Localhost is currently unable to handle this request. http error 500 laravel

Last updated 3 months ago.

500 can cause for many reasons, from permissions, missing extension, to even a mistype in the code. take a look at your PHP log and the apache log to see what's wrong

It was caught on the middleware on veriftycsrf.

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Localhost is currently unable to handle this request. http error 500 laravel

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Questions : laravel 5.5 HTTP ERROR 500 unable to handle this request

2022-08-05T05:19:26+00:00 2022-08-05T05:19:26+00:00


My old Project use Laravel 5.4.17 It can anycodings_laravel-5 work in server normally.But new Project use anycodings_laravel-5 Laravel 5.5.4 It can't work when route in anycodings_laravel-5 root/public " mydomain.com/root/public is anycodings_laravel-5 currently unable to handle this anycodings_laravel-5 request. HTTP ERROR 500". Is it a problem anycodings_laravel-5 with the version of php? Because current php anycodings_laravel-5 version is 5.6.23. Laravel 5.5 require php anycodings_laravel-5 7.0? Do you think I'm right?

Total Answers 6


Answers 1 : of laravel 5.5 HTTP ERROR 500 unable to handle this request

I hope, You already do this.

  • You should change those public facing permissions to 644.
  • Change the Storage folder permission to 777.
  • Check the logs.
  • Make sure you configured nginx properly and then restart nginx.
  • Should you be sure the APP_KEY is in the .env file.
  • You should run php artisan config:clear after any changes to .env.


2022-08-05T05:19:26+00:00 2022-08-05T05:19:26+00:00Answer Link



Answers 2 : of laravel 5.5 HTTP ERROR 500 unable to handle this request

For Laravel 5.5 you need following anycodings_laravel-5.5 server requirement

The Laravel framework has a few system anycodings_laravel-5.5 requirements. Of course, all of these anycodings_laravel-5.5 requirements are satisfied by the anycodings_laravel-5.5 Laravel Homestead virtual machine, so anycodings_laravel-5.5 it's highly recommended that you use anycodings_laravel-5.5 Homestead as your local Laravel anycodings_laravel-5.5 development environment.

However, if you are not using Homestead, anycodings_laravel-5.5 you will need to make sure your server anycodings_laravel-5.5 meets the following requirements:

PHP >= 7.0.0 OpenSSL PHP Extension PDO PHP Extension Mbstring PHP Extension Tokenizer PHP Extension XML PHP Extension

Ref: https://laravel.com/docs/5.5#server-requirements


2022-08-05T05:19:26+00:00 2022-08-05T05:19:26+00:00Answer Link



Answers 3 : of laravel 5.5 HTTP ERROR 500 unable to handle this request

I had the same issue on Laravel 8, turns anycodings_laravel-5.5 out the problem arose from interrupting anycodings_laravel-5.5 a composer update process.

If you are in the same situation, just anycodings_laravel-5.5 run composer update, that should fix it.


2022-08-05T05:19:26+00:00 2022-08-05T05:19:26+00:00Answer Link



Answers 4 : of laravel 5.5 HTTP ERROR 500 unable to handle this request

I use Manjaro Linux. I installed Apache, anycodings_laravel-5.5 MySQL, Php, PhpMyAdmin separately (not anycodings_laravel-5.5 using lampp)

this issue "localhost is currently anycodings_laravel-5.5 unable to handle this request" appears anycodings_laravel-5.5 because we have to enable display_error anycodings_laravel-5.5 in the php configuration located at


switch display error to on

display_errors = On


display_startup_errors = On

then restart apache server

sudo systemctl server restarting httpd

then information about the error will anycodings_laravel-5.5 appear in your browser


2022-08-05T05:19:26+00:00 2022-08-05T05:19:26+00:00Answer Link



Answers 5 : of laravel 5.5 HTTP ERROR 500 unable to handle this request

I faced this problem too many times, the anycodings_laravel-5.5 solution was to run #composer install anycodings_laravel-5.5 and/or #composer update to update the anycodings_laravel-5.5 composer dependencies packages, or you anycodings_laravel-5.5 might even lost the .htaccess file anycodings_laravel-5.5 during moving/copying the files in the anycodings_laravel-5.5 live server


2022-08-05T05:19:26+00:00 2022-08-05T05:19:26+00:00Answer Link



Answers 6 : of laravel 5.5 HTTP ERROR 500 unable to handle this request

For Laravel 8 in docker, you might want anycodings_laravel-5.5 to change the permission of your storage anycodings_laravel-5.5 folder.

sudo chmod -R 777 storage


2022-08-05T05:19:26+00:00 2022-08-05T05:19:26+00:00Answer Link


How do I fix error 500 in laravel?

This fixed my 500 error on a fresh install of Laravel..
Create a . env file in root (e.g. touch . env ).
Make sure it contains at least one line: APP_KEY=.
Generate an app key in terminal: php artisan key:generate..

How do I fix this is currently unable to handle this request http error 500?

How to Fix the 500 Internal Server Error in WordPress.
Back up your website..
Enable the WordPress debugging feature..
Deactivate your plugins..
Disable your currently active theme..
Check your . htaccess file..
Check your PHP memory limit..
Replace your WordPress core files..

Can T currently handle this request laravel?

6 Answers.
You should change those public facing permissions to 644..
Change the Storage folder permission to 777..
Check the logs..
Make sure you configured nginx properly and then restart nginx..
Should you be sure the APP_KEY is in the . env file..
You should run php artisan config:clear after any changes to . env..

What does HTTP Error 500 mean?

The HTTP status code 500 is a generic error response. It means that the server encountered an unexpected condition that prevented it from fulfilling the request. This error is usually returned by the server when no other error code is suitable.