TRUE and FALSE formula in Excel with example

The TRUE and FALSE formulas are rarely used Excel functions. The reason for less use of these functions is that there are many alternative formulas to TRUE and FALSE. However, it is interesting to know that the TRUE function and FALSE function are very useful to cater to the requirements of different versions of excel. These functions are mainly used for compatibility with other excel or spreadsheet versions.

In this blog, we would deep dive into the following aspects of TRUE and FALSE excel formulas.

  • What is the purpose of the TRUE and FALSE function in Excel
  • Syntax and Arguments
  • Example of TRUE and FALSE excel formula
  • Interesting facts about the function

Here we go 😎

Objective of TRUE and FALSE Excel Functions

Many a time, I have received a common question from many excel users – “What is the use of these two uncommon excel functions – TRUE and FALSE“. The answer lies below 🙂

The =TRUE() formula simply returns the logical value ‘TRUE’ and similarly, the =FALSE() formula returns the logical value ‘FALSE’ in Excel.

Syntax and Arguments

Following are the syntax of the two functions:



These two functions does not hold any input argument, i.e. these are empty parenthesis functions.

Example of TRUE and FALSE Excel Functions

Let me first make you understand how to use the TRUE and FALSE excel functions and what would it return.

Simply type the formula =TRUE() and =FALSE() in an excel cell and press Enter.

As a result, you would notice that excel returns the values – ‘TRUE’ and ‘FALSE’ respectively. See the image below:

Using this formula individually does not make sense. Moreover, this formula is combined with other logical functions like the IF function in Excel to get the result. See the below example:


In the above example, the IF function would return the value TRUE, if the value in cell B4 is “Female” otherwise it would return FALSE.

Thus, if the condition of the IF argument does not meet, then it simply returns the text TRUE, otherwise FALSE.

Do Not Miss These Points

  • The primary purpose of using the TRUE and FALSE functions instead of other alternatives is that these functions are compatible with any other excel version or spreadsheet applications. This means that it does not throw an error when the worksheet is opened in some older excel version.
  • If you simply type the value TRUE in a cell or inside some formula, it is the same as =TRUE() or =TRUE. Similarly FALSE is same as =FALSE() and =FALSE.
  • It is interesting to note that for excel the value TRUE means 1 and the value FALSE means 0. It means that you can use TRUE and FALSE as numbers for calculation purposes. This denotes that =TRUE+TRUE will result in 2 (i.e. 1+1) and similarly, FALSE+TRUE will result in 1 (i.e. 1+0)

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This article describes the formula syntax and usage of the TRUE function in Microsoft Excel.

Note: The TRUE function is provided primarily for compatibility with other spreadsheet programs.

Returns the logical value TRUE. You can use this function when you want to return the value TRUE based on a condition. For example:


You can also enter the value TRUE directly into cells and formulas without using this function. For example:


If the condition is met, Excel returns TRUE in both examples. If the condition is not met, Excel returns FALSE in both examples.


The TRUE function syntax has no arguments.

IF function

Create conditional formulas

Logical functions (reference)

Microsoft Excel is an excellent tool often used to keep track of data and other useful records. Among the various capabilities entailed in excel is the use of function and not only so but those that are conditional by nature. This conditional function operates under the same principle of Boolean logic. In our case, instead of 1's and O's, we have True and False. This type of formulae is very powerful in its simplicity.

For example, you might be a class teacher. You may need to calculate and see the student performance in relation to the mean score.

Having noticed the importance of the true and false, it time dive into its use!!!

How to use the true and false function in Microsoft Excel

1. Have a list of data in place to compare.. as in my case, the data is below

In our case, with the data provided, we will be checking those that have attained the mean mark, which is 50.

With those who have attained 50 and above, the remark would display true, and those that are 49 and below False will be what we expect.

2. In cell C3, write the conditional function If (B3>= 50, True(), False())

In our table, since the first column B3, Kengere is above average, the outcome will be true

3. Repeat the same process in the remaining cells

Method 2

Excel comes with inbuilt true and false functions. For example, if you type =TRUE() a TRUE value will be returned.

Alternatively if you type =FALSE() a false value will be returned

However, you don't have to use these functions under normal circumstances.  In the above table, TRUE represents 1 while False represents 0.

Knowing that we can apply it to make calculations. The formula multiplies the result of TRUE by 25 and vice versa


That was simple, is it so? Hoping the guide has been simple and useful as you notice how powerful a tool the true and false function is, and advancing your knowledge in its application will only make Excel desirable and easy to use

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