Of the two classes Cola and Soda, which would most likely be the subclass

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The TF2 Complete Subclasses Guide


Heyo !Today, you people will see a pretty basic guide which covers every subclasses available in TF2 !It must be taken into consideration though that a class must be played differently enough from it's original counterpart to be deemed a "subclass".Also, since we are talking about subclasses and the line between competitively viable ones (Demoknight, Pybro, Battle Engie), the gimmick ones (Fat Scout, Paratrooper, Pyroshark), the joke ones (Trolldier, Demopan) and, finally, the friendly ones (Hoovy, Spycrab), can sometimes be blurry, I will sort them into four different categories :- Competitive (Strategic, competitively viable subclasses)- Gimmick (Situational, slightly less effective subclasses, but can sometimes have limited to complete competitive use)- Joke (Fun, interesting subclasses, which have varying viability from one to another)- Friendly (Derivative of the "Joke" subclasses, revolving around befriending both allies and opponents).To avoid any confusion, I'll also divide the roles of each subclass into multiple categories (Each subclasses have two roles) :- Offensive : Better for offensive strategies.- Defensive : Better for defensive strategies.- Support : Better for supporting teammates.- Power : Is more efficient for direct combat.- All-Rounder : Is a jack of all trades for combat-centered strategies.- Flank : Is more efficient for ambushes.- Pick : Is better at picking a specific player for a short amount of time.- Distraction : Is better at distracting enemies.

With that said, let's just hop it in right now !

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