The population of a town three years ago was b and the population of the town

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Ohio State University

Julia V.


3 months, 3 weeks ago

We don’t have your requested question, but here is a suggested video that might help.

The population of a town grows exponentially according to the function $$f(t)=12,400(1.14)^{t}$$ for $0 \leq t \leq 5$ years. Find, to the nearest hundred, the population of the town when $t$ is a. 3 years b. 4.25 years

You are probably trying to find “the population of a town three years ago was b”, good news, Free Homework India makes it really easy for any kid to to their homework in a matter of minutes, and totally for free, like 56 users have done in the last 10 minutes and 476 in the last hour. We save on average 150 hours per year on students.

This answer is categorized in the subject Math and for level Secondary School. 12 students answered this yesterday from cities such as Pithāpuram, Negapatam and Trichinopoly.


The population of a town three years ago was ‘b’ and the population of the town three years from now will be ‘c’. What is the current population of the town, if it grows at the same rate? (a) √(bc) (b) b√(c) (c) c√(b) (d) b√(b/c) (e) √(b/c)


your correct answer is√bc

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  • a) square root of bc Late the population increases at the rate of r per year and present population is x, then b[1+(r/100)]^3 = x =>[1+(r/100)]^3 = x/b Also x[1+(r/100)]^3=c => x*x/b= c or x^2= bc

    Hence x= Sqrt(bc)

  • 5 years agoHelpfull: Yes(23) No(4)
  • From that Late the population increases at the rate of r per year and present population is x, then b[1+(r/100)]^3 = x =>[1+(r/100)]^3 = x/b Also x[1+(r/100)]^3=c => x*x/b= c or x^2= bc

    Hence x= Sqrt(bc)

  • 3 years agoHelpfull: Yes(1) No(1)

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