Two trains running in opposite direction cross each other


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  1. Two trains running in opposite directions cross a man standing on the platform 54s and 34s respectively and they cross each other in 46 s . Find the ratio of their speeds. ?

Let the speeds of two trains be x and y, respectively . ∴ Length of 1st train = 54x Length of the 2nd train = 34y According to the question. (54x + 34y) / (x + y) = 46⇒ 54x + 34y = 46x + 46y ⇒ 27x + 17y = 23x + 23y ⇒ 4x = 6y ⇒ x/y = 3/2

∴ x : y = 3 : 2


15 Qs. 45 Marks 15 Mins


Two train crosses the man in 25 seconds and 32 seconds respectively.

Two trains running in opposite direction and they crosses each other in 30 second

When two running object moving in opposite direction their relative speed = Sum of their speed

Concept Used:


Let, the speed of the 1st train be x m/sec and that of the 2nd train is y m/sec

When a train crosses a standing man it cross its won length

1st train cross the man in 25 second

⇒ Length of 1st train is 25x meter

2nd train cross the man in 32 seconds

⇒ Length of the 2nd train is 32y meter

Relative speed of two trains is (x + y) m/sec

In 30 seconds they cross each other

⇒ In 30 seconds the cross 30(x + y) meter


30(x + y) = 25x + 32y

⇒ 30x + 30y = 25x + 32y

⇒ 30x - 25x = 32y - 30y

⇒ 5x = 2y

⇒ x/y = 2/5

⇒ x : y = 2 : 5

∴ The ratio of speed of two trains is 2 : 5.

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Here we will learn about the concept of two trains passes in the opposite direction.

When two train passes a moving object (having some length) in the opposite direction

Let length of faster train be l meters and length of slower train be m meters

Let the speed of faster train be x km/hr

Relative speed = (x + y) km/hr.

Then, time taken by the faster train to pass the slower train = (l + m) meters/(x + y) km/hr

Now we will learn to calculate when two trains running on parallel tracks (having some length) in the opposite direction.               

Solved examples when two trains passes (having some length) in the opposite direction:

1. Two trains of length 150 m and 170 m respectively are running at the speed of 40 km/hr and 32 km/hr on parallel tracks in opposite directions. In what time will they cross each other?


Relative speed of train = (40 + 32) km/hr

                               = 72 km/hr

                               = 72 × 5/18 m/sec

                               = 20 m/sec

Time taken by the two trains to cross each other = sum of length of trains/relative speed of trains

                                                                   = (150 + 170)/20 sec

                                                                   = 320/20 sec

                                                                   = 16 sec

Therefore, the two trains crossed each other in 16 seconds.

2. Two trains 163 m and 187 m long are running on parallel tracks in the opposite directions with a speed of 47 km/hr and 43 km/hr in. How long will it take to cross each other?


Relative speed of train = (47 + 43) km/hr

                               = 90 km/hr

                               = 90 × 5/18 m/sec

                               = 25 m/sec

Time taken by the two trains to cross each other = sum of length of trains/relative speed of trains

                                                                   = (163 + 187)/25 sec

                                                                   = 350/25 sec

                                                                   = 14 sec

Therefore, the two trains crossed each other in 14 seconds.

Speed of Train

Relationship between Speed, Distance and Time

Conversion of Units of Speed

Problems on Calculating Speed

Problems on Calculating Distance

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Train Passes a Moving Object in the Opposite Direction

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Two Trains Passes in the Same Direction

Two Trains Passes in the Opposite Direction

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