This is the discovery, collection, and analysis of evidence found on computers and networks

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This is a List of Available Answers Options :

  1. forensics
  2. anthropology
  3. epistemology
  4. reduction

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Digital forensics: the discovery, collection, and analysis of evidence found on computers and networksSoftware theft: illegal act that occurs when someone steals software media, intentionally erases programs, illegally registers or activates a program or illegally copiesa programBusiness Software Alliance (BSA):alliance formed by major worldwide software companies to promote understanding of software piracyKeygen: program that creates software registration numbers and sometimes activation codesSoftware piracy: the unauthorized and illegal duplication of copyrighted softwareNetwork license: a legal agreement that allows multiple users to access software on the server simultaneouslySite license: a legal agreement that permits users to install software on multiple computers usually at a volume discountInformation theft: illegal act that occurs when someone steals personal or confidential infoEncryption: the process of converting data that is readable by humans into encoded characters to prevent unauthorized accessDecrypt: the process of decoding encrypted dataPlaintext: unencrypted, readable dataCiphertext: encrypted scrambled dataEncryption algorithm: a set of steps that can convert readable plaintext into unreadable ciphertextEncryption key: a set of characters that the originator of the data uses to encrypt the plaintext and the recipient of the data uses to decrypt the ciphertextPrivate key encryption: encryption method where both the originator and the recipientuse the same secret key to encrypt and decrypt the dataPublic encryption key: encryption method that uses two encryption keys a public key and a private keyVirtual Private Network (VPN):network that provides a mobile user with a secure connection to a company network server as if the user has a private lineDigital signature: an encrypted code that a person, website, or organization attaches to an electronic message to verify the identity of the message senderDigital certificate: a notice that guarantees a user or a website is legitimateSecure site:a website that uses encryption techniques to secure its dataCertificate Authority (CA):an organization that issues digital certificates

The use of computers to observe, record, and review an employee's use of a computer, including communications such as e-mail messages, keyboard activity (used to measure productivity), and Web sites visited.

online or internet based illegal acts such as distributing malicious software or committing identity theft

someone who accesses a computer or network illegally

someone who accesses a computer or network illegallly with the intent of destroying data, stealing information, or other malicious action

a potentially damaging computer program that affectrs, or infects, a computer negatively by altering the way the computer works without the user's knowledge or permission

malware that resides in active memory and replicates itself over a network to infect machines, using up the system resources and possibly shutting down the system

a destructive program disguised as a real program, such as a screen saver

malware that easily can hide and allow someone to take full control of a computer from a remote location, often for nefarious purposes

a group of compromised computers or mobile devices connected to a network such as the internet that are used to attack other networks, usually for nefarious purposes

a compromised computer or device whose owner is unaware the computer or device is being controled remotely by an outsider

a program or set of instructions in a program that allows users to bypass security controls when accessing a program, computer, or network

hardware and/or software that protect a network's resources from intrusion by users on another network such as the Internet

aka AUP; outlines the activities for which a computer and network may and may not be used

a numeric password; aka personal identification number

the discovery, collection, and analysis of evidence found on computers and networks

a technique that some software manufactuerers use to ensure that you do not install software on more computers than legally licensed

illegal act that occurs when someone steals person or confidential information

the process of converting data that is readable by human into encoded characters to prevent unauthorized access

device that uses electrical components to provide a stable current flow and minimize the chances of an overvoltage reaching the computer and other electronic equipment

computer that has duplicate components so that it can continue to operate when one of its main components fails

aka uninterruptible power supply; a device that contains surge protection circuits and one or more batteries that can provide power during a temporary or permanent loss of power

any event or action that could cause a loss of or damage to computer or mobile device hardware, software, data, information, or processing capabilty

software that acts without a user's knowledge and deliberately alters the computer's operations;; aka malicious software

technique intruders use to make their network or internet transmission appear legitimate to a victim computer or network

license agreement included with software purchased by individual users

a legal agreement that allows multiple users to access software on the server simultaneously

a website that uses encryption techniques to secure its data

a written guidelines that helps determine whether a specific action is ethical/unethical or allowed/not allowed

an unsolicited email message or posting sent to many recipients or forums at once

a scam in which a perpetrator attempts to obtain your and/or financial information

the process of restricting access to certain material

the use of computers, mobile devices, or cameras to observe, record, and review an employee's use of a technology, including communications such as email messages, keyboard activity, and websites visited

a legal agreement that permits users to install software on multiple computers, usually at a volume discount

Who you purchase software or have something installed, you are allowed to intall it on your computer, but not allowed to give the CD or DVD to another person.
What type of license agreement is this?

Companies using a single-user agreement, know by reading a computers ___ ________.

If attempted to give someone else a CD or DVD, while using a single-user agreement, what could happen?

the DVD or CD could be wiped

Cite licenses cost [ MORE or LESS] than individual licenses

publishers allow organizations to purchase the righrs for software use on multiple computers

What is a network license?

the software is installed on the server and not individual computers

a federal law that's suppossed to prevent organizations from collecting data the company's don't need

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