Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (not found) image


angularJS를 사용하는데.. img를 가져오는데 resource에서 상대경로로 이상한 resource를 가져오는것이 아닌가? -_-;;

그래서 오류가..<img src="{{item.imageUrl}}"~~블라블라~~ 

item.imageUrl 부분에서 났다.

<<오류 내용>>

Resource쪽 확인 - 이상한 값이 들어가 있다..why? ㅠㅠ 

원인은 바로.. img src부분에서  agularJS의 {{item.imgeUrl}}이 src에서 오동작을 하는것 같다.

ng-src로 바꿔주는 깔끔하게 잘돌아간다!!


<img ng-src="{{item.imageUrl}}"

  - 끝 -




'Front > AngularJS' 카테고리의 다른 글

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  • Mat


    Hello @joyryde ,

    Thank you for using Neve and for reaching out!

    Can you please go into your Dashboard > Media Gallery and delete the mentioned photo?

    This error has no impact on the website functionality or performance however if you are trying to make it disappear that would be one of the ways.

    Also, please go through your website pages and see if there is any block using this image. In case you find it, please delete it and see if the issue persists.

    Thank you and please let us know if this worked for you!

    There is no such file on our website.

    “No media files found.”

    Hi, Facing an issue with Neve theme as not able to create a New Post or edit an old post

    I keep getting error message like Elementor#1495 or some content file is missing

    Can you help with the same.

    My website : //

    It says you must call the_content function to work in the template.

    Let me know


    Hi @joyryde!

    The warning may occur due to a caching issue so please try to clear the cache (browser and plugin, if you are using any caching plugin) and check if the warning disappears.

    @ani4you please create a new topic regarding your issue on this page and provide us your site URL and more information about the problem.

    Thank you and have a nice day!

    Our cache is cleared dozens of times per day, and this error appears in every browser on every device.

    Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 () neve-pet-shop-03.jpg:1



    Themeisle Support

    Hi @joyryde,

    This issue happens when the browser is not able to load files from the server’s resources. In your case, it looks like the issue is coming from an image.

    Here are the things that you can try.
    1. From your WordPress Dashboard > Settings > General.
    Make sure that the WordPress URL and Site URL is exactly the same.
    Click Save Changes and check the site again if the error no longer displays on the console.

    2. Deactivate all plugins and check if the error in the console still appears.

    3. If the first two did not work, you can try replacing the missing resource. I’m referring to this image: neve-pet-shop-03.jpg. If no such image on your Media Library, you can try accessing your file manager. Go to your wp-content/uploads, delete the file from there.

    If nothing works, please reach out to your host so they can assist you in locating this file.

    Hope that helps.

    neve-pet-shop-03.jpg:1 is not an image from our website. So this answer doesn’t apply to us. This is a flaw of the theme itself.



    Hello @joyryde ,

    Thank you for your reply!

    As @purplecodes suggested, please reach out to your hosting provider to help out with removing files that are not needed in your wp instance. If you have used our Pet Shop starter site (which includes this exact photo) to build your website, it might have gotten lost while editing and the information left on the instance.

    The easiest way to remove that error is to try accessing your file manager( you can use the WP File Manager plugin). Go to your wp-content/uploads, delete the file from there and you should be ok afterward.

    Thank you and please let us know if this worked for you!

    The problem isn’t that there IS some random image called neve-pet-shop-03:1. The problem is that the theme is trying to pod some image called neve-pet-shop-03:1 that doesn’t exist.



    Hello @joyryde ,

    You can also try to activate a default theme like 2021, delete Neve then install it again and activate it again. It should refresh the content and the error should dissapear.

    Please make sure to create a backup of your website before committing to any changes.

    Thank you and please let us know if this worked for you!

    I fixed it, I used code editor; the block editor had code left over from the theme that failed to update when the blocks were edited in wordpress. I removed all of the code that had failed to properly update an the issue is resolved.


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