} - (n - i - 1)\Delta\right)\left(\frac{C}{n+1}\right)$ and so $S_i \leq S_{i+1}$.

Putting it all together then:

$$\prod_{i=1}^{n+1} x_i = x_{n+1} \prod_{i=1}^n x_i \leq x_{n+1}\left(\frac{B}{n}\right)^n = S_0 \leq S_1 \leq S_2 \dots \leq S_n = \left(\frac{C}{n+1}\right)^{n+1}$$

Which completes the proof.