What is the term used for the variable that receives an argument that passed into a module group of answer choices?

Inside a function, the value of this depends on how the function is called. Think about this as a hidden parameter of a function — just like the parameters declared in the function definition, this is a binding that the language creates for you when the function body is evaluated.

For a typical function, the value of this is the object that the function is accessed on. In other words, if the function call is in the form obj.f(), then this refers to obj. For example:

function getThis() { return this; } const obj1 = { name: "obj1" }; const obj2 = { name: "obj2" }; obj1.getThis = getThis; obj2.getThis = getThis; console.log(obj1.getThis()); console.log(obj2.getThis());

Note how the function is the same, but based on how it's invoked, the value of this is different. This is analogous to how function parameters work.

The value of this is not the object that has the function as an own property, but the object that is used to call the function. You can prove this by calling a method of an object up in the prototype chain.

const obj3 = { __proto__: obj1, name: "obj3", }; console.log(obj3.getThis());

The value of this always changes based on how a function is called, even when the function was defined on an object at creation:

const obj4 = { name: "obj4", getThis() { return this; }, }; const obj5 = { name: "obj5" }; obj5.getThis = obj4.getThis; console.log(obj5.getThis());

If the value that the method is accessed on is a primitive, this will be a primitive value as well — but only if the function is in strict mode.

function getThisStrict() { "use strict"; return this; } Number.prototype.getThisStrict = getThisStrict; console.log(typeof (1).getThisStrict());

If the function is called without being accessed on anything, this will be undefined — but only if the function is in strict mode.

console.log(typeof getThisStrict());

In non-strict mode, a special process called this substitution ensures that the value of this is always an object. This means:

  • If a function is called with this set to undefined or null, this gets substituted with globalThis.
  • If the function is called with this set to a primitive value, this gets substituted with the primitive value's wrapper object.

function getThis() { return this; } Number.prototype.getThis = getThis; console.log(typeof (1).getThis()); console.log(getThis() === globalThis);

In typical function calls, this is implicitly passed like a parameter through the function's prefix (the part before the dot). You can also explicitly set the value of this using the Function.prototype.call(), Function.prototype.apply(), or Reflect.apply() methods. Using Function.prototype.bind(), you can create a new function with a specific value of this that doesn't change regardless of how the function is called. When using these methods, the this substitution rules above still apply if the function is non-strict.


When a function is passed as a callback, the value of this depends on how the callback is called, which is determined by the implementor of the API. Callbacks are typically called with a this value of undefined (calling it directly without attaching it to any object), which means if the function is non–strict, the value of this is the global object (globalThis). This is the case for iterative array methods, the Promise() constructor, setTimeout(), etc.

function logThis() { "use strict"; console.log(this); } [1, 2, 3].forEach(logThis); setTimeout(logThis, 1000);

Some APIs allow you to set a this value for invocations of the callback. For example, all iterative array methods and related ones like Set.prototype.forEach() accept an optional thisArg parameter.

[1, 2, 3].forEach(logThis, { name: "obj" });

Occasionally, a callback is called with a this value other than undefined. For example, the reviver parameter of JSON.parse() and the replacer parameter of JSON.stringify() are both called with this set to the object that the property being parsed/serialized belongs to.

Arrow functions

In arrow functions, this retains the value of the enclosing lexical context's this. In other words, when evaluating an arrow function's body, the language does not create a new this binding.

For example, in global code, this is always globalThis regardless of strictness, because of the global context binding:

const globalObject = this; const foo = () => this; console.log(foo() === globalObject);

Arrow functions create a closure over the this value of its surrounding scope, which means arrow functions behave as if they are "auto-bound" — no matter how it's invoked, this is set to what it was when the function was created (in the example above, the global object). The same applies to arrow functions created inside other functions: their this remains that of the enclosing lexical context. See example below.

Furthermore, when invoking arrow functions using call(), bind(), or apply(), the thisArg parameter is ignored. You can still pass other arguments using these methods, though.

const obj = { name: "obj" }; console.log(foo.call(obj) === globalObject); const boundFoo = foo.bind(obj); console.log(boundFoo() === globalObject);


When a function is used as a constructor (with the new keyword), its this is bound to the new object being constructed, no matter which object the constructor function is accessed on. The value of this becomes the value of the new expression unless the constructor returns another non–primitive value.

function C() { this.a = 37; } let o = new C(); console.log(o.a); function C2() { this.a = 37; return { a: 38 }; } o = new C2(); console.log(o.a);

In the second example (C2), because an object was returned during construction, the new object that this was bound to gets discarded. (This essentially makes the statement this.a = 37; dead code. It's not exactly dead because it gets executed, but it can be eliminated with no outside effects.)


When a function is invoked in the super.method() form, the this inside the method function is the same value as the this value around the super.method() call, and is generally not equal to the object that super refers to. This is because super.method is not an object member access like the ones above — it's a special syntax with different binding rules. For examples, see the super reference.

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