A packet with an invalid signature field in the header was received on an SMB2 connection

Application Inspection triggers are composed of user-defined code that automatically executes on system events through the ExtraHop trigger API. By writing triggers, you can collect custom metric data about the activities on your network. In addition, triggers can perform operations on protocol messages (such as an HTTP request) before the packet is discarded.

The ExtraHop system monitors, extracts, and records a core set of Layer 7 (L7) metrics for devices on the network, such as response counts, error counts, and processing times. After these metrics are recorded for a given L7 protocol, the packets are discarded, freeing resources for continued processing.

Triggers enable you to:

  • Generate and store custom metrics to the internal datastore of the ExtraHop system. For example, while the ExtraHop system does not collect information about which user agent generated an HTTP request, you can generate and collect that level of detail by writing a trigger and committing the data to the datastore. You can also view custom data that is stored in the datastore by creating custom metrics pages and displaying those metrics through the Metric Explorer and dashboards.
  • Generate and send records for long-term storage and retrieval to a recordstore.
  • Create a user-defined application that collects metrics across multiple types of network traffic to capture information with cross-tier impact. For example, to gain a unified view of all the network traffic associated with a website—from web transactions to DNS requests and responses to database transactions—you can create an application that contains all of these website-related metrics.
  • Generate custom metrics and send the information to syslog consumers such as Splunk, or to third party databases such as MongoDB or Kafka.
  • Initiate a packet capture to record individual flows based on user-specified criteria. You can download captured flows and process them through third-party tools. Your ExtraHop system must be licensed for packet capture to access this feature.

The purpose of this guide is to provide reference material when writing the blocks of JavaScript code that run when trigger conditions are met. The Trigger API resources section contains a list of topics that provide a comprehensive overview of trigger concepts and procedures.

The ExtraHop Trigger API enables you to create custom metrics that collect data about your environment, beyond what is provided by built-in protocol metrics.

You can create custom metrics of the following data types:


The number of metric events that occurred over a specific time range. For example, to record information about the number of HTTP requests over time, select a top-level count metric. You could also select a detail count metric to record information about the number of times clients accessed a server, with the IPAddress key and an integer representing the number of accesses as a value.

snapshot A special type of count metric that, when queried over time, returns the most recent value (such as TCP established connections). distinct The estimated number of unique items observed over time, such as the number of unique ports that received SYN packets, where a high number might indicate port scanning. dataset A statistical summary of timing information, such as 5-number summary: min, 25th-percentile, median, 75th-percentile, max. For example, to record information about HTTP processing time over time, select a top-level dataset metric. sampleset A statistical summary of timing information, such as mean and standard deviation. For example, to record information about the length of time it took the server to process each URI, select a detail sampleset with the URI string key and an integer representing processing time as a value. max A special type of count metric that preserves the maximum. For example, to record the slowest HTTP statements over time without relying on a session table, select a top-level and a detail max metric.

Custom metrics are supported for the following source types:

  • Application
  • Device
  • Network
  • FlowInterface
  • FlowNetwork

For more information about the differences between top-level and detail metrics, see the Metrics FAQ.

Global functions can be called on any event.

cache (key: String, valueFn: () => Any): Any Caches the specified parameters in a table to enable efficient lookup and return of large data sets. key: String An identifier that indicates the location of the cached value. A key must be unique within a trigger. valueFn: () => Any A zero-argument function that returns a non-null value.

In the following example, the cache method is called with large amounts of data hard-coded into the trigger script:

let storeLookup = cache("storesByNumber", () => ({ 1 : "Newark", 2 : "Paul", 3 : "Newark", 4 : "St Paul"// 620 lines omitted })); var storeCity; var query = HTTP.parseQuery(HTTP.query); if (query.storeCode) { storeCity = storeLookup[parseInt(query.storeCode)]; }

In the following example, a list of known user agents in a JBoss trigger is normalized before it is compared with the observed user agent. The trigger converts the list to lowercase and trims excess whitespace, and then caches the entries.

function jbossUserAgents() { return [ // Add your own user agents here, followed by a comma "Gecko-like (Edge 14.0; Windows 10; Silverlight or similar)", "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_10_5) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/51.0.2704.79 Safari/537.36", "Mozilla/5.0 (Android)" ].map(ua => ua.trim().toLowerCase()); } var badUserAgents = cache("badUserAgents", jbossUserAgents); commitDetection (type: String, options: Object) Generates a detection on the ExtraHop Discover or Command appliance. type: String A user-defined type for the definition, such as brute_force_attack. You can hide multiple detections with the same type by creating a detection rule. The string can only contain letters, numbers, and underscores. options: Object An object that specifies the following properties for the detection: title: String A user-defined title that identifies the detection. description: String A description of the detection. categories: Array of Strings An array of categories the detection can be assigned to. You can filter detections by category in the ExtraHop Web UI.

The following values are valid for the related Web UI categories:

Value Category
sec Security
sec.action Actions on Objective
sec.botnet Botnet
sec.caution Caution
sec.command Command & Control
sec.cryptomining Cryptomining
sec.dos Denial of Service
sec.exploit Exploitation
sec.exfil Exfiltration
sec.lateral Lateral Movement
sec.ransomware Ransomware
sec.recon Reconnaissance
perf Performance
perf.auth Authorization & Access Control
perf.db Database
perf.network Network Infrastructure
perf.service Service Degradation
perf.storage Storage
perf.virtual Desktop & App Virtualization
perf.web Web Application

riskScore: Number | null An optional number between 1 and 99 that represents the risk score of the detection. participants: Array of Objects An optional array of participant objects associated with the detection. A participant object must contain the following properties: object: Object The Device, Application, or IP address object associated with the participant. role: String The role of the participant in the detection. The following values are valid: identityKey: String | null A unique identifier that enables ongoing detections. If multiple detections with the same identity key and detection type are generated within 60 minutes, the detections are consolidated into a single ongoing detection.
Note:If an appliance is generating a large number of detections with unique identity keys, the appliance might fail to consolidate some ongoing detections. However, the appliance will not generate more than 250 individual detections for a trigger in a day.
commitRecord (id: String, record: Object): void Commits a custom record object to the Explore appliance or third-party recordstore. id: String The ID of the record type to be created. The ID cannot begin with a tilde (~). record: Object An object containing a list of property and value pairs to be committed to the ExtraHop Explore appliance as a custom record.

The following properties are automatically added to records and are not represented on the objects returned by the built-in record accessors, such as HTTP.record:

  • ex
  • flowID
  • client
  • clientAddr
  • clientPort
  • receiver
  • receiverAddr
  • receiverPort
  • sender
  • senderAddr
  • senderPort
  • server
  • serverAddr
  • serverPort
  • timestamp
  • vlan

For example, to access the flowID property in an HTTP record, you would include HTTP.record.Flow.id in your statement.

Important:To avoid unexpected data in the record or an exception when the method is called, the property names listed above cannot be specified as a property name in custom records.

In addition, a property name in custom records cannot contain any of the following characters:

  • "." - period
  • ":" - colon
  • "[" and "]" - square brackets

In the following example, the two property and value pairs that have been added to the record variable are committed to a custom record by the commitRecord function:

var record = { field1: 'myfield1', field2: 'myfield2' }; commitRecord('record_type_id', record);

On most events, you can commit a built-in record that contains default properties. For example, a built-in record such as the HTTP.record object can be the basis for a custom record.

The following example code commits a custom record that includes all of the built-in metrics from the HTTP.record object and an additional metric from the HTTP.headers property:

var record = Object.assign( {'server': HTTP.headers.server}, HTTP.record ); commitRecord(custom-http-record', record);

You can access a built-in record object on the following events:

Class Events







































debug (message: String): void Writes to the debug log if debugging is enabled. getTimestamp(): Number Returns the timestamp from the packet that caused the trigger event to run, expressed in milliseconds with microseconds as the fractional segment after the decimal. log (message: String): void Writes to the debug log regardless of whether debugging is enabled.

Multiple calls to debug and log statements in which the message is the same value will display once every 30 seconds.

The limit for debug log entries is 2048 bytes. To log larger entries, see Remote.Syslog.

md5 (message: String|Buffer): String Hashes the UTF-8 representation of the specified message Buffer object or string and returns the MD5 sum of the string. sha1 (message: String|Buffer): String Hashes the UTF-8 representation of the specified message Buffer object or string and returns the SHA-1 sum of the string. sha256 (message: String|Buffer): String Hashes the UTF-8 representation of the specified message Buffer object or string and returns the SHA-256 sum of the string. sha512 (message: String|Buffer): String Hashes the UTF-8 representation of the specified message Buffer object or string and returns the SHA-512 sum of the string. uuid(): String Returns a random version 4 Universally Unique Identifier (UUID).

The Trigger API classes in this section provide functionality that is broadly applicable across all events.

Class Description
Application Enables you to create new applications and adds custom metrics at the application level.
Buffer Enables you to access buffer content.
Device Enables you to retrieve device attributes and add custom metrics at the device level.
Discover Enables you to access newly discovered devices and applications.
Flow Flow refers to a conversation between two endpoints over a protocol such as TCP, UDP or ICMP. The Flow class provides access to elements of these conversations, such as endpoint IP addresses and age of the flow. The Flow class also contains a flow store designed to pass objects from request to response on the same flow.
FlowInterface Enables you to retrieve flow interface attributes and add custom metrics at the interface level.
FlowNetwork Enables you to retrieve flow network attributes and add custom metrics at the flow network level.
GeoIP Enables you to retrieve the approximate country-level or city-level location of a specific IP address.
IPAddress Enables you to retrieve IP address attributes.
Network Enables you to add custom metrics at the global level.
Session Enables you to access the session table,which supports coordination across multiple independently executing triggers.
System Enables you to access properties that identify the ExtraHop Discover appliance on which a trigger is running.
ThreatIntel Enables you to see whether an IP address, hostname, or URI is suspect.
Trigger Enables you to access details about a running trigger.
VLAN Enables you to access information about a VLAN on the network.

The Application class enables you collect metrics across multiple types of network traffic to capture information with cross-tier impact. For example, if you want a unified view of all the network traffic associated with a website—from web transactions to DNS requests and responses to database transactions—you can write a trigger to create a custom application that contains all of these related metrics. The Application class also enables you to create custom metrics and commit the metric data to applications. Applications can only be created and defined through triggers.

The methods in this section cannot be called directly on the Application class. You can only call these methods on specific Application class instances. For example, the following statement is valid:

Application("sampleApp").metricAddCount("responses", 1);

However, the following statement is invalid:

Application.metricAddCount("responses", 1); commit(id: String): void Creates an application, commits built-in metrics associated with the event to the application, and adds the application to any built-in or custom records committed during the event.

The application ID must be a string. For built-in application metrics, the metrics are committed only once, even if the commit() method is called multiple times on the same event.

The following statement creates an application named "myApp" and commits built-in metrics to the application:


If you plan to commit custom metrics to an application, you can create the application without calling the commit() method. For example, if the application does not already exist, the following statement creates the application and commits the custom metric to the application:

Application("myApp").metricAddCount("requests", 1);

You can call the Application.commit method only on the following events:

Metric types Event

Note that the commit will not occur if enterprise IDs are present in the NetFlow record.


metricAddCount (metric_name: String, count: Number, [options: Object]):void Creates a custom top-level count metric. Commits the metric data to the specified application. metric_name: String The name of the top-level count metric. count: Number The increment value. Must be a non-zero, positive signed 64-bit integer. A NaN value is silently discarded. options: Object An optional object that can contain the following property: highPrecision: Boolean A flag that enables one-second granularity for the custom metric when set to true. metricAddDetailCount (metric_name: String, key: String | IPAddress, count: Number, [options: Object]):void Creates a custom detail count metric by which you can drill down. Commits the metric data to the specified application. metric_name: String The name of the detail count metric. key: String | IPAddress The key specified for the detail metric. A null value is silently discarded. count: Number The increment value. Must be a non-zero, positive signed 64-bit integer. A NaN value is silently discarded. options: Object An optional object that can contain the following property: highPrecision: Boolean A flag that enables one-second granularity for the custom metric when set to true. metricAddDataset (metric_name: String, val: Number, [options: Object]):void Creates a custom top-level dataset metric. Commits the metric data to the specified application. metric_name: String The name of the top-level dataset metric. val: Number The observed value, such as a processing time. Must be a non-zero, positive signed 64-bit integer. A NaN value is silently discarded. options: Object An optional object that can contain the following properties: freq: Number An option that enables you to simultaneously record multiple occurrences of particular values in the dataset when set to the number of occurrences specified by the val parameter. If no value is specified, the default value is 1. highPrecision: Boolean A flag that enables one-second granularity for the custom metric when set to true. metricAddDetailDataset (metric_name: String, key: String | IPAddress, val: Number, [options: Object]):void Creates a customdetail  dataset metric by which you can drill down. Commits the metric data to the specified application. metric_name: String The name of the detail count metric. key: String | IPAddress The key specified for the detail metric. A null value is silently discarded. val: Number The observed value, such as a processing time. Must be a non-zero, positive signed 64-bit integer. A NaN value is silently discarded. options: Object An optional object that can contain the following properties: freq: Number An option that enables you to simultaneously record multiple occurrences of particular values in the dataset when set to the number of occurrences specified by the val parameter. If no value is specified, the default value is 1. highPrecision: Boolean A flag that enables one-second granularity for the custom metric when set to true. metricAddDistinct (metric_name: String, item: Number | String | IPAddress:void Creates a custom top-level distinct count metric. Commits the metric data to the specified application. metric_name: String The name of the top-level distinct count metric. item: Number | String | IPAddress The value to be placed into the HyperLogLog set specified by the metric_name parameter. The value is converted to a string before it is placed in the HyperLogLog set. metricAddDetailDistinct (metric_name: String, key: String | IPAddress, item: Number | String | IPAddress:void Creates a custom detail distinct count metric by which you can drill down. Commits the metric data to the specified application. metric_name: String The name of the detail distinct count metric. key: String | IPAddress The key specified for the detail metric. A null value is silently discarded. item: Number | String | IPAddress The value to be placed into the HyperLogLog set specified by the metric_name parameter. The value is converted to a string before it is placed in the HyperLogLog set. metricAddMax (metric_name: String, val: Number, [options: Object]):void Creates a custom top-level maximum metric. Commits the metric data to the specified application. metric_name: String The name of the top-level maximum metric. val: Number The observed value, such as a processing time. Must be a non-zero, positive signed 64-bit integer. A NaN value is silently discarded. options: Object An optional object that can contain the following properties: highPrecision: Boolean A flag that enables one-second granularity for the custom metric when set to true. metricAddDetailMax (metric_name: String, key: String | IPAddress, val: Number, [options: Object]):void Creates a custom detail maximum metric by which you can drill down. Commits the metric data to the specified application. metric_name: String The name of the detail maximum metric. key: String | IPAddress The key specified for the detail metric. A null value is silently discarded. val: Number The observed value, such as a processing time. Must be a non-zero, positive signed 64-bit integer. A NaN value is silently discarded. options: Object An optional object that can contain the following properties: highPrecision: Boolean A flag that enables one-second granularity for the custom metric when set to true. metricAddSampleset (metric_name: String, val: Number, [options: Object]):void Creates a custom top-level sampleset metric. Commits the metric data to the specified application. metric_name: String The name of the top-level sampleset metric. val: Number The observed value, such as a processing time. Must be a non-zero, positive signed 64-bit integer. A NaN value is silently discarded. options: Object An optional object that can contain the following properties: highPrecision: Boolean A flag that enables one-second granularity for the custom metric when set to true. metricAddDetailSampleset (metric_name: String, key: String | IPAddress, val: Number, [options: Object]):void Creates a custom detail sampleset metric by which you can drill down. Commits the metric data to the specified application. metric_name: String The name of the detail sampleset metric. key: String | IPAddress The key specified for the detail metric. A null value is silently discarded. val: Number The observed value, such as a processing time. Must be a non-zero, positive signed 64-bit integer. A NaN value is silently discarded. options: Object An optional object that can contain the following properties: highPrecision: Boolean A flag that enables one-second granularity for the custom metric when set to true. metricAddSnap (metric_name: String, count: Number, [options: Object]):void Creates a custom top-level snapshot metric. Commits the metric data to the specified application. metric_name: String The name of the top-level snapshot metric. count: Number The observed value, such as current established connections. Must be a non-zero, positive signed 64-bit integer. A NaN value is silently discarded. options: Object An optional object that can contain the following properties: highPrecision: Boolean A flag that enables one-second granularity for the custom metric when set to true. metricAddDetailSnap (metric_name: String, key: String | IPAddress, count: Number, [options: Object]):void Creates a custom detail snapshot metric by which you can drill down. Commits the metric data to the specified application. metric_name: String The name of the detail sampleset metric. key: String | IPAddress The key specified for the detail metric. A null value is silently discarded. count: Number The observed value, such as current established connections. Must be a non-zero, positive signed 64-bit integer. A NaN value is silently discarded. options: Object An optional object that can contain the following properties: highPrecision: Boolean A flag that enables one-second granularity for the custom metric when set to true. toString(): String Returns the Application object as a string in the following format:[object Application <application_id>]

id: String The unique ID of the application, as shown in the ExtraHop Web UI on the page for that application.

  • Example: Create an application container

The Buffer class provides access to binary data.

A buffer is an object with the characteristics of an array. Each element in the array is a number between 0 and 255, representing one byte. Each buffer object has a length property (the number of items in an array) and a square bracket operator.

Encrypted payload is not decrypted for TCP and UDP payload analysis.

UDP_PAYLOAD requires a matching string but TCP_PAYLOAD does not. If you do not specify a matching string for TCP_PAYLOAD, the trigger runs one time after the first N bytes of payload.

decode(type: String): String Interprets the contents of the buffer and returns a string with one of the following options: equals(buffer: Buffer): Boolean Performs an equality test between Buffer objects, where buffer is the object to be compared against. slice(start: Number, [end: Number]): Buffer Returns the specified bytes in a buffer as a new buffer. Bytes are selected starting at the given start argument and ending at (but not including) the end argument. start: Number Integer that specifies where to start the selection. Specify negative numbers to select from the end of a buffer. This is zero-based. end: Number Optional integer that specifies where to end the selection. If omitted, all elements from the start position and to the end of the buffer will be selected. Specify negative numbers to select from the end of a buffer. This is zero-based. toString(): String Converts the buffer to a string. unpack(format: String, [offset: Number]): Array Processes binary or fixed-width data from any buffer object, such as one returned by HTTP.payload, Flow.client.payload, or Flow.sender.payload, according to the given format string and, optionally, at the specified offset.

Returns a JavaScript array that contains one or more unpacked fields and contains the absolute payload byte position +1 of the last byte in the unpacked object. The bytes value can be specified as the offset in further calls to unpack a buffer.

  • The buffer.unpack method interprets bytes in big-endian order by default. To interpret bytes in little-endian order, prefix the format string with a less than sign (<).
  • The format does not have to consume the entire buffer.
  • Null bytes are not included in unpacked strings. For example: buf.unpack('4s')[0] - > 'example'.
  • The z format character represents variable-length, null-terminated strings. If the last field is z, the string is produced whether or not the null character is present.
  • An exception is throw when all of the fields cannot be unpacked because the buffer does not contain enough data.

The table below displays supported buffer string formats:

Format C type JavaScript type Standard size
x pad type no value  
A struct in6_addr IPAddress 16
a struct in_addr IPAddress 4
b signed char string of length 1 1
B unsigned char number 1
? _Bool boolean 1
h short number 2
H unsigned short number 2
i int number 4
I unsigned int number 4
l long number 4
L unsigned long number 4
q long long number 8
Q unsigned long long number 8
f number number 4
d double number 4
s char[] string  
z char[] string  

length: Number The number of bytes in the buffer.

The Detection class enables you to retrieve information about detections on the ExtraHop system.

DETECTION_UPDATE Runs when a detection is created or updated on the ExtraHop system.

Note:This event does not run when a detection ticket status is updated. For example, changing a detection assignee will not cause the DETECTION_UPDATE event to run. This event also does not run for hidden detections.
Note:You cannot assign triggers that run only on this event to specific devices or device groups. Triggers that run on this event will run whenever this event occurs.

applianceId: Number If called on a Command appliance, returns the ID of the connected Discover appliance that the detection occurred on. If called on a Discover appliance, returns 0. assignee: String The assignee of the ticket associated with the detection. categories: Array of Strings The list of categories the detection belongs to. description: String The description of the detection.

The following table shows common Markdown formats that you can include in the description:

Format Description Example
Headings Place a number sign (#) before your text to format headings. The level of heading is determined by the amount of number signs. ####Example H4 heading
Unordered lists Place a single asterisk (*) before your text. * First example * Second example
Ordered lists Place a single number and period (1.) before your text. 1. First example 2. Second example
Bold Place double asterisks before and after your text. **bold text**
Italics Place an underscore before and after your text. _italicized text_

Place link text in brackets before the URL in parentheses. Or type your URL.

Links to external websites open in a new browser tab. Links within the ExtraHop Web UI,such as dashboards or custom pages, open in the current browser tab.

[Visit our home page](//www.extrahop.com)


Blockquotes Place a right angle bracket and a space before your text.

On the ExtraHop website:

> Access the live demo and review case studies.

Emojis Copy and paste an emoji image into the text box. See the Unicode Emoji Chart website for images.

Markdown syntax does not support emoji shortcodes.


endTime: Date The time that the detection ended, expressed in milliseconds since the epoch. id: Number The unique identifier for the detection. isCustom: Boolean The value is true if the detection is a custom detection generated by a trigger. participants: Array An array of participant objects associated with the detection. A participant object contains the following properties: object: Object The Device, Application, or IP address object associated with the participant. role: String The role of the participant in the detection. The following values are valid: resolution: String The resolution of the ticket associated with the detection. Valid values are action_taken and no_action_taken. riskScore: number | null The risk score of the detection. startTime: Date The time that the detection started, expressed in milliseconds since the epoch. status: String The status of the ticket associated with the detection. Valid values are new, in_progress, and closed. ticketID: String The ID of the ticket associated with the detection. title: String The title of the detection. type: String The type of detection. For custom detections, "custom" is prepended to the user-defined string. For example, if you specify brute_force_attack in the commitDetection function, the detection type is custom.brute_force_attack. updateTime: Date The last time that the detection was updated, expressed in milliseconds since the epoch.

The Device class enables you to retrieve device attributes and add custom metrics at the device level.

Device(id: String) Constructor for the Device object that accepts one parameter, which is a unique 16-character string ID.

If supplied with an ID from an existing Device object, the constructor creates a copy of that object with all of the object properties, as shown in the following example:

myDevice = new Device(Flow.server.device.id); debug("myDevice MAC: " + myDevice.hwaddr);

Metrics committed to a Device object through a metricAdd* function are persisted to the datastore

lookupByIP(addr: IPAddress | String, vlan: Number): Device Returns the L3 device that matches the specified IP address and VLAN ID. Returns null if no match is found. addr: IPAddress | String The IP address for the device. The IP address can be specified as an IPAddress object or as a string. vlan: number The VLAN ID for the device. Returns a default value of 0 if a VLAN ID is not provided or if the value of the devices_across_vlans settings is set to true in the running configuration file. lookupByMAC(addr: String, vlan: Number): Device Returns the L2 device that matches the specified MAC address and VLAN ID. Returns null if no match is found. addr: String The MAC address for the device. vlan: Number The VLAN ID for the device. Returns a default value of 0 if a VLAN ID is not provided or if the value of the devices_across_vlans settings is set to true in the running configuration file. toString(): String Returns the Device object as a string in the following format:[object Device <discovery_id>]

The methods described in this section are present only on instances of the Device class. The majority of the methods enable you to create device-level custom metrics, as shown in the following example:

Flow.server.device.metricAddCount("slow_rsp", 1);
Note:A device might sometimes act as a client and sometimes as a server on a flow.
  • Call a method as Device.metricAdd* to collect data for both device roles.
  • Call a method as Flow.client.device.metricAdd* to collect data only for the client role, regardless of whether the trigger is assigned to the client or the server.
  • Call a method as Flow.server.device.metricAdd* to collect data only for the server role, regardless of whether the trigger is assigned to the client or the server.
equals(device: Device): Boolean Performs an equality test between Device objects, where device is the object to be compared against. metricAddCount (metric_name: String, count: Number, [options: Object]):void Creates a custom top-level count metric. Commits the metric data to the specified device. metric_name: String The name of the top-level count metric. count: Number The increment value. Must be a non-zero, positive signed 64-bit integer. A NaN value is silently discarded. options: Object An optional object that can contain the following property: highPrecision: Boolean A flag that enables one-second granularity for the custom metric when set to true. metricAddDetailCount (metric_name: String, key: String | IPAddress, count: Number, [options: Object]):void Creates a custom detail count metric by which you can drill down. Commits the metric data to the specified device. metric_name: String The name of the detail count metric. key: String | IPAddress The key specified for the detail metric. A null value is silently discarded. count: Number The increment value. Must be a non-zero, positive signed 64-bit integer. A NaN value is silently discarded. options: Object An optional object that can contain the following property: highPrecision: Boolean A flag that enables one-second granularity for the custom metric when set to true. metricAddDataset (metric_name: String, val: Number, [options: Object]):void Creates a custom top-level dataset metric. Commits the metric data to the specified device. metric_name: String The name of the top-level dataset metric. val: Number The observed value, such as a processing time. Must be a non-zero, positive signed 64-bit integer. A NaN value is silently discarded. options: Object An optional object that can contain the following properties: freq: Number An option that enables you to simultaneously record multiple occurrences of particular values in the dataset when set to the number of occurrences specified by the val parameter. If no value is specified, the default value is 1. highPrecision: Boolean A flag that enables one-second granularity for the custom metric when set to true. metricAddDetailDataset (metric_name: String, key: String | IPAddress, val: Number, [options: Object]):void Creates a custom detail dataset metric by which you can drill down. Commits the metric data to the specified device. metric_name: String The name of the detail count metric. key: String | IPAddress The key specified for the detail metric. A null value is silently discarded. val: Number The observed value, such as a processing time. Must be a non-zero, positive signed 64-bit integer. A NaN value is silently discarded. options: Object An optional object that can contain the following properties: freq: Number An option that enables you to simultaneously record multiple occurrences of particular values in the dataset when set to the number of occurrences specified by the val parameter. If no value is specified, the default value is 1. highPrecision: Boolean A flag that enables one-second granularity for the custom metric when set to true. metricAddDistinct (metric_name: String, item: Number | String | IPAddress:void Creates a custom top-level distinct count metric. Commits the metric data to the specified device. metric_name: String The name of the top-level distinct count metric. item: Number | String | IPAddress The value to be placed into the HyperLogLog set specified by the metric_name parameter. The value is converted to a string before it is placed in the HyperLogLog set. metricAddDetailDistinct (metric_name: String, key: String | IPAddress, item: Number | String | IPAddress:void Creates a custom detail distinct count metric by which you can drill down. Commits the metric data to the specified device. metric_name: String The name of the detail distinct count metric. key: String | IPAddress The key specified for the detail metric. A null value is silently discarded. item: Number | String | IPAddress The value to be placed into the HyperLogLog set specified by the metric_name parameter. The value is converted to a string before it is placed in the HyperLogLog set. metricAddMax (metric_name: String, val: Number, [options: Object]):void Creates a custom top-level maximum metric. Commits the metric data to the specified device. metric_name: String The name of the top-level maximum metric. val: Number The observed value, such as a processing time. Must be a non-zero, positive signed 64-bit integer. A NaN value is silently discarded. options: Object An optional object that can contain the following properties: highPrecision: Boolean A flag that enables one-second granularity for the custom metric when set to true. metricAddDetailMax (metric_name: String, key: String | IPAddress, val: Number, [options: Object]):void Creates a custom detail maximum metric by which you can drill down. Commits the metric data to the specified device. metric_name: String The name of the detail maximum metric. key: String | IPAddress The key specified for the detail metric. A null value is silently discarded. val: Number The observed value, such as a processing time. Must be a non-zero, positive signed 64-bit integer. A NaN value is silently discarded. options: Object An optional object that can contain the following properties: highPrecision: Boolean A flag that enables one-second granularity for the custom metric when set to true. metricAddSampleset (metric_name: String, val: Number, [options: Object]):void Creates a custom top-level sampleset metric. Commits the metric data to the specified device. metric_name: String The name of the top-level sampleset metric. val: Number The observed value, such as a processing time. Must be a non-zero, positive signed 64-bit integer. A NaN value is silently discarded. options: Object An optional object that can contain the following properties: highPrecision: Boolean A flag that enables one-second granularity for the custom metric when set to true. metricAddDetailSampleset (metric_name: String, key: String | IPAddress, val: Number, [options: Object]):void Creates a custom detail sampleset metric by which you can drill down. Commits the metric data to the specified device. metric_name: String The name of the detail sampleset metric. key: String | IPAddress The key specified for the detail metric. A null value is silently discarded. val: Number The observed value, such as a processing time. Must be a non-zero, positive signed 64-bit integer. A NaN value is silently discarded. options: Object An optional object that can contain the following properties: highPrecision: Boolean A flag that enables one-second granularity for the custom metric when set to true. metricAddSnap (metric_name: String, count: Number, [options: Object]):void Creates a custom top-level snapshot metric. Commits the metric data to the specified device. metric_name: String The name of the top-level snapshot metric. count: Number The observed value, such as current established connections. Must be a non-zero, positive signed 64-bit integer. A NaN value is silently discarded. options: Object An optional object that can contain the following properties: highPrecision: Boolean A flag that enables one-second granularity for the custom metric when set to true. metricAddDetailSnap (metric_name: String, key: String | IPAddress, count: Number, [options: Object]):void Creates a custom detail snapshot metric by which you can drill down. Commits the metric data to the specified device. metric_name: String The name of the detail sampleset metric. key: String | IPAddress The key specified for the detail metric. A null value is silently discarded. count: Number The observed value, such as current established connections. Must be a non-zero, positive signed 64-bit integer. A NaN value is silently discarded. options: Object An optional object that can contain the following properties: highPrecision: Boolean A flag that enables one-second granularity for the custom metric when set to true.

The following properties enable you to retrieve device attributes and are present only on instances of the Device class.

cdpName: String The CDP name associated with the device, if present. dhcpName: String The DHCP name associated with the device, if present. discoverTime: Number The last time the capture process discovered the device (not the original discovery time), expressed in milliseconds since the epoch (January 1, 1970). Previously discovered devices can be rediscovered by the capture process if they become idle and later become active again, or if the capture process is restarted.

To direct a trigger to run only on the initial discovery of a device, see the NEW_DEVICE event discussed in the Discover class.

dnsNames: Array An array of strings listing the DNS names associated with the device, if present. hasTrigger: Boolean The value is true if a trigger assigned to the Device object is currently running.

If the trigger is running on an event associated with a Flow object, the hasTrigger property value is true on at least one of the Device objects in the flow.

The hasTrigger property is useful to distinguish device roles. For example, if a trigger is assigned to a group of proxy servers, you can easily determine whether a device is acting as the client or the server, rather than checking for IP addresses or device IDs, such as in the following example:

//Event: HTTP_REQUEST if (Flow.server.device.hasTrigger) { // Incoming request } else { // Outgoing request } hwaddr: String The MAC address of the device, if present. id: String The 16-character unique ID of the device, as shown in the ExtraHop Web UI on the page for that device. ipaddrs: Array An array of IPAddress objects representing the device's known IP addresses. For L3 devices, the array always contains one IPAddress. isGateway: Boolean The value is true if the device is a gateway. isL3: Boolean The value is true if the device is an L3 device. netbiosName: String The NetBIOS name associated with the device, if present. vlanId: Number The VLAN ID for the device.

The Discover class enables you to retrieve information about newly discovered devices and applications.

NEW_APPLICATION Runs when an application is first discovered. This event consumes capture resources.

Note:You cannot assign triggers that run only on this event to specific devices or device groups. Triggers that run on this event will run whenever this event occurs.
NEW_DEVICE Runs when activity is first observed on a device. This event consumes capture resources.
Note:You cannot assign triggers that run only on this event to specific devices or device groups. Triggers that run on this event will run whenever this event occurs.

application: Application A newly discovered application.

Applies only to NEW_APPLICATION events.

device: Device A newly discovered device.

Applies only to NEW_DEVICE events.

  • Example: Send discovered device data to a remote syslog server

The ExternalData class enables you to retrieve data sent from external sources to the Trigger API through the ExtraHop REST API.

body: String The external data sent to the trigger. type: String An identifier that describes the data sent to the trigger. The type is defined when the data is sent to the ExtraHop REST API.

Flow refers to a conversation between two endpoints over a protocol such as TCP, UDP or ICMP. The Flow class provides access to elements of these conversations, such as endpoint IP addresses and age of the flow. The Flow class also contains a flow store designed to pass objects from request to response on the same flow.

Note:You can apply the Flow class on most L7 protocol events, but it is not supported on session or datastore events.

If a flow is associated with an ExtraHop-monitored L7 protocol, events that correlate to the protocol will run in addition to flow events. For example, a flow associated with HTTP will also run the HTTP_REQUEST and HTTP_RESPONSE events.

FLOW_CLASSIFY Runs whenever the ExtraHop system initially classifies a flow as being associated with a specific protocol.
Note:For TCP flows, the FLOW_CLASSIFY event runs after the TCP_OPEN event.

Through a combination of L7 payload analysis, observation of TCP handshakes, and port number-based heuristics, the FLOW_CLASSIFY event identifies the L7 protocol and the device roles for the endpoints in a flow such as client/server or sender/receiver.

The nature of a flow can change over its lifetime, for example, tunneling over HTTP or switching from SMTP to SMTP-SSL. In these cases, FLOW_CLASSIFY runs again after the protocol change.

The FLOW_CLASSIFY event is useful for initiating an action on a flow based on the earliest knowledge of flow information such as the L7 protocol, client/server IP addresses, or sender/receiver ports.

Common actions initiated upon FLOW_CLASSIFY include starting a packet capture through the captureStart() method or associating the flow with an application container through the addApplication() method.

Additional options are available when you create a trigger that runs on this event. By default, FLOW_CLASSIFY does not run upon flow expiration; however, you can configure a trigger to do so in order to accumulate metrics for flows that were not classified before expiring. See Advanced trigger options for more information.

FLOW_DETACH Runs when the parser has encountered an unexpected error or has run out of memory and stops following the flow. In addition, a low quality data feed with missing packets can cause the parser to detach.

The FLOW_DETACH event is useful for detecting malicious content sent by clients and servers. The following is an example of how a trigger can detect bad DNS responses upon FLOW_DETACH events:

if (event == "FLOW_DETACH" && Flow.l7proto== "DNS") { Flow.addApplication("Malformed DNS"); } FLOW_RECORD Enables you to record information about a flow at timed intervals. Once FLOW_CLASSIFY has run, the FLOW_RECORD event will run every N seconds and whenever a flow closes. The default value for N, known as the publish interval, is 30 minutes; the minimum value is 60 seconds. You can set the publish interval from the ExtraHop Admin UI through the Automatic Flow Record Settings. FLOW_TICK Enables you to record information about a flow per amount of data or per turn. The FLOW_TICK event will run on every FLOW_TURN or every 128 packets, whichever occurs first. Also, L2 data is reset on every FLOW_TICK event which enables you to add data together at each tick. If counting throughput, collect data from FLOW_TICK events which provide more complete metrics than FLOW_TURN.

FLOW_TICK provides a means to periodically check for certain conditions on the flow, such as zero windows and Nagle delays, and then take an action, such as initiating a packet capture or sending a syslog message.

The following is an example of FLOW_TICK:

log("RTT " + Flow.roundTripTime); Remote.Syslog.info( " eh_event=FLOW_TICK" + " ClientIP="+Flow.client.ipaddr+ " ServerIP="+Flow.server.ipaddr+ " ServerPort="+Flow.server.port+ " ServerName="+Flow.server.device.dnsNames[0]+ " RTT="+Flow.roundTripTime); FLOW_TURN Runs on every TCP or UDP turn. A turn represents one full cycle of a client transferring request data followed by a server transferring a response.

FLOW_TURN also exposes a Turn object.

Flow refers to a conversation between two endpoints over a protocol; an endpoint can be one of the following components:

  • client
  • server
  • sender
  • receiver

The methods and properties described in this section are called or accessed for a specified endpoint on the flow. For example, to access the device property from an HTTP client, the syntax is Flow.client.device.

The endpoint that you specify depends on the events associated with the trigger. For example, the ACTIVEMQ_MESSAGE event only supports sender and receiver endpoints. The following table displays a list of events that can be associated with a flow and the endpoints supported for each event:

Event Client / Server Sender / Receiver
DB_REQUEST yes yes
FLOW_TICK yes no
FLOW_TURN yes no
HL7_REQUEST yes yes
HL7_RESPONSE yes yes
ICA_AUTH yes no
ICA_CLOSE yes no
ICA_OPEN yes no
ICA_TICK yes no
POP3_REQUEST yes yes
RDP_CLOSE yes no
RDP_OPEN yes no
RDP_TICK yes no
RTP_CLOSE no yes
RTP_OPEN no yes
RTP_TICK no yes
SSL_ALERT yes yes
SSL_CLOSE yes no
SSL_OPEN yes no
SSL_RECORD yes yes
TCP_CLOSE yes no
TCP_OPEN yes no

Endpoint methods commitRecord(): void Commits a record object to the ExtraHop Explore appliance on a FLOW_RECORD event. Record commits are not supported on FLOW_CLASSIFY, FLOW_DETACH, FLOW_TICK, or FLOW_TURN events.

On a flow, traffic moves in each direction between two endpoints. The commitRecord() method only records flow details in one direction, such as from the client to the server. To record details about the entire flow you must call commitRecord() twice, once for each direction, and specify the endpoint in the syntax—for example, Flow.client.commitRecord() and Flow.server.commitRecord().

For built-in records, each unique record is committed only once, even if the commitRecord() method is called multiple times for the same unique record.

To view the default properties committed to the record object, see the record property below.

Endpoint properties bytes: Number The number of L4 payload bytes transmitted by a device. Specify the device role in the syntax—for example, Flow.client.bytes or Flow.receiver.bytes.

Access only on FLOW_TICK, FLOW_TURN, or FLOW_RECORD events or an error will occur.

customDevices: Array An array of custom devices in the flow. Specify the device role in the syntax—for example, Flow.client.customDevices or Flow.receiver.customDevices. device: Device The Device object associated with a device. Specify the device role in the syntax. For example, to access the MAC address of the client device, specify Flow.client.device.hwaddr. equals: Boolean Performs an equality test between Device objects. dscp: Number The number representing the last differentiated services code point (DSCP) value of the flow packet.

Specify the device role in the syntax—for example, Flow.client.dscp or Flow.server.dscp.

dscpBytes: Array An array that contains the number of L2 bytes for a specific Differentiated Services Code Point (DSCP) value transmitted by a device in the flow. Specify the device role in the syntax—for example, Flow.client.dscpBytes or Flow.server.dscpBytes.

The value is zero for each entry that has no bytes of the specific DSCP since the last FLOW_TICK event.

Access only on FLOW_TICK or FLOW_TURN events or an error will occur.

dscpName: String The name associated with the DSCP value transmitted by a device in the flow. The following table displays well-known DSCP names:

Number Name
8 CS1
10 AF11
12 AF12
14 AF13
16 CS2
18 AF21
20 AF22
22 AF23
24 CS3
26 AF31
28 AF32
30 AF33
32 CS4
34 AF41
36 AF42
38 AF43
40 CS5
44 VA
46 EF
48 CS6
56 CS7

Specify the device role in the syntax—for example, Flow.client.dscpName or Flow.receiver.dscpName.

dscpPkts: Array An array that contains the number of L2 packets for a given Differentiated Services Code Point (DSCP) value transmitted by a device in the flow. Specify the device role in the syntax—for example, Flow.client.dscpPkts or Flow.server.dscpPkts.

The value is zero for each entry that has no packets of the specific DSCP since the last FLOW_TICK event.

Applies only to FLOW_TICK or FLOW_TURN events.

fragPkts: Number The number of packets resulting from IP fragmentation transmitted by a client or server device in the flow. Specify the device role in the syntax—for example, Flow.client.fragPkts or Flow.server.fragPkts.

Access only on FLOW_TICK or FLOW_TURN events or an error will occur.

ipaddr: IPAddress The IPAddress object associated with a device in the flow. Specify the device role in the syntax—for example, Flow.client.ipaddr or Flow.receiver.ipaddr. equals: Boolean Performs an equality test between IPAddress objects. isAborted: Boolean The value is true if a TCP flow has been aborted through a TCP reset (RST). The flow can be aborted by a device. If applicable, specify the device role in the syntax—for example, Flow.client.isAborted or Flow.receiver.isAborted.

This condition may be detected in the TCP_CLOSE event and in any impacted L7 events (for example, HTTP_REQUEST or DB_RESPONSE).

  • An L4 abort occurs when a TCP connection is closed with a RST instead of a graceful shutdown.
  • An L7 response abort occurs when a connection closes while in the middle of a response. This can be due to a RST, a graceful FIN shutdown, or an expiration.
  • An L7 request abort occurs when a connection closes in the middle of a request. This can also be due to a RST, a graceful FIN shutdown, or an expiration.
isShutdown: Boolean The value is true if the device initiated the shutdown of the TCP connection. Specify the device role in the syntax—for example, Flow.client.isShutdown or Flow.receiver.isShutdown. l2Bytes: Number The number of L2 bytes, including the ethernet headers, transmitted by a device in the flow. Specify the device role in the syntax—for example, Flow.client.l2Bytes or Flow.server.l2Bytes.

Access only on FLOW_TICK or FLOW_TURN events or an error will occur.

nagleDelay: Number The number of Nagle delays associated with a device in the flow. Specify the device role in the syntax—for example, Flow.client.nagleDelay or Flow.server.nagleDelay.

Access only on FLOW_TICK or FLOW_TURN events or an error will occur.

overlapFragPkts: Number The number of non-identical IP fragment packets with overlapping data transmitted by a device in the flow. Specify the device role in the syntax—for example, Flow.client.overlapFragPkts or Flow.server.overlapFragPkts.

Access only on FLOW_TICK or FLOW_TURN events or an error will occur.

overlapSegments: Number The number of non-identical TCP segments, transmitted by a device in the flow, where two or more TCP segments contain data for the same part of the flow. Specify the device role in the syntax—for example, Flow.client.overlapSegments or Flow.server.overlapSegments.

Access only on FLOW_TICK or FLOW_TURN events or an error will occur.

payload: Buffer The payload Buffer associated with a device in the flow. Specify the device role in the syntax—for example, Flow.client.payload or Flow.receiver.payload.

Access only on TCP_PAYLOAD, UDP_PAYLOAD, or SSL_PAYLOAD events or an error will occur.

pkts: Number The number of packets transmitted by a device in the flow. Specify the device role in the syntax—for example, Flow.client.pkts or Flow.server.pkts.

Access only on FLOW_TICK, FLOW_TURN, or FLOW_RECORD events or an error will occur.

port: Number The port number associated with a device in the flow. Specify the device role in the syntax—for example, Flow.client.port or Flow.receiver.port. rcvWndThrottle: Number The number of receive window throttles sent from a device in the flow. Specify the device role in the syntax—for example, Flow.client.rcvWndThrottle or Flow.server.rcvWndThrottle.

Access only on FLOW_TICK or FLOW_TURN events or an error will occur.

record: Object The record object committed to the ExtraHop Explore appliance through a call to Flow.commitRecord() on a FLOW_RECORD event. The record object represents data from a single direction on the flow.

The record object contains the following default properties:

  • age
  • bytes (L3)
    Note:This property represents the total number of bytes that were transmitted by the flow at the time that the FLOW_RECORD event ran. The FLOW_RECORD event runs several times over the course of each flow, so the value will increase every time the event runs.
  • dscpName
  • first
  • last
  • pkts
  • proto
  • senderAddr
  • senderPort
  • receiverAddr
  • receiverPort
  • tcpFlags

Specify the device role in the syntax—for example, Flow.client.record or Flow.server.record.

Access the record object only on FLOW_RECORD events or an error will occur.

rto: Number The number of retransmission timeouts (RTOs) associated with a device in the flow. Specify the device role in the syntax—for example, Flow.client.rto or Flow.server.rto.

Access only on FLOW_TICK or FLOW_TURN events or an error will occur.

totalL2Bytes The number of L2 bytes sent by a device during the flow. Specify the device role in the syntax—for example, Flow.client.totalL2Bytes or Flow.server.totalL2Bytes. totalL2Bytes1: Number The number of L2 bytes sent during the flow by device1. totalL2Bytes2: Number The number of L2 bytes sent during the flow by device2. zeroWnd: Number The number of zero windows sent from a device in the flow. Specify the device role in the syntax—for example, Flow.client.zeroWnd or Flow.server.zeroWnd.

Access only on FLOW_TICK or FLOW_TURN events or an error will occur.

addApplication(name: String, [turnTiming: Boolean]): void Creates an application with the specified name and collects L2-L4 metrics from the flow. The application can be viewed from the Web UI and the metrics are displayed on an L4 page in the application. A flow can be associated with one or more applications at a given instant; the L2-L4 metrics collected by each application will be the same.

Calling Flow.addApplication(name) on a FLOW_CLASSIFY event is common on unsupported protocols. For flows on supported protocols with L7 trigger events, it is recommended to call the Application(name).commit() method, which collects a larger set of protocol metrics.

The turnTiming flag is set to false by default. If set to true, the ExtraHop system collects additional turn timing metrics for the flow. If this flag is omitted, no turn timing metrics are recorded for the application on the associated flow. Turn timing analysis analyzes L4 behavior in order to infer L7 processing times when the monitored protocol follows a client-request, server-response pattern and in which the client sends the first message. "Banner" protocols (where the server sends the first message) and protocols where data flows in both directions concurrently are not recommended for turn timing analysis.

captureStart(name: String, [options: Object]): String Initiates a Precision Packet Capture (PPCAP) for the flow and returns a unique identifier of the packet capture in the format of a decimal number as a string. Returns null if the packet capture fails to start. name: String The name of the packet capture file.
  • The maximum length is 256 characters
  • A separate capture is created for each flow.
  • Capture files with the same name are differentiated by timestamps.
options: Object The options contained in the capture object. Omit any of the options to indicate unlimited size for that option. All options apply to the entire flow except the "lookback" options which apply only to the part of the flow before the trigger event that started the packet capture. maxBytes: Number The total maximum number of bytes. maxBytesLookback: Number The total maximum number of bytes from the lookback buffer. The lookback buffer refers to packets captured before the call to Flow.captureStart(). maxDurationMSec: Number The maximum duration of the packet capture, expressed in milliseconds. maxPackets: Number The total maximum number of packets. The maximum value might be exceeded if the trigger load is heavy. maxPacketsLookback: Number The maximum number of packets from the lookback buffer. The lookback buffer refers to packets captured before the call to Flow.captureStart().

The following is an example of Flow.captureStart():

// EVENT: HTTP_REQUEST // capture facebook HTTP traffic flows if (HTTP.uri.indexOf("www.facebook.com") !== -1) { var name = "facebook-" + HTTP.uri; //packet capture options: capture 20 packets, up to 10 from the lookback buffer var opts = { maxPackets: 20, maxPacketsLookback: 10 }; Flow.captureStart(name, opts); }
  • The Flow.captureStart() function call requires that you have a license for precision packet capture.
  • You can specify the number of bytes per packet (snaplen) you want to capture when configuring the trigger in the ExtraHop Web UI. This option is available only on some events. See Advanced trigger options for more information.
  • Captured files are available in the ExtraHop Admin UI. On Reveal(x) systems, captured files are available from the Packets page in the Web UI.
  • Once the packet capture drive is full, no new captures will be recorded until the user deletes the files manually.
  • The maximum file name string length is 256 characters. If the name exceeds 256 characters, it will be truncated and a warning message will be visible in the debug log, but the trigger will continue to execute.
  • The capture file size is the whichever maximum is reached first between the maxPackets and maxBytes options.
  • The size of the capture lookback buffer is whichever maximum is reached first between the maxPacketsLookback and maxBytesLookback options.
  • Each passed max* parameter will capture up to the next packet boundary.
  • If the packet capture was already started on the current flow, Flow.captureStart() calls result in a warning visible in the debug log, but the trigger will continue to run.
  • There is a maximum of 128 concurrent packet captures in the system. If that limit is reached, subsequent calls to Flow.captureStart() will generate a warning visible in the debug log, but the trigger will continue to execute.
captureStop(): Boolean Stops a packet capture that is in progress on the current flow. commitRecord1(): void Commits a record object to the ExtraHop Explore appliance that represents data sent from device1 in a single direction on the flow.

You can call this method only on FLOW_RECORD events, and each unique record is committed only once for built-in records.

To view the properties committed to the record object, see the record property below.

commitRecord2(): void Commits a record object to the ExtraHop Explore appliance that represents data sent from device2 in a single direction on the flow.

You can call this method only on FLOW_RECORD events, and each unique record is committed only once for built-in records.

To view the properties committed to the record object, see the record property below.

findCustomDevice(deviceID: String): Device Returns a single Device object that corresponds to the specified deviceID parameter if the device is located on either side of the flow. Returns null if no corresponding device is found. getApplications(): String Retrieves all applications associated with the flow.

The Flow object properties and methods discussed in this section are available to every L7 trigger event associated with the flow.

By default, the ExtraHop system uses loosely-initiated protocol classification, so it will try to classify flows even after the connection was initiated. Loose initiation can be turned off for ports that do not always carry the protocol traffic (for example, the wildcard port 0). For such flows, device1, port1, and ipaddr1 represent the device with the numerically lower IP address and device2, port2, and ipaddr2 represent the device with the numerically higher IP address.

age: Number The time elapsed since the flow was initiated, expressed in seconds. bytes1: Number The number of L4 payload bytes transmitted by one of two devices in the flow; the other device is represented by bytes2. The device represented by bytes1 remains consistent for the flow.

Access only on FLOW_TICK, FLOW_TURN, or FLOW_RECORD events or an error will occur.

bytes2: Number The number of L4 payload bytes transmitted by one of two devices in the flow; the other device is represented by bytes1. The device represented by bytes2 remains consistent for the flow.

Access only on FLOW_TICK, FLOW_TURN, or FLOW_RECORD events or an error will occur.

customDevices1: Array An array of custom Device objects on a flow. Custom devices on the other side of the flow are available by accessing customDevices2. The device represented by customDevices1 remains consistent for the flow. customDevices2: Array An array of custom Device objects on a flow. Custom devices on the other side of the flow are available by accessing customDevices1. The device represented by customDevices2 remains consistent for the flow. device1: Device The Device object associated with one of two devices in the flow; the other device is represented by device2. The device represented by device1 remains consistent for the flow. For example, Flow.device1.hwaddr accesses the MAC addresses of this device in the flow. equals: Boolean Performs an equality test between Device objects. device2: Device The Device object associated with one of two devices in the flow; the other device is represented by device1. The device represented by device2 remains consistent for the flow. For example, Flow.device2.hwaddr accesses the MAC addresses of this device in the flow. equals: Boolean Performs an equality test between Device objects. dscp1: Number The number representing the last Differentiated Services Code Point (DSCP) value transmitted by one of two devices in the flow; the other device is represented by dscp2. The device represented by dscp1 remains consistent for the flow. dscp2: Number The lnumber representing the last Differentiated Services Code Point (DSCP) value transmitted by one of two devices in the flow; the other device is represented by dscp1. The device represented by dscp2 remains consistent for the flow. dscpBytes1: Array An array that contains the number of L2 bytes for a specific Differentiated Services Code Point (DSCP) value transmitted by one of two devices in the flow; the other device is represented by dscpBytes2. The device represented by dscpBytes1 remains consistent for the flow.

The value is zero for each entry that has no bytes of the specific DSCP since the last FLOW_TICK event.

Access only on FLOW_TICK or FLOW_TURN events or an error will occur.

dscpBytes2: Array An array that contains the number of L2 bytes for a specific Differentiated Services Code Point (DSCP) value transmitted by one of two devices in the flow; the other device is represented by dscpBytes1. The device represented by dscpBytes2 remains consistent for the flow.

The value is zero for each entry that has no bytes of the specific DSCP since the last FLOW_TICK event.

Access only on FLOW_TICK or FLOW_TURN events or an error will occur.

dcspName1: String The name associated with the DSCP value transmitted by one of two devices in the flow; the other device is represented by dscpName2. The device represented by dscpName1 remains consistent for the flow.

See the dscpName property in the Endpoints section for a list of supported DSCP code names.

dcspName2: String The name associated with the DSCP value transmitted by one of two devices in the flow; the other device is represented by dscpName1. The device represented by dscpName2 remains consistent for the flow.

See the dscpName property in the Endpoints section for a list of supported DSCP code names.

dscpPkts1: Array An array that contains the number of L2 packets for a given Differentiated Services Code Point (DSCP) value transmitted by one of two devices in the flow; the other device is represented by dscpPkts2. The device represented by dscpPkts1 remains consistent for the flow.

The value is zero for each entry that has no packets of the specific DSCP since the last FLOW_TICK event.

Access only on FLOW_TICK or FLOW_TURN events or an error will occur.

dscpPkts2: Array An array that contains the number of L2 packets for a given Differentiated Services Code Point (DSCP) value transmitted by one of two devices in the flow; the other device is represented by dscpPkts1. The device represented by dscpPkts2 remains consistent for the flow.

The value is zero for each entry that has no packets of the specific DSCP since the last FLOW_TICK event.

Access only on FLOW_TICK or FLOW_TURN events or an error will occur.

fragPkts1: Number The number of packets resulting from IP fragmentation transmitted by one of two devices in the flow; the other device is represented by fragPkts2. The device represented by fragPkts1 remains consistent for the flow.

Access only on FLOW_TICK or FLOW_TURN events or an error will occur.

fragPkts2: Number The number of packets resulting from IP fragmentation transmitted by one of two devices in the flow; the other device is represented by fragPkts1. The device represented by fragPkts2 remains consistent for the flow.

Access only on FLOW_TICK or FLOW_TURN events or an error will occur.

id: String The unique identifier of a Flow record. ipaddr: IPAddress TheIPAddress object associated with a device in the flow. Specify the device role in the syntax—for example, Flow.client.ipaddr or Flow.receiver.ipaddr. equals: Boolean Performs an equality test between IPAddress objects. ipproto: String The IP protocol associated with the flow, such as TCP or UDP. ipver: String The IP version associated with the flow, such as IPv4 or IPv6. isAborted: Boolean The value is true if a TCP flow has been aborted through a TCP reset (RST). The flow can be aborted by a device. If applicable, specify the device role in the syntax—for example, Flow.client.isAborted or Flow.receiver.isAborted.

This condition may be detected in the TCP_CLOSE event and in any impacted L7 events (for example, HTTP_REQUEST or DB_RESPONSE).

  • An L4 abort occurs when a TCP connection is closed with a RST instead of a graceful shutdown.
  • An L7 response abort occurs when a connection closes while in the middle of a response. This can be due to a RST, a graceful FIN shutdown, or an expiration.
  • An L7 request abort occurs when a connection closes in the middle of a request. This can also be due to a RST, a graceful FIN shutdown, or an expiration.
isExpired: Boolean The value is true if the flow expired at the time of the event. isShutdown: Boolean The value is true if the device initiated the shutdown of the TCP connection. Specify the device role in the syntax—for example, Flow.client.isShutdown or Flow.receiver.isShutdown. l2Bytes1: Number The number of L2 bytes, including the ethernet headers, transmitted by one of two devices in the flow; the other device is represented by l2Bytes2. The device represented by l2Bytes1 remains consistent for the flow.

Access only on FLOW_TICK or FLOW_TURN events or an error will occur.

l2Bytes2: Number The number of L2 bytes, including the ethernet headers, transmitted by one of two devices in the flow; the other device is represented by l2Bytes1. The device represented by l2Bytes2 remains consistent for the flow.

Access only on FLOW_TICK or FLOW_TURN events or an error will occur.

l7proto: String The L7 protocol associated with the flow. For known protocols, the property returns a string representing the protocol name, such as HTTP, DHCP, Memcache. For lesser-known protocols, the property returns a string formatted as ipproto:port—tcp:13724 or udp:11258 For custom protocol names, the property returns a string representing the name set through the Protocol Classification section in the Admin UI.

This property is not valid during TCP_OPEN events.

nagleDelay1: Number The number of Nagle delays associated with one of two devices in the flow; the other device is represented by nagleDelay2. The device represented by nagleDelay1 remains consistent for the flow.

Access only on FLOW_TICK or FLOW_TURN events or an error will occur.

nagleDelay2: Number The number of Nagle delays associated with one of two devices in the flow; the other device is represented by nagleDelay1. The device represented by nagleDelay2 remains consistent for the flow.

Access only on FLOW_TICK or FLOW_TURN events or an error will occur.

overlapFragPkts1: Number The number of non-identical IP fragment packets transmitted by one of two devices in the flow; the other device is represented by overlapFragPkts2. The device represented by overlapFragPkts1 remains consistent for the flow.

Access only on FLOW_TICK or FLOW_TURN events or an error will occur.

overlapFragPkts2: Number The number of non-identical IP fragment packets transmitted by one of two devices in the flow; the other device is represented by overlapFragPkts1. The device represented by overlapFragPkts2 remains consistent for the flow.

Access only on FLOW_TICK or FLOW_TURN events or an error will occur.

overlapSegments1: Number The number of non-identical TCP segments where two or more segments contain data for the same part of the flow. The TCP segments are transmitted by one of two devices in the flow; the other device is represented by overlapSegments2. The device represented by overlapSegments1 remains consistent for the flow.

Access only on FLOW_TICK or FLOW_TURN events or an error will occur.

overlapSegments2: Number The number of non-identical TCP segments where two or more segments contain data for the same part of the flow. The TCP segments are transmitted by one of two devices in the flow; the other device is represented by overlapSegments1. The device represented by overlapSegments2 remains consistent for the flow.

Access only on FLOW_TICK or FLOW_TURN events or an error will occur.

payload1: Buffer The payload Buffer associated with one of two devices in the flow; the other device is represented by payload2. The device represented by payload1 remains consistent for the flow.

Access only on TCP_PAYLOAD, UDP_PAYLOAD, and SSL_PAYLOAD events or an error will occur.

payload2: Buffer The payload Buffer associated with one of two devices in the flow; the other device is represented by payload1. The device represented by payload2 remains consistent for the flow.

Access only on TCP_PAYLOAD, UDP_PAYLOAD, or SSL_PAYLOAD events or an error will occur.

pkts1: Number The number of packets transmitted by one of two devices in the flow; the other device is represented by pkts2. The device represented by pkts1 remains consistent for the flow.

Access only on FLOW_TICK, FLOW_TURN, or FLOW_RECORD events or an error will occur.

pkts2: Number The number of packets transmitted by one of two devices in the flow; the other device is represented by pkts1. The device represented by pkts2 remains consistent for the flow.

Access only on FLOW_TICK, FLOW_TURN, or FLOW_RECORD events or an error will occur.

port1: Number The port number associated with one of two devices in a flow; the other device is represented by port2. The device represented by port1 remains consistent for the flow. port2: Number The port number associated with one of two devices in a flow; the other device is represented by port1. The device represented by port2 remains consistent for the flow. rcvWndThrottle1: Number The number of receive window throttles sent from one of two devices in the flow; the other device is represented by rcvWndThrottle2. The device represented by rcvWndThrottle1 remains consistent for the flow.

Access only on FLOW_TICK or FLOW_TURN events or an error will occur.

rcvWndThrottle2: Number The number of receive window throttles sent from one of two devices in the flow; the other device is represented by rcvWndThrottle1. The device represented by rcvWndThrottle2 remains consistent for the flow.

Access only on FLOW_TICK or FLOW_TURN events or an error will occur.

record1: Object The record object committed to the ExtraHop Explore appliance through a call to Flow.commitRecord1() on a FLOW_RECORD event.

The object represents traffic sent in a single direction from one of two devices in the flow; the other device is represented by the record2 property. The device represented by the record1 property remains consistent for the flow.

Access the record object only on FLOW_RECORD events or an error will occur.

The record object contains the following default properties:

  • age
  • bytes (L3)
  • dscpName
  • first
  • last
  • pkts
  • proto
  • senderAddr
  • senderPort
  • receiverAddr
  • receiverPort
  • tcpFlags
record2: Object The record object committed to the ExtraHop Explore appliance through a call to Flow.commitRecord2() on a FLOW_RECORD event.

The object represents traffic sent in a single direction from one of two devices in the flow; the other device is represented by the record1 property. The device represented by the record2 property remains consistent for the flow.

Access the record object only on FLOW_RECORD events or an error will occur.

The record object contains the following default properties:

  • age
  • bytes (L3)
  • dscpName
  • first
  • last
  • pkts
  • proto
  • senderAddr
  • senderPort
  • receiverAddr
  • receiverPort
  • tcpFlags
roundTripTime: Number The median round trip time (RTT) for the duration of the event, expressed in milliseconds. The value is NaN if there are no RTT samples.

Access only on FLOW_TICK or FLOW_TURN events or an error will occur.

rto1: Number The number of retransmission timeouts (RTOs) associated with one of two devices in the flow; the other device is represented by rto2. The device represented by rto1 remains consistent for the flow.

Access only on FLOW_TICK or FLOW_TURN events or an error will occur.

rto2: Number The number of retransmission timeouts (RTOs) associated with one of two devices in the flow; the other device is represented by rto1. The device represented by rto2 remains consistent for the flow.

Access only on FLOW_TICK or FLOW_TURN events or an error will occur.

store: Object The flow store is designed to pass objects from request to response on the same flow. The store object is an instance of an empty JavaScript object. Objects can be attached to the store as properties by defining the property key and property value. For example:Flow.store.myobject = "myvalue";

For events that occur on the same flow, you can apply the flow store instead of the session table to share information. For example:

/* request */ Flow.store.userAgent = HTTP.userAgent; /* response */ var userAgent = Flow.store.userAgent;
Important:Flow store values persist across all requests and responses carried on that flow. When working with the flow store, it is a best practice to set the flow store variable to null when its value should not be conveyed to the next request or response. This practice has the added benefit of conserving flow store memory.

Most flow store triggers should have a structure similar to the following example:

if (event === 'DB_REQUEST') { if (DB.statement) { Flow.store.stmt = DB.statement; } else { Flow.store.stmt = null; } } else if (event === 'DB_RESPONSE') { var stmt = Flow.store.stmt; Flow.store.stmt = null; if (stmt) { // Do something with 'stmt'; // for example, commit a metric } }
Note:Because DHCP requests often occur on different flows than corresponding DHCP responses, we recommend that you combine DHCP request and response information by storing DHCP transaction IDs in the session table. For example, the following trigger code creates a metric that tracks how many DHCP discover messages received a corresponding DHCP offer message:if (event === 'DHCP_REQUEST'){ var opts = { expire: 30 }; Session.add(DHCP.txId.toString(), DHCP.msgType, opts); } else if (event === 'DHCP_RESPONSE'){ var reqMsgType = Session.lookup(DHCP.txId.toString()); if (reqMsgType && DHCP.msgType === 'DHCPOFFER') { Device.metricAddCount('dhcp-discover-offer', 1); } }
vlan: Number The VLAN number associated with the flow. If no VLAN tag is present, this value is set to 0. vxlanVNI: Number The VXLAN Network Identifier number associated with the flow. If no VXLAN tag is present, this value is set to NaN. zeroWnd1: Number The number of zero windows associated with one of two devices in the flow; the other device is represented by zeroWnd2. The device represented by zeroWnd1 remains consistent for the flow.

Access only on FLOW_TICK or FLOW_TURN events or an error will occur.

zeroWnd2: Number The number of zero windows associated with one of two devices in the flow; the other device is represented by zeroWnd1. The device represented by zeroWnd2 remains consistent for the flow.

Access only on FLOW_TICK or FLOW_TURN events or an error will occur.

The FlowInterface class enables you to retrieve flow interface attributes and to add custom metrics at the interface level.

FlowInterface(id: string) A constructor for the FlowInterface object that accepts a flow interface ID. An error occurs if the flow interface ID does not exist on the ExtraHop appliance.

The methods in this section enable you to create custom metrics on a flow interface. The methods are present only on instances of the NetFlow class. For example, the following statement collects metrics from NetFlow traffic on the ingress interface:

NetFlow.ingressInterface.metricAddCount("slow_rsp", 1);

However, you can call the FlowInterface method as a static method on NETFLOW_RECORD events. For example, the following statement collects metrics from NetFlow traffic on both the ingress and egress interfaces:

FlowInterface.metricAddCount("slow_rsp", 1); metricAddCount (metric_name: String, count: Number, [options: Object]):void Creates a custom top-level count metric. Commits the metric data to the specified flow interface. metric_name: String The name of the top-level count metric. count: Number The increment value. Must be a non-zero, positive signed 64-bit integer. A NaN value is silently discarded. options: Object An optional object that can contain the following property: highPrecision: Boolean A flag that enables one-second granularity for the custom metric when set to true. metricAddDetailCount (metric_name: String, key: String | IPAddress, count: Number, [options: Object]):void Creates a custom detail count metric by which you can drill down. Commits the metric data to the specified flow interface. metric_name: String The name of the detail count metric. key: String | IPAddress The key specified for the detail metric. A null value is silently discarded. count: Number The increment value. Must be a non-zero, positive signed 64-bit integer. A NaN value is silently discarded. options: Object An optional object that can contain the following property: highPrecision: Boolean A flag that enables one-second granularity for the custom metric when set to true. metricAddDataset (metric_name: String, val: Number, [options: Object]):void Creates a custom top-level dataset metric. Commits the metric data to the specified flow interface. metric_name: String The name of the top-level dataset metric. val: Number The observed value, such as a processing time. Must be a non-zero, positive signed 64-bit integer. A NaN value is silently discarded. options: Object An optional object that can contain the following properties: freq: Number An option that enables you to simultaneously record multiple occurrences of particular values in the dataset when set to the number of occurrences specified by the val parameter. If no value is specified, the default value is 1. highPrecision: Boolean A flag that enables one-second granularity for the custom metric when set to true. metricAddDetailDataset (metric_name: String, key: String | IPAddress, val: Number, [options: Object]):void Creates a custom detail dataset metric by which you can drill down. Commits the metric data to the specified flow interface. metric_name: String The name of the detail count metric. key: String | IPAddress The key specified for the detail metric. A null value is silently discarded. val: Number The observed value, such as a processing time. Must be a non-zero, positive signed 64-bit integer. A NaN value is silently discarded. options: Object An optional object that can contain the following properties: freq: Number An option that enables you to simultaneously record multiple occurrences of particular values in the dataset when set to the number of occurrences specified by the val parameter. If no value is specified, the default value is 1. highPrecision: Boolean A flag that enables one-second granularity for the custom metric when set to true. metricAddDistinct (metric_name: String, item: Number | String | IPAddress:void Creates a custom top-level distinct count metric. Commits the metric data to the specified flow interface. metric_name: String The name of the top-level distinct count metric. item: Number | String | IPAddress The value to be placed into the HyperLogLog set specified by the metric_name parameter. The value is converted to a string before it is placed in the HyperLogLog set. metricAddDetailDistinct (metric_name: String, key: String | IPAddress, item: Number | String | IPAddress:void Creates a custom detail distinct count metric by which you can drill down. Commits the metric data to the specified flow interface. metric_name: String The name of the detail distinct count metric. key: String | IPAddress The key specified for the detail metric. A null value is silently discarded. item: Number | String | IPAddress The value to be placed into the HyperLogLog set specified by the metric_name parameter. The value is converted to a string before it is placed in the HyperLogLog set. metricAddMax (metric_name: String, val: Number, [options: Object]):void Creates a custom top-level maximum metric. Commits the metric data to the specified flow interface. metric_name: String The name of the top-level maximum metric. val: Number The observed value, such as a processing time. Must be a non-zero, positive signed 64-bit integer. A NaN value is silently discarded. options: Object An optional object that can contain the following properties: highPrecision: Boolean A flag that enables one-second granularity for the custom metric when set to true. metricAddDetailMax (metric_name: String, key: String | IPAddress, val: Number, [options: Object]):void Creates a custom detail maximum metric by which you can drill down. Commits the metric data to the specified flow interface. metric_name: String The name of the detail maximum metric. key: String | IPAddress The key specified for the detail metric. A null value is silently discarded. val: Number The observed value, such as a processing time. Must be a non-zero, positive signed 64-bit integer. A NaN value is silently discarded. options: Object An optional object that can contain the following properties: highPrecision: Boolean A flag that enables one-second granularity for the custom metric when set to true. metricAddSampleset (metric_name: String, val: Number, [options: Object]):void Creates a custom top-level sampleset metric. Commits the metric data to the specified flow interface. metric_name: String The name of the top-level sampleset metric. val: Number The observed value, such as a processing time. Must be a non-zero, positive signed 64-bit integer. A NaN value is silently discarded. options: Object An optional object that can contain the following properties: highPrecision: Boolean A flag that enables one-second granularity for the custom metric when set to true. metricAddDetailSampleset (metric_name: String, key: String | IPAddress, val: Number, [options: Object]):void Creates a custom detail sampleset metric by which you can drill down. Commits the metric data to the specified flow interface. metric_name: String The name of the detail sampleset metric. key: String | IPAddress The key specified for the detail metric. A null value is silently discarded. val: Number The observed value, such as a processing time. Must be a non-zero, positive signed 64-bit integer. A NaN value is silently discarded. options: Object An optional object that can contain the following properties: highPrecision: Boolean A flag that enables one-second granularity for the custom metric when set to true. metricAddSnap (metric_name: String, count: Number, [options: Object]):void Creates a custom top-level snapshot metric. Commits the metric data to the specified flow interface. metric_name: String The name of the top-level snapshot metric. count: Number The observed value, such as current established connections. Must be a non-zero, positive signed 64-bit integer. A NaN value is silently discarded. options: Object An optional object that can contain the following properties: highPrecision: Boolean A flag that enables one-second granularity for the custom metric when set to true. metricAddDetailSnap (metric_name: String, key: String | IPAddress, count: Number, [options: Object]):void Creates a custom detail snapshot metric by which you can drill down. Commits the metric data to the specified flow interface. metric_name: String The name of the detail sampleset metric. key: String | IPAddress The key specified for the detail metric. A null value is silently discarded. count: Number The observed value, such as current established connections. Must be a non-zero, positive signed 64-bit integer. A NaN value is silently discarded. options: Object An optional object that can contain the following properties: highPrecision: Boolean A flag that enables one-second granularity for the custom metric when set to true.

id: String A string that uniquely identifies the flow interface. number: Number The flow interface number reported by the NetFlow record.

The FlowNetwork class enables you to retrieve flow network attributes and to add custom metrics at the flow network level.

FlowNetwork(id: string) A constructor for the FlowNetwork object that accepts a flow network ID. An error occurs if the flow network ID does not exist on the ExtraHop appliance.

The methods in this section enable you to create custom metrics on a flow network. The methods are present only on instances of the NetFlow class. For example, the following statement collects metrics from NetFlow traffic on an individual network:

NetFlow.network.metricAddCount("slow_rsp", 1);

However, you can call the FlowNetwork method as a static method on NETFLOW_RECORD events. For example, the following statement collects metrics from NetFlow traffic on both devices on the flow network:

FlowNetwork.metricAddCount("slow_rsp", 1); metricAddCount (metric_name: String, count: Number, [options: Object]):void Creates a custom top-level count metric. Commits the metric data to the specified flow network. metric_name: String The name of the top-level count metric. count: Number The increment value. Must be a non-zero, positive signed 64-bit integer. A NaN value is silently discarded. options: Object An optional object that can contain the following property: highPrecision: Boolean A flag that enables one-second granularity for the custom metric when set to true. metricAddDetailCount (metric_name: String, key: String | IPAddress, count: Number, [options: Object]):void Creates a custom detail count metric by which you can drill down. Commits the metric data to the specified flow network. metric_name: String The name of the detail count metric. key: String | IPAddress The key specified for the detail metric. A null value is silently discarded. count: Number The increment value. Must be a non-zero, positive signed 64-bit integer. A NaN value is silently discarded. options: Object An optional object that can contain the following property: highPrecision: Boolean A flag that enables one-second granularity for the custom metric when set to true. metricAddDataset (metric_name: String, val: Number, [options: Object]):void Creates a custom top-level dataset metric. Commits the metric data to the specified flow network. metric_name: String The name of the top-level dataset metric. val: Number The observed value, such as a processing time. Must be a non-zero, positive signed 64-bit integer. A NaN value is silently discarded. options: Object An optional object that can contain the following properties: freq: Number An option that enables you to simultaneously record multiple occurrences of particular values in the dataset when set to the number of occurrences specified by the val parameter. If no value is specified, the default value is 1. highPrecision: Boolean A flag that enables one-second granularity for the custom metric when set to true. metricAddDetailDataset (metric_name: String, key: String | IPAddress, val: Number, [options: Object]):void Creates a custom detail dataset metric by which you can drill down. Commits the metric data to the specified flow network. metric_name: String The name of the detail count metric. key: String | IPAddress The key specified for the detail metric. A null value is silently discarded. val: Number The observed value, such as a processing time. Must be a non-zero, positive signed 64-bit integer. A NaN value is silently discarded. options: Object An optional object that can contain the following properties: freq: Number An option that enables you to simultaneously record multiple occurrences of particular values in the dataset when set to the number of occurrences specified by the val parameter. If no value is specified, the default value is 1. highPrecision: Boolean A flag that enables one-second granularity for the custom metric when set to true. metricAddDistinct (metric_name: String, item: Number | String | IPAddress:void Creates a custom top-level distinct count metric. Commits the metric data to the specified flow network. metric_name: String The name of the top-level distinct count metric. item: Number | String | IPAddress The value to be placed into the HyperLogLog set specified by the metric_name parameter. The value is converted to a string before it is placed in the HyperLogLog set. metricAddDetailDistinct (metric_name: String, key: String | IPAddress, item: Number | String | IPAddress:void Creates a custom detail distinct count metric by which you can drill down. Commits the metric data to the specified flow network. metric_name: String The name of the detail distinct count metric. key: String | IPAddress The key specified for the detail metric. A null value is silently discarded. item: Number | String | IPAddress The value to be placed into the HyperLogLog set specified by the metric_name parameter. The value is converted to a string before it is placed in the HyperLogLog set. metricAddMax (metric_name: String, val: Number, [options: Object]):void Creates a custom top-level maximum metric. Commits the metric data to the specified flow network. metric_name: String The name of the top-level maximum metric. val: Number The observed value, such as a processing time. Must be a non-zero, positive signed 64-bit integer. A NaN value is silently discarded. options: Object An optional object that can contain the following properties: highPrecision: Boolean A flag that enables one-second granularity for the custom metric when set to true. metricAddDetailMax (metric_name: String, key: String | IPAddress, val: Number, [options: Object]):void Creates a custom detail maximum metric by which you can drill down. Commits the metric data to the specified flow network. metric_name: String The name of the detail maximum metric. key: String | IPAddress The key specified for the detail metric. A null value is silently discarded. val: Number The observed value, such as a processing time. Must be a non-zero, positive signed 64-bit integer. A NaN value is silently discarded. options: Object An optional object that can contain the following properties: highPrecision: Boolean A flag that enables one-second granularity for the custom metric when set to true. metricAddSampleset (metric_name: String, val: Number, [options: Object]):void Creates a custom top-level sampleset metric. Commits the metric data to the specified flow network. metric_name: String The name of the top-level sampleset metric. val: Number The observed value, such as a processing time. Must be a non-zero, positive signed 64-bit integer. A NaN value is silently discarded. options: Object An optional object that can contain the following properties: highPrecision: Boolean A flag that enables one-second granularity for the custom metric when set to true. metricAddDetailSampleset (metric_name: String, key: String | IPAddress, val: Number, [options: Object]):void Creates a custom detail sampleset metric by which you can drill down. Commits the metric data to the specified flow network. metric_name: String The name of the detail sampleset metric. key: String | IPAddress The key specified for the detail metric. A null value is silently discarded. val: Number The observed value, such as a processing time. Must be a non-zero, positive signed 64-bit integer. A NaN value is silently discarded. options: Object An optional object that can contain the following properties: highPrecision: Boolean A flag that enables one-second granularity for the custom metric when set to true. metricAddSnap (metric_name: String, count: Number, [options: Object]):void Creates a custom top-level snapshot metric. Commits the metric data to the specified flow network. metric_name: String The name of the top-level snapshot metric. count: Number The observed value, such as current established connections. Must be a non-zero, positive signed 64-bit integer. A NaN value is silently discarded. options: Object An optional object that can contain the following properties: highPrecision: Boolean A flag that enables one-second granularity for the custom metric when set to true. metricAddDetailSnap (metric_name: String, key: String | IPAddress, count: Number, [options: Object]):void Creates a custom detail snapshot metric by which you can drill down. Commits the metric data to the specified flow network. metric_name: String The name of the detail sampleset metric. key: String | IPAddress The key specified for the detail metric. A null value is silently discarded. count: Number The observed value, such as current established connections. Must be a non-zero, positive signed 64-bit integer. A NaN value is silently discarded. options: Object An optional object that can contain the following properties: highPrecision: Boolean A flag that enables one-second granularity for the custom metric when set to true.

id: String A string that uniquely identifies the flow network. ipaddr: IPAddress The IP address of the management interface on the flow network.

The GeoIP class enables you to retrieve the approximate country-level or city-level location of a specific address.

Values returned by GeoIP methods are obtained from the MaxMind GeoLite2 Country database or the MaxMind GeoLite2 City database unless configured otherwise by the Geomap Data Source settings in the ExtraHop Admin UI.

From the Geomap Data Source settings, you can upload custom databases and specify which database to reference by default for city or country lookups.

We recommend uploading only a custom city-level database if you intend to call both GeoIP.getCountry() and GeoIP.getPreciseLocation() methods in triggers. If both types of custom databases are uploaded, the ExtraHop system retrieves values for both methods from the city-level database and ignores the country-level database, which is considered to be a subset of the city-level database.

getCountry(ipaddr: IPAddress): Object Returns country-level detail for the specified IPAddress in an object that contains the following fields: continentName: String The name of the continent, such as Europe, that is associated with the country from which the specified IP address originates. The value is the same as the continentName field returned by the getPreciseLocation() method. continentCode: Number The code of the continent, such as EU, that is associated with the value of the countryCode field, according to ISO 3166. The value is the same as the continentCode field returned by the getPreciseLocation() method. countryName: String The name of the country from which the specified IP address originates, such as United States. The value is the same as the countryName field returned by the getPreciseLocation() method. countryCode: String The code associated with the country, according to ISO 3166, such as US. The value is the same as the countryCode field returned by the getPreciseLocation() method.

Returns null in any field for which no data is available, or returns a null object if all field data is unavailable.

Note:The getCountry() method requires 20 MB of total RAM on the ExtraHop Discover appliance, which might affect system performance. The first time this method is called in any trigger, the ExtraHop system reserves the required amount of RAM unless the getPreciseLocation() method has already been called. The getPreciseLocation() method requires 100 MB of RAM, so adequate RAM will already be available to call the getCountry() method. The required amount of RAM is not per trigger or per method call; the ExtraHop system only reserves the required amount of RAM one time.

In the following code example, the getCountry() method is called on each specified event and retrieves rough location data for each client IP address:

// ignore if the IP address is non-routable if (Flow.client.ipaddr.isRFC1918) return; var results=GeoIP.getCountry(Flow.client.ipaddr); if (results) { countryCode=results.countryCode; // log the 2-letter country code of each IP address debug ("Country Code is " + results.countryCode); } getPreciseLocation(ipaddr: IPAddress): Object Returns city-level detail for the specified IPAddress in an object that contains the following fields: continentName: String The name of the continent, such as Europe, that is associated with the country from which the specified IP address originates. The value is the same as the continentName field returned by the getCountry() method. continentCode: Number The code of the continent, such as EU, that is associated with the value of the countryCode field, according to ISO 3166. The value is the same as the continentCode field returned by the getCountry() method. countryName: String The name of the country from which the specified IP address originates, such as United States. The value is the same as the countryName field returned by the getCountry() method. countryCode: String The code associated with the country, according to ISO 3166, such as US. The value is the same as the countryCode field returned by the getCountry() method. region: String The region, such as a state or province, such as Washington. city: String The city from which the IP address originates, such as Seattle. latitude: Number The latitude of the IP address location. longitude: Number The longitude of the of the IP address location. radius: Number The radius, expressed in kilometers, around the longitude and latitude coordinates of the IP address location.

Returns null in any field for which no data is available, or returns a null object if all field data is unavailable.

Note:The getPreciseLocation() method requires 100 MB of total RAM on the ExtraHop Discover appliance, which might affect system performance. The first time this method is called in any trigger, the ExtraHop system reserves the required amount of RAM unless the getCountry() method has already been called. The getCountry() method requires 20 MB of RAM, so the ExtraHop system reserves an additional 80 MB of RAM. The required amount of RAM is not per trigger or per method call; the ExtraHop system only reserves the required amount of RAM one time.

The IPAddress class enables you to retrieve IP address attributes. The IPAddress class is also available as a property for the Flow class.

IPAddress (ip: String | Number, [mask: Number]) Constructor for the IPAddress class that takes two parameters: ip: String The IP address string in CIDR format. mask: Number The subnet mask in a numerical format, representing the number of leftmost '1' bits in the mask (optional).

equals (equals: IPAddress): Boolean Performs an equality test between IPAddress objects as shown in the following example:if (Flow.client.ipaddr.toString() === "") { // perform a task } mask (mask: Number): IPAddress Sets the subnet mask of the IPAddress object as shown in the following example:if ((Flow.ipaddr1.mask(24).toString() === "")|| (Flow.ipaddr2.mask(24).toString() === "")) {Flow.setApplication("My L4 App");}

The mask parameter specifies the subnet mask in a numerical format, representing the number of leftmost '1' bits in the mask (optional).

toJSON(): string Converts the IPAddress object to JSON format. toString(): String Converts the IPAddress object to a printable string.

hostNames: Array of Strings An array of hostnames associated with the IPAddress. isBroadcast: Boolean The value is true if the IP address is a broadcast address. isExternal: Boolean The value is true if the IP address is external to your network. isLinkLocal: Boolean The value is true if the IP address is a link local address such as ( isMulticast: Boolean The value is true if the IP address is a multicast address. isRFC1918: Boolean The value is true if the IP address belongs to one of the RFC1918 private IP ranges (,, The value is always false for IPv6 addresses. isV4: Boolean The value is true if the IP address is an IPv4 address. isV6: Boolean The value is true if the IP address is an IPv6 address.

The Network class enables you to add custom metrics at the global level.

metricAddCount (metric_name: String, count: Number, [options: Object]):void Creates a custom top-level count metric. Commits the metric data to the specified network. metric_name: String The name of the top-level count metric. count: Number The increment value. Must be a non-zero, positive signed 64-bit integer. A NaN value is silently discarded. options: Object An optional object that can contain the following property: highPrecision: Boolean A flag that enables one-second granularity for the custom metric when set to true. metricAddDetailCount (metric_name: String, key: String | IPAddress, count: Number, [options: Object]):void Creates a custom detail count metric by which you can drill down. Commits the metric data to the specified network. metric_name: String The name of the detail count metric. key: String | IPAddress The key specified for the detail metric. A null value is silently discarded. count: Number The increment value. Must be a non-zero, positive signed 64-bit integer. A NaN value is silently discarded. options: Object An optional object that can contain the following property: highPrecision: Boolean A flag that enables one-second granularity for the custom metric when set to true. metricAddDataset (metric_name: String, val: Number, [options: Object]):void Creates a custom top-level dataset metric. Commits the metric data to the specified network. metric_name: String The name of the top-level dataset metric. val: Number The observed value, such as a processing time. Must be a non-zero, positive signed 64-bit integer. A NaN value is silently discarded. options: Object An optional object that can contain the following properties: freq: Number An option that enables you to simultaneously record multiple occurrences of particular values in the dataset when set to the number of occurrences specified by the val parameter. If no value is specified, the default value is 1. highPrecision: Boolean A flag that enables one-second granularity for the custom metric when set to true. metricAddDetailDataset (metric_name: String, key: String | IPAddress, val: Number, [options: Object]):void Creates a custom detail dataset metric by which you can drill down. Commits the metric data to the specified network. metric_name: String The name of the detail count metric. key: String | IPAddress The key specified for the detail metric. A null value is silently discarded. val: Number The observed value, such as a processing time. Must be a non-zero, positive signed 64-bit integer. A NaN value is silently discarded. options: Object An optional object that can contain the following properties: freq: Number An option that enables you to simultaneously record multiple occurrences of particular values in the dataset when set to the number of occurrences specified by the val parameter. If no value is specified, the default value is 1. highPrecision: Boolean A flag that enables one-second granularity for the custom metric when set to true. metricAddDistinct (metric_name: String, item: Number | String | IPAddress:void Creates a custom top-level distinct count metric. Commits the metric data to the specified network. metric_name: String The name of the top-level distinct count metric. item: Number | String | IPAddress The value to be placed into the HyperLogLog set specified by the metric_name parameter. The value is converted to a string before it is placed in the HyperLogLog set. metricAddDetailDistinct (metric_name: String, key: String | IPAddress, item: Number | String | IPAddress:void Creates a custom detail distinct count metric by which you can drill down. Commits the metric data to the specified network. metric_name: String The name of the detail distinct count metric. key: String | IPAddress The key specified for the detail metric. A null value is silently discarded. item: Number | String | IPAddress The value to be placed into the HyperLogLog set specified by the metric_name parameter. The value is converted to a string before it is placed in the HyperLogLog set. metricAddMax (metric_name: String, val: Number, [options: Object]):void Creates a custom top-level maximum metric. Commits the metric data to the specified network. metric_name: String The name of the top-level maximum metric. val: Number The observed value, such as a processing time. Must be a non-zero, positive signed 64-bit integer. A NaN value is silently discarded. options: Object An optional object that can contain the following properties: highPrecision: Boolean A flag that enables one-second granularity for the custom metric when set to true. metricAddDetailMax (metric_name: String, key: String | IPAddress, val: Number, [options: Object]):void Creates a custom detail maximum metric by which you can drill down. Commits the metric data to the specified network. metric_name: String The name of the detail maximum metric. key: String | IPAddress The key specified for the detail metric. A null value is silently discarded. val: Number The observed value, such as a processing time. Must be a non-zero, positive signed 64-bit integer. A NaN value is silently discarded. options: Object An optional object that can contain the following properties: highPrecision: Boolean A flag that enables one-second granularity for the custom metric when set to true. metricAddSampleset (metric_name: String, val: Number, [options: Object]):void Creates a custom top-level sampleset metric. Commits the metric data to the specified network. metric_name: String The name of the top-level sampleset metric. val: Number The observed value, such as a processing time. Must be a non-zero, positive signed 64-bit integer. A NaN value is silently discarded. options: Object An optional object that can contain the following properties: highPrecision: Boolean A flag that enables one-second granularity for the custom metric when set to true. metricAddDetailSampleset (metric_name: String, key: String | IPAddress, val: Number, [options: Object]):void Creates a custom detail sampleset metric by which you can drill down. Commits the metric data to the specified network. metric_name: String The name of the detail sampleset metric. key: String | IPAddress The key specified for the detail metric. A null value is silently discarded. val: Number The observed value, such as a processing time. Must be a non-zero, positive signed 64-bit integer. A NaN value is silently discarded. options: Object An optional object that can contain the following properties: highPrecision: Boolean A flag that enables one-second granularity for the custom metric when set to true. metricAddSnap (metric_name: String, count: Number, [options: Object]):void Creates a custom top-level snapshot metric. Commits the metric data to the specified network. metric_name: String The name of the top-level snapshot metric. count: Number The observed value, such as current established connections. Must be a non-zero, positive signed 64-bit integer. A NaN value is silently discarded. options: Object An optional object that can contain the following properties: highPrecision: Boolean A flag that enables one-second granularity for the custom metric when set to true. metricAddDetailSnap (metric_name: String, key: String | IPAddress, count: Number, [options: Object]):void Creates a custom detail snapshot metric by which you can drill down. Commits the metric data to the specified network. metric_name: String The name of the detail sampleset metric. key: String | IPAddress The key specified for the detail metric. A null value is silently discarded. count: Number The observed value, such as current established connections. Must be a non-zero, positive signed 64-bit integer. A NaN value is silently discarded. options: Object An optional object that can contain the following properties: highPrecision: Boolean A flag that enables one-second granularity for the custom metric when set to true.

The Session class provides access to the session table. It is designed to support coordination across multiple independently executing triggers. The session table's global state means any changes by a trigger or external process become visible to all other users of the session table. Because the session table is in-memory, changes are not saved when you restart the ExtraHop appliance or the capture process.

Here are some important things to know about session tables:

  • The session table supports ordinary JavaScript values, enabling you to add JS objects to the table.
  • Session table entries can be evicted when the table grows too large or when the configured expiration is reached.
  • The ExtraHop Command appliance cluster nodes do not share their global states. The ECA does not run triggers; it only manages them.
  • The ExtraHop Open Data Context API exposes the session table via the management network, enabling coordination with external processes through the memcache protocol.

The Session class is not limited only to the SESSION_EXPIRE event. You can apply the Session class to any ExtraHop event.

SESSION_EXPIRE Runs periodically (in approximately 30 second increments) as long as the session table is in use. When the SESSION_EXPIRE event fires, keys that have expired in the previous 30 second interval are available through the Session.expiredKeys property.

The SESSION_EXPIRE event is not associated with any particular flow, so triggers on SESSION_EXPIRE events cannot commit device metrics through Device.metricAdd*() methods or Flow.client.device.metricAdd*() methods. To commit device metrics on this event, you must add Device objects to the session table through the Device() instance method.

Note:You cannot assign triggers that run only on this event to specific devices or device groups. Triggers that run on this event will run whenever this event occurs.
TIMER_30SEC Runs exactly every 30 seconds. This event enables you to perform periodic processing, such as regularly accessing session table entries added through the Open Data Context API.
Note:You can apply any trigger class to the TIMER_30SEC event.
Note:You cannot assign triggers that run only on this event to specific devices or device groups. Triggers that run on this event will run whenever this event occurs.

add(key: String, value*, [options: Object]): * Adds the specified key in the session table. If the key is present, the corresponding value is returned without modifying the key entry in the table. If the key is not present, a new entry is created for the key and value, and the new value is returned.

You can configure an Options object for the specified key.

getOptions(key: String): Object Returns the Options object for the specified key. You configure options during calls to Session.add(), Session.modify(), or Session.replace(). increment(key: String, [count: Number]): Number | null Looks up the specified key and increments the key value by the specified number. The default count value is 1. Returns the new key value if the call is successful. Returns null if the lookup fails. Returns an error if the key value is not a number. lookup(key: String): * Looks up the specified key in the session table and returns the corresponding value. Returns null if the key is not present. modify(key: String, value: *, [options: Object]): * Modifies the specified key value, if the key is present in the session table, and returns the previous value. If the key is not present, no new entry is created.

If changes to the Options object are included, the key options are updated. and old options are merged with new ones. If the expire option is modified, the expiration timer is reset.

remove(key: String): * Removes the entry for the given key and returns the associated value. replace(key: String, value: *, [options: Object]): * Updates the entry associated with the given key. If the key is present, update the value and return the previous value. If the key is not present, add the entry and return the previous value (null).

If changes to the Options object is included, the key options are updated, and old options are merged with new ones. If the expire option is provided, the expiration timer is reset.

expire: Number The duration after which eviction occurrs, expressed in seconds. If the value is null or undefined, the entry is evicted only when the session table grows too large. notify: Boolean Indicates whether the key is available on SESSION_EXPIRE events. The default value is false. priority: String Priority level that determines which entries to evict if the session table grows too large. Valid values are PRIORITY_LOW, PRIORITY_NORMAL, and PRIORITY_HIGH. The default value is PRIORITY_NORMAL.

PRIORITY_LOW: Number Default value is 0. PRIORITY_NORMAL: Number Default value is 1. PRIORITY_HIGH: Number Default value is 2.

expiredKeys :Array An array of objects with the following properties: age: Number The age of the expired object, expressed in milliseconds. Age is the amount of time elapsed between when the object in the session table was added or modified, and the SESSION_EXPIRE event. The age determines whether the key was evicted or expired. name: String The key of the expired object. value: Number | String | IPAddress | Boolean | Device The value of the entry in the session table.

Expired keys include keys that were evicted because the table grew too large.

The expiredKeys property can be accessed only on SESSION_EXPIREevents or an error will occur.

  • Example: Record data to a session table

The System class enables you to retrieve information about the ExtraHop Discover appliance on which a trigger is running. This information in useful in environments with multiple Discover appliances.

uuid: string The universally unique identifier (UUID) of the ExtraHop Discover appliance. ipaddr: IPAddress The IPAddress object of the primary management interface (Interface 1) on the ExtraHop Discover appliance. hostname: string The hostname for the ExtraHop Discover appliance configured in the ExtraHop Admin UI.

The ThreatIntel class enables you to see whether threats have been found for IP addresses, hostnames, or URIs. (ExtraHop Reveal(x) Premium and Ultra only)

hasIP(address: IPAddress): boolean The value is true if the threats have been found for the specified IP address. If no intelligence information is available on the appliance, the value is null. hasDomain(domain: String): boolean The value is true if the threats have been found for the specified domain. If no intelligence information is available on the appliance, the value is null. hasURI(uri: String): boolean The value is true if the threats have been found for the specified URI. If no intelligence information is available on the appliance, the value is null.

isAvailable: boolean The value is true if threat intelligence information is available on this appliance.

The Trigger class enables you to access details about a running trigger.

isDebugEnabled: boolean The value is true if debugging is enabled for the trigger. The value is determined by the state of the Enable debug log checkbox in the Edit Trigger pane in the ExtraHop Web UI.

The VLAN class represents a VLAN on the network.

id: Number The numerical ID for a VLAN.

The Trigger API classes in this section enable you to access properties and record metrics from protocol, message, and flow activity that occurs on the ExtraHop appliance.

Class Description
AAA Enables you to store metrics and access properties on AAA_REQUEST or AAA_RESPONSE events.
ActiveMQ Enables you to store metrics and access properties on ACTIVEMQ_MESSAGE events.
AJP The AJP class enables you to store metrics and access properties on AJP_REQUEST and AJP_RESPONSE events.
CIFS Enables you to store metrics and access properties on CIFS_REQUEST and CIFS_RESPONSE events.
DB Enables you to store metrics and access properties on DB_REQUEST and DB_RESPONSE events.
DHCP Enables you to store metrics and access properties on DHCP_REQUEST and DHCP_RESPONSE events.
DICOM Enables you to store metrics and access properties on DICOM_REQUEST and DICOM_RESPONSE events.
DNS Enables you to store metrics and access properties on DNS_REQUEST and DNS_RESPONSE events.
FIX Enables you to store metrics and access properties on FIX_REQUEST and FIX_RESPONSE events.
FTP Enables you to store metrics and access properties on FTP_REQUEST and FTP_RESPONSE events.
HL7 Enables you to store metrics and access properties on HL7_REQUEST and HL7_RESPONSE events.
HTTP Enables you to store metrics and access properties on HTTP_REQUEST and HTTP_RESPONSE events.
IBMMQ Enables you to store metrics and access properties on IBMMQ_REQUEST and IBMMQ_RESPONSE events.
ICA Enables you to store metrics and access properties on ICA_OPEN, ICA_AUTH, ICA_TICK, and ICA_CLOSE events.
ICMP Enables you to store metrics and access properties on ICMP_MESSAGE events.
Kerberos Enables you to store metrics and access properties on KERBEROS_REQUEST and KERBEROS_RESPONSE events.
LDAP Enables you to store metrics and access properties on LDAP_REQUEST and LDAP_RESPONSE events.
LLDP Enables you to access properties on LLDP_FRAME events.
Memcache Enables you to store metrics and access properties on MEMCACHE_REQUEST and MEMCACHE_RESPONSE events.
Modbus Enables you to store metrics and access properties on MODBUS_REQUEST and MODBUS_RESPONSE events.
MongoDB The MongoDB class enables you to store metrics and access properties on MONGODB_REQUEST and MONGODB_RESPONSE events.
MSMQ The MSMQ class enables you to store metrics and access properties on MSMQ_MESSAGE event.
NetFlow Enables you to store metrics and access properties on NETFLOW_RECORD events.
NFS Enables you to store metrics and access properties on NFS_REQUEST and NFS_RESPONSE events.
POP3 Enables you to store metrics and access properties on POP3_REQUEST and POP3_RESPONSE events.
RDP Enables you to store metrics and access properties on RDP_OPEN, RDP_CLOSE, and RDP_TICK events.
Redis Enables you to store metrics and access properties on REDIS_REQUEST and REDIS_RESPONSE events.
RTCP Enables you to store metrics and access properties on RTCP_MESSAGE events.
RTP Enables you to store metrics and access properties on RTP_OPEN, RTP_CLOSE, and RTP_TICK events.
SCCP Enables you to store metrics and access properties on SCCP_MESSAGE events.
SDP Enables you to access properties on SIP_REQUEST and SIP_RESPONSE events.
SFlow Enables you to store metrics and access properties on SFLOW_RECORD events.
SIP Enables you to store metrics and access properties on SIP_REQUEST and SIP_RESPONSE events.
SMPP Enables you to store metrics and access properties on SMPP_REQUEST and SMPP_RESPONSE events.
SMTP Enables you to store metrics and access properties on SMTP_REQUEST and SMTP_RESPONSE events.
SSH Enables you to store metrics and access properties on SSH_CLOSE, SSH_OPEN and SSH_TICK events.
SSL Enables you to store metrics and access properties on SSL_OPEN, SSL_CLOSE, SSL_ALERT, SSL_RECORD, SSL_HEARTBEAT, and SSL_RENEGOTIATE events.
TCP Enables you to access properties and retrieve metrics from TCP events and on FLOW_TICK and FLOW_TURN events.
Telnet Enables you to store metrics and access properties on TELNET_MESSAGE events.
Turn Enables you to store metrics and access properties on FLOW_TURN events.
UDP Enables you to access properties and retrieve metrics from UDP events and on FLOW_TICK and FLOW_TURN events.
WebSocket Enables you to access properties on WEBSOCKET_OPEN, WEBSOCKET_CLOSE, and WEBSOCKET_MESSAGE events.

The AAA (Authentication, Authorization, and Accounting) class enables you to store metrics and access properties on AAA_REQUEST or AAA_RESPONSE events.

AAA_REQUEST Runs when the ExtraHop system finishes processing an AAA request . AAA_RESPONSE Runs on every AAA response processed by the device.

commitRecord(): void Commits a record object to the ExtraHop Explore appliance on either an AAA_REQUEST or AAA_RESPONSE event.

The event determines which properties are committed to the record object. To view the default properties committed on each event, see the record property below.

For built-in records, each unique record is committed only once, even if the commitRecord() method is called multiple times for the same unique record.

authenticator: String The value of the authenticator field (RADIUS only). avps:Array avpLength: Number The size of the AVP, expressed in bytes. This value includes the AVP header data, as well as the value. id: Number The numeric ID of the attribute represented as an integer. isGrouped: Boolean The value is true if this is a grouped AVP (Diameter only). name: String The name for the given AVP. vendor: String The vendor name for vendor AVPs (Diameter only). value: String | Array | Number For single AVPs, a string or numeric value. For grouped AVPs (Diameter only), an array of objects. isDiameter: Boolean The value is true if the request or response is Diameter. isError: Boolean The value is true if the response is an error. To retrieve the error details in Diameter, check AAA.statusCode. To retrieve the error details in RADIUS, check the AVP with code 18 (Reply-Message).

Access only on AAA_RESPONSE events or an error will occur.

isRadius: Boolean The value is true if the request or response is RADIUS. isRspAborted: Boolean The value is true if the AAA_RESPONSE event is aborted.

Access only on AAA_RESPONSE events or an error will occur.

method: Number The method that corresponds to the command code in either RADIUS or Diameter.

The following table contains valid Diameter command codes:

Command name Abbr. Code
AA-Request AAR 265
AA-Answer AAA 265
Diameter-EAP-Request DER 268
Diameter-EAP-Answer DEA 268
Abort-Session-Request ASR 274
Abort-Session-Answer ASA 274
Accounting-Request ACR 271
Credit-Control-Request CCR 272
Credit-Control-Answer CCA 272
Capabilities-Exchange-Request CER 257
Capabilities-Exchange-Answer CEA 257
Device-Watchdog-Request DWR 280
Device-Watchdog-Answer DWA 280
Disconnect-Peer-Request DPR 282
Disconnect-Peer-Answer DPA 282
Re-Auth-Request RAR 258
Re-Auth-Answer RAA 258
Session-Termination-Request STR 275
Session-Termination-Answer STA 275
User-Authorization-Request UAR 300
User-Authorization-Answer UAA 300
Server-Assignment-Request SAR 301
Server-Assignment-Answer SAA 301
Location-Info-Request LIR 302
Location-Info-Answer LIA 302
Multimedia-Auth-Request MAR 303
Multimedia-Auth-Answer MAA 303
Registration-Termination-Request RTR 304
Registration-Termination-Answer RTA 304
Push-Profile-Request PPR 305
Push-Profile-Answer PPA 305
User-Data-Request UDR 306
User-Data-Answer UDA 306
Profile-Update-Request PUR 307
Profile-Update-Answer PUA 307
Subscribe-Notifications-Request SNR 308
Subscribe-Notifications-Answer SNA 308
Push-Notification-Request PNR 309
Push-Notification-Answer PNA 309
Bootstrapping-Info-Request BIR 310
Bootstrapping-Info-Answer BIA 310
Message-Process-Request MPR 311
Message-Process-Answer MPA 311
Update-Location-Request ULR 316
Update-Location-Answer ULA 316
Authentication-Information-Request AIR 318
Authentication-Information-Answer AIA 318
Notify-Request NR 323
Notify-Answer NA 323

The following table contains valid RADIUS command codes:

Command name Code
Access-Request 1
Access-Accept 2
Access-Reject 3
Accounting-Request 4
Accounting-Response 5
Access-Challenge 11
Status-Server (experimental) 12
Status-Client (experimental) 13
Reserved 255

processingTime: Number The server processing time, expressed in milliseconds. The value is NaN if the timing is invalid.

Access only on AAA_RESPONSE events or an error will occur.

record: Object The record object committed to the ExtraHop Explore appliance through a call to AAA.commitRecord() on either an AAA_REQUEST or AAA_RESPONSE event.

The event on which the method was called determines which default properties the record object contains as displayed in the following table:

AAA_Request AAA_Response
authenticator authenticator
clientZeroWnd clientZeroWnd
method isError
reqBytes isRspAborted
reqL2Bytes method
reqPkts processingTime
reqRTO roundTripTime
serverZeroWnd rspBytes
txId rspL2Bytes

reqBytes: Number The number of L4 request bytes, excluding L4 headers. reqL2Bytes: Number The number of L2 request bytes, including L2 headers. reqPkts: Number The number of request packets. reqRTO: Number The number of request retransmission timeouts (RTOs).

Access only on AAA_REQUEST events or an error will occur.

reqZeroWnd: Number The number of zero windows in the request. roundTripTime: Number The median round trip time (RTT), expressed in milliseconds. The value is NaN if there are no RTT samples. rspBytes: Number The number of L4response bytes, excluding L4 headers. rspL2Bytes: Number The number of L2 response bytes, including L2 headers. rspPkts: Number The number of response packets. rspRTO: Number The number of response retransmission timeouts (RTOs).

Access only on AAA_RESPONSE events or an error will occur.

rspZeroWnd: Number The number of zero windows in the response. statusCode: String A string representation of the AVP identifier 268 (Result-Code).

Access only on AAA_RESPONSE events or an error will occur.

txId: Number A value that corresponds to the hop-by-hop identifier in Diameter and msg-id in RADIUS.

The ActiveMQ class enables you to store metrics and access properties on ACTIVEMQ_MESSAGE events. ActiveMQ is an implementation of the Java Messaging Service (JMS).

ACTIVEMQ_MESSAGE Runs on every JMS message processed by the device.

commitRecord(): void Commits a record object to the ExtraHop Explore appliance on an ACTIVEMQ_MESSAGE event.

To view the default properties committed to the record object, see the record property below.

For built-in records, each unique record is committed only once, even if the commitRecord() method is called multiple times for the same unique record.

correlationId: String The JMSCorrelationID field of the message. expiration: Number The JMSExpiration field of the message. msg: Buffer The message body. For TEXT_MESSAGE format messages, this returns the body of the message as a UTF-8 string. For all other message formats, this returns the raw bytes. msgFormat: String The message format. Possible values are:

msgId: String The JMSMessageID field of the message. persistent: Boolean The value is true if the JMSDeliveryMode is PERSISTENT. priority: Number The JMSPriority field of the message.
  • 0 is the lowest priority.
  • 9 is the highest priority.
  • 0-4 are gradations of normal priority.
  • 5-9 are gradations of expedited priority.
properties: Object Zero or more properties attached to the message. The keys are arbitrary strings and the values may be booleans, numbers, or strings. queue: String The JMSDestination field of the message. receiverBytes: Number The number of application-level bytes from the receiver. receiverIsBroker: Boolean The value is true if the flow-level receiver of the message is a broker. receiverL2Bytes: Number The number of L2 bytes from the receiver. receiverPkts: Number The number of packets from the receiver. receiverRTO: Number The number of RTOs from the receiver. receiverZeroWnd: Number The number of zero windows sent by the receiver. record: Object The record object that was committed to the ExtraHop Explore appliance through a call to ActiveMQ.commitRecord() on an ACTIVEMQ_MESSAGE event.

The record object contains the following default properties:

  • correlationId
  • expiration
  • msgFormat
  • msgId
  • persistent
  • priority
  • queue
  • receiverBytes
  • receiverIsBroker
  • receiverL2Bytes
  • receiverPkts
  • receiverRTO
  • receiverZeroWnd
  • redeliveryCount
  • replyTo
  • roundTripTime
  • senderBytes
  • senderIsBroker
  • senderL2Bytes
  • senderPkts
  • senderRTO
  • senderZeroWnd
  • timeStamp
  • totalMsgLength
redeliveryCount: Number The number of redeliveries. replyTo: String The JMSReplyTo field of the message, converted to a string. roundTripTime: Number The median round trip time (RTT), expressed in milliseconds. The value is NaN if there are no RTT samples. senderBytes: Number The number of application-level bytes from the sender. senderIsBroker: Boolean The value is true if the flow-level sender of the message is a broker. senderL2Bytes: Number The number of L2 bytes from the sender. senderPkts: Number The number of packets from the sender. senderRTO: Number The number of RTOs from the sender. senderZeroWnd: Number The number of zero windows sent by the sender. timeStamp: Number The time when the message was handed off to a provider to be sent, expressed in GMT. This is the JMSTimestamp field of the message. totalMsgLength: Number The length of the message, expressed in bytes.

Apache JServ Protocol (AJP) proxies inbound requests from a web server to an application server and is often applied to load-balanced environments where one or more front-end web servers feed requests into one or more application servers. The AJP class enables you to store metrics and access properties on AJP_REQUEST and AJP_RESPONSE events.

AJP_REQUEST Runs after the web server sends an AJP Forward Request message to a servlet container, and then transfers any subsequent request body. AJP_RESPONSE Runs after a servlet container sends an AJP End Response message to signal that the servlet container has finished processing an AJP Forward Request and has sent back the requested information.

commitRecord(): Void Commits a record object to the ExtraHop Explore appliance on an AJP_RESPONSE event. Record commits on AJP_REQUEST events are not supported.

To view the default properties committed to the record object, see the record property below.

For built-in records, each unique record is committed only once, even if the commitRecord() method is called multiple times for the same unique record.

findHeaders(name: String): Array Accesses AJP header values and returns an array of header objects (with name and value properties) where the names match the prefix of the specified string. Accesses request headers on AJP_REQUEST events and response headers on AJP_RESPONSE requests.

attributes: Object An array of optional AJP attributes sent with the request, such as remote_user, auth_type, query_string, jvm_route, ssl_cert, ssl_cipher, and ssl_session.

Access only on AJP_REQUEST events or an error will occur.

fwdReqClientAddr: IPAddress The IPAddress of the HTTP client that made the original request to the server. The value is null if the available information cannot be parsed to an IP address. fwdReqHost: String The HTTP host specified by the HTTP client that made the original request to the server. fwdReqIsEncrypted: Boolean The value is true if SSL encryption was applied by the HTTP client that made the original request to the server. fwdReqServerName: String

The name of the server to which the HTTP client made the original request.

fwdReqServerPort: Number The TCP port on the server to which the HTTP client made the original request. headers: Object When accessed on AJP_REQUEST events, an array of header names and values sent with the request.

When accessed on AJP_RESPONSE events, an array of headers conveyed in the AJP Send Headers message by the server to the end user browser.

method: String The HTTP method of the request, such as POST or GET, from the server to the servlet container. processingTime: Number The time between the last byte of the request received and the first byte of the response payload sent, expressed in milliseconds. The value is NaN on malformed and aborted responses or if the timing is invalid.

Access only on AJP_RESPONSE events or an error will occur.

protocol: String The protocol of the request from the server to the servlet container. Not set for other message types. record: Object The record object that was committed to the ExtraHop Explore appliance through a call to AJP.commitRecord() on an AJP_RESPONSE event.

The record object contains the following default properties:

  • fwdReqClientAddr
  • fwdReqHost
  • fwdReqIsEncrypted
  • fwdReqServerName
  • fwdReqServerPort
  • method
  • processingTime
  • protocol
  • reqSize
  • rspSize
  • statusCode
  • uri

Access only on AJP_RESPONSE events or an error will occur.

reqBytes: Number The number of L4 request bytes, excluding L4 headers.

Access only on AJP_RESPONSE events or an error will occur.

reqL2Bytes: Number The number of L2 request bytes, including L2 headers. reqPkts: Number The number of request packets. reqRTO: Number The number of request retransmission timeouts (RTOs). reqSize: Number The number of L7 request bytes, excluding AJP headers. rspBytes: Number The number of L4 response bytes, excluding L4 headers.

Access only on AJP_RESPONSE events or an error will occur.

rspL2Bytes: Number The number of L2 response bytes, including L2 headers.

Access only on AJP_RESPONSE events or an error will occur.

rspPkts: Number The number of response packets.

Access only on AJP_RESPONSE events or an error will occur.

rspRTO: Number The number of response retransmission timeouts (RTOs).

Access only on AJP_RESPONSE events or an error will occur.

rspSize: Number The number of L7 response bytes, excluding AJP headers.

Access only on AJP_RESPONSE events or an error will occur.

statusCode: Number The HTTP status code returned by the servlet container for responses to AJP Forward Request messages.

Access only on AJP_RESPONSE events or an error will occur.

uri: String The URI for the request from the server to the servlet container. Not set for non-AJP message types.

Cisco Discovery Protocol (CDP) is a proprietary protocol that enables connected Cisco devices to send information to each other. The CDP class enables you to access properties on CDP_FRAME events.

CDP_FRAME Runs on every CDP frame processed by the device.

destination: String The destination MAC address. The most common destination is 01:00:0c:cc:cc:cc, indicating a multicast address. checksum: Number The CDP checksum. source: Device The device sending the CDP frame. ttl: Number The time to live, expressed in seconds. This is the length of time during which the information in this frame is valid, starting with when the information is received. tlvs: Array of Objects An array containing each type, length, value (TLV) field. A TLV field contains information such as the device ID, address, and platform. Each field is an object with the following properties: type: Number The type of TLV. value: Buffer The value of the TLV. version: Number The CDP protocol version.

The CIFS class enables you to store metrics and access properties on CIFS_REQUEST and CIFS_RESPONSE events.

CIFS_REQUEST Runs on every CIFS request processed by the device. CIFS_RESPONSE Runs on every CIFS response processed by the device.

commitRecord(): void Commits a record object to the ExtraHop Explore appliance on a CIFS_RESPONSE event. Record commits on CIFS_REQUEST events are not supported.

To view the default properties committed to the record object, see the record property below.

For built-in records, each unique record is committed only once, even if the commitRecord() method is called multiple times for the same unique record.

Important:Access time is the time it takes for a CIFS server to receive a requested block. There is no access time for operations that do not access actual block data within a file. Processing time is the time it takes for a CIFS server to respond to the operation requested by the client, such as a metadata retrieval request.

There are no access times for SMB2_CREATE commands, which create a file that is referenced in the response by an SMB2_FILEID command. The referenced file blocks are then read from or written to the NAS-storage device. These file read and write operations are calculated as access times.

accessTime: Number The amount of time taken by the server to access a file on disk, expressed in milliseconds. For CIFS, this is the time from the first READ command in a CIFS flow until the first byte of the response payload. The value is NaN if the measurement or timing is invalid.

Access only on CIFS_RESPONSE events or an error will occur.

dialect: String The dialect of SMB negotiated between the client and the server encryptedBytes: Number The number of encrypted bytes in the request or response. error: String The detailed error message recorded by the ExtraHop system.

Access only on CIFS_RESPONSE events or an error will occur.

isCommandCreate: Boolean The value is true if the message contains an SMB file creation command. isCommandDelete: Boolean The value is true if the message contains an SMB DELETE command. isCommandFileInfo: Boolean The value is true if the message contains an SMB file info command. isCommandLock: Boolean The value is true if the message contains an SMB locking command. isCommandRead: Boolean The value is true if the message contains an SMB READ command. isCommandRename: Boolean The value is true if the message contains an SMB RENAME command. isCommandWrite: Boolean The value is true if the message contains an SMB WRITE command. method: String The CIFS method. Correlates to the methods listed under the CIFS metric in the ExtraHop Web UI. msgID: Number The SMB transaction identifier. payload: Buffer The Buffer object containing the payload bytes starting from the READ or WRITE command in the CIFS message.

The buffer contains the N first bytes of the payload, where N is the number of payload bytes specified by the Bytes to Buffer field when the trigger was configured through the ExtraHop WebUI. The default number of bytes is 2048. For more information, see Advanced trigger options.

For larger volumes of payload bytes, the payload might be spread across a series of READ or WRITE commands so that no single trigger event contains the entire requested payload. You can reassemble the payload into a single, consolidated buffer through the Flow.store and payloadOffset properties.

payloadOffset: Number The file offset, expressed in bytes, within the resource property. The payload property is obtained from the resource property at the offset. processingTime: Number The server processing time, expressed in milliseconds. The value is NaN on malformed and aborted responses or if the timing is invalid.

Access only on CIFS_RESPONSE events or an error will occur.

record: Object The record object committed to the ExtraHop Explore appliance through a call to CIFS.commitRecord on a CIFS_RESPONSE event.

The record object contains the following default properties:

  • accessTime
  • clientZeroWnd
  • error
  • isCommandCreate
  • isCommandDelete
  • isCommandFileInfo
  • isCommandLock
  • isCommandRead
  • isCommandRename
  • isCommandWrite
  • method
  • processingTime
  • reqSize
  • reqXfer
  • resource
  • rspBytes
  • rspXfer
  • serverZeroWnd
  • share
  • statusCode
  • user
  • warning

Access only on CIFS_RESPONSE events or an error will occur.

reqBytes: Number The number of L4 request bytes, excluding L4 headers.

Access only on CIFS_RESPONSE events or an error will occur.

reqL2Bytes: Number The number of L2 request bytes, including L2 headers.

Access only on CIFS_RESPONSE events or an error will occur.

reqPkts: Number The number of request packets.

Access only on CIFS_RESPONSE events or an error will occur.

reqRTO: Number The number of request retransmission timeouts (RTOs).

Access only on CIFS_RESPONSE events or an error will occur.

reqSize: Number The number of L7 request bytes, excluding CIFS headers. reqTransferTime: Number The request transfer time, expressed in milliseconds. If the request is contained in a single packet, the transfer time is zero. If the request spans multiple packets, the value is the amount of time between detection of the first CIFS request packet and detection of the last packet by the ExtraHop system. A high value might indicate a large CIFS request or a network delay. The value is NaN if there is no valid measurement, or if the timing is invalid.

Access only on CIFS_REQUEST events or an error will occur.

reqVersion: String The version of SMB running on the request. reqZeroWnd: Number The number of zero windows in the request. resource: String The share, path, and filename, concatenated together. roundTripTime: Number The median round trip time (RTT), expressed in milliseconds. The value is NaN if there are no RTT samples.

Access only on CIFS_RESPONSE events or an error will occur.

rspBytes: Number The number of L4 response bytes, excluding L4 headers.

Access only on CIFS_RESPONSE events or an error will occur.

rspL2Bytes: Number The number of L2 response bytes, including L2 headers.

Access only on CIFS_RESPONSE events or an error will occur.

rspPkts: Number The number of response packets.

Access only on CIFS_RESPONSE events or an error will occur.

rspRTO: Number The number of response retransmission timeouts (RTOs).

Access only on CIFS_RESPONSE events or an error will occur.

rspSize: Number The number of L7 response bytes, excluding CIFS headers.

Access only on CIFS_RESPONSE events or an error will occur.

rspTransferTime: Number The response transfer time, expressed in milliseconds. If the response is contained in a single packet, the transfer time is zero. If the response spans multiple packets, the value is the amount of time between detection of the first CIFS response packet and detection of the last packet by the ExtraHop system. A high value might indicate a large CIFS response or a network delay. The value is NaN if there is no valid measurement, or if the timing is invalid.

Access only on CIFS_RESPONSE events or an error will occur.

rspVersion: String The version of SMB running on the response.

Access only on CIFS_RESPONSE events or an error will occur.

rspZeroWnd: Number The number of zero windows in the response. share: String The name of the share the user is connected to. statusCode: Number The numeric status code of the response (SMB2 only).

Access only on CIFS_RESPONSE events or an error will occur.

user: String The username, if available. In some cases, such as when the login event was not visible or the access was anonymous, the username is not available. warning: String The detailed warning message recorded by the ExtraHop system.

Access only on CIFS_RESPONSE events or an error will occur.

  • Example: Monitor CIFS actions on devices

The DB, or database, class enables you to store metrics and access properties on DB_REQUEST and DB_RESPONSE events.

DB_REQUEST Runs on every database request processed by the device. DB_RESPONSE Runs on every database response processed by the device.

commitRecord(): void Commits a record object to the ExtraHop Explore appliance on a DB_RESPONSE event. Record commits on DB_REQUEST events are not supported.

To view the default properties committed to the record object, see the record property below.

For built-in records, each unique record is committed only once, even if the commitRecord() method is called multiple times for the same unique record.

appName: String The client application name, which is extracted only for MS SQL connections. correlationId: Number The correlation ID for DB2 applications. The value is null for non-DB2 applications. database: String The database instance. In some cases, such as when login events are encrypted, the database name is not available. error: String The detailed error messages recorded by the ExtraHop system in string format. If there are multiple errors in one response, the errors are concatenated into one string.

Access only on DB_RESPONSE events or an error will occur.

errors: Array of strings The detailed error messages recorded by the ExtraHop system in array format. If there is only a single error in the response, the error is returned as an array containing one string.

Access only on DB_RESPONSE events or an error will occur.

isReqAborted: Boolean The value is true if the connection is closed before the DB request is complete. isRspAborted: Boolean The value is true if the connection is closed before the DB response is complete.

Access only on DB_RESPONSE events or an error will occur.

method: String The database method that correlates to the methods listed under the Database metric in the ExtraHop Web UI. params: Array An array of remote procedure call (RPC) parameters that are only available for Microsoft SQL, PostgreSQL, and DB2 databases.

The array contains each of the following parameters:

name: String The optional name of the supplied RPC parameter. value: String | Number A text, integer, or time and date field. If the value is not a text, integer, or time and date field, the value is converted into HEX/ASCII form.

The value of the params property is the same when accessed on either the DB_REQUEST or the DB_RESPONSE event.

procedure: String The stored procedure name. Correlates to the procedures listed under the Database methods in the ExtraHop Web UI. processingTime: Number The server processing time, expressed in milliseconds (equivalent to rspTimeToFirstByte - reqTimeToLastByte). The value is NaN on malformed and aborted responses or if the timing is invalid.

Access only on DB_RESPONSE events or an error will occur.

record: Object The record object committed to the ExtraHop Explore appliance through a call to DB.commitRecord on a DB_RESPONSE event.

The record object contains the following default properties:

  • appName
  • clientZeroWnd
  • correlationId
  • database
  • error
  • isReqAborted
  • isRspAborted
  • method
  • procedure
  • reqSize
  • reqTimeToLastByte
  • rspSize
  • rspTimeToFirstByte
  • rspTimeToLastByte
  • processingTime
  • serverZeroWnd
  • statement
  • table
  • user

Access only on DB_RESPONSE events or an error will occur.

reqBytes: Number The number of L4 request bytes, excluding L4 headers.

Access only on DB_RESPONSE events or an error will occur.

reqL2Bytes: Number The number of L2 request bytes, including L2 headers.

Access only on DB_RESPONSE events or an error will occur.

reqPkts: Number The number of request packets.

Access only on DB_RESPONSE events or an error will occur.

reqRTO: Number The number of request retransmission timeouts (RTOs).

Access only on DB_RESPONSE events or an error will occur.

reqSize: Number The number of L7 request bytes, excluding database protocol headers. reqTimeToLastByte: Number The time from the first byte of the request until the last byte of the request, expressed in milliseconds. Returns NaN on malformed and aborted requests or if the timing is invalid. reqZeroWnd: Number The number of zero windows in the request. roundTripTime: Number The median round trip time (RTT), expressed in milliseconds. The value is NaN if there are no RTT samples.

Access only on DB_RESPONSE events or an error will occur.

rspBytes: Number The number of L4 response bytes, excluding L4 headers.

Access only on DB_RESPONSE events or an error will occur.

rspL2Bytes: Number The number of L2 response bytes, including L2 headers.

Access only on DB_RESPONSE events or an error will occur.

rspPkts: Number The number of response packets.

Access only on DB_RESPONSE events or an error will occur.

rspRTO: Number The number of response retransmission timeouts (RTOs).

Access only on DB_RESPONSE events or an error will occur.

rspSize: Number The number of L7 response bytes, excluding database protocol headers.

Access only on DB_RESPONSE events or an error will occur.

rspTimeToFirstByte: Number The time from the first byte of the request until the first byte of the response, expressed in milliseconds. The value is NaN on malformed and aborted responses or if the timing is invalid.

Access only on DB_RESPONSE events or an error will occur.

rspTimeToLastByte: Number The time from the first byte of the request until the last byte of the response, expressed in milliseconds. The value is NaN on malformed and aborted responses or if the timing is invalid.

Access only on DB_RESPONSE events or an error will occur.

rspZeroWnd: Number The number of zero windows in the response. serverVersion: String The MS SQL server version. statement: String The full SQL statement, which might not be available for all database methods. table: String The name of the database table specified in the current statement. The following databases are supported:
  • Sybase
  • Sybase IQ
  • MySQL
  • PostgreSQL
  • IBM Informix
  • Oracle TNS
  • DB2

Returns an empty field if there is no table name in the request.

user: String The username, if available. In some cases, such as when login events are encrypted, the username is unavailable.

The DHCP class enables you to store metrics and access properties on DHCP_REQUEST and DHCP_ RESPONSE events.

DHCP_REQUEST Runs on every DHCP request processed by the device. DHCP_RESPONSE Runs on every DHCP response processed by the device.

commitRecord(): void Commits a record object to the ExtraHop Explore appliance on either a DHCP_REQUEST or DHCP_RESPONSE event.

The event determines which properties are committed to the record object. To view the default properties committed on each event, see the record property below.

For built-in records, each unique record is committed only once, even if the commitRecord() method is called multiple times for the same unique record.

getOption(optionCode: Number): Object Accepts a DHCP option code integer as input and returns an object containing the following fields: code: Number The DHCP option code. name: String The DHCP option name. payload: Number | String The type of payload returned will be whatever the type is for that specific option such as an IP address, an array of IP addresses, or a buffer object.

Returns null if the specified option code is not present in the message.

chaddr: String The client hardware address of the DHCP client. clientReqDelay: Number The time elapsed before the client attempts to acquire or renew a DHCP lease, expressed in seconds.

Access only on DHCP_REQUEST events or an error will occur.

error: String The error message associated with option code 56. The value is null if there is no error.

Access only on DHCP_RESPONSE events or an error will occur.

gwAddr: IPAddress The IP address through which routers relay request and response messages. htype: Number The hardware type code. msgType: String The DHCP message type. Supported message types are:
offeredAddr: IPAddress The IP address the DHCP server is offering or assigning to the client.

Access only on DHCP_RESPONSE events or an error will occur.

options: Array of Objects An array of objects with each object containing the following fields: code: Number The DHCP option code. name: String The DHCP option name. payload: Number | String The type of payload returned will be whatever the type is for that specific option such as an IP address, an array of IP addresses, or a buffer object. IP addresses will be parsed into an array but if the number of bytes is not divisible by 4, it will instead be returned as a buffer. paramReqList: String A comma-separated list of numbers that represents the DHCP options requested from the server by the client. For a complete list of DHCP options, see //www.iana.org/assignments/bootp-dhcp-parameters/bootp-dhcp-parameters.xhtml. processingTime: Number The process time, expressed in milliseconds. The value is NaN on malformed and aborted responses or if the timing is invalid.

Access only on DHCP_RESPONSE events or an error will occur.

record: Object The record object committed to the ExtraHop Explore appliance through a call to DHCP.commitRecord on either a DHCP_REQUEST or DHCP_RESPONSE event.

The event on which the method was called determines which default properties the record object contains as displayed in the following table:

clientReqDelay msgType
gwAddr error
htype gwAddr
msgType htype
reqBytes offeredAddr
reqL2Bytes processingTime
reqPkts rspBytes
txId rspL2Bytes

reqBytes: Number The number of L4 request bytes, excluding L4 headers.

Access only on DHCP_RESPONSE events or an error will occur.

reqL2Bytes: Number The number of L2 request bytes, including L2 headers.

Access only on DHCP_RESPONSE events or an error will occur.

reqPkts: Number The number of request packets.

Access only on DHCP_RESPONSE events or an error will occur.

rspBytes: Number The number of L4 response bytes, excluding L4 headers.

Access only on DHCP_RESPONSE events or an error will occur.

rspL2Bytes: Number The number of L2 response bytes, including L2 headers.

Access only on DHCP_RESPONSE events or an error will occur.

rspPkts: Number The number of response packets.

Access only on DHCP_RESPONSE events or an error will occur.

txId: Number The transaction ID. vendor: String The Vendor Class Identifier (VCI) that specifies the vendor running on the client or server.

The DICOM (Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine) class enables you to store metrics and access properties on DICOM_REQUEST and DICOM_ RESPONSE events.

DICOM_REQUEST Runs on every DICOM request processed by the device. DICOM_RESPONSE Runs on every DICOM response processed by the device.

commitRecord(): void Commits a record object to the ExtraHop Explore appliance on a DICOM_REQUEST or DICOM_RESPONSE event.

The event determines which properties are committed to the record object. To view the default properties committed on each event, see the record property below.

For built-in records, each unique record is committed only once, even if the commitRecord() method is called multiple times for the same unique record.

findElement(groupTag: Number, elementTag: Number): Buffer Returns a buffer that contains the DICOM data element specified by the passed group and element tag numbers.

The data element is represented by a unique ordered pair of integers that represent the group tag and element tag numbers. For example, the ordered pair "0008, 0008" represents the "image type" element. A Registry of DICOM Data Elements and defined tags is available at dicom.nema.org.

groupTag: Number The first number in the unique ordered pair of integers that represent a specific data element. elementTag: Number The second number in the unique ordered pair or integers that represent a specific data element.

calledAETitle: String The application entity (AE) title of the destination device or program. callingAETitle: String The application entity (AE) title of the source device or program. elements: Array An array of presentation data values (PDV) command elements and data elements that comprise a DICOM message. error: String The detailed error message recorded by the ExtraHop system. isReqAborted: Boolean Returns The value is true if the connection is closed before the DICOM request is complete.

Access only on DICOM_REQUEST events or an error will occur.

isRspAborted: Boolean The value is true if the connection is closed before the DICOM response is complete.

Access only on DICOM_RESPONSE events or an error will occur.

isSubOperation: Boolean The value is true if the timing metric on an L7 protocol message is not available because the primary request or response is not complete. methods: Array of Strings An array of command fields in the message. Each command field specifies a DIMSE operation name, such as N-CREATE-RSP. processingTime: Number The server processing time, expressed in milliseconds. The value is NaN on malformed and aborted responses or if the timing is invalid.

Access only on DICOM_RESPONSE events or an error will occur.

record: Object The record object committed to the ExtraHop Explore appliance through a call to DICOM.commitRecord on either a DICOM_REQUEST or DICOM_RESPONSE event.

The event on which the method was called determines which default properties the record object contains as displayed in the following table:

calledAETitle calledAETitle
callingAETitle callingAETitle
clientZeroWnd clientZeroWnd
error error
isReqAborted isRspAborted
isSubOperation isSubOperation
method method
reqPDU processingTime
reqSize rspPDU
reqTransferTime rspSize
serverZeroWnd rspTransferTime
version serverZeroWnd

reqBytes: Number The number of L4 request bytes, excluding L4 headers.

Access only on DICOM_REQUEST events or an error will occur.

reqL2Bytes: Number

The number of L2 request bytes, including L2 headers.

reqPDU: String The Protocol Data Unit (PDU), or message format, of the request. reqPkts: Number The number of request packets. reqRTO: Number The number of request retransmission timeouts (RTOs). reqSize: Number The number of L7 request bytes.

Access only on DICOM_REQUEST events or an error will occur.

reqTransferTime: Number The request transfer time, expressed in milliseconds.

Access only on DICOM_REQUEST events or an error will occur.

reqZeroWnd: Number The number of zero windows in the request. roundTripTime: Number The median round trip time (RTT), expressed in milliseconds. The value is NaN if there are no RTT samples.

Access only on DICOM_RESPONSE events or an error will occur.

rspBytes: Number The number of L4 response bytes, excluding L4 headers.

Access only on DICOM_RESPONSE events or an error will occur.

rspL2Bytes: Number The number of L2 response bytes, including L2 headers. rspPDU: String The Protocol Data Unit (PDU), or message format, of the response.

Access only on DICOM_RESPONSE events or an error will occur.

rspPkts: Number The number of response packets. rspRTO: Number The number of response retransmission timeouts (RTOs). rspSize: Number The number of L7 response bytes.

Access only on DICOM_RESPONSE events or an error will occur.

rspTransferTime: Number The response transfer time, expressed in milliseconds.

Access only on DICOM_RESPONSE events or an error will occur.

rspZeroWnd: Number The number of zero windows in the response. version: Number The DICOM version number.

The DNS class enables you to store metrics and access properties on DNS_REQUEST and DNS_RESPONSE events.

DNS_REQUEST Runs on every DNS request processed by the device. DNS_RESPONSE Runs on every DNS response processed by the device.

answersInclude(term: String | IPAddress): Boolean Returns true if the specified term is present in a DNS response. For string terms, the method checks both the name and data record in the answer section of the response. For IPAddress terms, the method checks only the data record in the answer section.

Can be called only on DNS_RESPONSE events.

commitRecord(): void Commits a record object to the ExtraHop Explore appliance on a DNS_REQUEST or DNS_RESPONSE event.

The event determines which properties are committed to the record object. To view the default properties committed on each event, see the record property below.

For built-in records, each unique record is committed only once, even if the commitRecord() method is called multiple times for the same unique record.

answers: Array An array of objects that correspond to answer resource records.

Access only on DNS_RESPONSE events or an error will occur.

The objects contain the following properties:

data: String | IPAddress The value of data depends on the type. The value is null for unsupported record types. Supported record types include:
  • A
  • AAAA
  • NS
  • PTR
  • MX
  • SRV
  • SOA
  • TXT
name: String The record name. ttl: Number The time-to-live value. type: String The DNS record type. typeNum: Number The numeric representation of the DNS record type. error: String The name of the DNS error code, in accordance with IANA DNS parameters.

Returns OTHER for error codes that are unrecognized by the system; however, errorNum specifies the numeric code value.

Access only on DNS_RESPONSE events or an error will occur.

errorNum: Number The numeric representation of the DNS error code in accordance with IANA DNS parameters.

Access only on DNS_RESPONSE events or an error will occur.

isAuthenticData: Boolean The value is true if the response was validated through DNSSEC.

Access only on DNS_RESPONSE events or an error will occur.

isAuthoritative: Boolean The value is true if the authoritative answer is set in the response.

Access only on DNS_RESPONSE events or an error will occur.

isCheckingDisabled: Boolean The value is true if a response should be returned even though the request could not be authenticated.

Access only on DNS_REQUEST events or an error will occur.

isRecursionAvailable: Boolean The value is true if the name server supports recursive queries.

Access only on DNS_RESPONSE events or an error will occur.

isRecursionDesired: Boolean The value is true if the name server should perform the query recursively.

Access only on DNS_REQUEST events or an error will occur.

isReqTimeout: Boolean The value is true if the request timed out.

Access only on DNS_REQUEST events or an error will occur.

isRspTruncated: Boolean The value is true if the response is truncated.

Access only on DNS_RESPONSE events or an error will occur.

opcode: String The name of the DNS operation code in accordance with IANA DNS parameters. The following codes are recognized by the ExtraHop system:

OpCode Name
0 Query
1 IQuery (Inverse Query - Obsolete)
2 Status
3 Unassigned
4 Notify
5 Update
6-15 Unassigned

Returns OTHER for codes that are unrecognized by the system; however, the opcodeNum property specifies the numeric code value.

opcodeNum: Number The numeric representation of the DNS operation code in accordance with IANA DNS parameters. processingTime: Number The server processing time, expressed in bytes. The value is NaN on malformed and aborted responses or if the timing is invalid.

Access only on DNS_RESPONSE events or an error will occur.

qname: String The hostname queried. qtype: String The name of the DNS request record type in accordance with IANA DNS parameters.

Returns OTHER for types that are unrecognized by the system; however, the qtypeNum property specifies the numeric type value.

qtypeNum: Number The numeric representation of the DNS request record type in accordance with IANA DNS parameters. record: Object The record object committed to the ExtraHop Explore appliance through a call to DNS.commitRecord() on either a DNS_REQUEST or DNS_RESPONSE event.

The event on which the method was called determines which default properties the record object contains as displayed in the following table:

clientZeroWnd answers
isCheckingDisabled clientZeroWnd
isRecursionDesired error
isReqTimeout isAuthoritative
opcode isCheckingDisabled
qname isRecursionAvailable
qtype isRspTruncated
reqBytes opcode
reqL2Bytes processingTime
reqPkts qname
serverZeroWnd qtype

reqBytes: Number The number of L4 request bytes, excluding L4 headers.

Access only on DNS_REQUEST events or an error will occur.

reqL2Bytes: Number The number of L2 request bytes, including L2 headers.

Access only on DNS_REQUEST events or an error will occur.

reqPkts: Number The number of request packets.

Access only on DNS_REQUEST events or an error will occur.

rspBytes: Number The number of L4 response bytes, excluding L4 headers.

Access only on DNS_RESPONSE events or an error will occur.

rspL2Bytes: Number The number of L2 response bytes, including L2 headers.

Access only on DNS_RESPONSE events or an error will occur.

rspPkts: Number The number of application-level response bytes.

Access only on DNS_RESPONSE events or an error will occur.

txId: Number The transaction ID of the DNS request or response.

The FIX class enables you to store metrics and access properties on FIX_REQUEST and FIX_RESPONSE events.

FIX_REQUEST Runs on every FIX request processed by the device. FIX_RESPONSE Runs on every FIX response processed by the device.

Note:The FIX_RESPONSE event is matched with a request based on order ID. There is no one-to-one correlation between request and response. There might be requests without a response, and sometimes data is pushed to the client, which limits request data availability on response event. However, you can invoke the session table to solve complex scenarios such as submission order id.

commitRecord(): void Commits a record object to the ExtraHop Explore appliance on either a FIX_REQUEST or FIX_RESPONSE event.

The event determines which properties are committed to the record object. To view the default properties committed for each event see the record property below.

For built-in records, each unique record is committed only once, even if the commitRecord() method is called multiple times for the same unique record.

fields: Array A list of FIX fields. Because they are text-based, the key-value protocol fields are exposed as an array of objects with name and value properties containing strings. For example:8=FIX.4.2<SOH>9=233<SOH>35=G<SOH>34=206657...

translates to:

{"BeginString": "FIX.4.2", "BodyLength": "233", "MsgType": "G", "MsgSeqNum": "206657"}

Key string representation is translated, if possible. With extensions, a numeric representation is used. For example, it is not possible to determine 9178=0 (as seen in actual captures). The key is instead translated to "9178". Fields are extracted after message length and version fields are extracted all the way to the checksum (last field). The checksum is not extracted.

In the following example, the trigger debug(JSON.stringify(FIX.fields)); shows the following fields:

[ {"name":"MsgType","value":"0"}, {"name":"MsgSeqNum","value":"2"}, {"name":"SenderCompID","value":"AA"}, {"name":"SendingTime","value":"20140904-03:49:58.600"}, {"name":"TargetCompID","value":"GG"} ]

To debug and print all FIX fields, enable debugging on the trigger and enter the following code:

var fields = ''; for (var i = 0; i < FIX.fields.length; i++) { fields += '"' + FIX.fields[i].name + '" : "' + FIX.fields[i].value + '"\n'; } debug(fields);

The following output is display in the trigger's Debug Log:

"MsgType" : "5" "MsgSeqNum" : "3" "SenderCompID" : "GRAPE" "SendingTime" : "20140905-00:10:23.814" "TargetCompID" : "APPLE" msgType: String The value of the MessageCompID key. record: Object The record object committed to the ExtraHop Explore appliance through a call to FIX.commitRecord on either an FIX_REQUEST or FIX_RESPONSE event.

The event on which the method was called determines which default properties the record object contains as displayed in the following table:

clientZeroWnd clientZeroWnd
msgType msgType
reqBytes rspBytes
reqL2Bytes rspL2Bytes
reqPkts rspPkts
reqRTO rspRTO
sender sender
serverZeroWnd serverZeroWnd
target target
version version

reqBytes: Number The number of L4 request bytes, excluding L4 headers. reqL2Bytes: Number The number of L2 request bytes, including L2 headers. reqPkts: Number The number of request packets. reqRTO: Number The number of request retransmission timeouts (RTOs). reqZeroWnd: Number The number of zero windows in the request. rspBytes: Number The number of L4 response bytes, excluding L4 headers. rspL2Bytes: Number The number of L2 response bytes, including L2 headers. rspPkts: Number The number of response packets. rspRTO: Number The number of response retransmission timeouts (RTOs). rspZeroWnd: Number The number of zero windows in the response. sender: String The value of the SenderCompID key. target: String The value of the TargetCompID key. version: String The protocol version.

The FTP class enables you to store metrics and access properties on FTP_REQUEST and FTP_RESPONSE events.

FTP_REQUEST Runs on every FTP request processed by the device. FTP_RESPONSE Runs on every FTP response processed by the device.

commitRecord(): void Commits a record object to the ExtraHop Explore appliance on an FTP_RESPONSE event. Record commits on FTP_REQUEST events are not supported.

To view the default properties committed to the record object, see the record property below.

For built-in records, each unique record is committed only once, even if the commitRecord() method is called multiple times for the same unique record.

args: String The arguments to the command.

Access only on FTP_RESPONSE events or an error will occur.

cwd: String In the case of a user at /, when the client sends "CWD subdir":
  • The value is / when method == "CWD".
  • The value is /subdir for subsequent commands (rather than CWD becoming the changed to directory as part of the CWD response trigger).

Includes "..." at the beginning of the path in the event of a resync or the path is truncated.

Includes "..." at the end of the path if the path is too long. Path truncates at 4096 characters.

Access only on FTP_RESPONSE events or an error will occur.

error: string The detailed error message recorded by the ExtraHop system.

Access only on FTP_RESPONSE events or an error will occur.

isReqAborted: Boolean The value is true the connection is closed before the FTP request was complete. isRspAborted: Boolean The value is true if the connection is closed before the FTP response was complete.

Access only on FTP_RESPONSE events or an error will occur.

method: String The FTP method. path: String The path for FTP commands. Includes "..." at the beginning of the path in the event of a resync or the path is truncated. Includes "..." at the end of the path if the path is too long. Path truncates at 4096 characters.

Access only on FTP_RESPONSE events or an error will occur.

processingTime: Number The server processing time, expressed in milliseconds (equivalent to rspTimeToFirstPayload - reqTimeToLastByte). The value is NaN on malformed and aborted responses or if the timing is invalid.

Access only on FTP_RESPONSE events or an error will occur.

record: Object The record object committed to the ExtraHop Explore appliance through a call to FTP.commitRecord() on an FTP_RESPONSE event.

The record object contains the following default properties:

  • args
  • clientZeroWnd
  • cwd
  • error
  • isReqAborted
  • isRspAborted
  • method
  • path
  • processingTime
  • reqBytes
  • reqL2Bytes
  • reqPkts
  • reqRTO
  • roundTripTime
  • rspBytes
  • rspL2Bytes
  • rspPkts
  • rspRTO
  • serverZeroWnd
  • statusCode
  • transferBytes
  • user

Access the record object only on FTP_RESPONSE events or an error will occur.

reqBytes: Number The number of L4 request bytes, excluding L4 headers.

Access only on FTP_RESPONSE events or an error will occur.

reqL2Bytes: Number The number of L2 request bytes, including L2 headers.

Access only on FTP_RESPONSE events or an error will occur.

reqPkts: Number The number of request packets.

Access only on FTP_RESPONSE events or an error will occur.

reqRTO: Number The number of request retransmission timeouts (RTOs).

Access only on FTP_RESPONSE events or an error will occur.

reqZeroWnd: Number The number of zero windows in the request. roundTripTime: Number The median round trip time (RTT), expressed in milliseconds. The value is NaN if there are no RTT samples.

Access only on FTP_RESPONSE events or an error will occur.

rspBytes: Number The number of L4 response bytes, excluding L4 headers.

Access only on FTP_RESPONSE events or an error will occur.

rspL2Bytes: Number The number of L2 response bytes, including L2 headers.

Access only on FTP_RESPONSE events or an error will occur.

rspPkts: Number The number of response packets.

Access only on FTP_RESPONSE events or an error will occur.

rspRTO: Number The number of response retransmission timeouts (RTOs).

Access only on FTP_RESPONSE events or an error will occur.

rspZeroWnd: Number The number of zero windows in the response. statusCode: Number The FTP status code of the response.

Access only on FTP_RESPONSE events or an error will occur.

The following codes are valid:

Code Description
110 Restart marker replay.
120 Service ready in nnn minutes.
125 Data connection already open; transfer starting.
150 File status okay; about to open data connection.
202 Command not implemented, superfluous at this site.
211 System status, or system help reply.
212 Directory status.
213 File status.
214 Help message.
215 NAME system type.
220 Service ready for new user.
221 Service closing control connection.
225 Data connection open; no transfer in progress.
226 Closing data connection. Requested file action successful.
227 Entering Passive Mode.
228 Entering Long Passive Mode.
229 Entering Extended Passive Mode.
230 User logged in, proceed. Logged out if appropriate.
231 User logged out; service terminated.
232 Logout command noted, will complete when transfer done
250 Requested file action okay, completed.
257 "PATHNAME" created.
331 User name okay, need password.
332 Need account for login.
350 Requested file action pending further information.
421 Service not available, closing control connection.
425 Can't open data connection.
426 Connection closed; transfer aborted.
430 Invalid username or password.
434 Requested host unavailable.
450 Requested file action not taken.
451 Requested action aborted. Local error in processing.
452 Requested action not taken.
501 Syntax error in parameters or arguments.
502 Command not implemented.
503 Bad sequence of commands.
504 Command not implemented for that parameter.
530 Not logged in.
532 Need account for storing files.
550 Requested action not taken. File unavailable.
551 Requested action aborted. Page type unknown.
552 Requested file action aborted. Exceeded storage allocation.
553 Requested action not taken. File name not allowed.
631 Integrity protected reply.
632 Confidentiality and integrity protected reply.
633 Confidentiality protected reply.
10054 Connection reset by peer.
10060 Cannot connect to remote server.
10061 Cannot connect to remote server. The connection is active refused.
10066 Directory not empty.
10068 Too many users, server is full.

transferBytes: Number The number of bytes transferred over the data channel during an FTP_RESPONSE event.

Access only on FTP_RESPONSE events or an error will occur.

user: String The user name, if available. In some cases, such as when login events are encrypted, the user name is not available.

The HL7 class enables you to store metrics and access properties on HL7_REQUEST and HL7_RESPONSE events.

HL7_REQUEST Runs on every HL7 request processed by the device. HL7_RESPONSE Runs on every HL7 response processed by the device.

commitRecord(): void Commits a record object to the ExtraHop Explore appliance on an HL7_RESPONSE event. Record commits on HL7_REQUEST events are not supported.

To view the default properties committed to the record object, see the record property below.

For built-in records, each unique record is committed only once, even if the commitRecord() method is called multiple times for the same unique record.

ackCode: String The two character acknowledgment code.

Access only on HL7_RESPONSE events or an error will occur.

ackId: String The identifier for the message being acknowledged.

Access only on HL7_RESPONSE events or an error will occur.

msgId: String The unique identifier for this message. msgType: String The entire message type field, including the msgId subfield. processingTime: Number The server processing time, expressed in milliseconds. The value is NaN on malformed and aborted responses or if the timing is invalid.

Access only on HL7_RESPONSE events or an error will occur.

record: Object The record object committed to the ExtraHop Explore appliance through a call to HL7.commitRecord() on an HL7_RESPONSE event.

The record object contains the following default properties:

  • ackCode
  • ackId
  • clientZeroWnd
  • msgId
  • msgType
  • roundTripTime
  • processingTime
  • serverZeroWnd
  • version

Access the record object only on HL7_RESPONSE events or an error will occur.

roundTripTime: Number The median round trip time (RTT), expressed in milliseconds. The value is NaN if there are no RTT samples.

Access only on HL7_RESPONSE events or an error will occur.

segments: Array An array of objects where each object is of type (name: XYZ, fields: array of strings). subfieldDelimiter: String Supports non-standard field delimiters. version: String The version advertised in the MSH segment.
Note:The amount of buffered data is limited by the following capture option: ("message_length_max": number)

The HTTP class enables you to store metrics and access properties on HTTP_REQUEST and HTTP_RESPONSE events.

HTTP_REQUEST Runs on every HTTP request processed by the device. HTTP_RESPONSE Runs on every HTTP response processed by the device.

Additional payload options are available when you create a trigger that runs on either of these events. See Advanced trigger options for more information.

commitRecord(): void Commits a record object to the ExtraHop Explore appliance on an HTTP_RESPONSE event. Record commits on HTTP_REQUEST events are not supported.

To view the default properties committed to the record object, see the record property below.

For built-in records, each unique record is committed only once, even if the commitRecord() method is called multiple times for the same unique record.

findHeaders(name: String): Array Enables access to HTTP header values and returns an array of header objects (with name and value properties) where the names match the prefix of the string value. See Example: Access HTTP header attributes for more information. parseQuery(String): Object Accepts a query string and returns an object with names and values corresponding to those in the query string as shown in the following example:var query = HTTP.parseQuery(HTTP.query); debug("user id: " + query.userid);
Note:If the query string contains repeated keys, the corresponding values are returned in an array. For example, the query string event_type=status_update_event&event_type=api_post_event returns the following object:{ "event_type": ["status_update_event", "api_post_event"] }

age: Number For HTTP_REQUEST events, the time from the first byte of the request until the last seen byte of the request. For HTTP_RESPONSE events, the time from the first byte of the request until the last seen byte of the response. The time is expressed in milliseconds. Specifies a valid value on malformed and aborted requests. The value is NaN on expired requests and responses, or if the timing is invalid. contentType: String The value of the content-type HTTP header. cookies: Array An array of objects that represents cookies and contains properties such as "domain" and "expires." The properties correspond to the attributes of each cookie as shown in the following example:var cookies = HTTP.cookies, cookie, i; for (i = 0; i < cookies.length; i++) { cookie = cookies[i]; if (cookie.domain) { debug("domain: " + cookie.domain); } } headers: Object An array-like object that enables access to HTTP header names and values. Header information is available through one of the following properties: length: Number The number of headers. string property: The name of the header, accessible in a dictionary-like fashion, as shown in the following example:var headers = HTTP.headers; session = headers["X-Session-Id"]; accept = headers.accept; numeric property: Corresponds to the order in which the headers appear on the wire. The returned object has a name and a value property. Numeric properties are useful for iterating over all the headers and disambiguating headers with duplicate names as shown in the following example:var headers = HTTP.headers; for (i = 0; i < headers.length; i++) { hdr = headers[i]; debug("headers[" + i + "].name: " + hdr.name); debug("headers[" + i + "].value: " + hdr.value); }

Note:Saving HTTP.headers to the Flow store does not save all of the individual header values. It is a best practice to save the individual header values to the Flow store. Refer to the Flow class section for details.
headersRaw: String The unmodified block of HTTP headers, expressed as a string. host: String The value in the HTTP host header. isDesync: Boolean The value is true if the protocol parser became desynchronized due to missing packets. isEncrypted: Boolean Specifies The value is true if the transaction is over secure HTTP. isPipelined: Boolean The value is true if the transaction is pipelined. isReqAborted: Boolean The value is true if the connection is closed before the HTTP request was complete. isRspAborted: Boolean The value is true if the connection is closed before the HTTP response was complete.

Access only on HTTP_RESPONSE events or an error will occur.

isRspChunked: Boolean The value is true if the response is chunked.

Access only on HTTP_RESPONSE events or an error will occur.

isRspCompressed: Boolean The value is true if the response is compressed.

Access only on HTTP_RESPONSE events or an error will occur.

isServerPush: Boolean The value is true if the transaction is the result of a server push. isSQLi: Boolean The value is true if the request included one or more suspicious SQL fragments. These fragments indicate a potential SQL injection (SQLi). SQLi is a technique where an attacker can access and tamper with data by inserting malicious SQL statements into a SQL query. method: String The HTTP method of the transaction such as POST and GET. origin: IPAddress | String The value in the X-Forwarded-For or the true-client-ip header. path: String The path portion of the URI: /path/. payload: Buffer The Buffer object containing the raw payload bytes of the event transaction. If the payload was compressed, the decompressed content is returned.

The buffer contains the N first bytes of the payload, where N is the number of payload bytes specified by the Bytes to Buffer field when the trigger was configured through the ExtraHop WebUI. The default number of bytes is 2048. For more information, see Advanced trigger options.

The following script is an example of HTTP payload analysis:

/* Extract the user name based on a pattern "user=*&" from payload of a login URI that has "auth/login" as a URI substring. */ if (HTTP.payload && /auth\/login/i.test(HTTP.uri)) { var user = /user=(.*?)\&/i.exec(HTTP.payload); if (user !== null) { debug("user: " + user[1]); } }
Note:If two HTTP payload buffering triggers are assigned to the same device, the higher value is selected and the value of HTTP.payload is the same for both triggers.
processingTime: Number The server processing time, expressed in milliseconds (equivalent to rspTimeToFirstPayload - reqTimeToLastByte). The value is NaN on malformed and aborted responses or if the timing is invalid.

Access only on HTTP_RESPONSE events or an error will occur.

query: String The query string portion of the URI: query=string. This typically follows the URL and is separated from it by a question mark. Multiple query strings are separated by an ampersand (&) or semicolon (;) delimiter. record: Object The record object that was committed to the ExtraHop Explore appliance through a call to HTTP.commitRecord() on an HTTP_RESPONSE event.

The record object contains the following default properties:

  • clientZeroWnd
  • contentType
  • host
  • isPipelined
  • isReqAborted
  • isRspAborted
  • isRspChunked
  • isRspCompressed
  • method
  • origin
  • query
  • referer
  • reqBytes
  • reqL2Bytes
  • reqPkts
  • reqRTO
  • reqSize
  • reqTimeToLastByte
  • roundTripTime
  • rspBytes
  • rspL2Bytes
  • rspPkts
  • rspRTO
  • rspSize
  • rspTimeToFirstHeader
  • rspTimeToFirstPayload
  • rspTimeToLastByte
  • rspVersion
  • serverZeroWnd
  • statusCode
  • thinkTime
  • title
  • processingTime
  • uri
  • userAgent

Access the record object only on HTTP_RESPONSE events or an error will occur.

referer: String The value in the HTTP referrer header. reqBytes: Number The number of L4 request bytes, excluding L4 headers.

Access only on HTTP_RESPONSE events or an error will occur.

reqL2Bytes: Number The number of L2 request bytes, including L2 headers.

Access only on HTTP_RESPONSE events or an error will occur.

reqPkts: Number The number of request packets.

Access only on HTTP_RESPONSE events or an error will occur.

reqRTO: Number The number of request retransmission timeouts (RTOs).

Access only on HTTP_RESPONSE events or an error will occur.

reqSize: Number The number of L7 request bytes, excluding HTTP headers. reqTimeToLastByte: Number The time from the first byte of the request until the last byte of the request, expressed in milliseconds. The value is NaN on expired requests and responses, or if the timing is invalid. reqZeroWnd: Number The number of zero windows in the request. roundTripTime: Number The median TCP round trip time (RTT), expressed in milliseconds. The value is NaN if there are no RTT samples.

Access only on HTTP_RESPONSE events or an error will occur.

rspBytes: Number The number of L4 response bytes, excluding L4 headers.

Access only on HTTP_RESPONSE events or an error will occur.

rspL2Bytes: Number The number of L2 response bytes, including L2 headers.

Access only on HTTP_RESPONSE events or an error will occur.

rspPkts: Number The number of response packets.

Access only on HTTP_RESPONSE events or an error will occur.

rspRTO: Number The number of response retransmission timeouts (RTOs).

Access only on HTTP_RESPONSE events or an error will occur.

rspSize: Number The number of L7 response bytes, excluding HTTP headers.

Access only on HTTP_RESPONSE events or an error will occur.

rspTimeToFirstHeader: Number The time from the first byte of the request until the status line that precedes the response headers, expressed in milliseconds. The value is NaN on malformed and aborted responses, or if the timing is invalid.

Access only on HTTP_RESPONSE events or an error will occur.

rspTimeToFirstPayload: Number The time from the first byte of the request until the first payload byte of the response, expressed in milliseconds. Returns zero value when the response does not contain payload. The value is NaN on malformed and aborted responses, or if the timing is invalid.

Access only on HTTP_RESPONSE events or an error will occur.

rspTimeToLastByte: Number The time from the first byte of the request until the last byte of the response, expressed in milliseconds. The value is NaN on malformed and aborted responses, or if the timing is invalid.

Access only on HTTP_RESPONSE events or an error will occur.

rspVersion: String The HTTP version of the response.

Access only on HTTP_RESPONSE events or an error will occur.

rspZeroWnd: Number The number of zero windows in the response. sqli: Array of Strings An array of suspicious SQL fragments included in the request. These fragments might contain a potential SQL injection (SQLi). SQLi is a technique where an attacker can access and tamper with data by inserting malicious SQL statements into a SQL query. statusCode: Number The HTTP status code of the response.

Access only on HTTP_RESPONSE events or an error will occur.

Note:Returns a status code of 0 if no valid HTTP_RESPONSE is received.
streamId: Number The ID of the stream that transferred the resource. Because responses might be returned out of order, this property is required for HTTP/2 transactions to match requests with responses. The value is 1 for the HTTP/1.1 upgrade request and null for previous HTTP versions. title: String The value in the title element of the HTML content, if present. thinkTime: Number The time elapsed between the server having transferred the response to the client and the client transferring a new request to the server, expressed in milliseconds. The value is NaN if there is no valid measurement. uri: String The URI without a query string: f.q.d.n/path/. userAgent: String The value in the HTTP user-agent header.

The IBMMQ class enables you to store metrics and access properties on IBMMQ_REQUEST and IBMMQ_ RESPONSE events.

Note:The IBMMQ protocol supports EBCDIC encoding.

IBMMQ_REQUEST Runs on every IBMMQ request processed by the device. IBMMQ_RESPONSE Runs on every IBMMQ response processed by the device.

commitRecord(): void Commits a record object to the ExtraHop Explore appliance on either an IBMMQ_REQUEST or IBMMQ_RESPONSE event.

The event determines which properties are committed to the record object. To view the default properties committed for each event, see the record property below.

For built-in records, each unique record is committed only once, even if the commitRecord() method is called multiple times for the same unique record.

channel: String The communication channel name. conversationID: Number The identifier for the MQ conversation. correlationId: String The IBMMQ correlation ID. error:String The error string that corresponds to the error code on the wire. method:String The wire protocol request or response method name.

The following ExtraHop method names differ from the Wireshark method names:

ExtraHop Wireshark

msg: Buffer A Buffer object containing MQPUT, MQPUT1, MQGET_REPLY, ASYNC_MSG_V7, and MESSAGE_DATA messages.

Queue messages that are greater than 32K might be broken into more than one segment. A trigger is run for each segment and only the first segment has a non-null message.

Buffer data can be converted to a printable string through the toString() function or formatted through unpack commands.

msgFormat: String The message format. msgId: String The IBMMQ message ID. pcfError: String The error string that corresponds to the error code on the wire for the programmable command formats (PCF) channel. pcfMethod: String The wire protocol request or response method name for the programmable command formats (PCF) channel. pcfWarning: String The warning string that corresponds to the warning string on the wire for the programmable command formats (PCF) channel. putAppName: String The application name associated with the MQPUT message. queue: String The local queue name. The value is null if there is no MQOPEN, MQOPEN_REPLY, MQSP1(Open), or MQSP1_REPLY message. queueMgr: String The local queue manager. The value is null if there is no INITIAL_DATA message at the start of the connection. record: Object The record object that was committed to the ExtraHop Explore appliance through a call to IBMMQ.commitRecord() on either an IBMMQ_REQUEST or IBMMQ_RESPONSE event.

The event on which the method was called determines which default properties the record object contains as displayed in the following table:

channel channel
clientZeroWnd clientZeroWnd
correlationId correlationId
msgId error
method msgId
msgFormat method
msgSize msgFormat
queue msgSize
queueMgr queue
reqBytes queueMgr
reqL2Bytes resolvedQueue
reqPkts resolvedQueueMgr
reqRTO roundTripTime
resolvedQueue rspBytes
resolvedQueueMgr rspL2Bytes
serverZeroWnd rspPkts

reqBytes: Number The number of application-level request bytes. reqL2Bytes: Number The number of L2 request bytes. reqPkts: Number The number of request packets. reqRTO: Number The number of request retransmission timeouts (RTOs). reqZeroWnd: Number The number of zero windows in the request. resolvedQueue: String The resolved queue name from MQGET_REPLY, MQPUT_REPLY, or MQPUT1_REPLY messages. If the queue is remote, the value is different than the value returned by IBMMQ.queue. resolvedQueueMgr: String The resolved queue manager from MQGET_REPLY, MQPUT_REPLY, or MQPUT1_REPLY. If the queue is remote, the value is different than the value returned by IBMMQ.queueMgr. rfh: Array of Strings An array of strings located in the optional rules and formatting header (RFH). If there is no RFH header or the header is empty, the array is empty. roundTripTime: Number The median round trip time (RTT), expressed in milliseconds. The value is NaN if there are no RTT samples. rspBytes: Number The number of application-level response bytes. rspL2Bytes: Number The number of L2 response bytes. rspPkts: Number The number of request packets. rspRTO: Number The number of response retransmission timeouts (RTOs). rspZeroWnd: Number The number of zero windows in the response. totalMsgLength: Number The total length of the message, expressed in bytes. warning: String The warning string that corresponds to the warning string on the wire.

  • Example: Collect IBMMQ metrics

The ICA class enables you to store metrics and access properties on ICA_OPEN, ICA_AUTH, ICA_TICK, and ICA_ CLOSE events.

ICA_AUTH Runs when the ICA authentication is complete. ICA_CLOSE Runs when the ICA session is closed. ICA_OPEN Runs immediately after the ICA application is initially loaded. ICA_TICK Runs periodically while the user interacts with the ICA application.

After the ICA_OPEN event has run at least once, the ICA_TICK event is run anytime latency is reported and returned by the clientLatency or networkLatency properties described below.

commitRecord(): void Commits a record object to the ExtraHop Explore appliance on either an ICA_OPEN, ICA_TICK, or ICA_CLOSE event. Record commits on ICA_AUTH events are not supported.

The event determines which properties are committed to the record object. To view the default properties committed for each event, see the record property below.

For built-in records, each unique record is committed only once, even if the commitRecord() method is called multiple times for the same unique record.

application: String The name of the application being launched. authDomain: String The Windows authentication domain to which the user belongs. channels: Array An array of objects containing information about virtual channels observed since the last ICA_TICK event.

Access only on ICA_TICKevents or an error will occur.

Each object contains the following properties:

name: String The name of the virtual channel. description: String The friendly description of the channel name. clientBytes: Number The number of bytes sent by the client for that channel. serverBytes: Number The number of bytes sent by the server for the channel. clientMachine: String The name of the client machine. The name is displayed by the ICA client and is typically the hostname of the client machine. clientBytes: Number Upon an ICA_CLOSE event, the incremental number of application-level client bytes observed since the last ICA_TICK event. Does not specify the total number of bytes for the session.

Access only on ICA_CLOSE or ICA_TICK events or an error will occur.

clientCGPMsgCount: Number The number of client CGP messages since the last ICA_TICK event.

Access only on ICA_TICK events or an error will occur.

clientLatency: Number The latency of the client, expressed in milliseconds, as reported by the End User Experience Management (EUEM) beacon.

Client latency is reported when a packet from the client on the EUEM channel reports the result of a single ICA round trip measurement.

Access only on ICA_TICK events or an error will occur.

clientL2Bytes: Number Upon an ICA_CLOSE event, the incremental number of L2 client bytes observed since the last ICA_TICK event. Does not specify the total number of bytes for the session.

Access only on ICA_CLOSE or ICA_TICK events or an error will occur.

clientMsgCount: Number The number of client messages since the last ICA_TICK event.

Access only on ICA_TICK events or an error will occur.

clientPkts: Number Upon an ICA_CLOSE event, the incremental number of client packets observed since the last ICA_TICK event. Does not specify the total number of packets for the session.

Access only on ICA_CLOSE or ICA_TICK events or an error will occur.

clientRTO: Number Upon an ICA_CLOSE event, the incremental number of client retransmission timeouts (RTOs) observed since the last ICA_TICK event. Does not specify the total number of RTOs for the session.

Access only on ICA_CLOSE or ICA_TICK events or an error will occur.

clientZeroWnd: Number The number of zero windows sent by the client.

Access only on ICA_CLOSE or ICA_TICK events or an error will occur.

clientType: String The type of ICA client, which is the user-agent equivalent to ICA. clipboardData: Buffer A Buffer object containing raw data from the clipboard transfer.

The value is null if the ICA_TICK event did not result from a clipboard data transfer, or if the channel specified by the tickChannel property is not a clipboard channel.

The maximum number of bytes in the buffer is specified by the Clipboard Bytes to Buffer field when the trigger was configured through the ExtraHop Web UI. The default maximum object size is 1024 bytes. For more information, see the Advanced trigger options.

To determine the direction of the clipboard data transfer, access this property through Flow.sender, Flow.receiver, Flow.client, or Flow.server.

Access only on ICA_TICK events or an error will occur.

clipboardDataType: String The type of data on the clipboard transfer. The following clipboard types are supported:
  • TEXT
  • DIF
  • TIFF
  • DIB
  • RIFF
  • WAVE

The value is null if the ICA_TICK event did not result from a clipboard data transfer, or if the channel specified by the tickChannel property is not a clipboard channel.

Access only on ICA_TICK events or an error will occur.

frameCutDuration: Number The frame cut duration, as reported by the EUEM beacon.

Access only on ICA_TICK events or an error will occur.

frameSendDuration: Number The frame send duration, as reported by the EUEM beacon.

Access only on ICA_TICK events or an error will occur.

host: String The host name of the Citrix server. isAborted: Boolean The value is true if the application fails to launch successfully.

Access only on ICA_CLOSE events or an error will occur.

isCleanShutdown: Boolean The value is true if the application shuts down cleanly.

Access only on ICA_CLOSE events or an error will occur.

isClientDiskRead: Boolean The value is true if a file was read from the client disk to the Citrix server. The value is null if the command is not a file operation, or if the channel specified by the tickChannel property is not a file channel.

Access only on ICA_TICK events or an error will occur.

isClientDiskWrite: Boolean The value is true if a file was written from the Citrix server to the client disk. The value is null if the command is not a file operation, or if the channel specified by the tickChannel property is not a file channel.

Access only on ICA_TICK events or an error will occur.

isEncrypted: Boolean The value is true if the application is encrypted with RC5 encryption. isSharedSession: Boolean The value is true if the application is launched over an existing connection. launchParams: String The string that represents the parameters. loadTime: Number The load time of the given application, expressed in milliseconds.
Note:The load time is recorded only for the initial application load. The ExtraHop system does not measure load time for applications launched over existing sessions and instead reports the initial load time on subsequent application loads. Choose ICA.isSharedSession to distinguish between initial and subsequent application loads.
loginTime: Number The user login time, expressed in milliseconds.

Access only on ICA_OPEN, ICA_CLOSE, or ICA_TICK events or an error will occur.

Note:The login time is recorded only for the initial application load. The ExtraHop system does not measure login time for applications launched over existing sessions and instead reports the initial login time on subsequent application loads. Choose ICA.isSharedSession to distinguish between initial and subsequent application loads.
networkLatency: Number The current latency advertised by the client, expressed in milliseconds.

Network latency is reported when a specific ICA packet from the client contains latency information.

Access only on ICA_TICK events or an error will occur.

payload: Buffer The Buffer object containing the raw payload bytes of the file that was read or written on the event.

The buffer contains the N first bytes of the payload, where N is the number of payload bytes specified by the Bytes to Buffer field when the trigger was configured through the ExtraHop WebUI. The default number of bytes is 2048. For more information, see Advanced trigger options.

The value is null if the channel specified by the tickChannel property is not a file channel.

Access only on ICA_TICK events or an error will occur.

printerName: String The name of the printer driver.

Access only on ICA_TICK events or an error will occur.

program: String The name of the program, or application, that is being launched. record: Object The record object committed to the ExtraHop Explore appliance through a call to ICA.commitRecord() on either an ICA_OPEN, ICA_TICK, or ICA_CLOSE event.

The event on which the method was called determines which default properties the record object contains as displayed in the following table:

authDomain authDomain authDomain
clientBytes clientMachine clientBytes
clientL2Bytes clientType clientCGPMsgCount
clientMachine clientZeroWnd clientL2Bytes
clientPkts host clientLatency
clientRTO isEncrypted clientMachine
clientType isSharedSession clientMsgCount
clientZeroWnd launchParams clientPkts
host loadTime clientRTO
isAborted loginTime clientType
isCleanShutdown program clientZeroWnd
isEncypted serverZeroWnd frameCutDuration
isSharedSession user frameSendDuration
launchParams   host
loadTime   isClientDiskRead
loginTime   isClientDiskWrite
program   isEncrypted
roundTripTime isSharedSession
serverBytes launchParams
serverL2Bytes loadTime
serverPkts loginTime
serverRTO networkLatency
serverZeroWnd   program
user resource

Access the record object only on ICA_OPEN, ICA_CLOSE, and ICA_TICK events or an error will occur.

resource: String The path of the file that was read or written on the event, if known. The value is null if the channel specified by the tickChannel property is not a file channel.

Access only on ICA_TICK events or an error will occur.

resourceOffset: Number The offset of the file that was read or written on the event, if known. The value is null if the channel specified by the tickChannel property is not a file channel.

Access only on ICA_TICK events or an error will occur.

roundTripTime: Number The median round trip time (RTT), expressed in milliseconds. The value is NaN if there are no RTT samples.

Access only on ICA_CLOSE or ICA_TICK events or an error will occur.

serverBytes: Number Upon an ICA_CLOSE event, the incremental number of application-level server bytes observed since the last ICA_TICK event. Does not specify the total number of bytes for the session.

Access only on ICA_CLOSE or ICA_TICK events or an error will occur.

serverCGPMsgCount: Number The number of CGP server messages since the last ICA_TICK event.

Access only on ICA_TICK events or an error will occur.

serverL2Bytes: Number Upon an ICA_CLOSE event, the incremental number of L2 server bytes observed since the last ICA_TICK event. Does not specify the total number of bytes for the session.

Access only on ICA_CLOSE or ICA_TICK events or an error will occur.

serverMsgCount: Number The number of server messages since the last ICA_TICK event.

Access only on ICA_TICK events or an error will occur.

serverPkts: Number Upon an ICA_CLOSE event, the incremental number of server packets observed since the last ICA_TICK event. Does not specify the total number of packets for the session.

Access only on ICA_CLOSE or ICA_TICK events or an error will occur.

serverRTO: Number Upon an ICA_CLOSE event, the incremental number of server retransmission timeouts (RTOs) observed since the last ICA_TICK event. Does not specify the total number of RTOs for the session.

Access only on ICA_CLOSE or ICA_TICK events or an error will occur.

serverZeroWnd: Number The number of zero windows sent by the server.

Access only on ICA_CLOSE or ICA_TICK events or an error will occur.

tickChannel: String The name of the virtual channel that resulted in the current ICA_TICK event. The following channels are supported:
  • CTXCLI: clipboard
  • CTXCDM: file
  • CTXEUE: end user experience monitoring

Access only on ICA_TICK events or an error will occur.

user: String The name of the user, if available.

The ICMP class enables you to store metrics and access properties on ICMP_MESSAGE events.

ICMP_MESSAGE Runs on every ICMP message processed by the device.

commitRecord(): void Commits a record object to the ExtraHop Explore appliance on an ICMP_MESSAGE event.

To view the default properties committed to the record object, see the record property below.

For built-in records, each unique record is committed only once, even if the commitRecord() method is called multiple times for the same unique record.

gwAddr: IPAddress For a redirect message, returns the address of the gateway to which traffic for the network specified in the internet destination network field of the original datagram's data should be sent. Returns null for all other messages.

Message ICMPv4 Type ICMPv6 Type
Redirect Message 5 n/a

hopLimit: Number The ICMP packet time to live or hop count. isError: Boolean The value is true for message types in the following table.

Message ICMPv4 Type ICMPv6 Type
Destination Unreachable 3 1
Redirect 5 n/a
Source Quench 4 n/a
Time Exceeded 11 3
Parameter Problem 12 4
Packet Too Big n/a 2

isQuery: Boolean The value is true for message types in the following table.

Message ICMPv4 Type ICMPv6 Type
Echo Request 8 128
Information Request 15 n/a
Timestamp request 13 n/a
Address Mask Request 17 n/a
Router Discovery 10 151
Multicast Listener Query n/a 130
Router Solicitation (NDP) n/a 133
Neighbor Solicitation n/a 135
ICMP Node Information Query n/a 139
Inverse Neighbor Discovery Solicitation n/a 141
Home Agent Address Discovery Solicitation n/a 144
Mobile Prefix Solicitation n/a 146
Certification Path Solicitation n/a 148

isReply: Boolean The value is true for message types in the following table.

Message ICMPv4 Type ICMPv6 Type
Echo Reply 0 129
Information Reply 16 n/a
Timestamp Reply 14 n/a
Address Mask Reply 18 n/a
Multicast Listener Done n/a 132
Multicast Listener Report n/a 131
Router Advertisement (NDP) n/a 134
Neighbor Advertisement n/a 136
ICMP Node Information Response n/a 140
Inverse Neighbor Discovery Advertisement n/a 142
Home Agent Address Discovery Reply Message n/a 145
Mobile Prefix Advertisement n/a 147
Certification Path Advertisement n/a 149

msg: Buffer A buffer object containing up to message_length_max bytes of the ICMP message. The message_length_ max option is configured in the ICMP profile in the running config.

The following running config example changes the ICMP message_length_ max from its default of 4096 bytes to 1234 bytes:

"capture": { "app_proto": { "ICMP": { "message_length_max": 1234 } } }
Tip:You can convert the buffer object to a string through the String.fromCharCode method. To view the string in the runtime log, run the JSON.stringify method, as shown in the following example code:const icmp_msg = String.fromCharCode.apply(String, ICMP.msg); debug('ICMP message text: ' + JSON.stringify(icmp_msg, null, 4));

You can also search the ICMP message strings with the includes and test methods, as shown in the following example code:

const substring_search = 'search term'; const regex_search = '^search term$'; const icmp_msg = String.fromCharCode.apply(String, ICMP.msg); if (icmp_msg.includes(substring_search){ debug('ICMP message includes substring'); } if (regex_search.test(icmp_msg)){ debug('ICMP message matches regex'); }
msgCode: Number The ICMP message code. msgID: Number The ICMP message identifier for Echo Request, Echo Reply, Timestamp Request, Timestamp Reply, Information Request, and Information Reply messages. The value is null for all other message types.

The following table displays type IDs for the ICMP messages:

Message ICMPv4 Type ICMPv6 Type
Echo Request 8 128
Echo Reply 0 129
Timestamp Request 13 n/a
Timestamp Reply 14 n/a
Information Request 15 n/a
Information Reply 16 n/a

msgLength: Number The length of the ICMP message, expressed in bytes. msgText: String The descriptive text for the message (for example, echo request or port unreachable). msgType: Number The ICMP message type.

The following table displays the ICMPv4 message types available:

Type Message
0 Echo Reply
1 and 2 Reserved
3 Destination Unreachable
4 Source Quench
5 Redirect Message
6 Alternate Host Address (deprecated)
7 Reserved
8 Echo Request
9 Router Advertisement
10 Router Solicitation
11 Time Exceeded
12 Parameter Problem: Bad IP header
13 Timestamp
14 Timestamp Reply
15 Information Request (deprecated)
16 Information Reply (deprecated)
17 Address Mask Request (deprecated)
18 Address Mask Reply (deprecated)
19 Reserved
20-29 Reserved
30 Traceroute (deprecated)
31 Datagram Conversion Error (deprecated)
32 Mobile Host Redirect (deprecated)
33 Where Are You (deprecated)
34 Here I Am (deprecated)
35 Mobile Registration Request (deprecated)
36 Mobile Registration Reply (deprecated)
37 Domain Name Request (deprecated)
38 Domain Name Reply (deprecated)
39 Simple Key-Management for Internet Protocol (deprecated)
40 Photuris (deprecated)
41 ICMP experimental
42-255 Reserved

The following table displays the ICMPv6 message types available:

Type Message
1 Destination Unreachable
2 Packet Too Big
3 Time Exceeded
4 Parameter Problem
100 Private Experimentation
101 Private Experimentation
127 Reserved for expansion of ICMPv6 error messages
128 Echo Request
129 Echo Reply
130 Multicast Listener Query
131 Multicast Listener Report
132 Multicast Listener Done
133 Router Solicitation
134 Router Advertisement
135 Neighbor Solicitation
136 Neighbor Advertisement
137 Redirect Message
138 Router Renumbering
139 ICMP Node Information Query
140 ICMP Node Information Response
141 Inverse Neighbor Discovery Solicitation Message
142 Inverse Neighbor Discovery Advertisement Message
143 Multicast Listener Discovery (MLDv2) reports
144 Home Agent Address Discovery Request Message
145 Home Agent Address Discovery Reply Message
146 Mobile Prefix Solicitation
147 Mobile Prefix Advertisement
148 Certification Path Solicitation
149 Certification Path Advertisement
151 Multicast Router Advertisement
152 Multicast Router Solicitation
153 Multicast Router Termination
155 RPL Control Message
200 Private Experimentation
201 Private Experimentation
255 Reserved for expansion of ICMPv6 informational messages

nextHopMTU: Number An ICMPv4 Destination Unreachable or an ICMPv6 Packet Too Big message, the maximum transmission unit of the next-hop link. The value is null for all other messages.

Message ICMPv4 Type ICMPv6 Type
Destination Unreachable 3 n/a
Packet Too Big n/a 2

original: Object An object containing the following elements from the IP datagram that caused the ICMP message to be sent: ipproto: String The IP protocol of the datagram, such as TCP, UDP, ICMP, or ICMPv6. ipver: String The IP version of the datagram, such as IPv4 or IPv6. srcAddr: IPAddress The IPAddress of the datagram sender. srcPort: Number The port number of the datagram sender. dstAddr: IPAddress The IPAddress of the datagram receiver. dstPort: Number The port number of the datagram receiver.

The value is null if the internet header and 64 bits of the Original Data datagram is not present in the message or if the IP protocol is not TCP or UDP.

Access only on ICMP_MESSAGE events or an error will occur.

pointer: Number For a Parameter Problem message, the octet of the original datagram's header where the error was detected. The value is null for all other messages.

Message ICMPv4 Type ICMPv6 Type
Parameter Problem 12 4

record: Object The record object committed to the ExtraHop Explore appliance through a call to ICMP.commitRecord() on an ICMP_MESSAGE event.

The record object contains the following default properties:

  • gwAddr
  • hopLimit
  • msgCode
  • msgId
  • msgLength
  • msgText
  • msgType
  • nextHopMTU
  • pointer
  • seqNum
  • version
seqNum: Number The ICMP sequence number for Echo Request, Echo Reply, Timestamp Request, Timestamp Reply, Information Request, and Information Reply messages. The value is null for all other messages. version: Number The version of the ICMP message type, which can be ICMPv4 or ICMPv6.

The Kerberos class enables you to store metrics and access properties on KERBEROS_REQUEST and KERBEROS_ RESPONSE events.

KERBEROS_REQUEST Runs on every Kerberos AS-REQ and TGS-REQ message type processed by the device. KERBEROS_RESPONSE Runs on every Kerberos AS-REP and TGS-REP message type processed by the device.

commitRecord(): void Commits a record object to the ExtraHop Explore appliance on either a KERBEROS_REQUEST or KERBEROS_RESPONSE event.

The event determines which properties are committed to the record object. To view the default properties committed for each event, see the record property below.

For built-in records, each unique record is committed only once, even if the commitRecord() method is called multiple times for the same unique record.

addresses: Array of Objects The addresses from which the requested ticket is valid.

Access only on KERBEROS_REQUEST events or an error will occur.

cipher: String The ciphertext of the encrypted ticket. cNames: Array of Strings The name portions of the principal identifier. cNameType: String The type for the cNames field. cRealm: String The client realm. error: String The error returned.

Access only on KERBEROS_RESPONSE events or an error will occur.

eType: Array of Numbers An array of the preferred encryption methods.

Access only on KERBEROS_REQUEST events or an error will occur.

from: String In AS_REQ and TGS_REQ message types, the time when the requested ticket is to be postdated to.

Access only on KERBEROS_REQUEST events or an error will occur.

kdcOptions: Object An object containing boolean values for each option flag in AS_REQ and TGS_REQ messages.

Access only on KERBEROS_REQUEST events or an error will occur.

msgType: String The message type. Possible values are:
  • AP_REP
  • AP_REQ
  • AS_REP
paData: Array of Objects The pre-authentication data. processingTime: Number The processing time, expressed in milliseconds.

Access only on KERBEROS_RESPONSE events or an error will occur.

realm: String The server realm. In an AS_REQ message type, this is the client realm. record: Object The record object committed to the ExtraHop Explore appliance through a call to Kerberos.commitRecord() on either a KERBEROS_REQUEST or KERBEROS_RESPONSE event.

The event on which the method was called determines which default properties the record object contains as displayed in the following table:

cNames cNames
cNameType cNameType
cRealm cRealm
clientZeroWnd clientZeroWnd
eType error
from msgType
msgType processingTime
realm realm
reqBytes roundTripTime
reqL2Bytes rspBytes
reqPkts rspL2Bytes
reqRTO rspPkts
sNames rspRTO
sNameType sNames
serverZeroWnd sNameType
till serverZeroWnd

sNames: Array of Strings The name portions of the server principal identifier sNameType: String The type for the sNames field. ticket: Object A newly generated ticket in an AP_REP message or a ticket to authenticate the client to the server in an AP_REQ message. till: String The expiration date requested by the client in a ticket request.

Access only on KERBEROS_REQUEST events or an error will occur.

The LDAP class enables you to store metrics and access properties on LDAP_REQUEST and LDAP_RESPONSE events.

LDAP_REQUEST Runs on every LDAP request processed by the device. LDAP_RESPONSE Runs on every LDAP response processed by the device.

commitRecord(): void Commits a record object to the ExtraHop Explore appliance on either an LDAP_REQUEST or LDAP_RESPONSE event.

The event determines which properties are committed to the record object. To view the default properties committed for each event, see the record property below.

For built-in records, each unique record is committed only once, even if the commitRecord() method is called multiple times for the same unique record.

bindDN: String The bind DN of the LDAP request.

Access only on LDAP_REQUEST events or an error will occur.

dn: String The LDAP distinguished name (DN). If no DN is set, <ROOT> will be returned instead. error: String The LDAP short error string as defined in the protocol (for example, noSuchObject).

Access only on LDAP_RESPONSE events or an error will occur.

Result Code Result String
1 operationsError
2 protocolError
3 timeLimitExceeded
4 sizeLimitExceeded
7 authMethodNotSupported
8 strongerAuthRequired
11 adminLimitExceeded
12 unavailableCriticalExtension
13 confidentialityRequired
16 noSuchAttribute
17 undefinedAttributeType
18 inappropriateMatching
19 constraintViolation
20 attributeOrValueExists
21 invalidAttributeSyntax
32 NoSuchObject
33 aliasProblem
34 invalidDNSSyntax
36 aliasDeferencingProblem
48 inappropriateAuthentication
49 invalidCredentials
50 insufficientAccessRights
51 busy
52 unavailable
53 unwillingToPerform
54 loopDetect
64 namingViolation
65 objectClassViolation
66 notAllowedOnNonLeaf
67 notAllowedOnRDN
68 entryAlreadyExists
69 objectClassModsProhibited
71 affectsMultipleDSAs
80 other

errorDetail: String The LDAP error detail, if available for the error type. For example, "protocolError : historical protocol version requested, use LDAPv3 instead."

Access only on LDAP_RESPONSE events or an error will occur.

method: String The LDAP method. msgSize: Number The size of the LDAP message, expressed in bytes. processingTime: Number The server processing time, expressed in milliseconds. The value is NaN on malformed and aborted responses, if the timing is invalid, or if the timing is not available. Available for the following:
  • BindRequest
  • SearchRequest
  • ModifyRequest
  • AddRequest
  • DelRequest
  • ModifyDNRequest
  • CompareRequest
  • ExtendedRequest

Applies only to LDAP_RESPONSE events.

record: Object The record object committed to the ExtraHop Explore appliance through a call to LDAP.commitRecord() on either an LDAP_REQUEST or LDAP_RESPONSE event.

The event on which the method was called determines which default properties the record object contains as displayed in the following table:

bindDN clientZeroWnd
clientZeroWnd dn
dn error
method errorDetail
msgSize method
reqBytes msgSize
reqL2Bytes processingTime
reqPkts roundTripTime
reqRTO rspBytes
saslMechanism rspL2Bytes
searchFilter rspPkts
searchScope rspRTO
serverZeroWnd saslMechanism

reqBytes: Number The number of L4 request bytes, excluding L4 headers. reqL2Bytes: Number The number of L2 request bytes, including L2 headers. reqPkts: Number The number of request packets. reqRTO: Number The number of request retransmission timeouts (RTOs). reqZeroWnd: Number The number of zero windows in the request. roundTripTime: Number The median round trip time (RTT), expressed in milliseconds. The value is NaN if there are no RTT samples. rspBytes: Number The number of L4 response bytes, excluding L4 headers. rspL2Bytes: Number The number of L2 response bytes, including L2 headers. rspPkts: Number The number of response packets. rspRTO: Number The number of response retransmission timeouts (RTOs). rspZeroWnd: Number The number of zero windows in the response. saslMechanism: String The string that defines the SASL mechanism to identify and authenticate a user to a server. searchAttributes: Array The attributes to return from objects that match the filter criteria.

Access only on LDAP_REQUEST events or an error will occur.

searchFilter: String The mechanism to allow certain entries in the subtree and exclude others.

Access only on LDAP_REQUEST events or an error will occur.

searchScope: String The depth of a search within the search base.

Access only on LDAP_REQUEST events or an error will occur.

The LLDP class enables you to access properties on LLDP_FRAME events.

LLDP_FRAME Runs on every LLDP frame processed by the device.

chassisId: Buffer The chassis ID, obtained from the chassisId data field, or type-length-value (TLV). chassisIdSubtype: Number The chassis ID subtype, obtained from the chassisID TLV. destination: String The destination MAC address. The destination MAC address. The most common destinations are 01-80-C2-00-00-00, 01-80-C2-00-00-03 and 01-80-C2-00-00-0E, indicating multicast addresses. optTLVs: Array An array containing the optional TLVs. Each TLV is an object with the following properties: customSubtype: Number The subtype of an organizationally specific TLV. isCustom: Boolean Returns true if the object is an organizationally specific TLV. oui: Number The organizationally unique identifier for organizationally specific TLVs. type: Number The type of TLV. value: String The value of the TLV. portId: Buffer The port ID, obtained from the portId TLV. portIdSubtype: Number The port ID subtype, obtained from the portId TLV. source: Device The device sending the LLDP frame. ttl: Number The time to live, expressed in seconds. This is the length of time during which the information in this frame is valid, starting with when the information is received.

The LLMNR class enables you to store metrics and access properties on LLMNR_REQUEST and LLMNR_RESPONSE events.

LLMNR_REQUEST Runs on every LLMNR request processed by the device. LLMNR_RESPONSE Runs on every LLMNR response processed by the device.

commitRecord(): void Commits a record object to the ExtraHop Explore appliance on an LLMNR_REQUEST or LLMNR_RESPONSE event.

The event determines which properties are committed to the record object. To view the default properties committed on each event, see the record property below.

For built-in records, each unique record is committed only once, even if the commitRecord() method is called multiple times for the same unique record.

answer: Object

An object that corresponds to an answer resource record.

Access only on LLMNR_RESPONSE events or an error will occur.

The objects contain the following properties:

data: String | IPAddress The value of data depends on the type. The value is null for unsupported record types. Supported record types include:
  • A
  • AAAA
  • NS
  • PTR
  • MX
  • SRV
  • SOA
  • TXT
name: String The record name. ttl: Number The time-to-live value. type: String The LLMNR record type. error: String The name of the LLMNR error code, in accordance with IANA LLMNR parameters.

Returns OTHER for error codes that are unrecognized by the system; however, errorNum specifies the numeric code value.

Access only on LLMNR_RESPONSE events or an error will occur.

errorNum: Number The numeric representation of the LLMNR error code in accordance with IANA LLMNR parameters.

Access only on LLMNR_RESPONSE events or an error will occur.

opcode: String The name of the LLMNR operation code in accordance with IANA LLMNR parameters. The following codes are recognized by the ExtraHop system:

OpCode Name
0 Query
1 IQuery (Inverse Query - Obsolete)
2 Status
3 Unassigned
4 Notify
5 Update
6-15 Unassigned

Returns OTHER for codes that are unrecognized by the system; however, the opcodeNum property specifies the numeric code value.

opcodeNum: Number The numeric representation of the LLMNR operation code in accordance with IANA LLMNR parameters. qname: String The hostname queried. qtype: String The name of the LLMNR request record type in accordance with IANA LLMNR parameters.

Returns OTHER for types that are unrecognized by the system; however, the qtypeNum property specifies the numeric type value.

qtypeNum: Number The numeric representation of the LLMNR request record type in accordance with IANA LLMNR parameters. record: Object The record object committed to the ExtraHop Explore appliance through a call to LLMNR.commitRecord() on either an LLMNR_REQUEST or LLMNR_RESPONSE event.

The event on which the method was called determines which default properties the record object contains, as displayed in the following table:

opcode answer
qname error
qtype opcode
reqBytes qname
reqL2Bytes qtype
reqPkts rspBytes

reqBytes: Number The number of L4 request bytes, excluding L4 headers.

Access only on LLMNR_REQUEST events or an error will occur.

reqL2Bytes: Number The number of L2 request bytes, including L2 headers.

Access only on LLMNR_REQUEST events or an error will occur.

reqPkts: Number The number of request packets.

Access only on LLMNR_REQUEST events or an error will occur.

rspBytes: Number The number of L4 response bytes, excluding L4 headers.

Access only on LLMNR_RESPONSE events or an error will occur.

rspL2Bytes: Number The number of L2 response bytes, including L2 headers.

Access only on LLMNR_RESPONSE events or an error will occur.

rspPkts: Number The number of application-level response bytes.

Access only on LLMNR_RESPONSE events or an error will occur.

The Memcache class enables you to store metrics and access properties on MEMCACHE_REQUEST and MEMCACHE_RESPONSE events.

MEMCACHE_REQUEST Runs on every memcache request processed by the device. MEMCACHE_RESPONSE Runs on every memcache response processed by the device.

commitRecord(): void Commits a record object to the ExtraHop Explore appliance on either a MEMCACHE_REQUEST or MEMCACHE_RESPONSE event.

The event determines which properties are committed to the record object. To view the default properties committed for each event, see the record property below.

For built-in records, each unique record is committed only once, even if the commitRecord() method is called multiple times for the same unique record.

accessTime: Number The access time, expressed in milliseconds. Available only if the first key that was requested produced a hit.

Access only on MEMCACHE_RESPONSE events or an error will occur.

error: String The detailed error message recorded by the ExtraHop system.

Access only on MEMCACHE_RESPONSE events or an error will occur.

hits: Array An array of objects containing the Memcache key and key size.

Access only on MEMCACHE_RESPONSE events or an error will occur.

key: String | null The Memcache key for which this was a hit, if available. size: Number The size of the value returned for the key, expressed in bytes. isBinaryProtocol: Boolean The value is true if the request/response corresponds to the binary version of the memcache protocol. isNoReply: Boolean The value is true if the request has the "noreply" keyword and therefore should never receive a response (text protocol only).

Access only on MEMCACHE_REQUEST events or an error will occur.

isRspImplicit: Boolean The value is true if the response was implied by a subsequent response from the server (binary protocol only).

Access only on MEMCACHE_RESPONSE events or an error will occur.

method: String The Memcache method as recorded in Metrics section of the ExtraHop Web UI. misses: Array An array of objects containing the Memcache key.

Access only on MEMCACHE_RESPONSE events or an error will occur.

key: String | null The Memcache key for which this was a miss, if available. record: Object The record object committed to the ExtraHop Explore appliance through a call to Memcache.commitRecord() on either a MEMCACHE_REQUEST or MEMCACHE_RESPONSE event.

The event on which the method was called determines which default properties the record object contains as displayed in the following table:

clientZeroWnd accessTime
isBinaryProtocol clientZeroWnd
isNoReply error
method hits
reqBytes isBinaryProtocol
reqL2Bytes isRspImplicit
reqPkts method
reqRTO misses
reqSize roundTripTime
serverZeroWnd rspBytes
vbucket rspL2Bytes

reqBytes: Number The number of L4 request bytes, excluding L4 headers. reqKeys: Array An array containing the Memcache key strings sent with the request.

The value of the reqKeys property is the same when accessed on either the MEMCACHE_REQUEST or the MEMCACHE_RESPONSE event.

reqL2Bytes: Number The number of L2 request bytes, including L2 headers. reqPkts: Number The number of request packets. reqRTO: Number The number of request retransmission timeouts (RTOs).

Access only on MEMCACHE_REQUEST events or an error will occur.

reqSize: Number

The number of L7 request bytes, excluding Memcache headers. The value is NaN for requests with no payload, such as GET and DELETE.

reqZeroWnd: Number The number of zero windows in the request. roundTripTime: Number The median round trip time (RTT), expressed in milliseconds. The value is NaN if there are no RTT samples. rspBytes: Number The number of L4 response bytes, excluding L4 headers. rspL2Bytes: Number The number of L2 response bytes, including L2 headers. rspPkts: Number The number of response packets. rspRTO: Number The number of response retransmission timeouts (RTOs).

Access only on MEMCACHE_RESPONSE events or an error will occur.

rspZeroWnd: Number The number of zero windows in the response. statusCode: String The Memcache status code. For the binary protocol, the ExtraHop system metrics prepend the method to status codes other than NO_ERROR, but the statusCode property does not. Refer to the examples for code that matches the behavior of the ExtraHop system metrics.

Access only on MEMCACHE_RESPONSE events or an error will occur.

vbucket: Number The Memcache vbucket, if available (binary protocol only).

  • Example: Record Memcache hits and misses
  • Example: Parse memcache keys

The Modbus class enables you to access properties from MODBUS_REQUEST and MODBUS_RESPONSE events. Modbus is a serial communications protocol that enables connections between multiple devices on the same network.

MODBUS_REQUEST Runs on every request sent by a Modbus client. A Modbus client in the ExtraHop system is the Modbus master device. MODBUS_RESPONSE Runs on every response sent by a Modbus server. A Modbus server in the ExtraHop system is the Modbus slave device.

commitRecord(): void Commits a record object to the ExtraHop Explore appliance on a MODBUS_RESPONSE event. Record commits on MODBUS_REQUEST events are not supported.

To view the default properties committed to the record object, see the record property below.

For built-in records, each unique record is committed only once, even if the commitRecord() method is called multiple times for the same unique record.

error: String The detailed error message recorded by the ExtraHop system.

Access only on MODBUS_RESPONSE events or an error will occur.

functionID: Number The Modbus function code contained in the request or response.

Function ID Function name
1 Read Coil
2 Read Discrete Inputs
3 Read Holding Registers
4 Read Input Registers
5 Write Single Coil
6 Write Single Holding Register
15 Write Multiple Coils
16 Write Multiple Holding Registers

functionName: String The name of the Modbus function code contained in the request or response. isReqAborted: Boolean The value is true if the connection is closed before the request was complete. isRspAborted: Boolean The value is true if the connection is closed before the response was complete.

Access only on MODBUS_RESPONSE events or an error will occur.

payload: Buffer The Buffer object containing the body of the request or response. payloadOffset: Number The file offset, expressed in bytes, within the resource property. The payload property is obtained from the resource property at the offset. processingTime: Number The processing time of the Modbus server, expressed in milliseconds. The value is NaN on malformed and aborted responses or if the timing is invalid.

Access only on MODBUS_RESPONSE events or an error will occur.

record: Object The record object committed to the ExtraHop Explore appliance through a call to Modbus.commitRecord on a MODBUS_RESPONSE event.

The record object contains the following default properties:

  • error
  • functionId
  • functionName
  • protocolId
  • reqL2Bytes
  • rspL2Bytes
  • reqPkts
  • rspPkts
  • reqBytes
  • rspBytes
  • reqRTO
  • rspRTO
  • roundTripTime
  • clientZeroWnd
  • serverZeroWnd
  • statusCode
  • txId
  • unitId

Access only on MODBUS_RESPONSE events or an error will occur.

reqBytes: Number The number of L4 request bytes, excluding L4 headers.

Access only on MODBUS_RESPONSE events or an error will occur.

reqL2Bytes: Number The number of L2 request bytes, including L2 headers.

Access only on MODBUS_RESPONSE events or an error will occur.

reqPkts: Number The number of packets in the request.

Access only on MODBUS_RESPONSE events or an error will occur.

reqRTO: Number The number of retransmission timeouts (RTOs) in the request.

Access only on MODBUS_RESPONSE events or an error will occur.

reqSize: Number The number of L7 request bytes, excluding Modbus headers. reqTransferTime: Number The transfer time of the request, expressed in milliseconds. If the request is contained in a single packet, the transfer time is zero. If the request spans multiple packets, the value is the amount of time between detection of the first request packet and detection of the last packet by the ExtraHop system. A high value might indicate a large request or a network delay. The value is NaN if there is no valid measurement, or if the timing is invalid. reqZeroWnd: Number The number of zero windows in the request.

Access only on MODBUS_RESPONSE events or an error will occur.

roundTripTime: Number The median round trip time (RTT), expressed in milliseconds. The value is NaN if there are no RTT samples.

Access only on MODBUS_RESPONSE events or an error will occur.

rspBytes: Number

The number of L4 response bytes, excluding L4 headers.

rspL2Bytes: Number The number of L2 response bytes, including L2 headers.

Access only on MODBUS_RESPONSE events or an error will occur.

rspPkts: Number The number of packets in the response.

Access only on MODBUS_RESPONSE events or an error will occur.

rspRTO: Number The number of retransmission timeouts (RTOs) in the response.

Access only on MODBUS_RESPONSE events or an error will occur.

rspSize: Number The number of L7 response bytes, excluding Modbus protocol headers.

Access only on MODBUS_RESPONSE events or an error will occur.

rspTransferTime: Number The transfer time of the response, expressed in milliseconds. If the response is contained in a single packet, the transfer time is zero. If the response spans multiple packets, the value is the amount of time between detection of the first response packet and detection of the last packet by the ExtraHop system. A high value might indicate a large response or a network delay. The value is NaN if there is no valid measurement, or if the timing is invalid.

Access only on MODBUS_RESPONSE events or an error will occur.

rspZeroWnd: Number The number of zero windows in the response.

Access only on MODBUS_RESPONSE events or an error will occur.

statusCode: Number The numeric status code of the response.

Status code number Status description
1 Illegal Function
2 Illegal Data Address
3 Illegal Data Value
4 Slave Device Failure
5 Acknowledge
6 Slave Device Busy
7 Negative Acknowledge
8 Memory Parity Error
10 Gateway Path Unavailable
11 Gateway Target Device Failed to Respond

Access only on MODBUS_RESPONSE events or an error will occur.

txId: Number The transaction identifier of the request or response. unitId: Number The unit identifier of the Modbus server responding to the Modbus client.

The MongoDB class enables you to store metrics and access properties on MONGODB_REQUEST and MONGODB_ RESPONSE events.

MONGODB_REQUEST Runs on every MongoDB request processed by the device. MONGODB_RESPONSE Runs on every MongoDB response processed by the device.

commitRecord(): void Commits a record object to the ExtraHop Explore appliance on either a MONGODB_REQUEST or MONGODB_RESPONSE event.

The event determines which properties are committed to the record object. To view the default properties committed for each event, see the record property below.

For built-in records, each unique record is committed only once, even if the commitRecord() method is called multiple times for the same unique record.

collection: String The name of the database collection specified in the current request. database: String The MongoDB database instance. In some cases, such as when login events are encrypted, the database name is not available. error: String The detailed error message recorded by the ExtraHop system.

Access only on MONGODB_RESPONSE events or an error will occur.

isReqAborted: Boolean The value is true if the connection is closed before the MongoDB request was complete. isReqTruncated: Boolean The value is true if the request document(s) size is greater than the maximum payload document size. isRspAborted: Boolean The value is true if the connection is closed before the MongoDB response was complete.

Access only on MONGODB_RESPONSE events or an error will occur.

method: String The MongoDB database method (appears under Methods in the user interface). opcode: String The MongoDB operational code on the wire protocol, which might differ from the MongoDB method used. processingTime: Number The time to process the request, expressed in milliseconds (equivalent to rspTimeToFirstByte - reqTimeToLastByte). The value is NaN on malformed and aborted responses or if the timing is invalid.

Access only on MONGODB_RESPONSE events or an error will occur.

record: Object The record object committed to the ExtraHop Explore appliance through a call to MongoDB.commitRecord() on either an MONGODB_REQUEST or MONGODB_RESPONSE event.

The event on which the method was called determines which default properties the record object contains as displayed in the following table:

clientZeroWnd clientZeroWnd
collection collection
database database
isReqAborted error
isReqTruncated isRspAborted
method method
opcode opcode
reqBytes processingTime
reqL2Bytes roundTripTime
reqPkts rspBytes
reqRTO rspL2Bytes
reqSize rspPkts
reqTimeToLastByte rspRTO
serverZeroWnd rspSize
user rspTimeToFirstByte

reqBytes: Number The number of L4 request bytes, excluding L4 headers. reqL2Bytes: Number The number of L2 request bytes, including L2 headers. reqPkts: Number The number of request packets. reqRTO: Number The number of request retransmission timeouts (RTOs). reqSize: Number The number of L7 request bytes, excluding MongoDB headers. reqTimeToLastByte: Number The time from the first byte of the request until the last byte of the request, expressed in milliseconds. reqZeroWnd: Number The number of zero windows in the request. request: Array An array of JS objects parsed from MongoDB request payload documents. Total document size is limited to 4K.

If BSON documents are truncated, isReqTruncated flag is set. Truncated values are represented as follows:

  • Primitive string values like code, code with scope, and binary data are partially extracted.
  • Objects and Arrays are partially extracted.
  • All other primitive values like Numbers, Dates, RegExp, etc., are substituted with null.

If no documents are included in the request, an empty array is returned.

The value of the request property is the same when accessed on either the MONGODB_REQUEST or the MONGODB_RESPONSE event.

roundTripTime: Number The median round trip time (RTT), expressed in milliseconds. The value is NaN if there are no RTT samples. rspBytes: Number The number of L4 response bytes, excluding L4 headers. rspL2Bytes: Number The number of L2 response bytes, including L2 headers. rspPkts: Number The number of response packets. rspRTO: Number The number of response retransmission timeouts (RTOs). rspSize: Number The number of L7 response bytes, excluding MongoDB headers.

Access only on MONGODB_RESPONSE events or an error will occur.

rspTimeToFirstByte: Number The time from the first byte of the request until the first byte of the response, expressed in milliseconds. The value is NaN on malformed and aborted responses, or if the timing is invalid.

Access only on MONGODB_RESPONSE events or an error will occur.

rspTimeToLastByte: Number The time from the first byte of the request until the last by of the response, expressed in milliseconds. The value is NaN on malformed and aborted responses, or if the timing is invalid.

Access only on MONGODB_RESPONSE events or an error will occur.

rspZeroWnd: Number The number of zero windows in the response. user: String The user name, if available. In some cases, such as when login events are encrypted, the user name is not available.

The MSMQ class enables you to store metrics and access properties on MSMQ_MESSAGE events.

MSMQ_MESSAGE Runs on every MSMQ user message processed by the device.

commitRecord(): void Commits a record object to the ExtraHop Explore appliance on an MSMQ_MESSAGE event.

To view the default properties committed to the record object, see the record property below.

For built-in records, each unique record is committed only once, even if the commitRecord() method is called multiple times for the same unique record.

adminQueue: String The name of the administration queue of the message. correlationId: Buffer The application-generated correlation ID of the message. dstQueueMgr: String The destination message broker of the message. isEncrypted: Boolean The value is true if the payload is encrypted. label: String The label or description of the message. msgClass: String The message class of the message. The following values are valid:

msgId: Number The MSMQ message id of the message. payload: Buffer The body of the MSMQ message. priority: Number The priority of the message. This can be a number between 0 and 7. queue: String The name of the destination queue of the message. receiverBytes: Number The number of L4 receiver bytes. receiverL2Bytes: Number The number of L2 receiver bytes. receiverPkts: Number The number of receiver packets. receiverRTO: Number The number of retransmission timeouts (RTOs) from the receiver. receiverZeroWnd: Number The number of zero windows sent by the receiver. record: Object The record object committed to the ExtraHop Explore appliance through a call to MSMQ.commitRecord() on an MSMQ_MESSAGE event.

The record object contains the following default properties:

  • adminQueue
  • dstQueueMgr
  • isEncrypted
  • label
  • msgClass
  • msgId
  • priority
  • queue
  • receiverBytes
  • receiverL2Bytes
  • receiverPkts
  • receiverRTO
  • receiverZeroWnd
  • responseQueue
  • roundTripTime
  • senderBytes
  • senderL2Bytes
  • senderPkts
  • senderRTO
  • serverZeroWnd
  • srcQueueMgr
responseQueue: String The name of the response queue of the message. roundTripTime: Number The median round trip time (RTT), expressed in milliseconds. The value is NaN if there are no RTT samples. senderBytes: Number The number of sender L4 bytes. senderL2Bytes: Number The number of sender L2 bytes. senderPkts: Number The number of sender packets. senderRTO: Number The number of retransmission timeouts (RTOs) from the sender. senderZeroWnd: Number The number of zero windows sent by the sender. srcQueueMgr: String The source message broker of the message.

The NetFlow class object enables you to store metrics and access properties on NETFLOW_RECORD events.

The ExtraHop Discover appliance can be licensed for the NetFlow module, which supports the following flow types:

  • NetFlow version 5 (Cisco)
  • NetFlow version 9 (Cisco)
  • IPFIX (open standard based on RFC 5101)

NETFLOW_RECORD Runs upon receipt of a flow record from a flow network.

commitRecord(): void Commits a record object to the ExtraHop Explore appliance on a NETFLOW_RECORD event.

To view the default properties committed to the record object, see the record property below.

For built-in records, each unique record is committed only once, even if the commitRecord() method is called multiple times for the same unique record.

findField(field: Number [enterpriseId: Number]): String | Number | IPAddress | Buffer | Boolean Searches the NetFlow record and returns the specified field. Returns a null value if the field is not in the record. If the optional enterpriseId argument is included, the specified field is returned only if the enterprise ID is a match, otherwise the method returns a null value. hasField(field: Number): Boolean Determines whether the specified field is in the NetFlow record.

age: Number The amount of time elapsed, expressed in seconds, between the first and last property values reported in the NetFlow record. deltaBytes: Number The number of L3 bytes in the flow since the last NETFLOW_RECORD event. deltaPkts: Number The number of packets in the flow since the last NETFLOW_RECORD event. dscp: Number The number representing the last differentiated services code point (DSCP) value of the flow packet. dscpName: String The name associated with the DSCP value of the flow packet. The following table displays well-known DSCP names:

Number Name
8 CS1
10 AF11
12 AF12
14 AF13
16 CS2
18 AF21
20 AF22
22 AF23
24 CS3
26 AF31
28 AF32
30 AF33
32 CS4
34 AF41
36 AF42
38 AF43
40 CS5
44 VA
46 EF
48 CS6
56 CS7

egressInterface: FlowInterface The FlowInterface object that identifies the output device. fields: Array An array of objects that contain information fields found in the flow packets. Each object can contain the following properties: fieldID: Number The ID number that represents the field type. enterpriseID: Number The ID number that represents enterprise-specific information. first: Number The amount of time elapsed, expressed in milliseconds, since the epoch of the first packet in the flow. format: String The format of the NetFlow record. Valid values are NetFlow v5, NetFlow v9, and IPFIX. ingressInterface: FlowInterface The FlowInterface object that identifies the input device. ipPrecedence: Number The value of the IP precedence field associated with the DSCP of the flow packet. ipproto: String The IP protocol associated with the flow, such as TCP or UDP. last: Number The amount of time elapsed, expressed in milliseconds, since the epoch of the last packet in the flow. network: FlowNetwork An object that identifies the FlowNetwork and contains the following properties: id: String The identifier of the FlowNetwork. ipaddr: IPAddress The IP address of the FlowNetwork. nextHop: IPAddress The IP address of the next hop router. observationDomain: Number The ID of the observation domain for the template. receiver: Object An object that identifies the receiver and contains the following properties: asn: Number The autonomous system number (ASN) of the destination device. ipaddr: IPAddress The IP address of the destination device. prefixLength: Number The number of bits in the prefix of the destination address. port: Number The TCP or UDP port number of the destination device. record: Object The record object committed to the ExtraHop Explore appliance through a call to NetFlow.commitRecord() on a NETFLOW_RECORD event.

The record object contains the following default properties:

  • age
  • dscpName
  • deltaBytes
  • deltaPkts
  • egressInterface
  • first
  • format
  • ingressInterface
  • last
  • network
  • networkAddr
  • nextHop
  • proto
  • receiverAddr
  • receiverAsn
  • receiverPort
  • receiverPrefixLength
  • senderAddr
  • senderAsn
  • senderPort
  • senderPrefixLength
  • tcpFlagName
  • tcpFlags
sender: Object An object that identifies the sender and contains the following properties: asn: Number The autonomous system number (ASN) of the source device. ipaddr: IPAddress The IP address of the source device. prefixLength: Number The number of bits in the prefix of the source address. port: Number The TCP or UDP port number of the source device. tcpFlagNames: Array A string array of TCP flag names, such as SYN or ACK, found in the flow packets. tcpFlags: Number The bitwise OR of all TCP flags set on the flow. templateID: Number The ID of the template that is referred to by the record. Template IDs are applicable only to IPFIX and NetFlow v9 records. tos: Number The type of service (ToS) number defined in the IP header.

The NFS class enables you to store metrics and access properties on NFS_REQUEST and NFS_RESPONSE events.

NFS_REQUEST Runs on every NFS request processed by the device. NFS_RESPONSE Runs on every NFS response processed by the device

commitRecord(): void Commits a record object to the ExtraHop Explore appliance on an NFS_RESPONSE event. Record commits on NFS_REQUEST events are not supported.

To view the default properties committed to the record object, see the record property below.

For built-in records, each unique record is committed only once, even if the commitRecord() method is called multiple times for the same unique record.

accessTime: Number The amount of time taken by the server to access a file on disk, expressed in milliseconds. For NFS, it is the time from every non-pipelined READ and WRITE command in an NFS flow until the payload containing the response is recorded by the ExtraHop system. The value is NaN on malformed and aborted responses, or if the timing is invalid or is not applicable.

Access only on NFS_RESPONSE events or an error will occur.

authMethod: String The method for authenticating users. error:String The detailed error message recorded by the ExtraHop system.

Access only on NFS_RESPONSE events or an error will occur.

fileHandle: Buffer The file handle returned by the server on LOOKUP, CREATE, SYMLINK, MKNOD, LINK, or READDIRPLUS operations. isCommandFileInfo: Boolean The value is true for file info commands. isCommandRead: Boolean The value is true for READ commands. isCommandWrite: Boolean The value is true for WRITE commands. method: String The NFS method. Valid methods are listed under the NFS metric in the ExtraHop Web UI. offset: Number The file offset associated with NFS READ and WRITE commands.

Access only on NFS_REQUEST events or an error will occur.

processingTime: Number The server processing time, expressed in milliseconds. The value is NaN on malformed and aborted responses or if the timing is invalid.

Access only on NFS_RESPONSE events or an error will occur.

record: Object The record object committed to the ExtraHop Explore appliance through a call to NFS.commitRecord() on a NFS_RESPONSE event.

The record object contains the following default properties:

  • accessTime
  • authMethod
  • clientZeroWnd
  • error
  • isCommandFileInfo
  • isCommandRead
  • isCommandWrite
  • isRspAborted
  • method
  • offset
  • processingTime
  • renameDirChanged
  • reqSize
  • reqXfer
  • resource
  • rspSize
  • rspXfer
  • serverZeroWnd
  • statusCode
  • txID
  • user
  • version

Access the record object only on NFS_RESPONSE events or an error will occur.

renameDirChanged: Boolean The value is true if a resource rename request includes a directory move.

Access only on NFS_REQUEST events or an error will occur.

reqBytes: Number The number of L4 request bytes, excluding L4 headers.

Access only on NFS_RESPONSE events or an error will occur.

reqL2Bytes: Number The number of L2 request bytes, including L2 headers.

Access only on NFS_RESPONSE events or an error will occur.

reqPkts: Number The number of request packets.

Access only on NFS_RESPONSE events or an error will occur.

reqRTO: Number The number of request retransmission timeouts (RTOs).

Access only on NFS_REQUEST events or an error will occur.

reqSize: Number The number of L7 request bytes, excluding NFS headers. reqTransferTime: Number The request transfer time, expressed in milliseconds. If the request is contained in a single packet, the transfer time is zero. If the request spans multiple packets, the value is the amount of time between detection of the first NFS request packet and detection of the last packet by the ExtraHop system. A high value might indicate a large NFS request or a network delay. The value is NaN if there is no valid measurement, or if the timing is invalid.

Access only on NFS_REQUEST events or an error will occur.

reqZeroWnd: Number The number of zero windows in the request. resource: String The path and filename, concatenated together. roundTripTime: Number The median round trip time (RTT), expressed in milliseconds. The value is NaN if there are no RTT samples.

Access only on NFS_RESPONSE events or an error will occur.

rspBytes: Number The number of L4 response bytes, excluding L4 headers.

Access only on NFS_RESPONSE events or an error will occur.

rspL2Bytes: Number The number of L2 response bytes, including L2 headers.

Access only on NFS_RESPONSE events or an error will occur.

rspPkts: Number The number of response packets.

Access only on NFS_RESPONSE events or an error will occur.

rspRTO: Number The number of request retransmission timeouts (RTOs).

Access only on NFS_RESPONSE events or an error will occur.

rspSize: Number The number of L7 response bytes, excluding NFS headers.

Access only on NFS_RESPONSE events or an error will occur.

rspTransferTime: Number The response transfer time, expressed in milliseconds. If the response is contained in a single packet, the transfer time is zero. If the response spans multiple packets, the value is the amount of time between detection of the first NFS response packet and detection of the last packet by the ExtraHop system. A high value might indicate a large NFS response or a network delay. The value is NaN if there is no valid measurement, or if the timing is invalid.

Access only on NFS_RESPONSE events or an error will occur.

rspZeroWnd: Number The number of zero windows in the response. statusCode: String The NFS status code of the request or response. txId: Number The transaction ID. user: String The ID of the Linux user, formatted as uid:xxxx@ip_address. version: Number The NFS version.

The NTLM class enables you to store metrics and access properties on NTLM_MESSAGE events.

NTLM_MESSAGE Runs on every NTLM message processed by the device.

commitRecord(): void Commits a record object to the ExtraHop Explore appliance on an NTLM_MESSAGE event.

To view the default properties committed to the record object, see the record property below.

For built-in records, each unique record is committed only once, even if the commitRecord() method is called multiple times for the same unique record.

containsMIC: Boolean The value is true if the message includes a Message Integrity Code (MIC) that ensures that the message has not been tampered with. challenge: String The hexadecimal-encoded challenge hash string. domain: String The client domain name included in the challenge hash calculation. flags: Number The bitwise OR of the NTLM negotiate flags. For more information, see the NTLM documentation on the Microsoft website. msgType: String The type of NTLM message. The following message types are valid:

ntlm2RspAVPairs: Array An array of objects that contain NTLM attribute-value pairs. For more information, see the NTLM documentation on the Microsoft website. ntlmRspVersion: String The version of NTLM implemented in the NTLM_AUTH response. The value is null for non-authentication messages. The following versions are valid: record: Object The record object committed to the ExtraHop Explore appliance through a call to NTLM.commitRecord() on a NTLM_MESSAGE event.

The record object contains the following default properties:

  • challenge
  • domain
  • flags
  • l7proto
  • msgType
  • proto
  • receiverAddr
  • receiverPort
  • senderAddr
  • senderPort
  • user
  • windowsVersion
  • workstation
user: String The client username included in the challenge hash calculation. windowsVersion: String The version of Windows running on the client included in the challenge hash calculation. workstation: String The name of the client workstation included in the challenge hash calculation.

The POP3 class enables you to store metrics and access properties on POP3_REQUEST and POP3_RESPONSE events.

POP3_REQUEST Runs on every POP3 request processed by the device. POP3_RESPONSE Runs on every POP3 response processed by the device.

commitRecord(): void Commits a record object to the ExtraHop Explore appliance on a POP3_RESPONSE event. Record commits on POP3_REQUEST events are not supported.

To view the default properties committed to the record object, see the record property below.

For built-in records, each unique record is committed only once, even if the commitRecord() method is called multiple times for the same unique record.

dataSize: Number The size of the message, expressed in bytes.

Access only on POP3_RESPONSE events or an error will occur.

error: String The detailed error message recorded by the ExtraHop system.

Access only on POP3_RESPONSE events or an error will occur.

isEncrypted: Boolean The value is true if the transaction is over a secure POP3 server. isReqAborted: Boolean The value is true if the connection is closed before the POP3 request was complete. isRspAborted: Boolean The value is true if the connection is closed before the POP3 response was complete.

Access only on POP3_RESPONSE events or an error will occur.

method: String The POP3 method such as RETR or DELE. processingTime: Number The server processing time, expressed in milliseconds. The value is NaN on malformed and aborted responses or if the timing is invalid.

Access only on POP3_RESPONSE events or an error will occur.

recipientList: Array An array that contains a list of recipient addresses.

Access only on POP3_RESPONSE events or an error will occur.

record: Object The record object committed to the ExtraHop Explore appliance through a call to POP3.commitRecord() on a POP3_RESPONSE event.

The record object contains the following default properties:

  • clientZeroWnd
  • dataSize
  • error
  • isEncrypted
  • isReqAborted
  • isRspAborted
  • method
  • processingTime
  • recipientList
  • reqSize
  • reqTimeToLastByte
  • rspSize
  • rspTimeToFirstByte
  • rspTimeToLastByte
  • sender
  • serverZeroWnd
  • statusCode

Access the record object only on POP3_RESPONSE events or an error will occur.

reqBytes: Number The number of L4 request bytes, excluding L4 headers. reqL2Bytes: Number The number of L2 request bytes, including L2 headers. reqPkts: Number The number of request packets. reqRTO: Number The number of request retransmission timeouts (RTOs). reqSize: Number The number of L7 request bytes, excluding POP3 headers. reqTimeToLastByte: Number The time from the first byte of the request until the last byte of the request, expressed in milliseconds. The value is NaN on expired requests and responses, or if the timing is invalid. reqZeroWnd: Number The number of zero windows in the request. roundTripTime: Number The median TCP round trip time (RTT), expressed in milliseconds. The value is NaN if there are no RTT samples.

Access only on POP3_RESPONSE events or an error will occur.

rspBytes: Number The number of L4 response bytes, excluding L4 headers.

Access only on POP3_RESPONSE events or an error will occur.

rspL2Bytes: Number The number of L2 response bytes, including L2 headers.

Access only on POP3_RESPONSE events or an error will occur.

rspPkts: Number The number of response packets.

Access only on POP3_RESPONSE events or an error will occur.

rspRTO: Number The number of response retransmission timeouts (RTOs).

Access only on POP3_RESPONSE events or an error will occur.

rspSize: Number The number of L7 response bytes, excluding POP3 headers.

Access only on POP3_RESPONSE events or an error will occur.

rspTimeToFirstByte: Number The time from the first byte of the request until the furst byte of the response, expressed in milliseconds. The value is NaN on malformed and aborted responses, or if the timing is invalid.

Access only on POP3_RESPONSE events or an error will occur.

rspTimeToLastByte: Number The time from the first byte of the request until the last byte of the response, expressed in milliseconds. The value is NaN on malformed and aborted responses, or if the timing is invalid.

Access only on POP3_RESPONSE events or an error will occur.

rspZeroWnd: Number The number of zero windows in the response. sender: String The address of the sender of the message.

Access only on POP3_RESPONSE events or an error will occur.

status: String The POP3 status message of the response which can be OK, ERR or NULL.

Access only on POP3_RESPONSE events or an error will occur.

RDP (Remote Desktop Protocol) is a proprietary protocol created by Microsoft that enables a Windows computer to connect to another Windows computer on the same network or over the Internet. The RDP class enables you to store metrics and access properties on RDP_OPEN, RDP_CLOSE, or RDP_TICK events.

RDP_CLOSE Runs when an RDP connection is closed. RDP_OPEN Runs when a new RDP connection is opened. RDP_TICK Runs periodically while the user interacts with the RDP application.

commitRecord(): void Commits a record object to the ExtraHop Explore appliance on either an RDP_OPEN, RDP_CLOSE, or RDP_TICK event.

The event determines which properties are committed to the record object. To view the default properties committed for each event, see the record property below.

For built-in records, each unique record is committed only once, even if the commitRecord() method is called multiple times for the same unique record.

clientBuild: String The build number of the RDP client. This property is not available if the RDP connection is encrypted. clientName: String The name of the client computer. This property is not available if the RDP connection is encrypted. cookie: String The auto-connect cookie stored by the RDP client. desktopHeight: Number The height of the desktop, expressed in pixels. This property is not available if the RDP connection is encrypted. desktopWidth: Number The width of the desktop, expressed in pixels. This property is not available if the RDP connection is encrypted. error: String The detailed error message recorded by the ExtraHop system. inEncrypted: Boolean The value is true if the RDP connection is encrypted. isError: Boolean The value is true if an error occurred on the event. keyboardLayout: String The keyboard layout, which indicates the arrangement of keys and the input language. This property is not available if the RDP connection is encrypted. record: Object The record object committed to the ExtraHop Explore appliance through a call to RDP.commitRecord() on either an RDP_OPEN, RDP_CLOSE, or RDP_TICK event.

The event on which the method was called determines which default properties the record object contains, as displayed in the following table:

clientBuild clientBuild
clientName clientBytes
cookie clientL2Bytes
desktopHeight clientName
desktopWidth clientPkts
error clientRTO
isEncrypted clientZeroWnd
keyboardLayout cookie
requestedColorDepth desktopHeight
requestedProtocols desktopWidth
selectedProtocol error

requestedColorDepth: String The color depth requested by the RDP client. This property is not available if the RDP connection is encrypted. requestedProtocols: Array of Strings The list of supported security protocols. reqBytes: Number The number of L4 bytes in the request.

Access only on RDP_TICK events or an error will occur.

reqL2Bytes: Number The number of L2 bytes in the request.

Access only on RDP_TICK events or an error will occur.

reqPkts: Number The number of packets in the request.

Access only on RDP_TICK events or an error will occur.

reqRTO: Number The number of retransmission timeouts (RTOs) in the request.

Access only on RDP_TICK events or an error will occur.

reqZeroWnd: Number The number of zero windows in the request.

Access only on RDP_TICK events or an error will occur.

rountTripTime: Number The median round trip time (RTT) for the duration of the event, expressed in milliseconds. The value is NaN if there are no RTT samples.

Access only on RDP_TICK events or an error will occur.

rspBytes: Number The number of L4 bytes in the response.

Access only on RDP_TICK events or an error will occur.

rspL2Bytes: Number The number of L2 bytes in the response.

Access only on RDP_TICK events or an error will occur.

rspPkts: Number The number of packets in the response.

Access only on RDP_TICK events or an error will occur.

rspRTO: Number The number of retransmission timeouts (RTOs) in the response.

Access only on RDP_TICK events or an error will occur.

rspZeroWnd: Number The number of zero windows in the response.

Access only on RDP_TICK events or an error will occur.

selectedProtocol: String The selected security protocol.

Remote Dictionary Server (Redis) is an open-source, in-memory data structure server. The Redis class enables you to store metrics and access properties on REDIS_REQUEST and REDIS_RESPONSE events.

REDIS_REQUEST Runs on every Redis request processed by the device. REDIS_RESPONSE Runs on every Redis response processed by the device.

commitRecord(): void Commits a record object to the ExtraHop Explore appliance on either a REDIS_REQUEST or REDIS_RESPONSE event.

The event determines which properties are committed to the record object. To view the default properties committed for each event, see the record property below.

For built-in records, each unique record is committed only once, even if the commitRecord() method is called multiple times for the same unique record.

errors: Array An array of detailed error messages recorded by the ExtraHop system.

Access only on REDIS_RESPONSE events or an error will occur.

isReqAborted: Boolean The value is true if the connection is closed before the Redis request was complete. isRspAborted: Boolean The value is true if the connection is closed before the Redis response was complete.

Access only on REDIS_RESPONSE events or an error will occur.

method: String The Redis method such as GET or KEYS. payload: Buffer The body of the response or request. processingTime: Number The server processing time, expressed in milliseconds. The value is NaN on malformed and aborted responses or if the timing is invalid.

Access only on REDIS_RESPONSE events or an error will occur.

record: Object The record object committed to the ExtraHop Explore appliance through a call to Redis.commitRecord() on either an REDIS_REQUEST or REDIS_RESPONSE event.

The event on which the method was called determines which default properties the record object contains as displayed in the following table:

clientZeroWnd clientZeroWnd
method error
reqKey method
reqSize processingTime
reqTransferTime reqKey
isReqAborted rspSize
serverZeroWnd rspTransferTime

reqKey: Array An array containing the Redis key strings sent with the request. reqBytes: Number The number of L4 request bytes, excluding L4 headers. reqL2Bytes: Number The number of L2 request bytes, including L2 headers. reqPkts: Number The number of request packets. reqRTO: Number The number of request retransmission timeouts (RTOs). reqSize: Number The number of L7 request bytes, excluding Redis headers. reqTransferTime: Number The request transfer time, expressed in milliseconds. If the request is contained in a single packet, the transfer time is zero. If the request spans multiple packets, the value is the amount of time between detection of the first Redis request packet and detection of the last packet by the ExtraHop system. A high value might indicate a large Redis request or a network delay. The value is NaN if there is no valid measurement, or if the timing is invalid. reqZeroWnd: Number The number of zero windows in the request. roundTripTime: Number The median TCP round trip time (RTT), expressed in milliseconds. The value is NaN if there are no RTT samples. rspBytes: Number The number of L4 response bytes, excluding L4 headers. rspL2Bytes: Number The number of L2 response bytes, including L2 headers. rspPkts: Number The number of response packets. rspRTO: Number The number of response retransmission timeouts (RTOs). rspTransferTime: Number The response transfer time, expressed in milliseconds. If the response is contained in a single packet, the transfer time is zero. If the response spans multiple packets, the value is the amount of time between detection of the first Redis response packet and detection of the last packet by the ExtraHop system. A high value might indicate a large Redis response or a network delay. The value is NaN if there is no valid measurement, or if the timing is invalid.

Access only on REDIS_RESPONSE events or an error will occur.

rspSize: Number The number of L7 response bytes, excluding Redis headers.

Access only on REDIS_RESPONSE events or an error will occur.

rspTimeToFirstByte: Number The time from the first byte of the request until the furst byte of the response, expressed in milliseconds. The value is NaN on malformed and aborted responses, or if the timing is invalid.

Access only on REDIS_RESPONSE events or an error will occur.

rspTimeToLastByte: Number The time from the first byte of the request until the last byte of the response, expressed in milliseconds. The value is NaN on malformed and aborted responses, or if the timing is invalid.

Access only on REDIS_RESPONSE events or an error will occur.

rspZeroWnd: Number The number of zero windows in the response.

The RPC class enables you to store metrics and access properties from Microsoft Remote Procedure Call (MSRPC) activity on RPC_REQUEST and RPC_RESPONSE events.

RPC_REQUEST Runs on every RPC request processed by the device. RPC_RESPONSE Runs on every RPC response processed by the device.

commitRecord(): void Commits a record object to the ExtraHop Explore appliance on an RPC_REQUEST or RPC_RESPONSE event.

To view the default properties committed to the record object, see the record property below.

For built-in records, each unique record is committed only once, even if the commitRecord() method is called multiple times for the same unique record.

interface: String The name of the RPC interface, such as drsuapi and epmapper. operation: String The name of the RPC operation, such as DRSGetNCChanges and ept_map. record: Object The record object that was committed to the ExtraHop Explore appliance through a call to RPC.commitRecord() on an RPC_REQUEST or RPC_RESPONSE event.

The record object contains the following default properties:

  • proto
  • clientAddr
  • serverAddr
  • clientPort
  • serverPort
  • clientBytes
  • clientL2Bytes
  • clientPkts
  • serverBytes
  • serverL2Bytes
  • serverPkts
  • serverRTO
  • clientRTO
  • clientZeroWnd
  • serverZeroWnd
  • roundTripTime
  • interface
  • operation
reqBytes: Number The number of L4 request bytes, excluding L4 headers. reqL2Bytes: Number The number of L2 request bytes, including L2 headers. reqPkts: Number The number of request packets. reqRTO: Number The number of request retransmission timeouts (RTOs). reqZeroWnd: Number The number of zero windows in the request. roundTripTime: Number The median TCP round trip time (RTT), expressed in milliseconds. The value is NaN if there are no RTT samples. rspBytes: Number The number of L4 response bytes, excluding L4 headers. rspL2Bytes: Number The number of L2 response bytes, including L2 headers. rspPkts: Number The number of response packets. rspRTO: Number The number of response retransmission timeouts (RTOs). rspZeroWnd: Number The number of zero windows in the response.

The RTCP class enables you to store metrics and access properties on RTCP_MESSAGE events.

RTCP_MESSAGE Runs on every RTCP UDP packet processed by the device.

commitRecord(): void Commits a record object to the ExtraHop Explore appliance on an RTCP_MESSAGE event.

To view the default properties committed to the record object, see the record property below.

For built-in records, each unique record is committed only once, even if the commitRecord() method is called multiple times for the same unique record.

callId: String The Call ID for associating with a SIP flow. packets: Array An array of RTCP packet objects where each object represents a packet and contains a packetType field. Each object has different fields based on the message type, as described below. packetType: String The type of packet. If the packet type is not recognizable, then the packetType will be "Unknown N" where N is the RTP control packet type value.

Value Type Name
194 SMPTETC SMPTE time-code mapping
195 IJ Extended inter-arrival jitter report
200 SR sender report
201 RR receiver report
202 SDES source description
203 BYE goodbye
204 APP application-defined
205 RTPFB Generic RTP Feedback
206 PSFB Payload-specific
207 XR extended report
208 AVB AVB RTCP packet
209 RSI Receiver Summary Information
210 TOKEN Port Mapping
211 IDMS IDMS Settings

APP packet objects have the following fields: name: String The name chosen by the person defining the set of APP packets to be unique. Interpreted as four case-sensitive ASCII characters. ssrc: Number The SSRC of the sender. value: Buffer The optional application-dependent data.

BYE packet objects have the following fields: packetType: Number Contains the number 203 to identify this as an RTCP BYE packet.

SR packet objects have the following fields: ntpTimestamp: Number The NTP timestamp, converted to milliseconds since the epoch (January 1, 1970). reportBlocks: Array An array of report objects which contain: fractionLost: Number The 8-bit number indicating the number of packets lost divided by the number of packets expected. jitter: Number An estimate of the statistical variance of the RTP data packet interarrival time, expressed in milliseconds. lastSR: Number The middle 32 bits of the ntp_Timestamp received as part of the most recent RTCP sender report (SR) packet from the source SSRC. If no SR has been received yet, this field is set to zero. lastSRDelay: Number The delay between receiving the last SR packet from the source SSRC and sending this reception block, expressed in units of 1/65536 seconds. If no SR packet has been received yet, this field is set to zero. packetsLost: Number The total number of RTP data packets from the source SSRC that have been lost since the beginning of reception. seqNum: Number The highest sequence number received from the source SSRC. ssrc: Number The SSRC of the sender. rtpTimestamp: Number The RTP timestamp, converted to milliseconds since the epoch (January 1, 1970). senderOctets: Number The sender octet count. senderPkts: Number The sender packet count.

RR packet objects have the following fields: reportBlocks: Array An array of report objects which contain: fractionLost: Number The 8-bit number indicating the number of packets last divided by the number of packets expected. jitter: Number An estimate of the statistical variance of the RTP data packet interarrival, expressed in milliseconds. lastSR: Number The middle 32 bits of the ntp_Timestamp received as part of the most recent RTCP sender report (SR) packet from the source SSRC. If no SR has been received yet, this field is set to zero. lastSRDelay: Number The delay between receiving the last SR packet from the source SSRC and sending this reception report block, expressed in units of 1/65536 seconds. If no SR packet has been received yet, this field is set to zero. packetsLost: Number The total number of RTP data packets from the source SSRC that have been lost since the beginning of reception. seqNum: Number The highest sequence number received from the source SSRC. ssrc: Number The SSRC of the sender. ssrc: Number The SSRC of the sender.

SDES packet objects have the following fields: descriptionBlocks: Array An array of objects that contain: type: Number The SDES type.

SDES Type Abbrev. Name
0 END end of SDES list
1 CNAME canonical name
2 NAME user name
3 EMAIL user's electronic mail address
4 PHONE user's phone number
5 LOC geographic user location
6 TOOL name of application or tool
7 NOTE notice about the source
8 PRIV private extensions
9 H323-C ADDR H.323 callable address
10 APSI Application Specific Identifier

value: Buffer A buffer containing the text portion of the SDES packet. ssrc: Number The SSRC of the sender.

XR packet objects have the following fields: ssrc: Number The SSRC of the sender. xrBlocks: Array An array of report blocks which contain: statSummary: Object Type 6 only. The statSummary object contains the following properties: beginSeq: Number The beginning sequence number for the interval. devJitter: Number The standard deviation of the relative transit time between each two packet series in the sequence interval. devTTLOrHL: Number The standard deviation of TTL or Hop Limit values of data packets in the sequence number range. dupPackets: Number The number of duplicate packets in the sequence number interval. endSeq: Number The ending sequence number for the interval. lostPackets: Number The number of lost packets in the sequence number interval. maxJitter: Number The maximum relative transmit time between two packets in the sequence interval, expressed in milliseconds. maxTTLOrHL: Number The maximum TTL or Hop Limit value of data packets in the sequence number range. meanJitter: Number The mean relative transit time between two packet series in the sequence interval, rounded to the nearest value expressible as an RTP timestamp, expressed in milliseconds. meanTTLOrHL: Number The mean TTL or Hop Limit value of data packets in the sequence number range. minJitter: Number The minimum relative transmit time between two packets in the sequence interval, expressed in milliseconds. minTTLOrHL: Number The minimum TTL or Hop Limit value of data packets in the sequence number range. ssrc: Number The SSRC of the sender. type: Number The XR block type.

Block Type Name
1 Loss RTE Report Block
2 Duplicate RLE Report Block
3 Packet Receipt Times Report Block
4 Receiver Reference Time Report Block
5 DLRR Report Block
6 Statistics Summary Report Block
7 VoIP Metrics Report Block
9 Texas Instruments Extended VoIP Quality Block
10 Post-repair Loss RLE Report Block
11 Multicast Acquisition Report Block
12 IBMS Report Block
13 ECN Summary Report
14 Measurement Information Block
15 Packet Delay Variation Metrics Block
16 Delay Metrics Block
17 Burst/Gap Loss Summary Statistics Block
18 Burst/Gap Discard Summary Statistics Block
19 Frame Impairment Statistics Summary
20 Burst/Gap Loss Metrics Block
21 Burst/Gap Discard Metrics Block

MPEG2 Transport Stream PSI-Independent

Decodability Statistics Metrics Block

23 De-Jitter Buffer Metrics Block
24 Discard Count Metrics Block
25 DRLE (Discard RLE Report)
26 BDR (Bytes Discarded Report)
27 RFISD (RTP Flows Initial Synchronization Delay)
28 RFSO (RTP Flows Synchronization Offset Metrics Block)
29 MOS Metrics Block
30 LCB (Loss Concealment Metrics Block)
31 CSB (Concealed Seconds Metrics Block)
32 MPEG2 Transport Stream PSI Decodability Statistics Block

typeSpecific: Number The contents of this field depend on the block type. value: Buffer The contents of this field depend on the block type. voipMetrics: Object Type 7 only. The voipMetrics object contains the following properties: burstDensity: Number The fraction of RTP data packets within burst periods since the beginning of reception that were either lost or discarded. burstDuration: Number The mean duration, expressed in milliseconds, of the burst periods that have occurred since the beginning of reception. discardRate: Number The fraction of RTP data packets from the source that have been discarded since the beginning of reception, due to late or early arrival, under-run or overflow at the receiving jitter buffer. endSystemDelay: Number The most recently estimated end system delay, expressed in milliseconds. extRFactor: Number The external R factor quality metric. A value of 127 indicates this parameter is unavailable. gapDensity: Number The fraction of RTP data packets within inter-burst gaps since the beginning of reception that were either lost or discarded. gapDuration: Number The mean duration of the gap periods that have occurred since the beginning of reception, expressed in milliseconds. gmin: Number The gap threshold. jbAbsMax: Number The absolute maximum delay, expressed in milliseconds, that the adaptive jitter buffer can reach under worst case conditions. jbMaximum: Number The current maximum jitter buffer delay, which corresponds to the earliest arriving packet that would not be discarded, expressed in milliseconds. jbNominal: Number The current nominal jitter buffer delay, which corresponds to the nominal jitter buffer delay for packets that arrive exactly on time, expressed in milliseconds. lossRate: Number The fraction of RTP data packets from the source lost since the beginning of reception. mosCQ: Number The estimated mean opinion score for conversational quality (MOS-CQ). A value of 127 indicates this parameter is unavailable. mosLQ: Number The estimated mean opinion score for listening quality (MOS-LQ). A value of 127 indicates this parameter is unavailable. noiseLevel: Number The noise level, expressed in decibels. rerl: Number The residual echo return loss value, expressed in decibels. rFactor: Number The R factor quality metric. A value of 127 indicates this parameter is unavailable. roundTripDelay: Number The most recently calculated round trip time (RTT) between RTP interfaces, expressed in milliseconds. rxConfig: Number The receiver configuration byte. signalLevel: Number The voice signal relative level, expressed in decibels. ssrc: Number The SSRC of the sender.

record: Object The record object committed to the ExtraHop Explore appliance through a call to RTCP.commitRecord() on an RTCP_MESSAGE event.

The record object contains the following default properties:

The RTP class enables you to store metrics and access properties on RTP_OPEN, RTP_CLOSE, and RTP_TICK events.

RTP_CLOSE Runs when an RTP connection is closed. RTP_OPEN Runs when a new RTP connection is opened. RTP_TICK Runs periodically on RTP flows.

commitRecord(): void Commits a record object to the ExtraHop Explore appliance on an RTP_TICK event. Record commits on RTP_OPEN and RTP_CLOSE events are not supported.

To view the default properties committed to the record object, see the record property below.

For built-in records, each unique record is committed only once, even if the commitRecord() method is called multiple times for the same unique record.

bytes: Number The number of bytes sent.

Access only on RTP_TICK events or an error will occur.

callId: String

The call ID associated with the SIP or SCCP flow.

drops: Number The number of dropped packets detected.

Access only on RTP_TICK events or an error will occur.

dups: Number The number of duplicate packets detected.

Access only on RTP_TICK events or an error will occur.

jitter: Number An estimate of the statistical variance of the data packet interarrival time.

Access only on RTP_TICK events or an error will occur.

l2Bytes: Number The number of L2 bytes.

Access only on RTP_TICK events or an error will occur.

mos: Number The estimated mean opinion score for quality.

Access only on RTP_TICK events or an error will occur.

outOfOrder: Number The number of out-of-order messaged detected.

Access only on RTP_TICK events or an error will occur.

payloadType: String The type of RTP payload.

Access only on RTP_TICK events or an error will occur.

payloadTypeId payloadType
0 ITU-T G.711 PCMU Audio
3 GSM 6.10 Audio
4 ITU-T G.723.1 Audio
5 IMA ADPCM 32kbit Audio
6 IMA ADPCM 64kbit Audio
7 LPC Audio
8 ITU-T G.711 PCMA Audio
9 ITU-T G.722 Audio
10 Linear PCM Stereo Audio
11 Linear PCM Audio
13 Comfort Noise
14 MPEG Audio
15 ITU-T G.728 Audio
16 IMA ADPCM 44kbit Audio
17 IMA ADPCM 88kbit Audio
18 ITU-T G.729 Audio
25 Sun CellB Video
26 JPEG Video
28 Xerox PARC Network Video
31 ITU-T H.261 Video
32 MPEG Video
33 MPEG-2 Transport Stream
34 ITU-T H.263-1996 Video

payloadTypeId: Number The numeric value of the payload type. See table under payloadType.

Access only on RTP_TICK events or an error will occur.

pkts: Number The number of packets sent.

Access only on RTP_TICK events or an error will occur.

record: Object The record object committed to the ExtraHop Explore appliance through a call to RTP.commitRecord() on an RTP_TICK event.

The record object contains the following default properties:

  • bytes
  • callId
  • drops
  • dups
  • jitter
  • l2Bytes
  • mos
  • outOfOrder
  • payloadType
  • payloadTypeId
  • pkts
  • rFactor
  • ssrc
  • version

Access record objects only on RTP_TICK events or an error will occur.

rFactor: Number The R factor quality metric.

Access only on RTP_TICK events or an error will occur.

ssrc: Number The SSRC of sender. version: Number The RTP version number.

Skinny Client Control Protocol (SCCP) is a Cisco proprietary protocol for communicating with VoIP devices. The SCCP class enables you to store metrics and access properties on SCCP_MESSAGE events.

SCCP_MESSAGE Runs on every SCCP message processed by the device.

commitRecord(): void Commits a record object to the ExtraHop Explore appliance on an SCCP_MESSAGE event.

To view the default properties committed to the record object, see the record property below.

For built-in records, each unique record is committed only once, even if the commitRecord() method is called multiple times for the same unique record.

callId: String The call ID associated with the RTP flow. callInfo: Object An object containing information about the current SCCP called. The object contains the following fields: callReference: Number The unique identifier of the call. callType: Number The ID of the call type.

ID Call Type
1 Inbound
2 Outbound
3 Forward

calledPartyName: String The name of the recipient of the call. calledPartyNumber: String The phone number of the recipient of the call. callingPartyName: String The name of the caller. callingPartyNumber: String The phone number of the caller. lineInstance: Number The unique identifier of the line. callStats: Object An object containing statistics for the SCCP call, as reported and calculated by the client. The object contains the following fields: reportedBytesIn: Number The number of L7 bytes received. reportedBytesOut: Number The number of L7 bytes sent. reportedJitter: Number The level of packet jitter, or variation in latency, during the call. reportedLatency: Number The level of packet latency, expressed in milliseconds, during the call. reportedPktsIn: Number The number of packets received. reportedPktsLost: Number The number of packets lost during the call. reportedPktsOut: Number The number of packets sent. msgType: String The decoded SCCP message type. receiverBytes: Number The number of L4 bytes from the receiver. receiverL2Bytes: Number The number of L2 bytes from the receiver. receiverPkts: Number The number of packets from the receiver. receiverRTO: Number The number of retransmission timeouts (RTOs) from the receiver. rceiverZeroWnd: Number The number of zero windows from the receiver. record: Object The record object that was committed to the ExtraHop Explore appliance through a call to SCCP.commitRecord() on an SCCP_MESSAGE event.

The record object contains the following default properties:

  • msgType
  • receiverBytes
  • receiverL2Bytes
  • receiverPkts
  • receiverRTO
  • receiverZeroWnd
  • roundTripTime
  • senderBytes
  • senderL2Bytes
  • senderPkts
  • senderRTO
  • senderZeroWnd
roundTripTime: Number The median round trip time (RTT), expressed in milliseconds. The value is NaN if there are no RTT samples. senderBytes: Number The number of L4 bytes from the sender. senderL2Bytes: Number The number of L2 bytes from the sender. senderPkts: Number The number of packets from the sender. senderRTO: Number The number of retransmission timeouts (RTOs) from the sender. senderZeroWnd: Number The number of zero windows from the sender.

The SDP class enables you to access properties on SIP_REQUEST and SIP_RESPONSE events.

The SIP_REQUEST and SIP_RESPONSE events are defined in the SIP section.

mediaDescriptions: Array An array of objects that contain the following fields: attributes: Array of Strings The optional session attributes. bandwidth: Array of Strings The optional proposed bandwidth type and bandwidth to be consumed by the session or media. connectionInfo: String The connection data, including network type, address type and connection adddress. May also contain optional sub-fields, depending on the address type. description: String The session description which may contain one or more media descriptions. Each media description consists of media, port and transport protocol fields. encryptionKey: String The optional encryption method and key for the session. mediaTitle: String The title of the media stream. sessionDescription: Object An object that contains the following fields: attributes: Array of Strings The optional session attributes. bandwidth: Array of Strings The optional proposed bandwidth type and bandwidth to be consumed by the session or media. connectionInfo: String The connection data, including network type, address type and connection address. May also contain optional sub-fields, depending on the address type. email: String The optional email address. If present, this can contain multiple email addresses. encryptionKey: String The optional encryption method and key for the session. origin: String The originator of the session, including username, address of the user's host, a session identifier, and a version number. phoneNumber: String The optional phone number. If present, this can contain multiple phone numbers. sessionInfo: String The session description. sessionName: String The session name. timezoneAdjustments: String The adjustment time and offset for a scheduled session. uri: String The optional URI intended to provide more information about the session. version: String The version number. This should be 0. timeDescriptions: Array An array of objects that contain the following fields: repeatTime: String The session repeat time, including interval, active duration, and offsets from start time. time: String The start time and stop times for a session.

The SFlow class object enables you to store metrics and access properties on SFLOW_RECORD events. sFlow is a sampling technology for monitoring traffic in data networks. sFlow samples every nth packet and sends it to the collector whereas NetFlow sends data from every flow to the collector. The primary difference between sFlow and NetFlow is that sFlow is network layer independent and can sample anything.

SFLOW_RECORD Runs upon receipt of an SFlow sample exported from a flow network.

commitRecord(): void Commits a flow record object, which indicates the sFlow format, to the ExtraHop Explore appliance on an SFLOW_RECORD event.

To view the default properties committed to the record object, see the record property below.

For built-in records, each unique record is committed only once, even if .commitRecord is called multiple times for the same unique record.

deltaBytes: Number The number of L3 bytes in the flow packet. dscp: Number The number representing the last differentiated services code point (DSCP) value of the flow packet. dscpName: String The name associated with the DSCP value transmitted by a device in the flow. The following table displays well-known DSCP names:

Number Name
8 CS1
10 AF11
12 AF12
14 AF13
16 CS2
18 AF21
20 AF22
22 AF23
24 CS3
26 AF31
28 AF32
30 AF33
32 CS4
34 AF41
36 AF42
38 AF43
40 CS5
44 VA
46 EF
48 CS6
56 CS7

egressInterface: FlowInterface The FlowInterface object that identifies the output interface. format: String The format of the SFlow record. Valid value is "sFlow v5". headerData: Buffer The Buffer object containing the raw bytes of the entire flow packet header. ingressInterface: FlowInterface The FlowInterface object that identifies the input interface. ipPrecedence: Number The value of the IP precedence field associated with the DSCP of the flow packet. ipproto: String The IP protocol associated with the flow, such as TCP or UDP. network: FlowNetwork Returns a FlowNetwork object that identifies the exporter and contains the following properties: id: String The identifier of the FlowNetwork. ipaddr: IPAddress The IP address of the FlowNetwork. record: Object The flow record object committed to the ExtraHop Explore appliance through a call to SFlow.commitRecord() on an SFLOW_RECORD event. tcpFlagNames: Array A string array of TCP flag names, such as SYN or ACK, found in the flow packets. tcpFlags: Number The bitwise OR of all TCP flags set on the flow. tos: Number The type of service (ToS) number defined in the IP header.

The SIP class enables you to store metrics and access properties on SIP_REQUEST and SIP_RESPONSE events.

SIP_REQUEST Runs on every SIP request processed by the device. SIP_RESPONSE Runs on every SIP response processed by the device.

commitRecord(): void Commits a record object to the ExtraHop Explore appliance on either an SIP_REQUEST or SIP_RESPONSE event.

The event determines which properties are committed to the record object. To view the default properties committed for each event, see the record property below.

For built-in records, each unique record is committed only once, even if the commitRecord() method is called multiple times for the same unique record.

findHeaders(name: String): Array Enables access to SIP header values. The result is an array of header objects (with name and value properties) where the names match the prefix of the string passed to findHeaders.

callId: String The call ID for this message. from: String The contents of the From header. hasSDP: Boolean The value is true if this event includes SDP information. headers: Object An array-like object that enables access to SIP header names and values. Access a specific header with one of the following methods: string property: The name of the header, accessible in a dictionary-like fashion. For example:var headers = SIP.headers; session = headers["X-Session-Id"]; accept = headers.accept; numeric property: The order in which headers appear on the wire. The returned object has a name and a value property. Numeric properties are useful for iterating over all the headers and disambiguating headers with duplicate names. For example:for (i = 0; i < headers.length; i++) { hdr = headers[i]; debug("headers[" + i + "].name: " + hdr.name); debug("headers[" + i + "].value: " + hdr.value); }

Note:Saving SIP.headers to the Flow store does not save all of the individual header values. It is best practice to save the individual header values to the Flow store.
method: String The SIP method.

Method Name Description
ACK Confirms the client has received a final response to an INVITE request.
BYE Terminates a call. Can be sent by either the caller or the callee.
CANCEL Cancels any pending request
INFO Sends mid-session information that doesn't change the session state.
INVITE Invites a client to participate in a call session.
MESSAGE Transports instant messages using SIP.
NOTIFY Notify the subscriber of a new event.
OPTIONS Queries the capabilities of servers.
PRACK Provisional Acknowledgement.
PUBLISH Publish an event to the server.
REFER Ask recipient to issue a SIP request (call transfer).
REGISTER Registers the address listed in the To header field with a SIP server.
SUBSCRIBE Subscribes for an event of Notification from the Notifier.
UPDATE Modifies the state of a session without changing the state of the dialog.

processingTime: Number The time between the request and the first response, expressed in milliseconds. The value is NaN on malformed and aborted responses or if the timing is invalid.

Access only on SIP_RESPONSE events or an error will occur.

record: Object The record object committed to the ExtraHop Explore appliance through a call to SIP.commitRecord() on either an SIP_REQUEST or SIP_RESPONSE event.

The event on which the method was called determines which default properties the record object contains as displayed in the following table:

callId callId
clientZeroWnd clientZeroWnd
from from
hasSDP hasSDP
method processingTime
reqBytes roundTripTime
reqL2Bytes rspBytes
reqPkts rspL2Bytes
reqRTO rspPkts
reqSize rspRTO
serverZeroWnd rspSize
to serverZeroWnd
uri statusCode

reqBytes: Number The number of L4 request bytes, excluding L4 headers. reqL2Bytes: Number The number of L2 request bytes, including L2 headers. reqPkts: Number The number of request packets. reqRTO: Number The number of request retransmission timeouts (RTOs). reqSize: Number The number of L7 request bytes, excluding SIP headers.

Access only on SIP_REQUEST events or an error will occur.

reqZeroWnd: Number The number of zero windows in the request. roundTripTime: Number The median round trip time (RTT), expressed in milliseconds. The value is NaN if there are no RTT samples. rspBytes: Number The number of L4 response bytes, excluding L4 headers. rspL2Bytes: Number The number of L2 response bytes, including L2 headers. rspPkts: Number The number of response packets. rspRTO: Number The number of response retransmission timeouts (RTOs). rspSize: Number The number of L7 response bytes, excluding SIP headers.

Access only on SIP_RESPONSE events or an error will occur.

rspZeroWnd: Number The number of zero windows in the response. statusCode: Number The SIP response status code.

Access only on SIP_RESPONSE events or an error will occur.

The following table displays provisional responses:

Number Response
100 Trying
180 Ringing
181 Call is Being Forwarded
182 Queued
183 Session In Progress
199 Early Dialog Terminated

The following table displays successful responses:

Number Response
200 OK
202 Accepted
204 No Notification

The following table displays redirection responses:

Number Response
300 Multiple Choice
301 Moved Permanently
302 Moved Temporarily
305 Use Proxy
380 Alternative Service

The following table displays client failure responses:

Number Response
400 Bad Request
401 Unauthorized
402 Payment Required
403 Forbidden
404 Not Found
405 Method Not Allowed
406 Not Acceptable
407 Proxy Authentication Required
408 Request Timeout
409 Conflict
410 Gone
411 Length Required
412 Conditional Request Failed
413 Request Entity Too Large
414 Request URI Too Long
415 Unsupported Media Type
416 Unsupported URI Scheme
417 Unknown Resource Priority
420 Bad Extension
421 Extension Required
422 Session Interval Too Small
423 Interval Too Brief
424 Bad Location Information
428 Use Identity Header
429 Provide Referrer Identity
430 Flow Failed
433 Anonymity Disallowed
436 Bad Identity Info
437 Unsupported Certificate
438 Invalid Identity Header
439 First Hop Lacks Outbound Support
470 Consent Needed
480 Temporarily Unavailable
481 Call/Transaction Does Not Exist
482 Loop Detected
483 Too Many Hops
484 Address Incomplete
485 Ambiguous
486 Busy Here
487 Request Terminated
488 Not Acceptable Here
489 Bad Event
491 Request Pending
493 Undecipherable
494 Security Agreement Required

The following table displays server failure responses:

Number Response
500 Server Internal Error
501 Not Implemented
502 Bad Gateway
503 Service Unavailable
504 Server Timeout
505 Version Not Supported
513 Message Too Large
580 Precondition Failure

The following table displays global failure responses:

Name Response
600 Busy Everywhere
603 Decline
604 Does Not Exist Anywhere
606 Not Acceptable

to: String The contents of the To header. uri: String The URI for SIP request or response.

The SMPP class enables you to store metrics and access properties on SMPP_REQUEST and SMPP_RESPONSE events.

Note:The mdn, shortcode, and error properties may be null, depending on availability and relevance.

SMPP_REQUEST Runs on every SMPP request processed by the device. SMPP_RESPONSE Runs on every SMPP response processed by the device.

commitRecord(): void Commits a record object to the ExtraHop Explore appliance on a SMPP_RESPONSE event. Record commits on SMPP_REQUEST events are not supported.

To view the default properties committed to the record object, see the record property below.

For built-in records, each unique record is committed only once, even if the commitRecord() method is called multiple times for the same unique record.

command: String The SMPP command ID. destination: String The destination address as specified in the SMPP_REQUEST. The value is null if this is not available for the current command type. error: String The error code corresponding to command_status. If the command status is ROK, the value is null.

Access only on SMPP_RESPONSE events or an error will occur.

message: Buffer The contents of the short_message field on DELIVER_SM and SUBMIT_SM messages. The value is null if unavailable or not applicable.

Access only on SMPP_REQUEST events or an error will occur.

processingTime: Number The server processing time, expressed in milliseconds. Equivalent to rspTimeToFirstByte - reqTimeToLastByte. The value is NaN on malformed and aborted responses or if the timing is invalid.

Access only on SMPP_RESPONSE events or an error will occur.

record: Object The record object committed to the ExtraHop Explore appliance through a call to SMPP.commitRecord() on a SMPP_RESPONSE event.

The record object contains the following default properties:

  • clientZeroWnd
  • command
  • destination
  • error
  • reqSize
  • reqTimeToLastByte
  • rspSize
  • rspTimeToFirstByte
  • rspTimeToLastByte
  • serverZeroWnd
  • source
  • processingTime
reqSize: Number The number of L7 request bytes, excluding SMPP headers. reqTimeToLastByte: Number The time from the first byte of the request until the last byte of the request, expressed in milliseconds. The value is NaN on malformed and aborted requests, or if the timing is invalid. rspSize: Number The number of L7 response bytes, excluding SMPP headers.

Access only on SMPP_RESPONSE events or an error will occur.

rspTimeToFirstByte: Number The time from the first byte of the request until the first byte of the response, expressed in milliseconds. The value is NaN on malformed and aborted responses, or if the timing is invalid.

Access only on SMPP_RESPONSE events or an error will occur.

rspTimeToLastByte: Number The time from the first byte of the request until the last byte of the response, expressed in milliseconds. The value is NaN on malformed and aborted responses, or if the timing is invalid.

Access only on SMPP_RESPONSE events or an error will occur.

source: String The source address as specified in the SMPP_REQUEST. The value is null if this is not available for the current command type.

The SMTP class enables you to store metrics and access properties on SMTP_REQUEST and SMTP_RESPONSE events.

SMTP_REQUEST Runs on every SMTP request processed by the device. SMTP_RESPONSE Runs on every SMTP response processed by the device.

commitRecord(): void Commits a record object to the ExtraHop Explore appliance on a SMTP_RESPONSE event. Record commits on SMTP_REQUEST events are not supported.

To view the default properties committed to the record object, see the record property below.

For built-in records, each unique record is committed only once, even if the commitRecord() method is called multiple times for the same unique record.

dataSize: Number The size of the attachment, expressed in bytes. domain: String The domain of the address the message is coming from. error: String The error code corresponding to status code.

Access only on SMTP_RESPONSE events or an error will occur.

headers: Object An object that enables access to SMTP header names and values.

The value of the headers property is the same when accessed on either the SMTP_REQUEST or the SMTP_RESPONSE event.

isEncrypted: Boolean The value is true if the application is encrypted with STARTTLS. isReqAborted: Boolean The value is true if the connection is closed before the SMTP request is complete. isRspAborted: Boolean The value is true if the connection is closed before the SMTP response is complete.

Access only on SMTP_RESPONSE events or an error will occur.

method: String The SMTP method. processingTime: Number The server processing time, expressed in milliseconds. Equivalent to rspTimeToFirstByte - reqTimeToLastByte. The value is NaN on malformed and aborted responses or if the timing is invalid.

Access only on SMTP_RESPONSE events or an error will occur.

recipientList: Array of Strings A list of recipient addresses.

The value of the recipientList property is the same when accessed on either the SMTP_REQUEST or the SMTP_RESPONSE event.

record: Object The record object committed to the ExtraHop Explore appliance through a call to SMTP.commitRecord() on a SMTP_RESPONSE event.

The record object contains the following default properties:

  • clientZeroWnd
  • dataSize
  • domain
  • error
  • isEncrypted
  • isReqAborted
  • isRspAborted
  • method
  • processingTime
  • recipient
  • recipientList
  • reqBytes
  • reqL2Bytes
  • reqPkts
  • reqRTO
  • reqSize
  • reqTimeToLastByte
  • roundTripTime
  • rspBytes
  • rspL2Bytes
  • rspPkts
  • rspRTO
  • rspSize
  • rspTimeToFirstByte
  • rspTimeToLastByte
  • sender
  • serverZeroWnd
  • statusCode
  • statusText

Access the record object only on SMTP_RESPONSE events or an error will occur.

reqBytes: Number The number of L4 request bytes, excluding L4 headers. reqL2Bytes: Number The number of L2 request bytes, including L2 headers. reqPkts: Number The number of request packets. reqRTO: Number The number of request retransmission timeouts (RTOs). reqSize: Number The number of L7 request bytes, excluding SMTP headers. reqTimeToLastByte: Number The time from the first byte of the request until the last byte of the request, expressed in milliseconds. The value is NaN on malformed and aborted requests, or if the timing is invalid. reqZeroWnd: Number The number of zero windows in the request. roundTripTime: Number The median TCP round trip time (RTT), expressed in milliseconds. The value is NaN if there are no RTT samples. rspBytes: Number The number of L4 response bytes, excluding L4 headers. rspL2Bytes: Number The number of L2 response bytes, including L2 headers. rspPkts: Number The number of response packets. rspRTO: Number The number of response retransmission timeouts (RTOs). rspSize: Number The number of L7 response bytes, excluding SMTP headers.

Access only on SMTP_RESPONSE events or an error will occur.

rspTimeToFirstByte: Number The time from the first byte of the request until the first byte of the response, expressed in milliseconds. The value is NaN on malformed and aborted responses, or if the timing is invalid.

Access only on SMTP_RESPONSE events or an error will occur.

rspTimeToLastByte: Number The time from the first byte of the request until the last byte of the response, expressed in milliseconds. The value is NaN on malformed and aborted responses, or if the timing is invalid.

Access only on SMTP_RESPONSE events or an error will occur.

rspZeroWnd: Number The number of zero windows in the response. sender: String The sender of the message. statusCode: Number The SMTP status code of the response.

Access only on SMTP_RESPONSE events or an error will occur.

statusText: String The multi-line response string.

Access only on SMTP_RESPONSE events or an error will occur.

Secure Socket Shell (SSH) is a network protocol that provides a secure method for remote login and other network services over an unsecured network. The SSH class object enables you to store metrics and access properties on SSH_CLOSE, SSH_OPEN and SSH_TICK events.

SSH_CLOSE Runs when the SSH connection is shut down by being closed, expired, or aborted. SSH_OPEN Runs when the SSH connection is first fully established after session information is negotiated.

If a connection closes before SSH_OPEN has run, SSH_OPEN, SSH_TICK, and SSH_CLOSE will run in immediate succession.

SSH_TICK Runs periodically on SSH flows.

commitRecord(): void Commits a record object to the ExtraHop Explore appliance on either an SSH_OPEN, SSH_CLOSE, or SSH_TICK event.

The event determines which properties are committed to the record object. To view the properties committed for each event, see the record property below.

For built-in records, each unique record is committed only once, even if .commitRecord is called multiple times for the same unique record.

clientBytes: Number Upon an SSH_CLOSE event, the incremental number of application-level client bytes observed since the last SSH_TICK event. Does not specify the total number of bytes for the session. clientCipherAlgorithm: String The encryption cipher algorithm on the SSH client. clientCompressionAlgorithm: String The compression algorithm applied to data transferred over the connection by the SSH client. clientCompressionAlgorithmsClientToServer: String The compression algorithms that the SSH client supports for client to server communications. clientCompressionAlgorithmsClientToServer: String The compression algorithms that the SSH client supports for server to client communications. clientEncryptionAlgorithmsClientToServer: String The encryption algorithms that the SSH client supports for client to server communications. clientEncryptionAlgorithmsServerToClient: String The encryption algorithms that the SSH client supports for server to client communications. clientImplementation: String The SSH implementation installed on the client, such as OpenSSH or PUTTY. clientKexAlgorithms: String The SSH key exchange algorithms that the client supports. clientL2Bytes: Number The incremental number of L2 client bytes observed since the last SSH_TICK event. Does not specify the total number of bytes for the session.

Access only on SSH_CLOSE and SSH_TICK events or an error will occur.

clientMacAlgorithm: String The Method Authentication Code (MAC) algorithm on the SSH client. clientMacAlgorithmsClientToServer: String The Method Authentication Code (MAC) algorithms that the SSH client supports for client to server communications. clientMacAlgorithmsServerToClient: String The Method Authentication Code (MAC) algorithms that the SSH client supports for server to client communications. clientPkts: Number The incremental number of client packets observed since the last SSH_TICK event. Does not specify the total number of packets for the session.

Access only on SSH_CLOSE and SSH_TICK events or an error will occur.

clientRTO: Number The incremental number of client retransmission timeouts (RTOs) observed since the last SSH_TICK event. Does not specify the total number of RTOs for the session.

Access only on SSH_CLOSE and SSH_TICK events or an error will occur.

clientVersion: String The version of SSH on the client. clientZeroWnd: Number The number of zero windows sent by the client.

Access only on SSH_OPEN, SSH_CLOSE, or SSH_TICK events or an error will occur.

duration: Number The duration, expressed in milliseconds, of the SSH connection.

Access only on SSH_CLOSE events or an error will occur.

hasshAlgorithms: String A string containing the SSH key exchange, encryption, message authentication, and compression algorithms that the client supports for SSH communications. These algorithms are communicated in the SSH_MSG_KEXINIT packet sent at the start of an SSH connection. hassh: String An MD5 hash of the hasshAlgorithms string. hasshServerAlgorithms: String A string containing the SSH key exchange, encryption, message authentication, and compression algorithms that the server supports for SSH communications. These algorithms are communicated in the SSH_MSG_KEXINIT packet sent at the start of an SSH connection. hasshServer: String An MD5 hash of the hasshServerAlgorithms string. kexAlgorithm: String The Key Exchange (Kex) algorithm on the SSH connection. record: Object The record object committed to the ExtraHop Explore appliance through a call to SSH.commitRecord() on either an SSH_OPEN, SSH_CLOSE, or SSH_TICK event.

The event on which the method was called determines which default properties the record object contains as displayed in the following table:

clientCipherAlgorithm clientCipherAlgorithm clientCipherAlgorithm
clientCompressionAlgorithm clientCompressionAlgorithm clientCompressionAlgorithm
clientImplementation clientImplementation clientImplementation
clientMacAlgorithm clientMacAlgorithm clientMacAlgorithm
clientVersion clientVersion clientVersion
clientZeroWnd clientZeroWnd clientZeroWnd
kexAlgorithm kexAlgorithm kexAlgorithm
serverCipherAlgorithm serverCipherAlgorithm serverCipherAlgorithm
serverCompressionAlgorithm serverCompressionAlgorithm serverCompressionAlgorithm
serverImplementation serverImplementation serverImplementation
serverMacAlgorithm serverMacAlgorithm serverMacAlgorithm
serverVersion serverVersion serverVersion
serverZeroWnd serverZeroWnd serverZeroWnd

roundTripTime: Number The median round trip time (RTT), expressed in milliseconds. The value is NaN if there are no RTT samples. serverBytes: Number The incremental number of application-level server bytes observed since the last SSH_TICK event. Does not specify the total number of bytes for the session.

Access only on SSH_CLOSE and SSH_TICK events or an error will occur.

serverCipherAlgorithm: String The encryption cipher algorithm on the SSH server. serverCompressionAlgorithm: String Returns the type of compression applied to data transferred over the connection by the SSH server. serverCompressionAlgorithmsClientToServer: String The compression algorithms that the SSH server supports for client to server communications. serverCompressionAlgorithmsServerToClient: String The compression algorithms that the SSH server supports for server to client communications. serverEncryptionAlgorithmsClientToServer: String The encryption algorithms that the SSH server supports for client to server communications. serverEncryptionAlgorithmsServerToClient: String The encryption algorithms that the SSH server supports for server to client communications. serverHostKey: String The base64 encoding of the public SSH key sent from the server to the client. serverHostKeyType: String The type of public SSH key sent from the server to the client, such as ssh-rsa or ssh-ed25519. serverImplementation: String The SSH implementation installed on the server, such as OpenSSH or PUTTY. serverKexAlgorithms: String The SSH key exchange algorithms that the server supports. serverL2Bytes: Number The incremental number of L2 server bytes observed since the last SSH_TICK event. Does not specify the total number of bytes for the session.

Access only on SSH_CLOSE and SSH_TICK events or an error will occur.

serverMacAlgorithm: String The Method Authentication Code (MAC) algorithm on the SSH server. serverMacAlgorithmsClientToServer: String The Method Authentication Code (MAC) algorithms that the SSH server supports for client to server communications. serverMacAlgorithmsServerToClient: String The Method Authentication Code (MAC) algorithms that the SSH server supports for server to client communications. serverPkts: Number The incremental number of server packets observed since the last SSH_TICK event. Does not specify the total number of packets for the session.

Access only on SSH_CLOSE and SSH_TICK events or an error will occur.

serverRTO: Number The incremental number of server retransmission timeouts (RTOs) observed since the last SSH_TICK event. Does not specify the total number of RTOs for the session.

Access only on SSH_CLOSE and SSH_TICK events or an error will occur.

serverVersion: String The version of SSH on the server. serverZeroWnd: Number The number of zero windows sent by the server.

Access only on SSH_OPEN, SSH_CLOSE, or SSH_TICK events or an error will occur.

The SSL class enables you to store metrics and access properties on SSL_OPEN, SSL_CLOSE, SSL_ALERT, SSL_ RECORD, SSL_HEARTBEAT, and SSL_RENEGOTIATE events.

SSL_ALERT Runs when an SSL alert record is exchanged. SSL_CLOSE Runs when the SSL connection is shut down. SSL_HEARTBEAT Runs when an SSL heartbeat record is exchanged. SSL_OPEN Runs when the SSL connection is first established. SSL_PAYLOAD Runs when the decrypted SSL payload matches the criteria configured in the associated trigger.

Depending on the flow, the payload can be found in the following properties:

  • Flow.payload1
  • Flow.payload2
  • Flow.client.payload
  • Flow.server.payload
  • Flow.sender.payload
  • Flow.receiver.payload

Additional payload options are available when you create a trigger that runs on this event. See Advanced trigger options for more information.

SSL_RECORD Runs when an SSL record is exchanged. SSL_RENEGOTIATE Runs on SSL renegotiation.

addApplication(name: String): void Associates an SSL session with the named application to collect SSL metric data about the session. For example, you might call SSL.addApplication() to associate SSL certificate data in an application.

After an SSL session is associated with an application, that pairing is permanent for the lifetime of the session.

Call only on SSL_OPEN events or an error will occur.

commitRecord(): void Commits a record object to the ExtraHop Explore appliance only on SSL_ALERT, SSL_CLOSE, SSL_HEARTBEAT, SSL_OPEN, or SSL_RENEGOTIATE events. Record commits on SSL_PAYLOAD and SSL_RECORD events are not supported.

To view the default properties committed to the record object, see the record property below.

For built-in records, each unique record is committed only once, even if the commitRecord() method is called multiple times for the same unique record.

getClientExtensionData(extension_name | extension_id): Buffer Returns the data for the specified extension if the extension was passed as part of the Hello message from the client. Returns null if the message does not contain data.

Call only on SSL_OPEN and SSL_RENEGOTIATE events or an error will occur.

getServerExtensionData(extension_name | extension_id): Buffer Returns data for the specified extension if the extension was passed as part of the Hello message from the server. Returns null if the message does not contain data.

Call only on SSL_OPEN and SSL_RENEGOTIATE events or an error will occur.

hasClientExtension(extension_name | extension_id): boolean Returns true for the specified extension if the extension was passed as part of the Hello message from the client.

Call only on SSL_OPEN and SSL_RENEGOTIATE events or an error will occur.

hasServerExtension(extension_name | extension_id): boolean Returns true for the specified extension if the extension was passed as part of the Hello message from the server.

Call only on SSL_OPEN and SSL_RENEGOTIATE events or an error will occur.

The following table provides a list of known SSL extensions.

ID Name
0 server_name
1 max_fragment_length
2 client_certificate_url
3 trusted_ca_keys
4 truncated_hmac
5 status_request
6 user_mapping
7 client_authz
8 server_authz
9 cert_type
10 supported_groups
11 ec_point_formats
12 srp
13 signature_algorithms
14 use_srtp
15 heartbeat
16 application_layer_protocol_negotiation
17 status_request_v2
18 signed_certificate_timestamp
19 client_certificate_type
20 server_certificate_type
27 compress_certificate
28 record_size_limit
29 pwd_protect
30 pwd_clear
31 password_salt
35 session_ticket
41 pre_shared_key
42 early_data
43 supported_versions
44 cookie
45 psk_key_exchange_modes
47 certificate_authorities
48 oid_filters
49 post_handshake_auth
50 signature_algorithms_cert
51 key_share
65281 renegotiation_info
65486 encrypted_server_name

The following extensions are sent out by applications to test whether servers can handle unknown extensions. For more information about these extensions, see Applying GREASE to TLS Extensibility.

  • 2570
  • 6682
  • 10794
  • 14906
  • 19018
  • 23130
  • 27242
  • 31354
  • 35466
  • 39578
  • 43690
  • 47802
  • 51914
  • 56026
  • 60138
  • 64250

alertCode: Number The numeric representation of the SSL alert. The following table displays the possible SSL alerts, which are defined in the AlertDescription data structure in RFC 2246:

Alert Number
close_notify 0
unexpected_message 10
bad_record_mac 20
decryption_failed 21
record_overflow 22
decompression_failure 30
handshake_failure 40
bad_certificate 42
unsupported_certificate 43
certificate_revoked 44
certificate_expired 45
certificate_unknown 46
illegal_parameter 47
unknown_ca 48
access_denied 49
decode_error 50
decrypt_error 51
export_restriction 60
protocol_version 70
insufficient_security 71
internal_error 80
user_canceled 90
no_renegotiation 100

If the session is opaque, the value is SSL.ALERT_CODE_UNKNOWN (null).

Access only on SSL_ALERT events or an error will occur.

alertCodeName: String The name of the SSL alert associated with the alert code. See the alertCode property for alert names associated with alert codes. The value is null if no name is available for the associated alert code.

Access only on SSL_ALERT events or an error will occur.

alertLevel: Number The numeric representation of the SSL alert level. The following possible alert levels are defined in the AlertLevel data structure in RFC 2246:

If the session is opaque, the value is SSL.ALERT_LEVEL_UNKNOWN (null).

Access only on SSL_ALERT events or an error will occur.

certificate: SSLCert The SSL server certificate object associated with the communication. Each object contains the following properties: fingerprint: String The string hex representation of the SHA-1 hash of the certificate. The string is shown in the client certificate dialog box of most browsers, but without spaces, such as in the following example:55F30E6D49E19145CF680E8B7E3DC8FC7041DC81 keySize: Number The key size of the server certificate. isSelfSigned: Boolean The value is true if the server certificate is self-signed. issuer: String The common name of the server certificate issuer. The value is null if the issuer is not available. notAfter: Number The expiration time of the server certificate, expressed in UTC. notBefore: Number The start time of the server certificate, expressed in UTC. The server certificate is not valid before this time. publicKeyCurveName: String The name of the standard elliptic curve that the cryptography of the public key is based on. This value is determined by the OID or explicit curve parameters specified in the certificate. publicKeyExponent: String A string hex representation of the public key exponent. The string is shown in the client certificate dialog box of most browsers, but without spaces. publicKeyHasExplicitCurve: Boolean Indicates whether the certificate specifies explicit parameters for the elliptic curve of the public key. publicKeyModulus: String A string hex representation of the public key modulus. The string is shown in the client certificate dialog box of most browsers, but without space, such as 010001 serial: String The serial number assigned to the certificate by the Certificate Authority (CA). signatureAlgorithm: String The algorithm applied to sign the server certificate. The following table displays some of the possible values:

RFC Algorithm
RFC 3279
  • md2WithRSAEncryption
  • md5WithRSAEncryption
  • sha1WithRSAEncryption
RFC 4055
  • sha224WithRSAEncryption
  • sha256WithRSAEncryption
  • sha384WithRSAEncryption
  • sha512WithRSAEncryption
RFC 4491
  • id-GostR3411-94-with-Gost3410-94
  • id-GostR3411-94-with-Gost3410-2001

subject: String The subject common name (CN) of the server certificate. subjectAlternativeNames: Array An array of strings that correspond to Subject Alternative Names (SANs) included in the certificate. Supported SANs are DNS name, email address, and URI. subjectDistinguishedName: Object An object that contains information about the distinguished name of the certificate subject. Each object contains the following properties: commonName: String The common name (CN). country: Array of Strings The country name (C). organization: Array of Strings The organization name (O). organizationalUnit: Array of Strings The organizational unit name (OU). locality: Array of Strings The locality name (L). stateOrProvince: Array of Strings The state or province name (ST). issuerDistinguishedName: Object An object that contains information about the distinguished name of the certificate issuer. Each object contains the following properties: commonName: String The common name (CN). country: Array of Strings The country name (C). organization: Array of Strings The organization name (O). organizationalUnit: Array of Strings The organizational unit name (OU). locality: Array of Strings The locality name (L). stateOrProvince: Array of Strings The state or province name (ST). certificates: Array of Objects An array of certificate objects for each intermediate SSL certificate. The end-entity certificate, also known as the leaf certificate, is the first object in the array; this object is also returned by the certificate property. cipherSuite: String A string representing the cryptographic cipher suite negotiated between the server and the client. cipherSuitesSupported: Array of Objects An array of objects with the following properties that specify the cipher suites supported by the SSL client: name: String The name of cipher suite. type: Number The cipher suite number.

Access only on SSL_OPEN or SSL_RENEGOTIATE events or an error will occur.

cipherSuiteType: Number The numeric value that represents the cryptographic cipher suite negotiated between the server and the client. Possible values are defined by the IANA TLS Cipher Suite Registry. clientBytes: Number The number of bytes sent by the client since the last SSL_RECORD event.

Access only on SSL_RECORD or SSL_CLOSE events or an error will occur.

clientCertificate: SSLCert The SSL client certificate object associated with the communication. Each object contains the following properties: fingerprint: String The string hex representation of the SHA-1 hash of the client certificate, such as in the following example:55F30E6D49E19145CF680E8B7E3DC8FC7041DC81 keySize: Number The key size of the client certificate. isSelfSigned: Boolean The value is true if the client certificate is self-signed. issuer: String The common name of the server certificate issuer. The value is null if the issuer is not available. notAfter: Number The expiration time of the client certificate, expressed in UTC. notBefore: Number The start time of the client certificate, expressed in UTC. The client certificate is not valid before this time. publicKeyCurveName: String The name of the standard elliptic curve that the cryptography of the public key is based on. This value is determined by the OID or explicit curve parameters specified in the certificate. publicKeyExponent: String A string hex representation of the public key exponent. publicKeyHasExplicitCurve: Boolean Indicates whether the certificate specifies explicit parameters for the elliptic curve of the public key. publicKeyModulus: String A string hex representation of the public key modulus, such as 010001. signatureAlgorithm: String The algorithm applied to sign the client certificate. The following table displays some of the possible values:

RFC Algorithm
RFC 3279
  • md2WithRSAEncryption
  • md5WithRSAEncryption
  • sha1WithRSAEncryption
RFC 4055
  • sha224WithRSAEncryption
  • sha256WithRSAEncryption
  • sha384WithRSAEncryption
  • sha512WithRSAEncryption
RFC 4491
  • id-GostR3411-94-with-Gost3410-94
  • id-GostR3411-94-with-Gost3410-2001

subject: String The subject common name (CN) of the client certificate. subjectAlternativeNames: Array An array of strings that correspond to Subject Alternative Names (SANs) included in the client certificate. Supported SANs are DNS name, email address, and URI. subjectDistinguishedName: Object An object that contains information about the distinguished name of the certificate subject. Each object contains the following properties: commonName: String The common name (CN). country: Array of Strings The country name (C). organization: Array of Strings The organization name (O). organizationalUnit: Array of Strings The organizational unit name (OU). locality: Array of Strings The locality name (L). stateOrProvince: Array of Strings The state or province name (ST). issuerDistinguishedName: Object An object that contains information about the distinguished name of the certificate issuer. Each object contains the following properties: commonName: String The common name (CN). country: Array of Strings The country name (C). organization: Array of Strings The organization name (O). organizationalUnit: Array of Strings The organizational unit name (OU). locality: Array of Strings The locality name (L). stateOrProvince: Array of Strings The state or province name (ST). clientCertificates: Array of Objects An array of certificate objects for each intermediate SSL client certificate. The end-entity certificate, also known as the leaf certificate, is the first object in the array; this object is also returned by the clientCertificate property. clientCertificateRequested: Boolean The value is true if the SSL server requested a client certificate.

Access only on SSL_OPEN, SSL_ALERT, or SSL_RENEGOTIATE events or an error will occur.

clientExtensions: Array An array of client extension objects that contain the following properties: id: Number The ID number of the SSL client extension. length: Number The full length of the SSL client extension, expressed in bytes.
Note:An extension might be truncated if the length exceeds the maximum size. The default is 512 bytes. Truncation has occurred if the value of this property is smaller than the buffer returned by the getClientExtensionData() method.
name: String The name of the SSL client extension, if known. Otherwise, the value indicates that the extension is unknown. See the table of known SSL extensions in the Methods section.

Access only on SSL_OPEN or SSL_RENEGOTIATE events or an error will occur.

clientHelloVersion: Number The version of SSL specified by the client in the client hello packet. clientL2Bytes: Number The number of L2 bytes sent by the client since the last SSL_RECORD event.

Access only on SSL_RECORD or SSL_CLOSE events or an error will occur.

clientPkts: Number The number of packets sent by the client since the last SSL_RECORD event.

Access only on SSL_RECORD or SSL_CLOSE events or an error will occur.

clientSessionId: String The client session ID as a byte array encoded as a string. clientZeroWnd: Number The number of zero windows sent by the client since the last SSL_RECORD event.

Access only on SSL_RECORD or SSL_CLOSE events or an error will occur.

contentType: String The content type for the current record.

Access only on SSL_RECORD events or an error will occur.

handshakeTime: Number The amount of time required to negotiate the SSL connection, expressed in milliseconds. Specifically, the amount of time between when the client sends a ClientHello message and the server sends ChangeCipherSpec values as specified in RFC 2246.

Access only on SSL_OPEN or SSL_RENEGOTIATE events or an error will occur.

heartbeatPayloadLength: Number The value of the payload length field of the HeartbeatMessage data structure as specified in RFC 6520.

Access only on SSL_HEARTBEAT events or an error will occur.

heartbeatType: Number The numeric representation of the HeartbeatMessageType field of the HeartbeartMessage data structure as specified in RFC 6520. Valid values are SSL.HEARTBEAT_TYPE_REQUEST (1), SSL.HEARTBEAT_TYPE_RESPONSE (2), or SSL.HEARTBEAT_TYPE_UNKNOWN (255).

Access only on SSL_HEARTBEAT events or an error will occur.

host: string The SSL Server Name Indication (SNI), if available.

Access only on SSL_OPEN or SSL_RENEGOTIATE events or an error will occur.

isAborted: Boolean The value is true if the SSL session is aborted.

Access only on SSL_CLOSE events or an error will occur.

isCompressed: Boolean The value is true if the SSL record is compressed. isResumed: Boolean The value is true if the connection is resumed from an existing SSL session and is not a new SSL session.

Access only on SSL_OPEN, SSL_CLOSE, SSL_ALERT, SSL_HEARTBEAT, or SSL_RENEGOTIATE events or an error will occur.

isStartTLS: Boolean The value is true if negotiation of the SSL session was initiated by the STARTTLS mechanism of the protocol.

Access only on SSL_OPEN, SSL_CLOSE, SSL_ALERT, SSL_HEARTBEAT, or SSL_RENEGOTIATE events or an error will occur.

isV2ClientHello: Boolean The value is true if the Hello record corresponds to SSLv2. isWeakCipherSuite: Boolean The value is true if the cipher suite encrypting the SSL session is considered weak. NULL, anonymous, and EXPORT cipher suites are considered weak, as are suites that encrypt with DES, 3DES, or RC4.

Access only on SSL_OPEN, SSL_CLOSE, SSL_ALERT, SSL_HEARTBEAT, or SSL_RENEGOTIATE events or an error will occur.

ja3Text: String The complete JA3 string for the client, including the client hello SSL version, accepted ciphers, SSL extensions, elliptic curves, and elliptic curve formats. ja3Hash: String The MD5 hash of the JA3 string for the client. ja3sText: String The complete JA3S string for the server, including the server hello SSL version, accepted ciphers, and SSL extensions. ja3sHash: String The MD5 hash of the JA3S string for the server. privateKeyId: String The string ID associated with the private key if the ExtraHop appliance is decrypting SSL traffic. The value is null if the ExtraHop appliance is not decrypting SSL traffic.

To find the private key ID in the ExtraHop Admin UI, click Capture from the System Configuration section, click SSL Decryption, and then click a certificate. The pop-up window displays all identifiers for the certificate.

record: Object The record object committed to the ExtraHop Explore appliance through a call to SSL.commitRecord() on either an SSL_OPEN, SSL_CLOSE, SSL_ALERT, SSL_HEARTBEAT, or SSL_RENEGOTIATE event.

The event on which the method was called determines which default properties the record object contains as displayed in the following table:

Event Available properties
  • alertCode
  • alertLevel
  • certificateFingerprint
  • certificateIsSelfSigned
  • certificateIssuer
  • certificateKeySize
  • certificateNotAfter
  • certificateNotBefore
  • certificateSignatureAlgorithm
  • certificateSubject
  • cipherSuite
  • clientAddr
  • clientBytes
  • clientCertificateRequested
  • clientL2Bytes
  • clientPkts
  • clientPort
  • clientRTO
  • clientZeroWnd
  • isCompressed
  • isWeakCipherSuite
  • proto
  • reqBytes
  • reqL2Bytes
  • reqPkts
  • reqRTO
  • rspBytes
  • rspL2Bytes
  • rspPkts
  • rspRTO
  • serverAddr
  • serverBytes
  • serverL2Bytes
  • serverPkts
  • serverPort
  • serverRTO
  • serverZeroWnd
  • version
  • rspPkts
  • clientL2Bytes
  • clientPkts
  • clientZeroWnd
  • reqPkts
  • certificateSignatureAlgorithm
  • serverPort
  • certificateKeySize
  • reqL2Bytes
  • isWeakCipherSuite
  • serverL2Bytes
  • clientAddr
  • proto
  • serverZeroWnd
  • certificateIsSelfSigned
  • version
  • reqRTO
  • rspL2Bytes
  • certificateFingerprint
  • certificateNotAfter
  • certificateNotBefore
  • serverRTO
  • rspRTO
  • isAborted
  • serverBytes
  • certificateSubject
  • serverAddr
  • reqBytes
  • clientRTO
  • cipherSuite
  • clientPort
  • clientBytes
  • serverPkts
  • isCompressed
  • certificateIssuer
  • rspBytes
  • certificateFingerprint
  • certificateIssuer
  • certificateKeySize
  • certificateNotAfter
  • certificateNotBefore
  • certificateSignatureAlgorithm
  • certificateSubject
  • cipherSuite
  • clientZeroWnd
  • heartbeatPayloadLength
  • heartbeatType
  • isCompressed
  • serverZeroWnd
  • version
  • certificateFingerprint
  • certificateIsSelfSigned
  • certificateIssuer
  • certificateKeySize
  • certificateNotAfter
  • certificateNotBefore
  • certificateSignatureAlgorithm
  • certificateSubject
  • certificateSubjectAlternativeNames
  • cipherSuite
  • clientAddr
  • clientBytes
  • clientCertificateRequested
  • clientL2Bytes
  • clientPkts
  • clientPort
  • clientRTO
  • clientZeroWnd
  • handshakeTime
  • host
  • isCompressed
  • isRenegotiate
  • isWeakCipherSuite
  • ja3Hash
  • ja3sHash
  • proto
  • reqBytes
  • reqL2Bytes
  • reqPkts
  • reqRTO
  • rspBytes
  • rspL2Bytes
  • rspPkts
  • rspRTO
  • serverAddr
  • serverBytes
  • serverL2Bytes
  • serverPkts
  • serverPort
  • serverRTO
  • serverZeroWnd
  • version
Note:The SSL_OPEN record format is applied to records committed on this event.
  • certificateFingerprint
  • certificateKeySize
  • certificateNotAfter
  • certificateNotBefore
  • certificateSignatureAlgorithm
  • certificateSubject
  • cipherSuite
  • handshakeTime
  • host
  • isCompressed
  • version

recordLength: Number The value of the length field of the TLSPlaintext, TLSCompressed, and TLSCiphertext data structures as specified in RFC 5246.

Access only on SSL_RECORD, SSL_ALERT, or SSL_HEARTBEAT events or an error will occur.

recordType: Number The numeric representation of the type field of the TLSPlaintext, TLSCompressed, and TLSCiphertext data structures as specified in RFC 5246.

Access only on SSL_RECORD, SSL_ALERT, and SSL_HEARTBEAT events or an error will occur.

roundTripTime: Number The median round trip time (RTT), expressed in milliseconds. The value is NaN if there are no RTT samples.

Access only on SSL_RECORD or SSL_CLOSE events or an error will occur.

serverExtensions: Array An array of server extension objects that contain the following properties: id: Number The ID number of the SSL server extension. length: Number The full length of the SSL server extension, expressed in bytes.
Note:An extension might be truncated if the length exceeds the maximum size. The default is 512 bytes. Truncation has occurred if the value of this property is smaller than the buffer returned by the getClientExtensionData() method.
name: String The name of the SSL server extension, if known. Otherwise, the value indicates that the extension is unknown. See the table of known SSL extensions in the Methods section.

Access only on SSL_OPEN or SSL_RENEGOTIATE events or an error will occur.

serverBytes: Number The number of bytes sent by the server since the last SSL_RECORD event.

Access only on SSL_RECORD or SSL_CLOSE events or an error will occur.

serverHelloVersion: Number The version of SSL specified by the server in the server hello packet. serverL2Bytes: Number The number of L2 bytes sent by the server since the last SSL_RECORD event.

Access only on SSL_RECORD or SSL_CLOSE events or an error will occur.

serverPkts: Number The number of packets sent by the server since the last SSL_RECORD event.

Access only on SSL_RECORD or SSL_CLOSE events or an error will occur.

serverSessionId: String The server session ID byte array, encoded as a string. serverZeroWnd: Number The number of zero windows sent by the server since the last SSL_RECORD event.

Access only on SSL_RECORD or SSL_CLOSE events or an error will occur.

startTLSProtocol: String The protocol from which the client sent a STARTTLS command. version: Number The SSL protocol version with the RFC hexadecimal version number, expressed as a decimal.

Version Hex Decimal
SSLv2 0x200 2
SSLv3 0x300 768
TLS 1.0 0x301 769
TLS 1.1 0x302 770
TLS 1.2 0x303 771
TLS 1.3 0x304 772

The TCP class enables you to access properties and retrieve metrics from TCP events and from FLOW_TICK and FLOW_TURN events.

The FLOW_TICK and FLOW_TURN events are defined in the Flow section.

TCP_CLOSE Runs when the TCP connection is shut down by being closed, expired or aborted. TCP_DESYNC Runs when packet drops that will interrupt the processing of the TCP connection are detected. TCP_OPEN Runs when the TCP connection is first fully established.

The FLOW_CLASSIFY event runs after the TCP_OPEN event to determine the L7 protocol of the TCP flow.

Note:If a TCP connection stalls for a long period of time, the TCP_OPEN event runs again when the connection resumes. The following TCP properties and methods are null when the event runs for a resumed connection:
  • getOption
  • handshakeTime
  • hasECNEcho
  • hasECNEcho1
  • hasECNEcho2
  • initRcvWndSize
  • initRcvWndSize1
  • initRcvWndSize2
  • initSeqNum
  • initSeqNum1
  • initSeqNum2
  • options
  • options1
  • options2
TCP_PAYLOAD Runs when the payload matches the criteria configured in the associated trigger.

Depending on the Flow, the TCP payload can be found in the following properties:

  • Flow.client.payload
  • Flow.payload1
  • Flow.payload2
  • Flow.receiver.payload
  • Flow.sender.payload
  • Flow.server.payload

Additional payload options are available when you create a trigger that runs on this event. See Advanced trigger options for more information.

getOption(kind: Number): Object | Null Returns a TCP option object that matches the specified option kind. For a list of valid option kinds, see TCP options. Specify the TCP client or the TCP server in the syntax—for example, TCP.client.getOption(1) or TCP.server.getOption(1).

Applies only to TCP_OPEN events.

handshakeTime: Number The amount of time required to negotiate the TCP connection, expressed in milliseconds.

Access only on TCP_OPEN events or an error will occur.

hasECNEcho: Boolean The value is true if the ECN flag is set on a device during the three-way handshake. Specify the TCP client or the TCP server in the syntax—for example, TCP.client.hasECNEcho or TCP.server.hasECNEcho.

Access only on TCP_OPEN events or an error will occur.

hasECNEcho1: Boolean The value is true if the ECN flag is set during the three-way handshake associated with one of two devices in the connection; the other device is represented by hasECNEcho2. The device represented by hasECNEcho1 remains consistent for the connection.

Access only on TCP_OPEN events or an error will occur.

hasECNEcho2: Boolean The value is true if the ECN flag is set during the three-way handshake associated with one of two devices in the connection; the other device is represented by hasECNEcho1. The device represented by hasECNEcho2 remains consistent for the connection.

Access only on TCP_OPEN events or an error will occur.

initRcvWndSize: Number The initial size of the TCP sliding window on a device negotiated during the three-way handshake. Specify the TCP client or the TCP server in the syntax—for example, TCP.client.initRcvWndSize or TCP.server.initRcvWndSize.

Access only on TCP_OPEN events or an error will occur.

initRcvWndSize1: Number The initial size of the TCP sliding window negotiated during the three-way handshake associated with one of two devices in the connection; the other device is represented by initRcvWndSize2. The device represented by initRcvWndSize1 remains consistent for the connection.

Access only on TCP_OPEN events or an error will occur.

initRcvWndSize2: Number The initial size of the TCP sliding window negotiated during the three-way handshake associated with one of two devices in the connection; the other device is represented by initRcvWndSize1. The device represented by initRcvWndSize2 remains consistent for the connection.

Access only on TCP_OPEN events or an error will occur.

initSeqNum: Number The initial sequence number sent from a device during the three-way handshake. Specify the TCP client or the TCP server in the syntax—for example, TCP.client.initSeqNum or TCP.server.initSeqNum.

Access only on TCP_OPEN events or an error will occur.

initSeqNum1: Number The initial sequence number during the three-way handshake associated with one of two devices in the connection; the other device is represented by initSeqNum2. The device represented by initSeqNum1 remains consistent for the connection.

Access only on TCP_OPEN events or an error will occur.

initSeqNum2: Number The initial sequence number during the three-way handshake associated with one of two devices in the connection; the other device is represented by initSeqNum1. The device represented by initSeqNum2 remains consistent for the connection.

Access only on TCP_OPEN events or an error will occur.

isAborted: Boolean The value is true if a TCP flow has been aborted through a TCP reset (RST) before the connection is shut down. The flow can be aborted by a device. If applicable, specify the device role in the syntax—for example, TCP.client.isAborted or TCP.server.isAborted.

This condition may be detected in any TCP event and in any impacted L7 events (for example, HTTP_REQUEST or DB_RESPONSE).

  • An L4 abort occurs when a TCP connection is closed with a RST instead of a graceful shutdown.
  • An L7 response abort occurs when a connection closes while in the middle of a response. This can be due to a RST, a graceful FIN shutdown, or an expiration.
  • An L7 request abort occurs when a connection closes in the middle of a request. This can also be due to a RST, a graceful FIN shutdown, or an expiration.
isExpired: Boolean The value is true if the TCP connection expired at the time of the event. If applicable, specify TCP client or the TCP server in the syntax—for example, TCP.client.isExpired or TCP.server.isExpired.

Access only on TCP_CLOSE events or an error will occur.

isReset: Boolean The value is true if a TCP reset (RST) was seen while the connection was in the process of being shut down. nagleDelay: Number The number of Nagle delays associated with a device in the flow. Specify the TCP client or the TCP server in the syntax—for example, TCP.client.nagleDelay or TCP.server.nagleDelay.

Access only on FLOW_TICK and FLOW_TURN events or an error will occur.

nagleDelay1: Number The number of Nagle delays associated with one of two devices in the flow; the other device is represented by nagleDelay1. The device represented by nagleDelay2 remains consistent for the connection.

Access only on FLOW_TICK and FLOW_TURN events or an error will occur.

nagleDelay1: Number The number of Nagle delays associated with one of two devices in the flow; the other device is represented by nagleDelay2. The device represented by nagleDelay1 remains consistent for the connection.

Access only on FLOW_TICK and FLOW_TURN events or an error will occur.

options: Array An array of objects representing the TCP options of a device in the initial handshake packets. Specify the TCP client or the TCP server in the syntax—for example, TCP.client.options or TCP.server.options. For more information, see the TCP options section below.

Access only on TCP_OPEN events or an error will occur.

options1: Array An array of options representing the TCP options in the initial handshake packets associated with one of two devices in the connection; the other device is represented by options2. The device represented by options1 remains consistent for the connection. For more information, For more information, see the TCP options section below.

Access only on TCP_OPEN events or an error will occur.

options2: Array An array of options representing the TCP options in the initial handshake packets associated with one of two devices in the connection; the other device is represented by options1. The device represented by options2 remains consistent for the connection. For more information, For more information, see the TCP options section below.

Access only on TCP_OPEN events or an error will occur.

overlapSegments: Number The number of non-identical TCP segments, transmitted by a device in the flow, where two or more TCP segments contain data for the same part of the flow. Specify the TCP client or the TCP server in the syntax—for example, TCP.client.overlapSegments or TCP.server.overlapSegments.

Access only on FLOW_TICK or FLOW_TURN events or an error will occur.

overlapSegments1: Number The number of non-identical TCP segments where two or more segments contain data for the same part of the flow. The TCP segments are transmitted by one of two devices in the flow; the other device is represented by overlapSegments2. The device represented by overlapSegments1 remains consistent for the flow.

Access only on FLOW_TICK or FLOW_TURN events or an error will occur.

overlapSegments2: Number The number of non-identical TCP segments where two or more segments contain data for the same part of the flow. The TCP segments are transmitted by one of two devices in the flow; the other device is represented by overlapSegments1. The device represented by overlapSegments2 remains consistent for the flow.

Access only on FLOW_TICK or FLOW_TURN events or an error will occur.

rcvWndThrottle: Number The number of receive window throttles sent from a device in the flow. Specify the TCP client or the TCP server in the syntax—for example, TCP.client.rcvWndThrottle or TCP.server.rcvWndThrottle.

Access only on FLOW_TICK and FLOW_TURN events or an error will occur.

rcvWndThrottle1: Number The number of receive window throttles sent from one of two devices in the flow; the other device is represented by rcvWndThrottle2. The device represented by rcvWndThrottle1 remains consistent for the connection.

Access only on FLOW_TICK or FLOW_TURN events or an error will occur.

rcvWndThrottle2: Number The number of receive window throttles sent from one of two devices in the flow; the other device is represented by rcvWndThrottle1. The device represented by rcvWndThrottle2 remains consistent for the connection.

Access only on FLOW_TICK or FLOW_TURN events or an error will occur.

retransBytes: Number The number of bytes retransmitted over TCP by a client or server device in the flow. Specify the TCP client or the TCP server in the syntax—for example, TCP.client.retransBytes or TCP.server.retransBytes.

Access only on FLOW_TICK or FLOW_TURN events or an error will occur.

retransBytes1: Number The number of bytes retransmitted over TCP by one of two devices in the flow; the other device is represented by retransBytes2. The device represented by retransBytes1 remains consistent for the connection.

Access only on FLOW_TICK or FLOW_TURN events or an error will occur.

retransBytes2: Number The number of bytes retransmitted over TCP by one of two devices in the flow; the other device is represented by retransBytes1. The device represented by retransBytes2 remains consistent for the connection.

Access only on FLOW_TICK or FLOW_TURN events or an error will occur.

zeroWnd: Number The number of zero windows sent from a device in the flow. Specify the TCP client or the TCP server in the syntax—for example, TCP.client.zeroWnd or TCP.server.zeroWnd.

Access only on FLOW_TICK and FLOW_TURN events or an error will occur.

zeroWnd1: Number The number of zero windows sent from one of two devices in the flow; the other device is represented by zeroWnd2. The device represented by zeroWnd1 remains consistent for the connection.

Access only on FLOW_TICK and FLOW_TURN events or an error will occur.

zeroWnd2: Number The number of zero windows sent from one of two devices in the flow; the other device is represented by zeroWnd1. The device represented by zeroWnd2 remains consistent for the connection.

Access only on FLOW_TICK and FLOW_TURN events or an error will occur.

All TCP Options objects have the following properties:

kind:Number The TCP option kind number.

Kind Number Meaning
0 End of Option List
1 No-Operation
2 Maximum Segment Size
3 Window Scale
4 SACK Permitted
6 Echo (obsoleted by option 8)
7 Echo Reply (obsoleted by option 8)
8 Timestamps
9 Partial Order Connection Permitted (obsolete)
10 Partial Order Service Profile (obsolete)
11 CC (obsolete)
12 CC.NEW (obsolete)
13 CC.ECHO (obsolete)
14 TCP Alternate Checksum Request (obsolete)
15 TCP Alternate Checksum Data (obsolete)
16 Skeeter
17 Bubba
18 Trailer Checksum Option
19 MD5 Signature Option (obsoleted by option 29)
20 SCPS Capabilities
21 Selective Negative Acknowledgements
22 Record Boundaries
23 Corruption experienced
25 Unassigned (released 2000-12-18)
26 TCP Compression Filter
27 Quick-Start Response
28 User Timeout Option (also, other known authorized use)
29 TCP Authentication Option (TCP-AO)
30 Multipath TCP (MPTCP)
31 Reserved (known authorized used without proper IANA assignment)
32 Reserved (known authorized used without proper IANA assignment)
33 Reserved (known authorized used without proper IANA assignment)
34 TCP Fast Open Cookie
35-75 Reserved
76 Reserved (known authorized used without proper IANA assignment)
77 Reserved (known authorized used without proper IANA assignment)
78 Reserved (known authorized used without proper IANA assignment)
79-252 Reserved
253 RFC3692-style Experiment 1 (also improperly used for shipping products)
254 RFC3692-style Experiment 2 (also improperly used for shipping products)

name: String The name of the TCP option.

The following list contains the names of common TCP options and their specific properties:

Maximum Segment Size (name 'mss', option kind 2) value: Number The maximum segment size. Window Scale (name 'wscale', kind 3) value: Number The window scale factor. Selective Acknowledgement Permitted (name 'sack-permitted', kind 4) No additional properties. Its presence indicates that the selective acknowledgment option was included in the SYN. Timestamp (name 'timestamp', kind 8) tsval: Number The TSVal field for the option. tsecr: Number The TSecr field for the option. Quickstart Response (name 'quickstart-rsp', kind 27) rate-request: Number The requested rate for transport, expressed in bytes per second. ttl-diff: Number The TTLDif. qs-nonce: Number The QS Nonce. Akamai Address (name 'akamai-addr', kind 28) value: IPAddr The IP Address of the Akamai server. User Timeout (name 'user-timeout', kind 28) value: Number The user timeout. Authentication (name 'tcp-ao', kind 29) keyId property: Number The key id for the key in use. rNextKeyId: Number The key id for the "receive next" key id. mac: Buffer The message authentication code. Multipath (name 'mptcp', kind 30) value: Buffer The multipath value.
Note:The Akamai address and user timeout options are differentiated by the length of the option.

The following is an example of TCP options:

if (TCP.client.options != null) { var optMSS = TCP.client.getOption(2) if (optMSS && (optMSS.value > 1460)) { Network.metricAddCount('large_mss', 1); Network.metricAddDetailCount('large_mss_by_client_ip', Flow.client.ipaddr + " " + optMSS.value, 1); } }

The Telnet class enables you to store metrics and access properties on TELNET_MESSAGE events.

TELNET_MESSAGE Runs on a telnet command or line of data from the telnet client or server.

commitRecord(): void Commits a record object to the ExtraHop Explore appliance on an TELNET_MESSAGE event.

To view the default properties committed to the record object, see the record property below.

For built-in records, each unique record is committed only once, even if the commitRecord() method is called multiple times for the same unique record.

command: String The command type. The value is null if the event was run due to a line of data being sent.

The following values are valid:

  • Abort
  • Abort Output
  • Are You There
  • Break
  • Data Mark
  • DO
  • DON'T
  • End of File
  • End of Record
  • Erase Character
  • Erase Line
  • Go Ahead
  • Interrupt Process
  • NOP
  • SB
  • SE
  • Suspend
  • WILL
  • WON'T
line: String A line of the data sent by the client or server. Terminal escape sequences and special characters are filtered out. Cursor movement and line editing are not simulated except for backspace characters. option: String The option being negotiated. The value is null if the option is invalid. The following values are valid:
  • 3270-REGIME
  • AARD
  • ATCP
  • BM
  • DET
  • ECHO
  • GMCP
  • NAOL
  • NAOP
  • NAWS
  • RCTE
  • TN3270E
  • TUID
  • X.3-PAD
optionData: Buffer For option subnegotiations (the SB command), the raw, option-specific data sent. The value is null if the command is not SB. record: Object The record object committed to the ExtraHop Explore appliance through a call to Telnet.commitRecord() on an TELNET_MESSAGE event.

The record object contains the following default properties:

  • command
  • option
  • receiverBytes
  • receiverL2Bytes
  • recieverPkts
  • receiverRTO
  • receiverZeroWnd
  • roundTripTime
  • senderBytes
  • senderL2Bytes
  • senderPkts
  • senderRTO
  • senderZeroWnd
receiverBytes: Number The number of application-level bytes from the receiver. receiverL2Bytes: Number The number of L2 bytes from the receiver. receiverPkts: Number The number of packets from the receiver. receiverRTO: Number The number of retransmission timeouts (RTOs) from the receiver. receiverZeroWnd: Number The number of zero windows sent by the receiver. roundTripTime: Number The median round trip time (RTT), expressed in milliseconds. The value is NaN if there are no RTT samples. senderBytes: Number The number of application-level bytes from the sender. senderL2Bytes: Number The number of L2 bytes from the sender. senderPkts: Number The number of packets from the sender. senderRTO: Number The number of retransmission timeouts (RTOs) from the sender. senderZeroWnd: Number The number of zero windows sent by the sender.

Turn is a class that enables you to store metrics and access properties available on FLOW_TURN events.

The FLOW_TURN event is defined in the Flow section.

clientBytes: Number The size of the request that the client transferred, expressed in bytes. clientTransferTime: Number The client transfer time, expressed in milliseconds. processingTime: Number The time elapsed between when the client transfers the request to the server and when the server begins to transfer the response back to the client, expressed in milliseconds. reqSize: Number The size of the request payload, expressed in bytes. reqTransferTime: Number The request transfer time, expressed in milliseconds. If the request is contained in a single packet, the transfer time is zero. If the request spans multiple packets, the value is the amount of time between detection of the first request packet and detection of the last packet by the ExtraHop system. A high value might indicate a large request or a network delay. The value is NaN if there is no valid measurement, or if the timing is invalid. rspSize: Number The size of the response payload, expressed in bytes. rspTransferTime: Number The response transfer time, expressed in milliseconds. If the response is contained in a single packet, the transfer time is zero. If the response spans multiple packets, the value is the amount of time between detection of the first response packet and detection of the last packet by the ExtraHop system. A high value might indicate a large response or a network delay. The value is NaN if there is no valid measurement, or if the timing is invalid. serverBytes: Number The size of the response that the server transferred, expressed in bytes. serverTransferTime: Number The server transfer time, expressed in milliseconds. sourceDevice: Device The source device object. See the Device class for more information. thinkTime: Number The time elapsed between the server having transferred the response to the client and the client transferring a new request to the server, expressed in milliseconds. The value is NaN if there is no valid measurement.

The UDP class enables you to access properties and retrieve metrics from UDP events and from FLOW_TICK and FLOW_TURN events.

The FLOW_TICK and FLOW_TURN events are defined in the Flow section.

UDP_PAYLOAD Runs when the payload matches the criteria configured in the associated trigger.

Depending on the Flow, the UDP payload can be found in the following properties:

  • Flow.client.payload
  • Flow.payload1
  • Flow.payload2
  • Flow.receiver.payload
  • Flow.sender.payload
  • Flow.server.payload

Additional payload options are available when you create a trigger that runs on this event. See Advanced trigger options for more information.

The WebSocket class enables you to access properties on WebSocket activity.

WEBSOCKET_OPEN Runs when a successful handshake has been observed. WEBSOCKET_CLOSE Runs when both close frames are observed, or when the underlying TCP connection is closed. WEBSOCKET_MESSAGE Runs when all frames of a text or binary message have been observed.

clientBytes: Number The total number of bytes sent by the client during the WebSockets session.

Access only on WEBSOCKET_MESSAGE events or an error will occur.

clientL2Bytes: Number The total number of L2 bytes sent by the client during the WebSockets session.

Access only on WEBSOCKET_MESSAGE events or an error will occur.

clientPkts: Number The total number of packets sent by the client during the WebSockets session.

Access only on WEBSOCKET_MESSAGE events or an error will occur.

clientRTO: Number The total number of client retransmission timeouts (RTOs) observed during the WebSockets session.

Access only on WEBSOCKET_MESSAGE events or an error will occur.

clientZeroWnd: Number The number of zero windows sent by the client.

Access only on WEBSOCKET_MESSAGE events or an error will occur.

closeReason: String The text message included in the first observed close frame that describes the reason the connection was closed. The value is null if the frame does not contain this information.

Access only on WEBSOCKET_CLOSE events or an error will occur.

host: String The host provided in the handshake request from the client. The value is null if no host is provided.

Access only on WEBSOCKET_OPEN events or an error will occur.

isClientClose: Boolean The value is true if the initial close frame was sent by the client.

Access only on WEBSOCKET_CLOSE events or an error will occur.

isEncrypted: Boolean The value is true if the WebSocket connection is SSL-encrypted. isServerClose: Boolean The value is true if the initial close frame was sent by the server. The value is false if the connection was terminated abnormally.

Access only on WEBSOCKET_CLOSE events or an error will occur.

msg: Buffer The Buffer contents of the WebSocket message. The buffer is null if the contents exceeded that maximum length.

Access only on WEBSOCKET_MESSAGE events or an error will occur.

msgType: String The type of WebSocket message frame. Valid values are TEXT or BINARY.

Access only on WEBSOCKET_MESSAGE events or an error will occur.

origin: String The origin URL provided in the handshake request initiated by the client.

Access only on WEBSOCKET_OPEN events or an error will occur.

serverBytes: Number The total number of bytes returned by the server during the WebSockets session.

Access only on WEBSOCKET_MESSAGE events or an error will occur.

serverL2Bytes: Number The total number of L2 bytes returned by the server during the WebSockets session.

Access only on WEBSOCKET_MESSAGE events or an error will occur.

serverPkts: Number The total number of packets returned by the server during the WebSockets session.

Access only on WEBSOCKET_MESSAGE events or an error will occur.

serverRTO: Number The total number of server retransmission timeouts (RTOs) observed during the WebSockets session.

Access only on WEBSOCKET_MESSAGE events or an error will occur.

serverZeroWnd: Number The number of zero windows sent by the server.

Access only on WEBSOCKET_MESSAGE events or an error will occur.

statusCode: Number The status code that represents the reason the connection was closed, as defined in RFC 6455.

The value is NO_STATUS_RECVD (1005) if the initial close frame does not include a status code. The value is NaN if connection was terminated abnormally.

Access only on WEBSOCKET_CLOSE events or an error will occur.

uri: String The URI provided in the handshake request initiated by the client.

Access only on WEBSOCKET_OPEN events or an error will occur.

The Trigger API classes in this section enable you to send data to a third-party syslog, database, or server through an open data stream (ODS) you have configured in the ExtraHop Admin UI.

Class Description
Remote.HTTP Enables you to submit HTTP request data to a remote server through REST API endpoints.
Remote.Kafka Enables you to submit message data to remote a Kafka server.
Remote.MongoDB Enables you to insert, remove, and update document collections to a remote MongoDB database.
Remote.Raw Enables you to submit raw data to a remote server through a TCP or UDP port.
Remote.Syslog Enables you to send syslog data to a remote server.

The Remote.HTTP class enables you to submit HTTP request data to an HTTP open data stream (ODS) target and provides access to HTTP REST API endpoints.

You must first configure an HTTP ODS target from the ExtraHop Admin UI, which requires unlimited privileges. For configuration information, see the Open Data Streams section in the ExtraHop Admin UI Guide.

delete Submits an HTTP REST delete request to a configured HTTP open data stream. Syntax: Remote.HTTP("name").delete({path: "path", [headers: headers], [payload: "payload"]}) Remote.HTTP.delete({path: "path", [headers: headers], [payload: "payload"]}) Parameters: name: String The name of the ODS target that requests are sent to. If this field is not specified, the name is set to default. options: Object The options object has the following properties: path: String The string specifying the request path. headers: Object The optional object specifying the request headers. The following headers are restricted and will result in an error if specified:

Note:Authorization headers must be specified by either a built-in authentication method, such as Amazon Web Services, or through the Additional HTTP Header field in the Open Data Streams configuration window in the Admin UI.

Headers configured in a trigger take precedence over an entry in the Additional HTTP Header field, which is located in the Open Data Streams configuration window in the Admin UI. For example, if the Additional HTTP Header field specifies Content-Type: text/plain, but a trigger script on the same ODS target specifies Content-Type: application/json, then Content-Type: application/json is included in the HTTP request.

You can compress the outgoing HTTP requests with the Content- Encoding header.

'Content-Encoding': 'gzip'

The following values are supported for this compression header:

payload: String | Buffer The optional string or Buffer specifying the request payload. Return Values: Returns true if the request is queued, otherwise returns false. get Submits an HTTP REST get request to a configured HTTP open data stream. Syntax: Remote.HTTP("name").get({path: "path", [headers: headers], [payload: "payload"], [enableResponseEvent: "enableResponseEvent"], [context: "context"]}) Remote.HTTP.get({path: "path", [headers: headers], [payload: "payload"], [enableResponseEvent: "enableResponseEvent"], [context: "context"]}) Parameters: name: String The name of the ODS target that requests are sent to. If this field is not specified, the name is set to default. options: Object The options object has the following properties: path: String The string specifying the request path. headers: Object The optional object specifying the request headers. The following headers are restricted and will result in an error if specified:
Note:Authorization headers must be specified by either a built-in authentication method, such as Amazon Web Services, or through the Additional HTTP Header field in the Open Data Streams configuration window in the Admin UI.

Headers configured in a trigger take precedence over an entry in the Additional HTTP Header field, which is located in the Open Data Streams configuration window in the Admin UI. For example, if the Additional HTTP Header field specifies Content-Type: text/plain, but a trigger script on the same ODS target specifies Content-Type: application/json, then Content-Type: application/json is included in the HTTP request.

You can compress the outgoing HTTP requests with the Content- Encoding header.

'Content-Encoding': 'gzip'

The following values are supported for this compression header:

payload: String | Buffer The optional string or Buffer specifying the request payload. enableResponseEvent: Boolean Enables a trigger to run on the HTTP response that is sent by the ODS target by creating a REMOTE_RESPONSE event.
Important:Processing a large number of HTTP responses can affect trigger performance and efficiency. We recommend that you enable this option only if necessary.
context: Object | String | Number | Boolean | null An optional object that is sent to the trigger that is running on the HTTP response from the ODS target. You can access information stored in the object by specifying the Remote.response.context property. Return Values: Returns true if the request is queued, otherwise returns false. patch Submits an HTTP REST patch request to a configured HTTP open data stream. Syntax: Remote.HTTP("name").patch({path: "path", [headers: headers], [payload: "payload"], [enableResponseEvent: "enableResponseEvent"], [context: "context"]}) Remote.HTTP.patch({path: "path", [headers: headers], [payload: "payload"], [enableResponseEvent: "enableResponseEvent"], [context: "context"]}) Parameters: name: String The name of the ODS target that requests are sent to. If this field is not specified, the name is set to default. options: Object The options object has the following properties: path: String The string specifying the request path. headers: Object The optional object specifying the request headers. The following headers are restricted and will result in an error if specified:
Note:Authorization headers must be specified by either a built-in authentication method, such as Amazon Web Services, or through the Additional HTTP Header field in the Open Data Streams configuration window in the Admin UI.

Headers configured in a trigger take precedence over an entry in the Additional HTTP Header field, which is located in the Open Data Streams configuration window in the Admin UI. For example, if the Additional HTTP Header field specifies Content-Type: text/plain, but a trigger script on the same ODS target specifies Content-Type: application/json, then Content-Type: application/json is included in the HTTP request.

You can compress the outgoing HTTP requests with the Content- Encoding header.

'Content-Encoding': 'gzip'

The following values are supported for this compression header:

payload: String | Buffer The optional string or Buffer specifying the request payload. enableResponseEvent: Boolean Enables a trigger to run on the HTTP response that is sent by the ODS target by creating a REMOTE_RESPONSE event.
Important:Processing a large number of HTTP responses can affect trigger performance and efficiency. We recommend that you enable this option only if necessary.
context: Object | String | Number | Boolean | null An optional object that is sent to the trigger that is running on the HTTP response from the ODS target. You can access information stored in the object by specifying the Remote.response.context property. Return Values: Returns true if the request is queued, otherwise returns false. post Submits an HTTP REST post request to a configured HTTP open data stream. Syntax: Remote.HTTP("name").post({path: "path", [headers: headers], [payload: "payload"], [enableResponseEvent: "enableResponseEvent"], [context: "context"]}) Remote.HTTP.post({path: "path", [headers: headers], [payload: "payload"], [enableResponseEvent: "enableResponseEvent"], [context: "context"]}) Parameters: name: String The name of the ODS target that requests are sent to. If this field is not specified, the name is set to default. options: Object The options object has the following properties: path: String The string specifying the request path. headers: Object The optional object specifying the request headers. The following headers are restricted and will result in an error if specified:
  • Connection
  • Authorization
  • Proxy-Connection
  • Content-Length
  • X-Forwarded-For
  • Transfer-Encoding
Note:Authorization headers must be specified by either a built-in authentication method, such as Amazon Web Services, or through the Additional HTTP Header field in the Open Data Streams configuration window in the Admin UI.

Headers configured in a trigger take precedence over an entry in the Additional HTTP Header field, which is located in the Open Data Streams configuration window in the Admin UI. For example, if the Additional HTTP Header field specifies Content-Type: text/plain, but a trigger script on the same ODS target specifies Content-Type: application/json, then Content-Type: application/json is included in the HTTP request.

You can compress the outgoing HTTP requests with the Content- Encoding header.

'Content-Encoding': 'gzip'

The following values are supported for this compression header:

payload: String | Buffer The optional string or Buffer specifying the request payload. enableResponseEvent: Boolean Enables a trigger to run on the HTTP response that is sent by the ODS target by creating a REMOTE_RESPONSE event.
Important:Processing a large number of HTTP responses can affect trigger performance and efficiency. We recommend that you enable this option only if necessary.
context: Object | String | Number | Boolean | null An optional object that is sent to the trigger that is running on the HTTP response from the ODS target. You can access information stored in the object by specifying the Remote.response.context property. Return Values: Returns true if the request is queued, otherwise returns false. put Submits an HTTP REST put request to a configured HTTP open data stream. Syntax: Remote.HTTP("name").put({path: "path", [headers: headers], [payload: "payload"], [enableResponseEvent: "enableResponseEvent"], [context: "context"]}) Remote.HTTP.put({path: "path", [headers: headers], [payload: "payload"], [enableResponseEvent: "enableResponseEvent"], [context: "context"]}) Parameters: name: String The name of the ODS target that requests are sent to. If this field is not specified, the name is set to default. options: Object The options object has the following properties: path: String The string specifying the request path. headers: Object The optional object specifying the request headers. The following headers are restricted and will result in an error if specified:
  • Connection
  • Authorization
  • Proxy-Connection
  • Content-Length
  • X-Forwarded-For
  • Transfer-Encoding
Note:Authorization headers must be specified by either a built-in authentication method, such as Amazon Web Services, or through the Additional HTTP Header field in the Open Data Streams configuration window in the Admin UI.

Headers configured in a trigger take precedence over an entry in the Additional HTTP Header field, which is located in the Open Data Streams configuration window in the Admin UI. For example, if the Additional HTTP Header field specifies Content-Type: text/plain, but a trigger script on the same ODS target specifies Content-Type: application/json, then Content-Type: application/json is included in the HTTP request.

You can compress the outgoing HTTP requests with the Content- Encoding header.

'Content-Encoding': 'gzip'

The following values are supported for this compression header:

payload: String | Buffer The optional string or Buffer specifying the request payload. enableResponseEvent: Boolean Enables a trigger to run on the HTTP response that is sent by the ODS target by creating a REMOTE_RESPONSE event.
Important:Processing a large number of HTTP responses can affect trigger performance and efficiency. We recommend that you enable this option only if necessary.
context: Object | String | Number | Boolean | null An optional object that is sent to the trigger that is running on the HTTP response from the ODS target. You can access information stored in the object by specifying the Remote.response.context property. Return Values: Returns true if the request is queued, otherwise returns false. request Submits an HTTP REST request to a configured HTTP open data stream. Syntax: Remote.HTTP("name").request("method", {path: "path", [headers: headers], [payload: "payload"], [enableResponseEvent: "enableResponseEvent"], [context: "context"]}) Remote.HTTP.request("method", {path: "path", [headers: headers], [payload: "payload"], [enableResponseEvent: "enableResponseEvent"], [context: "context"]}) Parameters: name: String The name of the ODS target that requests are sent to. If this field is not specified, the name is set to default. method: String String that specifies the HTTP method.
  • GET
  • HEAD
  • POST
  • PUT
options: Object The options object has the following properties: path: String The string specifying the request path. headers: Object The optional object specifying the request headers. The following headers are restricted and will result in an error if specified:
  • Connection
  • Authorization
  • Proxy-Connection
  • Content-Length
  • X-Forwarded-For
  • Transfer-Encoding
Note:Authorization headers must be specified by either a built-in authentication method, such as Amazon Web Services, or through the Additional HTTP Header field in the Open Data Streams configuration window in the Admin UI.

Headers configured in a trigger take precedence over an entry in the Additional HTTP Header field, which is located in the Open Data Streams configuration window in the Admin UI. For example, if the Additional HTTP Header field specifies Content-Type: text/plain, but a trigger script on the same ODS target specifies Content-Type: application/json, then Content-Type: application/json is included in the HTTP request.

You can compress the outgoing HTTP requests with the Content- Encoding header.

'Content-Encoding': 'gzip'

The following values are supported for this compression header:

payload: String | Buffer The optional string or Buffer specifying the request payload. enableResponseEvent: Boolean Enables a trigger to run on the HTTP response that is sent by the ODS target by creating a REMOTE_RESPONSE event.
Important:Processing a large number of HTTP responses can affect trigger performance and efficiency. We recommend that you enable this option only if necessary.
context: Object | String | Number | Boolean | null An optional object that is sent to the trigger that is running on the HTTP response from the ODS target. You can access information stored in the object by specifying the Remote.response.context property. Return Values: Returns true if the request is queued, otherwise returns false.

The following helper methods are available for common HTTP methods.

  • Remote.HTTP.delete
  • Remote.HTTP.get
  • Remote.HTTP.patch
  • Remote.HTTP.post
  • Remote.HTTP.put

Syntax: Remote.HTTP("name").delete({path: "path", [headers: headers], [payload: "payload"], [enableResponseEvent: "enableResponseEvent"], [context: "context"]}) Remote.HTTP.delete({path: "path", [headers: headers], [payload: "payload"], [enableResponseEvent: "enableResponseEvent"], [context: "context"]}) Remote.HTTP("name").get({path: "path", [headers: headers], [payload: "payload"], [enableResponseEvent: "enableResponseEvent"], [context: "context"]}) Remote.HTTP.get({path: "path", [headers: headers], [payload: "payload"], [enableResponseEvent: "enableResponseEvent"], [context: "context"]}) Remote.HTTP("name").patch({path: "path", [headers: headers], [payload: "payload"], [enableResponseEvent: "enableResponseEvent"], [context: "context"]}) Remote.HTTP.patch({path: "path", [headers: headers], [payload: "payload"], [enableResponseEvent: "enableResponseEvent"], [context: "context"]}) Remote.HTTP("name").post({path: "path", [headers: headers], [payload: "payload"], [enableResponseEvent: "enableResponseEvent"], [context: "context"]}) Remote.HTTP.post({path: "path", [headers: headers], [payload: "payload"], [enableResponseEvent: "enableResponseEvent"], [context: "context"]}) Remote.HTTP("name").put({path: "path", [headers: headers], [payload: "payload"], [enableResponseEvent: "enableResponseEvent"], [context: "context"]}) Remote.HTTP.put({path: "path", [headers: headers], [payload: "payload"], [enableResponseEvent: "enableResponseEvent"], [context: "context"]}) Return values: Returns true if the request is queued, otherwise returns false.

HTTP GET The following example will issue an HTTP GET request to the HTTP configuration called "my_destination" and a path that is the URI, including query string variables, that you want the request to be sent to.Remote.HTTP("my_destination").get( { path: "/?example=example1&example2=my_data" } ); HTTP POST The following example will issue an HTTP POST request to the HTTP configuration called "my_destination", the path that is the URI you want the request to be sent to and a payload. The payload can be data similar to what an HTTP client would send, a JSON blob, XML, or whatever else you want to send.Remote.HTTP("my_destination").post( { path: "/", payload: "data I want to send" } ); Custom HTTP Headers The following example defines a Javascript object with keys to represent the header names and their corresponding values and provide that in a call as the value for the headers key.var my_json = { example: "my_data", example1: 42, example2: false }; var headers = { "Content-Type": "application/json" }; Remote.HTTP("my_destination").post( { path: "/", headers: headers, payload: JSON.stringify(my_json) });

The Remote.Kafka class enables you to submit message data to a Kafka server through a Kafka open data stream (ODS).

You must first configure a Kafka ODS target from the ExtraHop Admin UI, which requires unlimited privileges. For configuration information, see the Open Data Streams section in the ExtraHop Admin UI Guide.

send Sends an array of messages to a single topic with an option to indicate which Kafka partition the messages will be sent to. Syntax: Remote.Kafka.send({"topic": "topic", "messages":[messages], ["partition": partition]}) Remote.Kafka("name").send({"topic": "topic", "messages":[messages], ["partition": partition]}) Parameters: name: String The name of the ODS target that requests are sent to. If this field is not specified, the name is set to default. topic: String A string corresponding to the topic associated with the Kafka send method. The topic string has the following restrictions:

  • The string length must be between 1 and 249 characters.
  • The string supports only alphanumeric characters and the following symbols: "-", "_", or ".".
  • The string cannot be "." or "..".
messages: Array An array of messages to be sent. An element in this array cannot be an array itself. partition: Number An optional non-negative integer corresponding to the Kafka partition the messages will be sent to. The send action will fail silently if the number provided exceeds the number of partitions on the Kafka cluster associated with the given target. This value is ignored unless Manual Partitioning is selected as the partitioning strategy when you configured the open data stream in the ExtraHop Admin UI. Return values: None Examples: Remote.Kafka.send({"topic": "my_topic", "messages": ["hello world", 42, DHCP.msgType], "partition": 2}); Remote.Kafka("my-target").send({"topic": "my_topic", "messages": [HTTP.query, HTTP.uri]}); send Sends messages to a single topic. Syntax: Remote.Kafka.send("topic", message1, message2, etc...) Remote.Kafka("my-target").send("topic", message1, message2, etc...) Parameters: If Remote.Kafka.send is called with multiple arguments, the following fields are required: topic: String A string corresponding to the topic associated with the Kafka send method. The topic string has the following restrictions:
  • The string length must be between 1 and 249 characters.
  • The string supports only alphanumeric characters and the following symbols: "-", "_", or ".".
  • The string cannot be "." or "..".
messages: String | Number The messages to be sent. This cannot be an array. Return values: None. Examples: Remote.Kafka.send("my_topic", HTTP.query, HTTP.uri); Remote.Kafka("my-target").send("my_topic", HTTP.query, HTTP.uri);

The Remote.MongoDB class enables you to insert, remove, and update MongoDB document collections through a MongoDB open data stream (ODS).

You must first configure a MongoDB ODS target from the ExtraHop Admin UI, which requires unlimited privileges. For configuration information, see the Open Data Streams section in the ExtraHop Admin UI Guide.

insert Inserts a document or array of documents into a collection, and handles both add and modify operations. Syntax: Remote.MongoDB.insert("db.collection", document); Remote.MongoDB("name").insert("db.collection", document); Parameters: name: String The name of the ODS target that requests are sent to. If this field is not specified, the name is set to default. collection: String The name of a group of MongoDB documents. document: Object The JSON-formatted document to insert into the collection. Return Values: Returns true if the request is queued, otherwise returns false. Examples: Remote.MongoDB.insert('sessions.sess_www', { 'session_id': "100", 'path': "/index.html", 'host': "www.extrahop.com", 'status': "500", 'src_ip': "", 'dst_ip': "" } ); var x = Remote.MongoDB.insert('test.tbc', {example: 1}); if (x) { Network.metricAddCount('perf_trigger_success', 1); } else { Network.metricAddCount('perf_trigger_error', 1); }Refer to //docs.mongodb.org/manual/reference/method/db.collection.insert/#db.collection.insert for more information. remove Removes documents from a collection. Syntax: Remote.MongoDB.remove("db.collection", document, [justOnce]); Remote.MongoDB("name").remove("db.collection", document, [justOnce]); Parameters: collection: String The name of a group of MongoDB documents. document: Object The JSON-formatted document to remove from the collection. justOnce: Boolean An optional boolean parameter that limits the removal to just one document. Set to true to limit the deletion. The default value is false. name: String The name of the host specified when you configured the open data stream in the ExtraHop Admin UI. If no host was specified, the value is the default host. Return Values: Returns true if the request is queued, otherwise returns false. Examples: var x = Remote.MongoDB.remove('test.tbc', {qty: 100000}, false); if (x) { Network.metricAddCount('perf_trigger_success', 1); } else { Network.metricAddCount('perf_trigger_error', 1); }Refer to //docs.mongodb.org/manual/reference/method/db.collection.remove/#db.collection.remove for more information. update Modifies an existing document or documents in a collection. Syntax: Remote.MongoDB.update("db.collection", document, update, [{"upsert":true, "multi":true}]); Remote.MongoDB("name").update("db.collection", document, update, [{"upsert":true, "multi":true}]); Parameters: collection: String The name of a group of MongoDB documents. document: Object The JSON-formatted document that specifies which documents to update or insert, if upsert option is set to true. update: Object The JSON-formatted document that specifies how to update the specified documents. name: String The name of the host specified when you configured the open data stream in the ExtraHop Admin UI. If no host was specified, the value is the default host. options: Optional flags that indicate the following additional update options: upsert: Boolean An optional boolean parameter that creates a new document when no document matches the query data. Set to true to create a new document. The default value is false. multi: Boolean An optional boolean parameter that updates all documents that match the query data. Set to true to update multiple documents. The default value is false, which updates only the first document returned. Return Values: The value is true if the request is queued, otherwise returns FALSE. Examples: var x = Remote.MongoDB.update('test.tbc', {_id: 1}, {$set: {example:2}}, {'upsert':true, 'multi':false} ); if (x) { Network.metricAddCount('perf_trigger_success', 1); } else { Network.metricAddCount('perf_trigger_error', 1); }Refer to //docs.mongodb.org/manual/reference/method/db.collection.update/#db.collection.update for more information.

  • Example: Parse syslog over TCP with universal payload analysis

The Remote.Raw class enables you to submit raw data to a Raw open data stream (ODS) target through a TCP or UDP port.

You must first configure a raw ODS target from the ExtraHop Admin UI, which requires unlimited privileges. For configuration information, see the Open Data Streams section in the ExtraHop Admin UI Guide.

Note:If the Gzip feature is enabled for the raw data stream in the ExtraHop Admin UI, the Remote.Raw class will automatically compress the data with Gzip.

Send Sends raw data to a Raw open data stream (ODS) target through a TCP or UDP port. Syntax: Remote.Raw.send("data") Remote.Raw("name").send("data") Parameters: name: String The name of the ODS target that requests are sent to. If this field is not specified, the name is set to default. data: String The JavaScript string representing the bytes to send. Return Values: None Examples Remote.Raw.send("data over the wire"); Remote.Raw("my-target").send("extra data for my-target");

The Remote.Syslog class enables you to create remote syslog messages and send message data to a Syslog open data stream (ODS).

You must first configure a syslog ODS target from the ExtraHop Admin UI, which requires unlimited privileges. For configuration information, see the Open Data Streams section in the ExtraHop Admin UI Guide.

Note:If submitting an rsyslog message succeeds, the APIs will return true. In the case of either success or failure, the trigger will continue to execute as a failure to submit an rsyslog message is a "soft" failure. Incorrect usage of the APIs, in other words, calling them with the wrong number or type of arguments, will still result in trigger execution stopping.

emerg(message:String):void Sends a message to the remote syslog server with an emergency severity level. Syntax: Remote.Syslog.emerg("eh_event=web uri=" + HTTP.uri + " req_size=" + HTTP.reqSize + " rsp_size=" + HTTP.rspSize + " processingTime=" + HTTP.processingTime); Remote.Syslog("name").emerg("eh_event=web uri=" + HTTP.uri + " req_size=" + HTTP.reqSize + " rsp_size=" + HTTP.rspSize + " processingTime=" + HTTP.processingTime); Parameters name: String The name of the ODS target that requests are sent to. If this field is not specified, the name is set to default. alert(message:String):void Sends a message to the remote syslog server with an alert severity level. Syntax: Remote.Syslog.alert("eh_event=web uri=" + HTTP.uri + " req_size=" + HTTP.reqSize + " rsp_size=" + HTTP.rspSize + " processingTime=" + HTTP.processingTime); Remote.Syslog("name").alert("eh_event=web uri=" + HTTP.uri + " req_size=" + HTTP.reqSize + " rsp_size=" + HTTP.rspSize + " processingTime=" + HTTP.processingTime); Parameters name: String The name of the ODS target that requests are sent to. If this field is not specified, the name is set to default. crit(message:String):void Sends a message to the remote syslog server with a critical severity level. Syntax: Remote.Syslog.crit("eh_event=web uri=" + HTTP.uri + " req_size=" + HTTP.reqSize + " rsp_size=" + HTTP.rspSize + " processingTime=" + HTTP.processingTime); Remote.Syslog("name").crit("eh_event=web uri=" + HTTP.uri + " req_size=" + HTTP.reqSize + " rsp_size=" + HTTP.rspSize + " processingTime=" + HTTP.processingTime); Parameters name: String The name of the ODS target that requests are sent to. If this field is not specified, the name is set to default. error(message:String):void Sends a message to the remote syslog server with an error severity level. Syntax: Remote.Syslog.error("eh_event=web uri=" + HTTP.uri + " req_size=" + HTTP.reqSize + " rsp_size=" + HTTP.rspSize + " processingTime=" + HTTP.processingTime); Remote.Syslog("name").error("eh_event=web uri=" + HTTP.uri + " req_size=" + HTTP.reqSize + " rsp_size=" + HTTP.rspSize + " processingTime=" + HTTP.processingTime); Parameters name: String The name of the ODS target that requests are sent to. If this field is not specified, the name is set to default. warn(message:String):void Sends a message to the remote syslog server with a warning severity level. Syntax: Remote.Syslog.warn("eh_event=web uri=" + HTTP.uri + " req_size=" + HTTP.reqSize + " rsp_size=" + HTTP.rspSize + " processingTime=" + HTTP.processingTime); Remote.Syslog("name").warn("eh_event=web uri=" + HTTP.uri + " req_size=" + HTTP.reqSize + " rsp_size=" + HTTP.rspSize + " processingTime=" + HTTP.processingTime); Parameters name: String The name of the ODS target that requests are sent to. If this field is not specified, the name is set to default. notice(message:String):void Sends a message to the remote syslog server with a notice severity level. Syntax: Remote.Syslog.notice("eh_event=web uri=" + HTTP.uri + " req_size=" + HTTP.reqSize + " rsp_size=" + HTTP.rspSize + " processingTime=" + HTTP.processingTime); Remote.Syslog("name").notice("eh_event=web uri=" + HTTP.uri + " req_size=" + HTTP.reqSize + " rsp_size=" + HTTP.rspSize + " processingTime=" + HTTP.processingTime); Parameters name: String The name of the ODS target that requests are sent to. If this field is not specified, the name is set to default. info(message:String):void Sends a message to the remote syslog server with an info severity level. Syntax: Remote.Syslog.info("eh_event=web uri=" + HTTP.uri + " req_size=" + HTTP.reqSize + " rsp_size=" + HTTP.rspSize + " processingTime=" + HTTP.processingTime); Remote.Syslog("name").info("eh_event=web uri=" + HTTP.uri + " req_size=" + HTTP.reqSize + " rsp_size=" + HTTP.rspSize + " processingTime=" + HTTP.processingTime); Parameters name: String The name of the ODS target that requests are sent to. If this field is not specified, the name is set to default. debug(message:String):void Sends a message to the remote syslog server with a debug severity level. Syntax: Remote.Syslog.debug("eh_event=web uri=" + HTTP.uri + " req_size=" + HTTP.reqSize + " rsp_size=" + HTTP.rspSize + " processingTime=" + HTTP.processingTime); Remote.Syslog("name").debug("eh_event=web uri=" + HTTP.uri + " req_size=" + HTTP.reqSize + " rsp_size=" + HTTP.rspSize + " processingTime=" + HTTP.processingTime); Parameters name: String The name of the ODS target that requests are sent to. If this field is not specified, the name is set to default.

By default, the message sent to the remote server is limited to 1024 bytes, including the message header and trailer (if necessary). The message header always includes the priority and timestamp, which together are up to 30 bytes.

If you have unlimited privileges, you can increase the default message size in the ExtraHop Admin UI. Click Running Config from the Appliance Settings section, and then click Edit config. Go to the "remote" section, and under the ODS target name, such as "rsyslog", add "message_length_max" as shown in the example below. The "message_length_max" setting applies only to the message passed to the Remote.Syslog APIs; the message header does not count against the maximum.

"remote": { "rsyslog": { "host": "hostname", "port": 54322, "ipproto": "tcp", "message_length_max": 4000 } }

The default timestamp format for rsyslog messages is UTC. You can change the timestamp to local time when you configure the open data stream in the ExtraHop Admin UI.

The Remote class enables you to send data to a third-party syslog, database, or server through an open data stream (ODS) and access responses returned by HTTP ODS targets.

REMOTE_RESPONSE Runs when the ExtraHop appliance receives a response from an HTTP ODS target.

Note:A trigger runs on the REMOTE_RESPONSE event only if the trigger created the ODS request that caused the response.

response: Object An object that contains information from the HTTP response returned by the ODS target. The response object has the following properties: statusCode: Number The status code returned by the ODS target. body: Buffer The body of the HTTP response sent by the ODS target. headers: Object An object that contains the headers of the HTTP response sent by the ODS target. If the response contains multiple headers with the same name, the value for the header is an array. For example, if Set-Cookie is specified multiple times in the response, you can access the first cookie by specifying Remote.response.headers["Set-Cookie"][0]. context: Object | String | Number | Boolean | null The context information specified in the Remote.HTTP context parameter when the ODS request was sent. For more information see Remote.HTTP.

The Trigger API classes in this section enable you to access datastore, or bridge, metrics.

Class Description
AlertRecord Enables you to access alert information on ALERT_RECORD_COMMIT events.
Dataset Enables you to access raw dataset values and provides an interface for computing percentiles.
MetricCycle Enables you to retrieve metrics published during a metric cycle interval represented by the METRIC_CYCLE_BEGIN, METRIC_CYCLE_END, and METRIC_RECORD_COMMIT events.
MetricRecord Enables access to the current set of metrics on METRIC_RECORD_COMMIT events.
Sampleset Enables you to retrieve summary data about metrics.
Topnset Enables you to access data from a collection of metrics grouped by a key such as a URI or a client IP address.

The AlertRecord class enables you to access alert information on ALERT_RECORD_COMMIT events.

ALERT_RECORD_COMMIT Runs when an alert occurs. Provides access to information about the alert.

Additional datastore options are available when you create a trigger that runs on this event. See Advanced trigger options for more information.

Note:You cannot assign triggers that run only on this event to specific devices or device groups. Triggers that run on this event will run whenever this event occurs.

description: String The description of the alert as it appears in the ExtraHop Web UI. id: String The ID of the alert record. For example, extrahop.device.alert. A list of IDs can be supplied as a hint to the ALERT_RECORD_COMMIT event. name: String The name of the alert. object: Object The object the alert applies to. For device, application, capture, flow interface, or flow network alerts, this property will contain a Device, Application, Network, FlowInterface, or FlowNetwork object, respectively. time: Number The time that the alert record will be published with. severityName: String The name of the alert severity level. The following severity levels are supported:

Value Description
emerg Emergency
alert Alert
crit Critical
err Error
warn Warning
notice Notice
info Info
debug Debug

severityLevel: Number The numeric alert severity level. The following severity levels are supported:

Value Description
0 Emergency
1 Alert
2 Critical
3 Error
4 Warning
5 Notice
6 Info
7 Debug

The dataset class enables you to access raw dataset values and provides an interface for computing percentiles.

percentile(...): Array | Number Accepts a list of percentiles (either as an array or as multiple arguments) to compute and returns the computed percentile values for the dataset. If passed a single numeric argument, a number is returned. Otherwise an array is returned. The arguments must be in ascending order with no duplicates. Floating point values, such as 99.99, are allowed.

entries: Array An array of objects with frequency and value attributes. This is analogous to a frequency table where there is a set of values and the number of times each value was observed.

The MetricCycle class represents an interval during which metrics are published. The MetricCycle class is valid on METRIC_CYCLE_BEGIN, METRIC_CYCLE_END, and METRIC_RECORD_COMMIT events.

The METRIC_RECORD_COMMIT event is defined in the MetricRecord section.

METRIC_CYCLE_BEGIN Runs when a metric interval begins.

Note:You cannot assign triggers that run only on this event to specific devices or device groups. Triggers that run on this event will run whenever this event occurs.
METRIC_CYCLE_END Runs when a metric interval ends.
Note:You cannot assign triggers that run only on this event to specific devices or device groups. Triggers that run on this event will run whenever this event occurs.

Additional datastore options are available when you create a trigger that runs on either of these events. See Advanced trigger options for more information.

id: String A string representing the metric cycle. Possible values are: interval: Object An object containing from and until properties, expressed in milliseconds since the epoch. store: Object An object that retains information across all the METRIC_RECORD_COMMIT events that occur during a metric cycle, that is, from the METRIC_CYCLE_BEGIN event to the METRIC_CYCLE_END event. This object is analogous to the Flow.store object. The store object is shared among triggers for METRIC_* events. It is cleared at the end of a metric cycle.

  • Example: Add metrics to the metric cycle store

The MetricRecord class enables you to access to the current set of metrics on METRIC_RECORD_COMMIT events.

METRIC_RECORD_COMMIT Runs when a metric record is committed to the datastore and provides access to various metric properties.

Additional datastore options are available when you create a trigger that runs on this event. See Advanced trigger options for more information.

Note:You cannot assign triggers that run only on this event to specific devices or device groups. Triggers that run on this event will run whenever this event occurs.

fields: Object An object containing metric values. The properties are the field names and the values can be numbers, Topnset, Dataset or Sampleset. id: String The metric type, such as extrahop.device.http_server. object: Object The object the metric applies to. For device, application, or VLAN alerts, this property contains a Device object, an Application object, or a VLAN instance, respectively. For capture metrics, such as extrahop.capture.net, the property contains a Network object. time: Number The publish time of the metric record.

The Sampleset class enables you to retrieve summary data about metrics.

count: Number The number of samples in the sampleset. mean: Number The average value of the samples. sigma: Number The standard deviation. sum: Number The sum of the samples. sum2: Number The sum of the squares of the samples.

The Topnset class represents a collection of metrics grouped by a key such as a URI or a client IP address.

For custom metrics, keys in the topnset corresponds to the keys passed into metricAddDetail*() methods. Key values can be a number, string, Dataset, Sampleset, or another topnset.

findEntries(key: IPAddress | String | Object): Array Returns all entries with matching keys. findKeys(key: IPAddress | String | Object): Array Returns all matching keys. lookup(key: IPAddress | String | Object): * Look up an item in the topnset and retrieves the first matching entry.

entries: Array An array of the topnset entries. The array contains at most N objects with key and value properties where N is currently set to 1000.

Keys in the entries array adhere to the following structure, or key pattern:

type: String The type of the topnset key. The following key types are supported:
  • int
  • string
  • device_id
  • ipaddr
  • addr_pair
  • ether
value: * The key value, which varies depending on the key type.
  • For int, string, and device_id keys, the value is a number, string, and device ID, respectively.
  • For ipaddr keys, the value is an object containing the following properties:
    • addr
    • proto
    • port
    • device_id
    • origin
  • For addr_pair keys, the value is an object containing the following properties:
    • addr1
    • addr2
    • port1
    • port2
    • proto
  • For ether keys, the value is an object containing the following properties:

The API elements listed in this section have been deprecated. Each element includes an alternative and the version in which the element was deprecated.

If your trigger script contains a deprecated element, the syntax validator in the trigger editor lets you know which element is deprecated and suggests a replacement element, if available. You cannot save the trigger until you fix your code or you disable syntax validation. For better trigger performance, replace deprecated elements.

Function Replacement Version
exit(): Void The return statement 4.0
getTimestampMSec(): Number getTimestamp(): Number 4.0

Event Replacement Version
NEW_VLAN No replacement 6.1

Class Replacement Version
RemoteSyslog Remote.Syslog 4.0
XML Regular expressions 6.0
TroubleGroup No replacement 6.0

Class Method Replacement Version
Flow getApplication(): String getApplications(): String 5.3
setApplication(name: String, [turnTiming: Boolean]): void addApplication(name: String, [turnTiming: Boolean]): void 5.3
Session update(key: String, value: *, [options: Object])* replace(key: String, value: *, [options: Object]): * 3.9
SSL setApplication(name: String): void addApplication(name: String): void 5.3

Class Property Replacement Version
AAA error: String isError: Boolean 5.0
tprocess: Number processingTime: Number 5.2
DB tprocess: Number processingTime: Number 5.2
Detection participants.object_type: String instanceof operator 7.8
Discover vlan: VLAN No replacement 6.1
DNS tprocess: Number processingTime: Number 5.2
Flow isClientAborted: Boolean isAborted: Boolean 3.10
isServerAborted: Boolean isAborted: Boolean 3.10
turnInfo: String Top-level Turn object with attributes for the turn 3.9
FTP tprocess: Number processingTime: Number 5.2
HL7 tprocess: Number processingTime: Number 5.2
HTTP payloadText: String payload: Buffer 4.0
tprocess: Number processingTime: Number 5.2
IBMMQ messageID: String msgID: Buffer 5.2
msgSize: Number totalMsgLength: Number 5.2
objectHandle: String No replacement 5.0
payload: Buffer msg: Buffer 5.2
ICA authTicket: String user: String 3.7
application: String program: String 5.2
client: String clientMachine: String 6.0
LDAP tprocess: Number processingTime: Number 5.2
MongoDB tprocess: Number processingTime: Number 5.2
NetFlow tos: Number dscp: Number

dscp: String

SMPP tprocess: Number processingTime: Number 5.2
SMTP recipient: String recipientList: Array of Strings 7.5
tprocess: Number processingTime: Number 5.2
SSL reqBytes: Number clientBytes 6.1
reqL2Bytes: Number clientL2Bytes: Number 6.1
reqPkts: Number clientPkts: Number 6.1
rspBytes: Number serverBytes: Number 6.1
rspL2Bytes: Number serverL2Bytes: Number 6.1
rspPkts: Number serverPkts: Number 6.1
TCP wndSize: Number initRcvWndSize: Number 6.2
wndSize1: Number initRcvWndSize1: Number 6.2
wndSize2: Number initRcvWndSize2: Number 6.2
Turn reqSize: Number clientBytes: Number 4.0
reqXfer: Number clientTransferTime: Number 4.0
respSize: Number serverBytes: Number 4.0
rspXfer: Number serverTransferTime: Number 4.0
tprocess: Number processingTime: Number 4.0

You can configure advanced options for some events when you create a trigger.

The following table describes available advanced options and applicable events.

Option Description Applicable events
Bytes per packet to capture Specifies the number of bytes to capture per packet. The capture starts with the first byte in the packet. Specify this option only if the trigger script performs packet capture.

A value of 0 specifies that the capture should collect all bytes in each packet.

All events except:
Bytes to Buffer Specifies the minimum number of payload bytes to buffer.
Clipboard Bytes to Buffer Specifies the number of bytes to buffer on a Citrix clipboard transfer.
Metric Cycle Specifies the length of the metric cycle, expressed in seconds. The following values are valid:
Metric Types Specifies the metric type by the raw metric name, such as extrahop.device.http_server. Specify multiple metric types in a comma-delimited list.
Per Turn Enables packet capture on each flow turn.

Per-turn analysis continuously analyzes communication between two endpoints to extract a single payload data point from the flow.

If this option is enabled, any values specified for the Client matching string and Server matching string options are ignored.

Client port min Specifies the minimum port number of the client port range.

Valid values are 0 to 65535.

A value of 0 specifies matching of any port.

Client port max Specifies the maximum port number of the client port range.

Valid values are 0 to 65535.

Any value specified for this option is ignored if the value of the Client port min option is 0.

Client bytes to buffer Specifies the number of client bytes to buffer.

The value of this option cannot be set to 0 if the value of the Server bytes to buffer option is also set to 0.

Client matching string Specifies the format string that indicates when to begin buffering client data.

Any value specified for this option is ignored if the Per Turn option is enabled.

Server port min Specifies the minimum port number of the server port range.

Valid values are 0 to 65535.

A value of 0 specifies matching of any port.

Server port max Specifies the maximum port number of the server port range.

Valid values are 0 to 65535.

Any value specified for this option is ignored if the value of the Server port min option is 0.

Server bytes buffer Specifies the number of server bytes to buffer.

The value of this option cannot be set to 0 if the value of the Client bytes to buffer option is also set to 0.

Server matching string Specifies the format string that indicates when to begin buffering data. Returns the entire packet upon a string match.

Any value specified for this option is ignored if the Per Turn option is enabled.

All UDP Datagrams Enables capture of all UDP datagrams.
Run FLOW_CLASSIFY on expiring, unclassified flows Enables running the event upon expiration to accumulate metrics for flows that were not classified before expiring.

The trigger in this example records destination information from the Java Messaging Service (JMS). The trigger creates an application and collects custom metrics that include the whether the broker of an event is the sender or receiver and the JMS destination field specified on that event.

Run the trigger on the following events: ACTIVEMQ_MESSAGE

var app = Application("ActiveMQ Sample"); if (ActiveMQ.senderIsBroker) { if (ActiveMQ.receiverIsBroker) { app.metricAddCount("amq_broker", 1); app.metricAddDetailCount("amq_broker", ActiveMQ.queue, 1); } else { app.metricAddCount("amq_msg_out", 1); app.metricAddDetailCount("amq_msg_out", ActiveMQ.queue, 1); } } else { app.metricAddCount("amq_msg_in", 1); app.metricAddDetailCount("amq_msg_in", ActiveMQ.queue, 1); }

The trigger in this example sends data to the Microsoft Azure Table storage service through an HTTP open data stream (ODS).

You must first configure an HTTP open data stream from the ExtraHop Admin UI before you create the trigger. The ODS configuration contains the authentication information required to sign in to your Microsoft Azure service. For configuration information, see Configure an HTTP target for an open data stream in the ExtraHop Admin UI Guide.

Run the trigger on the following events: HTTP_RESPONSE

// The name of the HTTP destination defined in the ODS config var REST_DEST = "my_table_storage"; // The name of the table within Azure Table storage var TABLE_NAME = "TestTable"; /* If the header is not set to this value, Azure expects to receive XML; * however, it is easier for a trigger to send JSON. * The ODS config enables you to specify the datatype of fields; in this case * the timestamp (TS) field is a datetime even though it is serialized from a * Date to a String. */ var headers = { "Content-Type": "application/json;odata=minimalmetadata" }; var now = new Date(getTimestamp()); var msg = { "RowKey": now.getTime().toString(), // must be a string "PartitionKey": "my_key", // must be a string "HTTPMethod": HTTP.method, "DestAddr": Flow.server.ipaddr, "SrcAddr": Flow.client.ipaddr, "SrcPort": Flow.client.port, "DestPort": Flow.server.port, "": "Edm.DateTime", // metadata to describe format of TS field "TS": now.toISOString(), "ServerTime": HTTP.processingTime, "RspTTLB": HTTP.rspTimeToLastByte, "RspCode": HTTP.statusCode.toString(), "URI": "//" + HTTP.host + HTTP.path, }; // debug(JSON.stringify(msg)); Remote.HTTP(REST_DEST).post( { path: "/" + TABLE_NAME, headers: headers, payload: JSON.stringify(msg) } );

The trigger in this example monitors the CIFS actions performed on devices, and then creates custom device metrics that collect the total number of bytes read and written, and the number of bytes written by CIFS users that are not authorized to access a sensitive resource.

Run the trigger on the following events: CIFS_RESPONSE

var client = Flow.client.device, server = Flow.server.device, clientAddress = Flow.client.ipaddr, serverAddress = Flow.server.ipaddr, file = CIFS.resource, user = CIFS.user, resource, permissions, writeBytes, readBytes; // Resource to monitor resource = "\\Clients\\Confidential\\"; // Users of interest and their permissions permissions = { "\\\\EXTRAHOP\\tom" : {read: false, write: false}, "\\\\Anonymous" : {read: true, write: false}, "\\\\WORKGROUP\\maria" : {read: true, write: true} }; // Check if this is an action on your monitored resource if ((file !== null) && (file.indexOf(resource) !== -1)) { if (CIFS.isCommandWrite) { writeBytes = CIFS.reqSize; // Record bytes written Device.metricAddCount("cifs_write_bytes", writeBytes); Device.metricAddDetailCount("cifs_write_bytes", user, writeBytes); // Record number of writes Device.metricAddCount("cifs_writes", 1); Device.metricAddDetailCount("cifs_writes", user, 1); // Record number of unauthorized writes if (!permissions[user] || !permissions[user].write) { Device.metricAddCount("cifs_unauth_writes", 1); Device.metricAddDetailCount("cifs_unauth_writes", user, 1); } } if (CIFS.isCommandRead) { readBytes = CIFS.reqSize; // Record bytes read Device.metricAddCount("cifs_read_bytes", readBytes); Device.metricAddDetailCount("cifs_read_bytes", user, readBytes); // Record number of reads Device.metricAddCount("cifs_reads", 1); Device.metricAddDetailCount("cifs_reads", user, 1); // Record number of unauthorized reads if (!permissions[user] || !permissions[user].read) { Device.metricAddCount("cifs_unauth_reads", 1); Device.metricAddDetailCount("cifs_unauth_reads", user, 1); } } }

The trigger in this example tracks HTTP server responses that result in an error code of 500. The trigger also creates custom device metrics that collect the customer ID and URI in the header of each 500 response.

Run the trigger on the following events: HTTP_REQUEST and HTTP_RESPONSE

var custId, query, uri, key; if (event === "HTTP_REQUEST") { custId = HTTP.headers["Cust-ID"]; // Only keep the URI if there is a customer id if (custId !== null) { Flow.store.custId = custId; query = HTTP.query; /* Pull the complete URI (URI plus query string) and save it to * the Flow store for a subsequent response event. * * The query string data is only available on the request. */ uri = HTTP.uri; if ((uri !== null) && (query !== null)) { uri = uri + "?" + query; } // Keep URIs for handling by HTTP_RESPONSE triggers Flow.store.uri = uri; } } else if (event === "HTTP_RESPONSE") { custId = Flow.store.custId; // Count total requests by customer ID Device.metricAddCount("custid_rsp_count", 1); Device.metricAddDetailCount("custid_rsp_count_detail", custId, 1); // If the status code is 500 or 503, record the URI and customer ID if ((HTTP.statusCode === 500) || (HTTP.statusCode === 503)) { // Combine URI and customer ID to create the detail key key = custId; if (Flow.store.uri != null) { key += ", " + Flow.store.uri; } Device.metricAddCount("custid_error_count", 1); Device.metricAddDetailCount("custid_error_count_detail", key, 1); } }

The trigger in this example creates custom device metrics that collect the number of responses and the processing times on database queries.

Run the trigger on the following events: DB_RESPONSE

let stmt = DB.statement; if (stmt === null) { return; } // Remove leading whitespace and truncate stmt = stmt.trimLeft().substr(0, 1023); // Record counts by statement Device.metricAddCount("db_rsp_count", 1); Device.metricAddDetailCount("db_rsp_count_detail", stmt, 1); // Record processing times by statement Device.metricAddSampleset("db_proc_time", DB.processingTime); Device.metricAddDetailSampleset("db_proc_time_detail", stmt, DB.processingTime);

The trigger in this example discovers when a new device is detected on the ExtraHop system and creates remote syslog messages that contain device attributes.

var dev = Discover.device; Remote.Syslog.info('Discovered device ' + dev.id + ' (hwaddr: ' + dev.hwaddr + ') ');

  • Remote.Syslog
  • Discover
  • Device

The trigger in this example sends data to an Elasticsearch server through an HTTP open data stream (ODS).

You must first configure an HTTP open data stream from the ExtraHop Admin UI before you create the trigger. The ODS configuration specifies the Elasticsearch target and any required authentication credentials. For configuration information, see Configure an HTTP target for an open data stream in the ExtraHop Admin UI Guide.

Run the trigger on the following events: HTTP_REQUEST and HTTP_RESPONSE

var date = new Date(); var payload = { 'ts' : date.toISOString(), // Timestamp recognized by Elasticsearch 'eh_event' : 'http', 'my_path' : HTTP.path}; var obj = { 'path' : '/extrahop/http', // Add to Extrahop index 'headers' : {}, 'payload' : JSON.stringify(payload)} ; Remote.HTTP('elasticsearch').request('POST', obj);

The trigger in this example accesses HTTP event attributes from the header object, and creates custom device metrics that count header requests and attributes.

Run the trigger on the following events: HTTP_RESPONSE

var hdr, session, accept, results, headers = HTTP.headers, i; // Header lookups are case-insensitive properties session = headers["X-Session-Id"]; /* Session is a string representing the value of the header (or null * if the header is not present). Header values are always strings. */ // This syntax also works if the header is a legal property name accept = headers.accept; /* * In the event that there are multiple instances of a header, * accessing the header in the above manner (as a property) * will always return the value for the first appearance of the * header. */ if (session !== null) { // Count requests per session ID Device.metricAddCount("req_count", 1); Device.metricAddDetailCount("req_count", session, 1); } /* Looping over all headers * * The "length" property is case-sensitive and is not * treated as a header lookup. Instead, it returns the number of * headers (as if HTTP.headers were an array). In the unlikely * event that there is a header called "Length," it would still be * accessible with HTTP.headers["Length"] (or HTTP.headers.Length). */ for (i = 0; i < headers.length; i++) { hdr = headers[i]; debug("headers[" + i + "].name: " + hdr.name); debug("headers[" + i + "].value: " + hdr.value); Device.metricAddCount("hdr_count", 1); /* Count instances of each header */ Device.metricAddDetailCount("hdr_count", hdr.name, 1); } // Searching for headers by prefix results = HTTP.findHeaders("Content-"); /* The "results" property is an array (a real javascript array, as opposed * to an array-like object) of header objects (with name and value * properties) where the names match the prefix of the string passed * to findHeaders. */ for (i = 0; i < results.length; i++) { hdr = results[i]; debug("results[" + i + "].name: " + hdr.name); debug("results[" + i + "].value: " + hdr.value); }

The triggers in this example work together to give a view of the flow of queue level messages through the IBMMQ protocol. The triggers create custom application metrics that count the number of messages in, out, and exchanged between brokers by different message queues.

Run the following trigger on the IBMMQ_REQUEST event.

if (IBMMQ.method == "MESSAGE_DATA") { var app = Application("IBMMQ Sample"); app.metricAddCount("broker", 1); if (IBMMQ.queue !== null) { var ret = IBMMQ.queue.split(":"); var queue = ret.length > 1 ? ret[1] : ret[0]; app.metricAddDetailCount("broker", queue, 1); } else { app.metricAddCount("queueless_broker", 1); } if (IBMMQ.queue !== null && IBMMQ.queue.indexOf("QUEUE2") > -1) { app.metricAddCount("queue2_broker", 1); } app.commit(); } elseif (IBMMQ.method == "MQPUT" || IBMMQ.method == "MQPUT1") { var app = Application("IBMMQ Sample"); app.metricAddCount("msg_in", 1); if (IBMMQ.queue !== null) { var ret = IBMMQ.queue.split(":"); var queue = ret.length > 1 ? ret[1] : ret[0]; app.metricAddDetailCount("msg_in", queue, 1); } else { app.metricAddCount("queueless_msg_in", 1); } if (IBMMQ.queue !== null && IBMMQ.queue.indexOf("QUEUE2") > -1) { app.metricAddCount("queue2_msg_in", 1); } app.commit(); }

Run the following trigger on the IBMMQ_RESPONSE event.

if (IBMMQ.method == "ASYNC_MSG_V7" || IBMMQ.method == "MQGET_REPLY") { var app = Application("IBMMQ Sample"); if (IBMMQ.payload === null) { app.metricAddCount("payloadless_msg_out", 1); } else { app.metricAddCount("msg_out", 1); if (IBMMQ.queue !== null) { var ret = IBMMQ.queue.split(":"); var queue = ret.length > 1 ? ret[1] : ret[0]; app.metricAddDetailCount("msg_out", queue, 1); } else { app.metricAddCount("queueless_msg_out", 1); } if (IBMMQ.queue !== null && IBMMQ.queue.indexOf("QUEUE2") > -1) { app.metricAddCount("queue2_msg_out", 1); } } app.commit(); }

The trigger in this example creates custom device metrics that record each memcache hit or miss and the access time of each hit.

Run the trigger on the following events: MEMCACHE_RESPONSE

var hits = Memcache.hits; var misses = Memcache.misses; var accessTime = Memcache.accessTime; var i; Device.metricAddCount('memcache_key_hit', hits.length); for (i = 0; i < hits.length; i++) { var hit = hits[i]; if (hit.key != null) { Device.metricAddDetailCount('memcache_key_hit_detail', hit.key, 1); } } if (!isNaN(accessTime)) { Device.metricAddSampleset('memcache_key_hit', accessTime); if ((hits.length > 0) && (hits[0].key != null)) { Device.metricAddDetailSampleset('memcache_key_hit_detail', hits[0].key, accessTime); } } Device.metricAddCount('memcache_key_miss', misses.length); for (i = 0; i < misses.length; i++) { var miss = misses[i]; if (miss.key != null) { Device.metricAddDetailCount('memcache_key_miss_detail', miss.key, 1); } }

Parses the memcache keys to extract detailed breakdowns, such as by ID module and class name, and creates custom device metrics to collect key details.

Keys are formatted as "com.extrahop.<module>.<class>_<id>"—for example: "com.extrahop.widgets.sprocket_12345".

Run the trigger on the following events: MEMCACHE_RESPONSE

var method = Memcache.method; var statusCode = Memcache.statusCode; var reqKeys = Memcache.reqKeys; var hits = Memcache.hits; var misses = Memcache.misses; var error = Memcache.error; var hit; var miss; var key; var size; var reqKey; var i; // Record breakdown of hit count and value size by module and class for (i = 0; i < hits.length; i++) { hit = hits[i]; key = hit.key; size = hit.size; Device.metricAddCount("hit", 1); if (key != null) { var parts = key.split("."); if ((parts.length == 4) && (parts[0] == "com") && (parts[1] == "extrahop")) { var module = parts[2]; var subparts = parts[3].split("_"); Device.metricAddDetailCount("hit_module", module, 1); Device.metricAddDetailSampleset("hit_module_size", module, size); if (subparts.length == 2) { var hitClass = module + "." + subparts[0]; Device.metricAddDetailCount("hit_class", hitClass, 1); Device.metricAddDetailSampleset("hit_class_size", hitClass, size); } } } } // Record misses by ID to help identify caching issues for (i = 0; i < misses.length; i++) { miss = misses[i]; key = miss.key; if (key != null) { var parts = key.split("."); if ((parts.length == 4) && (parts[0] == "com") && (parts[1] == "extrahop") && (parts[2] == "widgets")) { var subparts = parts[3].split("_"); if ((subparts.length == 2) && (subparts[0] == "sprocket")) { Device.metricAddDetailCount("sprocket_miss_id", subparts[1], 1); } } } } // Record the keys that produced any errors if (error != null && method != null) { for (i = 0; i < reqKeys.length; i++) { reqKey = reqKeys[i]; if (reqKey != null) { var errDetail = method + " " + reqKey + " / " + statusCode + ": " + error; Device.metricAddDetailCount("error_key", errDetail, 1); } } } // Record the status code, matching built-in metrics if (Memcache.isBinaryProtocol && statusCode != "NO_ERROR") { Device.metricAddDetailCount("status_code", method + "/" + statusCode, 1); } else { Device.metricAddDetailCount("status_code", statusCode, 1); }

The trigger in this example illustrates how to temporarily store data from all metric record commits that occur during a metric cycle.

Run the trigger on the following events: METRIC_CYCLE_BEGIN, METRIC_CYCLE_END, METRIC_RECORD_COMMIT

Configure advanced trigger options as shown in the following table:

Option Value
Metric Cycle 30sec
Metric Type extrahop.device.http_server,


var store = MetricCycle.store; function processMetric() { var id = MetricRecord.id, deviceId = MetricRecord.object.id, fields = MetricRecord.fields; if (!store.metrics[deviceId]) { store.metrics[deviceId] = {}; } if (id === 'extrahop.device.http_server') { store.metrics[deviceId].httpRspAborted= fields['rsp_abort']; } else if (id === 'extrahop.device.tcp') { store.metrics[deviceId].tcpAborted = fields['aborted_out']; } } function commitSyntheticMetrics() { var dev, metrics, abortPct, deviceId; for (deviceId in store.metrics) { metrics = store.metrics[deviceId]; abortPct = (metrics.httpRspAborted / metrics.tcpAborted) * 100; dev = new Device(deviceId); dev.metricAddSnap('http-tcp-abort-pct', abortPct); } } switch (event) { case 'METRIC_CYCLE_BEGIN': store.metrics = {}; break; case 'METRIC_RECORD_COMMIT': processMetric(); break; case 'METRIC_CYCLE_END': commitSyntheticMetrics(); break; }

  • MetricCycle
  • MetricRecord
  • Device

The trigger in this example parses TCP messages from a point-of-sale (PoS) system and creates custom device metrics that collect specific values in the 4th to 7th bytes of both response and request messages.

Run the trigger on the following events: TCP_PAYLOAD

// Define variables; store client or server payload into a Buffer object var buf_client = Flow.client.payload, buf_server = Flow.server.payload, protocol = Flow.l7proto, // PoS Message Type Structure Definition pos_message_type = { "0100" : "0100_Authorization_Request", "0101" : "0101_Authorization_Request_Repeat", "0110" : "0110_Authorization_Response", "0200" : "0200_Financial_Request", "0201" : "0201_Financial_Request_Repeat", "0210" : "0210_Financial_Response", "0220" : "0220_Financial_Transaction_Advice_Request", "0221" : "0221_Financial_Transaction_Advice_Request_Repeat", "0230" : "0230_Financial_Transaction_Advice_Response", "0420" : "0420_Reversal_Advice_Request", "0421" : "0421_Reversal_Advice_Request_Repeat", "0430" : "0430_Reversal_Advice_Response", "0600" : "0600_Administration_Request", "0601" : "0601_Administration_Request_Repeat", "0610" : "0610_Administration_Response", "0620" : "0620_Administration_Advice_Request", "0621" : "0621_Administration_Advice_Request_Repeat", "0630" : "0630_Administration_Advice_Response", "0800" : "0800_Administration_Request", "0801" : "0801_Administration_Request_Repeat", "0810" : "0810_Administration_Response" }; // Skip parsing if it is a protocol of no interest or there is no payload if (protocol !== 'tcp:4015' || (buf_client === null && buf_server === null)) { // debug('Protocol of no interest: ' + protocol); return; } else { /* Store the data into variables for future access since there is some payload * to parse */ var client_ip = Flow.client.ipaddr, server_ip = Flow.server.ipaddr, client_port = Flow.client.port, server_port = Flow.server.port; // client = new Device(Flow.client.device.id), // server = new Device(Flow.server.device.id); } if (buf_client !== null && buf_client.length >= 7) { // This is a client payload var cli_msg_type = buf_client.slice(3,7).decode('utf-8'); debug('Client: ' + client_ip + ":" + client_port + " Type: " + pos_message_type[cli_msg_type]); Device.metricAddCount('UPA_Request', 1); Device.metricAddDetailCount('UPA_Request_by_Message', pos_message_type[cli_msg_type], 1); Device.metricAddDetailCount('UPA_Request_by_Client', client_ip.toString(), 1); } else if (buf_server !== null && buf_server.length >= 7) { // This is a server payload var srv_msg_type = buf_server.slice(3,7).decode('utf-8'); debug('Server: ' + server_ip + " Client: " + client_ip + ":" + client_port +" Type: " + pos_message_type[srv_msg_type]); Device.metricAddCount('UPA_Response', 1); Device.metricAddDetailCount('UPA_Response_by_Message', pos_message_type[srv_msg_type], 1); Device.metricAddDetailCount('UPA_Response_by_Client', client_ip.toString(), 1); } else { // No buffer captured situation //debug('Null or not enough buffer data'); return; }

The trigger in this example parses the syslog over TCP and counts the syslog activity over time, both network-wide and per device.


You might need to edit the trigger example to make sure the network ports for your syslog server match the ports in your environment.

This trigger example is available for download through a solutions bundle from the ExtraHop community.

Run the trigger on the following events: TCP_PAYLOAD, UDP_PAYLOAD

// Global variables var buffer = Flow.client.payload, buffer_size = Flow.client.payload.length + 1, client = new Device(Flow.client.device.id), data_as_json = { client_ip : Flow.client.ipaddr.toString(), client_port : Flow.client.port.toString(), server_ip : Flow.server.ipaddr.toString(), server_port : Flow.server.port.toString(), protocol : 'syslog', protocol_fields : {} }, protocol = Flow.l7proto, server = new Device(Flow.server.device.id), syslog = {}, syslog_facility = { "0": "kern", "1": "user", "2": "mail", "3": "daemon", "4": "auth", "5": "syslog", "6": "lpr", "7": "news", "8": "uucp", "9": "clock_daemon", "10": "authpriv", "11": "ftp", "12": "ntp", "13": "log_audit", "14": "log_alert", "15": "cron", "16": "local0", "17": "local1", "18": "local2", "19": "local3", "20": "local4", "21": "local5", "22": "local6", "23": "local7", }, syslog_priority = { "0": "emerg", "1": "alert", "2": "crit", "3": "err", "4": "warn", "5": "notice", "6": "info", "7": "debug", }; // Exit out early if not classified properly or no payload if ( ( protocol != 'tcp:5141' ) || ( buffer === null ) ) { debug('Invalid protocol ' + protocol + ' or null buffer (' + buffer.unpack('z').join(' ') + ')'); return; } // Get started parsing Syslog var data = buffer.unpack('z'); // Separate the PRIO field from the rest of the message var msg_part = data[0].split('>')[1].split(' '); var prio_part = data[0].split('>')[0].split('<')[1]; // Decode the PRIO field into Syslog facility and priority var raw_facility = parseInt(prio_part) >> 3; var raw_priority = parseInt(prio_part) & 7; syslog.facility = syslog_facility[raw_facility]; syslog.priority = syslog_priority[raw_priority]; /* Timestamp and hostname are technically part of the HEADER field, but * treat the rest of the message as a <space> delimited * string, which it is (the syslog protocol is very basic) */ syslog.timestamp = msg_part.slice(0,3).join(' '); syslog.hostname = msg_part[3]; syslog.message = msg_part.slice(4).join(' '); /* At the network level, keep counts of who is sending messages by * both facility and priority */ Network.metricAddCount('syslog:priority_' + syslog.priority, 1); Network.metricAddDetailCount('syslog:priority_' + syslog.priority + '_detail', Flow.client.ipaddr, 1); Network.metricAddCount('syslog:facility_' + syslog.facility, 1); Network.metricAddDetailCount('syslog:facility_' + syslog.facility + '_detail', Flow.client.ipaddr, 1); /* Devices receiving messages keep a count of who sent those messages * by facility and priority */ server.metricAddCount('syslog:priority_' + syslog.priority, 1); server.metricAddDetailCount('syslog:priority_' + syslog.priority + '_detail', Flow.client.ipaddr, 1); server.metricAddCount('syslog:facility_' + syslog.facility, 1); server.metricAddDetailCount('syslog:facility_' + syslog.facility + '_detail', Flow.client.ipaddr, 1); /* Devices sending messages keep a count of who they sent those messages * to by facility and priority */ client.metricAddCount('syslog:priority_' + syslog.priority, 1); client.metricAddDetailCount('syslog:priority_' + syslog.priority + '_detail', Flow.server.ipaddr, 1); client.metricAddCount('syslog:facility_' + syslog.facility, 1); client.metricAddDetailCount('syslog:facility_' + syslog.facility + '_detail', Flow.server.ipaddr, 1); data_as_json.protocol_fields = syslog; data_as_json.ts = new Date(); //try { // Remote.MongoDB.insert('payload.syslog', data_as_json); //} //catch ( err ) { // Remote.Syslog.debug(JSON.stringify(data_as_json)); //} debug('Syslog data: ' + JSON.stringify(data_as_json, null, 4));

  • Flow
  • Network
  • Buffer
  • Remote.MongoDB
  • Remote.Syslog

The trigger in the following example parses the network time protocol through universal payload analysis (UDP).

Run the trigger on the following events: UDP_PAYLOAD

var buf = Flow.server.payload, flags, values, fmt, offset = 0, ntpData = {}, proto = Flow.l7proto; if ((proto !== 'NTP') || (buf === null)) { return; } // Parse individual flag values from flags byte function parseFlags(flags) { return { 'LI': flags >> 6, 'VN': (flags & 0x3f) >> 3, 'mode': flags & 0x7 }; } // Convert from NTP short format function ntpShort(n) { return n / 65536.0; } // Convert integral part of NTP timestamp format to Date function ntpTimestamp(n) { /* NTP dates start at 1900, subtract the difference * and convert to milliseconds */ var ms = (n - 0x83aa7e80) * 1000; return new Date(ms); } // First part of NTP header fmt = ('B' + // Flags (LI, VN, mode) 'B' + // Stratum 'b' + // Polling interval (signed) 'b' + // Precision (signed) 'I' + // Root delay 'I'); // Root dispersion values = buf.unpack(fmt); offset = values.bytes; flags = parseFlags(values[0]); if (flags.VN !== 4) { // Expecting NTPv4 return; } ntpData.flags = flags; ntpData.stratum = values[1]; ntpData.poll = values[2]; ntpData.precision = values[3]; ntpData.rootDelay = ntpShort(values[4]); ntpData.rootDispersion = ntpShort(values[5]); // The next field, the reference ID, depends upon the stratum field switch (ntpData.stratum) { case 0: case 1: // Identifier string (4 bytes), and 4 NTP timestamps in two parts fmt = '4s8I'; break; default: // Unsigned int (based on IP), and 4 NTP timestamps in two parts fmt = 'I8I'; break; } // Passing in offset enables you to continue parsing where you left off values = buf.unpack(fmt, offset); ntpData.referenceId = values[0]; // Only the integral parts of the timestamp are referenced here ntpData.referenceTimestamp = ntpTimestamp(values[1]); ntpData.originTimestamp = ntpTimestamp(values[3]); ntpData.receiveTimestamp = ntpTimestamp(values[5]); ntpData.transmitTimestamp = ntpTimestamp(values[7]); debug('NTP data:' + JSON.stringify(ntpData, null, 4));

The trigger in this example records specific HTTP transactions to the session table and creates custom network metrics that collect session expiration data.

Run the trigger on the following events: HTTP_REQUEST, SESSION_EXPIRE

// HTTP_REQUEST if (HTTP.userAgent === null) { return; } // Look for the OS name var re = /(Windows|Mac|Linux)/; var os = HTTP.userAgent.match(re); if (os === null) { return; } // Specify the matched string as the key for session table entry os = os[0]; var opts = { // Expire added entries after 30 seconds expire: 30, // Retain entries with normal priority if session table grows too large priority: Session.PRIORITY_NORMAL, // Make expired entries available on SESSION_EXPIRE events notify: true }; // Ensure an entry for this key is present; an existing entry will not be replaced Session.add(os, 0, opts); // Increase the count for this entry var count = Session.increment(os); debug(os + ": " + count); /* After 30 seconds, the accumulated per-OS counts appear in the Session.expiredKeys * list, accessible in the SESSION_EXPIRE event: */ //SESSION_EXPIRE var keys = Session.expiredKeys; for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) { debug("count of " + keys[i].name + ": " + keys[i].value); if (keys[i].value > 500) { Network.metricAddCount("os-high-request-count", 1); Network.metricAddDetailCount("os-high-request-count", keys[i].name, 1); } }

The trigger in this example tracks SOAP requests through the SOAPAction header, saves them into the flow store, and creates custom network metrics that collect data about the transactions.

Note:Before you begin, confirm your SOAP implementation passes the necessary information through the header.

Run the trigger on the following events: HTTP_REQUEST, HTTP_RESPONSE

var soapAction, headers = HTTP.headers, method, detailMethod, parts; if (event === "HTTP_REQUEST") { soapAction = headers["SOAPAction"] if (soapAction != null) { Flow.store.soapAction = soapAction; } } else if (event === "HTTP_RESPONSE") { soapAction = Flow.store.soapAction; if (soapAction != null) { parts = soapAction.split("/"); if (parts.length > 0) { method = soapAction.split("/")[1]; } else { method = soapAction; } detailMethod = method + "_detail"; Network.metricAddCount(method, 1); Network.metricAddDetailCount(detailMethod, Flow.client.ipaddr, 1); Network.metricAddSampleset("soap_proc", HTTP.processingTime); Network.metricAddDetailSampleset("soap_proc_detail", method, HTTP.processingTime); } }

The triggers in this example illustrate topnset key matching by string and IPAddress, and includes advanced key mapping.

Run the trigger on the following events: METRIC_RECORD_COMMIT

Configure advanced trigger options as shown in the following table:

Option Value
Metric Cycle 30sec
Metric Type extrahop.device.app

var stat = MetricRecord.fields['bytes_out'], id = MetricRecord.object.id, proto = 'HTTP2-SSL', entry; entry = stat.lookup(proto); if (entry !==null) { debug('Device ' + id + ' sent ' + entry.value + ' bytes over ' + proto); }

Run the trigger on the following events: METRIC_RECORD_COMMIT

Configure advanced trigger options as shown in the following table:

Option Value
Metric Cycle 30sec
Metric Type extrahop.device.net_detail

var stat = MetricRecord.fields['bytes_out'], total = 0, entry, entries, i, ip = new IPAddress(''); entries = stat.findEntries(ip); for (i = 0; i < entries.length; i++) { entry = entries[i]; total += entry.value; } Remote.Syslog.alert('IP ' + ip + ' sent ' + total + ' bytes.');

Run the trigger on the following events: METRIC_RECORD_COMMIT

Configure advanced trigger options as shown in the following table:

Option Value
Metric Cycle 30sec
Metric Type extrahop.device.net_detail

var stat = MetricRecord.fields['bytes_out'], entry, entries, key, i; entries = stat.findEntries({addr: /*/, proto: 17}); debug('matched ' + entries.length + '/' + stat.entries.length + ' entries')}; for (i = 0; i < entries.length; i++) { entry = entries[i]; key = entry.key; Remote.Syslog.alert('unexpected outbound UDP traffic from: ' + JSON.stringify(key)); }

  • MetricRecord
  • IPAddress
  • Remote.Syslog

The trigger in this example creates an application container based on traffic associated with a two-tier application, and creates custom application metrics collected on HTTP and database events.

Run the trigger on the following events: HTTP_RESPONSE and DB_RESPONSE

/* Initialize the application object against which you will * commit specific HTTP and DB transactions. After traffic is * committed, an application container called "My App" will appear * in the Applications tab in the Web UI. */ var myApp = Application("My App"); /* These configurable properties describe features that define * your application traffic. */ var myAppHTTPHost = "myapp.internal.example.com"; var myAppDatabaseName = "myappdb"; if (event == "HTTP_RESPONSE") { /* HTTP transactions can be committed to the application on * HTTP_RESPONSE events. */ /* Commit this HTTP transaction only if the HTTP host header for * this response is defined and matches your application's HTTP host. */ if (HTTP.host && (HTTP.host == myAppHTTPHost)) { myApp.commit(); /* Capture custom metrics about user agents that experience * HTTP 40x or 50x responses. */ if (HTTP.statusCode && (HTTP.statusCode >= 400)) { // Increment the overall count of 40x or 50x responses myApp.metricAddCount('myapp_40x_50x', 1); // Collect additional detail on referer, if any if (HTTP.referer) { myApp.metricAddDetailCount('myapp_40x_50x_refer_detail', HTTP.referer, 1); } } } } else if (event == "DB_RESPONSE") { /* Database transactions can be committed to the application on * DB_RESPONSE events. * * Commit this database transaction only if the database name for * this response matches the name of our application database. */ if (DB.database && (DB.database == myAppDatabaseName)) { myApp.commit(); } }

Published 2022-05-17

Neuester Beitrag
