Chuck und larry – wie feuer und flamme stream

Um ihre Altersvorsorge zu sichern, täuschen zwei heterosexuelle Feuerwehrmänner eine Ehe vor - mit turbulenten Konsequenzen


I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry

Sie sind zusammen durchs Feuer gegangen. Da kann Chuck nicht nein sagen, als Kumpel Larry ihn um einen pikanten Gefallen bittet: Um seine Kinder abzusichern, braucht der Witwer dringend einen neuen Partner – pedantische Vertragsklausel. Zähneknirschend zieht Frauenheld Chuck bei Larry ein und tritt im liberalen Kanada sogar mit ihm vor den Altar. Doch die Versicherung wittert den Betrug und lässt das junge Glück von einem Beamten überprüfen. Diskriminierung! Die schnucklige Bürgerrechtsanwältin Alex vertritt den brenzligen Fall. Chuck ist sturzverliebt, darf aber nicht ran. Denn offiziell ist er ja schwul ... Ganz ehrlich? Man könnte sich über „Chuck und Larry“ ärgern. Dass kein Geringerer als Alexander Payne (Oscar für „Sideways“) als Skript-Doktor am Werk war, ist kaum zu merken: platte Stereotypen, albern antiquiert – zumindest für Europäer. Andererseits zielt dieser Film auf eine Klientel ab, die keine zehn Pferde in „Brokeback Mountain“ kriegen würden. Adam Sandlers Fans (und in den USA ist das die breite Masse) beförderten die harmlose Klamotte pronto auf Platz 1 der Kinocharts: That’s entertainment, man! Sogar jener homophobe „Sandlerista“, der im Internet schimpft, Kanada werde als eine Nation von „gay lovers“ verfemt, hat gegrölt. Als Plädoyer für mehr Toleranz kommt der Klamauk arg plump daher. Aber die Message – vorgetragen im gewohnt derben Sandler-Ton – ist unmissverständlich: „Jeder hat das Recht, sich in den Hintern zu schieben, was immer er will.“

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Chuck Levine and Larry Valentine are friends and Brooklyn firefighting partners. Widower Larry, who still mourns the death of his wife Paula, is having problems changing the beneficiary on his insurance policy from Paula's name to his children's. He is worried about his children's future if he were to be killed in the line of duty, and is contemplating quitting his job for something less risky, but he also does not want to forfeit his firefighter's pension as he also see it as a safety net for his children. Larry saves Chuck's life on one of their calls. So when Chuck tells Larry that he owes him one, Larry takes him up on his offer. Larry's favor: despite both being heterosexual, that they enter into a domestic partnership, in name and paper only, to provide that much needed protection for Larry's children. Chronic womanizer Chuck reluctantly but eventually agrees. The one person who knows for a certainty that they are both straight is their boss, Captain Phineas J. Tucker. Their plan hits a snag when Larry believes that they are being investigated by the pension department for possible fraud, which means that Chuck has to move in with him and his kids. They consult the advice of a lawyer, Alex McDonough, who adds an extra layer of complexity to the situation as Chuck in particular is attracted to her and believes she could be the one and only for him. Her legal advice coupled with her wanting Chuck to be her new best girlfriend makes it even harder on him. —Huggo

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Quite a bit better than advertised

In "I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry," Adam Sandler and Kevin James play two New York City fire fighters who pretend to be gay so that Larry's two kids can be raised by Chuck in the event of Larry's untimely death (Larry's wife has been dead for two years and he has not been able to bring himself to date another woman in all that time). The hitch is that to bring this about, the two of them will have to officially register as "domestic partners." Originally, they intend on keeping their "relationship" a secret, but when the government starts sending inspectors around to verify the validity of their claim, Chuck and Larry are left with the choice of admitting to the scam and going to jail or convincing everyone around them that they are indeed an actual couple.As a "high concept" comedy, "I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry" is pretty much a contrived manufacture from the get-go, mixing equal parts humor and sentiment in an attempt to play to the broadest possible audience - which is probably the only way the filmmakers could reasonably have gone with material this dicey. Yet, while the movie traffics in any number of lame stereotypes (gay as well as ethnic), it also has some important things to say about equality and acceptance in an ever changing world. The script achieves about a 50/50 ration in its humor - about half the jokes are zingers while the other half are clunkers - but the movie's heart is definitely in the right place, so much so that you will forgive the filmmakers when the story turns all heavy-handed and preachy towards the end, in what is surely one of the least plausible courtroom scenes in motion picture history. As compensation, the movie actually places its characters in some pretty sticky moral dilemmas at times, the prime one being that, much as we may like and admire Chuck and Larry for all the social barriers they are tearing down, we still hear that little nagging voice in the back of our heads telling us that they are defrauding the public and breaking the law while doing so. Such moral ambiguity is actually a pretty rare commodity for a mainstream American comedy these days.Sandler and James imbue their roles with a great deal of charm and gusto, and they receive strong support from Dan Aykroyd, Jessica Biel, Ving Rhames and Steve Buscemi.

"I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry" certainly isn't up to the level of "Knocked Up" or "Superbad," its summer 2007 comedy contemporaries, but neither is it the cinematic disaster most of the critics have accused it of being. It's an uneven but largely likable romp that makes you feel good about the world when it's over.

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By what name was I Now Pronounce You Chuck & Larry (2007) officially released in India in English?


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