The best things in life are free but you can give them to the birds and bees meaning

Are you looking for a way to teach your kids about sex? The classic idiom, “The birds and the bees,” is a great way to introduce them to a topic, with parents using it for the last century to teach their kids about sex. This post unpacks the meaning and origin of this expression.

The expression “birds and bees” is a reference to sexual education. It’s an old saying that came about in the last century.

Parents use the “birds and bees” as a cover story for describing the reproductive cycle to their kids. The birds and the bees are pollinators, and they help to bring life to the garden by spreading the pollen from flower to flower.

It’s common for parents to use this idiomatic expression to avoid the necessity of speaking to their kids about sex. If a child is very young and asks where babies come from, you might traumatize them by giving them the actual explanation.

So, using the expression and the story of the birds and bees gives parents a subtle way of explaining the nuances of sex and the reproductive cycle. They don’t have to get graphic, and the child understands the basics of the topic.

Example Usage

“So kids, the birds and the bees are the reason why we have babies. Ask your parents more about it when you get home, and they’ll tell you the story.”

“I remember when we were young, there was no such thing as Pornhub. We had to learn about the birds and the bees from our parents.”

“There’s nothing more embarrassing than when your 6-year-old asks you about the birds and the bees. I didn’t know what to say or how to react.”

“Kids need to learn about the birds and the bees in school., That’s what we pay the school system for, and they should have the right way to present to kids.”

“Long gone are the days when kids would learn about the birds and the bees from their parents. Nowadays, kids are learning about trans rights by the time they are in grade school.”

“We learned about the birds and the bees from our parents, not the teachers at school. Who gave them the right to speak to my kid about these things?”

The best things in life are free but you can give them to the birds and bees meaning
The best things in life are free but you can give them to the birds and bees meaning


The expression “birds and bees” originates from the 1920s. The first reference to the birds and bees relating to sex education comes from 1929. A piece in the West Virginia newspaper, “The Charleston Gazette,” published the saying as follows in November 1929.

“You never talked about them or even recognized nice crooning little babies until they were already here. Even then, the mothers pretended to be surprised. It [sex] was whispered about but never mentioned in public. Curious and unafraid, we looked into sex and found it perfectly natural, in the flowers and the trees, the birds and the bees.”

Phrases Similar to Bird and Bees

  • Netflix and chill.
  • How’s your father?

Phrases Opposite to Bird and Bees

  • Unknown.

What is the Correct Saying?

  • The birds and bees.

Ways People May Say Bird and Bees Incorrectly

The saying has nothing to do with birds and bees. It explains the reproductive cycle and a story many parents tell their kids after they ask them where babies come from.

Every parent has to have this talk with their child sooner or later, and introducing them through a harmless innuendo is the preferred choice for many.

Acceptable Ways to Phrase Bird and Bees

You can use the saying “the birds and the bees” when you’re trying to be polite and avoid using sex-based words around kids and in other formal situations where people might find mentioning sexual terms crass.

If you’re around your young children and they ask you where babies come from, it’s a suitable way to introduce them to the reproductive cycle. If you’re around your grandparents, you could use it in conversation to replace sex-based language as a sign of respect to them.


  • 1 Meaning
  • 2 Example Usage
  • 3 Origin
  • 4 Phrases Similar to Bird and Bees
  • 5 Phrases Opposite to Bird and Bees
  • 6 What is the Correct Saying?
  • 7 Ways People May Say Bird and Bees Incorrectly
  • 8 Acceptable Ways to Phrase Bird and Bees

This is not true. Do not give the best things to the birds and bees. I don’t want money. Well, I mean I do (employer, don’t keep my paycheck!) but I’m not looking for more exactly. I’m looking to be smarter with my money.

I wouldn’t go so far as to say I’m obsessed but I do go through phases where I am particularly…intense about our finances. It starts the same way every time. I start wondering how we could be more engaged and aware of our financial choices. Are we making the best choices? Are we saving enough? How’s that 401K looking?

Then I start asking everyone I know how they do their finances. How do you budget? What resources do you use to guide your choices? How do you and your partner discuss and make these decisions? When you’re looking at debt versus savings how do you prioritize?

The best things in life are free but you can give them to the birds and bees meaning

I don’t have ideas of retiring at 35 or paying off our mortgage next year or something else lofty and outrageous. I don’t want to us to sacrifice having fun and living comfortably. With my recent”obsession” into finance I’ve checked out some rather extreme financial lifestyles, particularly Mr. Money Mustache and The Frugalwoods. I also recently peeked at The Power of Thrift, the blog of a lawyer who retired in mid-thirties. These are not our destiny. Even if I was on this path, I think I’d be very much on my own! They do; however, provide some inspiration and helpful tips.

The most practical thing to do when thinking financially is obviously a budget. I’ve recently started using You Need a Budget (YNAB) at the suggestion of my friend Chrissy (check out her blog post on YNAB and finances). I can’t say it’s changed my life yet (although I’ve been told repeatedly that it will) but I did spend a few hours yesterday crunching numbers and creating some goals for our household which left me feeling pretty empowered. I’ve tried using the traditional excel spreadsheet and other websites like but never felt like I had a very good handle on things. I’m hopeful YNAB will be a good tool to be more engaged with our money as well as more proactive about our goals.

I feel strongly that Tyler and I are doing well for ourselves BUT I have also learned from both life and my parents that financial stability is something you work for. You cannot be a  passive spectator and expect things to work out the way you want. It takes planning and a awareness. I don’t want to wonder whether or not we can retire when we approach that stage. Ideally, we will never be in the situation where we are left wondering how we are going to pay for an emergency. We will be prepared for rainy days. This isn’t something we can really guarantee but it is something we can strive for.

So here’s to adulting and financial preparedness! Oh, dirty thirty- you are so damn practical.

The best things in life are free but you can give them to the birds and bees meaning

What is the meaning of the metaphor the birds and the bees?

The phrase "the birds and the bees" is a term used to explain the mechanics of reproduction to younger children, relying on the imagery of bees pollinating and eggs hatching to substitute for a more technical explanation of sexual intercourse.

Where does the phrase the birds and the bees come from?

Finegan found “birds and bees” used together in a 1644 entry in the “Evelyn Diary.” The diary, considered one of the principal literary sources for life and manners in 17th century England, was published about 100 years after the death of its author, John Evelyn.