A body travelling with uniform acceleration crosses two points A and B with velocities

Q: A body travelling with uniform acceleration crosses two points A and B with velocities 20ms-1 and 30 ms-1 The speed of the body at the mid-point of A and B is nearest to

(a) 25.5 m s-1

(b) 25 ms-1

(c) 24 ms-1

(d) 10  ms-1

Ans: (a)

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In a 400 m race, `A` gives `B` a start of 5 seconds and beats him by 15 m. In another race of 400 m, `A` beats `B` by `7 1/7` seconds. Their respective speeds are (a) 6 m/sec, 7 m/sec (b) 5 m/sec, 7 m/sec (c) 8 m/sec, 7 m/sec (d) 9 m/sec, 7 m/sec